Seven Thoughts

Seven Thoughts

Seven Thoughts is a brand for individuals that have broken out of a reality constructed for them to


Sorry for the brief period of silence. Just getting back on track after COVID knocked me down a few pegs. My friend sent me this quote. I figured it would be worth it to see what it means to all of you?

Have you ever felt like someone or something is pushing you to be or do something that doesn’t fit with who you are?


Down the rabbit hole motivational canvas poster!

The giveaway is still going on! You have a chance to get one of these posters for FREE!

If you’re looking for more info, head on over to the giveaway post to enter!! :)


-outwork everybody-




💥How to enter💥
1. Tag 2 friends
3. Tag your favorite entrepreneur/ business person/ someone who inspires you
4. Follow Seven Thoughts]

💯BONUS💯 (5 more entries)
5. Write one sentence about why you are passionate about your business and how Seven Thoughts can help you.

💯EXTRA BONUS💯 (10 more entries)
6. Share on your story and tag Seven Thoughts]

START: 08/24
END: 09/15




You are the average of all of your friends. The quality of my friendships has improved so much more since I started working on my business and my goals.

I’m talking to people who are great with money management. Getting in touch with lenders and awesome real estate agents () and am inspired every day by the hard work that people like Ethan (Royal) Labi] and put in to building their knowledge and are so willing to spread it.

(Shameless plug for anyone looking to learn how to trade options, Ethan (Royal) Labi] has an awesome discord and I swear this man only sees green.)

You all inspire me every day.

I’ve been lucky to watch grind his way to greatness with his sister and he’s not even started blowing up yet.

Following and watch his community on discord become more knowledgeable and better traders all while improving the quality of their own lives during the worst time in the recent history (COVID) has been amazing to see.

Celebrating and his new baby and seeing him still post charts in the evenings for his entire Twitter while also spending time with his family.
m.kassel congratulations to him moving up from nothing to now moving in to his new apartment in California with a wonderful backyard and kitchen. Much to celebrate with you and I’m so glad we got to call.

And finally, the man that consistently shows the power of dividend stock accumulation. I’ve watched his following increase recently and I feel like he’s finally on the road to getting the authentic attention he deserves. Proud to have read your book and started learning the money flow system with you.

You are always the average of the people that you associate yourselves with. You might not always talk (or ever) but if you can build your own journey while celebrating the successes of everyone around you, life CANT help but treat you a bit better than the person who dreads the future.

YOU ALL INSPIRE ME. I’m very proud to either follow you, get to call you friends, get to do business with you, or just get to encourage you from afar.

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 18/08/2021


Fire and Fearless by Seven Thoughts.

It’s easy to say you won’t be disheartened and it’s easy to tell someone to look on the brighter side.

Honestly it’s hard if you don’t know where you or your business will end up and sometimes all you can do is just try your best to move forward and work on one goal at a time.

You’ll see how far you come if you stop once in a while and look back.

Check out the link in the bio!

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 15/08/2021

Circumstance doesn’t determine outcome.

Read that again.

The seventh creed of Seven Thoughts is the most important: only you can construct your own reality.

When I was in college, and when I interacted with younger people of my generation, many of them were quick to push not only their problems, but other people’s successes to circumstance.

I heard a lot of the blame game—both good and bad.

“You have money because of ___”
“You got the job because of ____”
“I’m poor because of ___”

All of these forms of blame neglect the one important thing that you actually have control over: personal responsibility.

Hard work is going out of favor.

It’s not about circumstance. It’s about grit and hustle. Those who work hard and mind their business, are more often than not the ones who come out on top.

What’s re your thoughts? Have you encountered this mentality in people more often than not?

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 10/08/2021

Life is a process. Back in 2020 I had $128 in my bank account, no job, and had a lease signed on an apartment that I had no way to afford.

I always had this idea that I wanted to work with entrepreneurs. I had this idea that I wanted to become one.

Not every day is easy. Through my journey building Seven Thoughts, I knew going in that the market for a clothing brand was saturated. I knew it wouldn’t be easy since Covid shut down a lot of festivals.

I’m still learning how to build this brand. All of you guys that follow me are what bring this message to light.

Thank you for watching this journey begin. Seven Thoughts is just in the making.

-Maddie ()


Adapting to change is one of the hardest things for entrepreneurs.

For example, I signed up for a festival a few weeks ago and it was canceled last night at 3am.

I now need to figure out what the next steps are. Part of it is moving on and not letting the obstacles bog you down.

My next opportunity will present itself as soon as possible! No time to be upset or wallow! Just as dory said:



Building connections is really just about providing value to people. I’m just starting out so I am trying constantly to get to know people, have them open up about how they learned to do what they love, and see how I can help them.

Like I said before, it’s never really about what people can do for you, it’s how you can help them and learn from them.

Thanks to for these amazing pictures. He has some serious skill and i’m very humbled by his talent.


What are some things that keep you guys up at night (good and bad)? Happy Sunday everyone 👏🏼💯 proud of every one of you that got up and is working towards something. Love seeing posts from you guys when you’re doing things that make you happy.

I designed this shirt when I was working 3 jobs over the Covid shut downs. I remember finishing the mock up at around 3:30am. I like the simplicity of it. A gentle reminder of how you use your time and what you can do with it.


There’s no fun in the game if you’re guaranteed to succeed. That’s what I love about entrepreneurs. They find just as much excitement from winning as motivation from failing.

You aren’t even guaranteed to succeed at your job. There’s no difference between going big over the same fear and going small.

You could lose your job OR you could fail at your first attempt at starting a business.

Learn from it and find the thrill in the journey.


It’s so important to find people that you can have meaningful conversations with.

Most conversations that I participated in when I was in high school were about people. When I got to college my conversations shifted to talking about things and academic ideas. Towards the end of college, I started talking about DREAMS and GOALS.

In high school I had a lot of friends. In college I had fewer, and now I have the least amount of friends I’ve ever had but my conversations are so much better.

Met with last week and loved hearing about his knowledge and his successes. The man gives GREAT advice!

When you leave a conversation feeling fulfilled and energized, that’s how you know it was worth your time.

You lose people along your journey but you realize that you can just as easily make better friends with people aiming at better things.


Kindness matters.. more than anything. Sometimes showing somebody authentic kindness and interest actually go much further than a business deal or agreement.

Life is a little bit more complicated. People know when you are using them. We all enjoy more authentic relationships and that shouldn’t change when you bring yourself into business.

Is there a time when being kind to someone actually opened up more doors?



Delaying gratification is getting harder and harder for people. We expect, as we realistically ought to given our current society and social media, that things have to happen INSTANTLY.



I got a 32 on my first organic chemistry exam. A thirty freaking two—thought my parents would drive out and thwack my brains into next week (still haven’t told them). I thought lectures were enough. That lab was enough. And I thought that it was just a matter of course that I’d eventually be handed the exam and I’d do well! Yahoo! Turns out, I needed to buck up and not go out and party, I learned that I needed to ACTUALLY PUT THE WORK IN! (Who knew...)

People work 20 years for a big break. Then the crowd will rush to it saying it was an overnight success. Sacrifice is never taken into account when those accomplishments are paraded around.

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 20/07/2021

Why a clock? I picked up a manual wind pocket watch in Portland, OR in 2016 at the Saturday market. It was by far, looking back on it, the best $16 I ever spent.

I took it with me everywhere. The second picture here is that very same pocket watch wrapped around my rear view mirror as I was driving to NY after leaving my home with only $128 in my bank account and no job.

Time is our most valuable asset. We trade time for money in the working world and most of the time, it’s drastically undervalued.

The freedom that most entrepreneurs want is freedom to use their valuable time however they want to. That’s what motivated me and that’s why I think it’s so important to carry something like that around with you.

To remind you.

I still manually wind my pocket watch. I watch the coil stiffen and the gears and arms of the clock move. A lovely reminder for me is that no matter how hard I try, I can never wind that watch backwards.

Funny metaphor isn’t it?

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 19/07/2021

Why do most entrepreneurs fail?

1. They realize that it’s much harder than it looks like to succeed.

2. Creating something successful takes TIME. Many are too impatient—especially in the age of instant gratification.

3. They try to copy other people and miss the trend. They chase the wave after its crashed.

4. They work ALONE. Successes often come from teams that hold each other accountable especially when things get tough.

5. Lack of cash or inability to find creative ways to GET capital.

6. Burnout.

7. They lose momentum/ stop cultivating their vision.


1. Find a mentor that can help you, encourage you, and give you ideas to find opportunity.

2. Simply DO NOT GIVE UP. Not all days will be fun—but if you are always at the plate swinging, you WILL hit one with time and practice.

3. TAKE RISKS. It’s scary. But do it. That’s the best way to grow.

4. Plan. Plan your marketing, know your competition and market, understand your clientele.

5. Take time FOR YOURSELF. Exercise, eat healthy, sleep.


What do you struggle with most and how do you help it?


It’s always about your mindset and how far you are willing to push it. Respect to a true entrepreneur!

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 16/07/2021

So grateful when I get to see pictures like this. You are all the reason this brand exists. I love seeing your successes.

What are you working towards today?

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 15/07/2021



I won’t lie, not many people thought I could start a clothing brand. Even fewer people believe me when I say one day it will be a successful brand.

Why do I believe that it will become great? Because I believe the people that I’m surrounding myself with are forward thinking and passionate people. I’m aiming to improve people’s lives. I want to encourage people to build a better future for themselves.

This brand is a community. Of people, including myself, that work hard doing what they love.

That’s why I won’t stop. I want to be the biggest supporter of all entrepreneurs like you. You are ultimately the reason why this brand exists!

We are a community.

Special thanks to:
(check out his discord if you’re interested in trading)
(great real estate agent with a hell of a past and a lot of motivation) m.kassel (an amazing Heath advocate with a positive attitude that will carry him far)
(another great trader with an amazing community and wealth of knowledge)

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 15/07/2021

Does anyone else have a part of their soul or head that speaks to them?

When I’m procrastinating or wasting time I have a voice in my head that basically says: “hey.. get back on track. Is this the best use of your time?”

When I am about to spend money on something I don’t need and try to justify it, it says “whoa. Stop trying to make this seem worth it. What else could you do with this money that would benefit you more?”

Sometimes it’s not easy.. because we all need to relax to recharge. But that voice in my head makes me unhappy with complacency. It makes me want to do more, be more, and strive for more. I hope it is steering me in the right direction.

Do you have a voice? When is it loudest?


I’ve been learning a lot about momentum recently.. it’s easy to make goals but hard to keep working at them..

It’s easy to say you’ll do something, but hard to execute it sometimes.

It’s easy to feel jealousy, but hard to self critique in a productive way..

Once you start seeing progress though, you get a new fire. Once you see how you’re helping people, you want to keep going, when you see people connecting with your vision, you want to keep cultivating it.

Getting going is the hardest part. But it gets easier.

Photos from Seven Thoughts's post 12/07/2021

Sometimes you gotta bleed red 🩸 before you taste green 🟢

I’ve had a few mentors of mine tell me that when I just started investing and trading.. You can’t enjoy profits without feeling the pain of losses.

Tagged a few great mentors with awesome skills, discord’s, advice, and really authentic successes. So many great mentors and teachers out there. You guys have all taught me so much.


Mental doubts are by far the hardest thing for all of us to overcome when we start doing what we want to do.


One one man rules the streets of Dubai. His second empire is crypto and stocks. 👏🏼 he does it all.. in STYLE 💯💯💯🏍🏍🏍


The system we live in is much bigger than our comprehension. There are forces, I believe, that are keeping people down, uneducated, and floundering. You have a choice to push back against that. Would you take the jump?


Wise words from and no doubt worthy of keeping in the back of your head. I went to a watch dealer a few weeks ago and went looking for watches that were so far out of my range. Got to hold them, try them on.

Money can do terrible things to people but the desire to work hard is what brings you those things you look for. Hard work comes easiest when you love what you do.


Stop waiting. Put out your ideas and fail a few times. You care about yourself failing more than anyone else around you does. Just go for it.


No, it’s not about making sales all of the time. Sometimes it’s about wanting the best for the people around you. Wanting to watch them succeed, and hopefully have a helping hand in their acceleration to the top. The moment I realized everything in life was not about me, I got a lot happier. How can I help all of you guys?

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So grateful to have such a wonderful and talented guy sporting @seventhoughtsapparel. Thank you so much @odd_sweet. Such...
The skill and talent it takes to do this. @scoutlegionnyc @ninjaoni deserve some serious respect.....#seventhoughts #str...
It’s always a good idea to get outside and go for a hike! Expand your mind. Be in nature. Find your balance. .....#seven...