Connect with your inner goddess power through women's circles, ta**ra, yoga and womb awakening.
Monthly Online Sacred Women's Circles Autumn 2023. Inscriptions are now open! Join our monthly circles starting on August 28.
Experience a safe supportive space to share, heal and reconnect with your deep inner wisdom.
In our circle, we celebrate the essence of sisterhood, providing a nurturing sanctuary to reconnect with the divine feminine within. Feel embraced by a supportive community of like-minded souls, where your unique journey is valued, and your voice is truly heard.
Here, we go beyond surface-level connections, diving deep into the essence of who we are, fostering genuine connections, and awakening our inner strength. Through authentic sharings, guided meditations, dance, rituals, and ceremonies, we embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Experience the power of vulnerability, where sharing your truth is not only accepted but celebrated. Witness the magic that happens when women uplift and support one another, creating an unbreakable bond of love and compassion.
Read more and sign up here:
Tonight, I invite you to go to bed early and to let me guide you into a deep sleep with a Yoga Nidra session. Put on your pyjamas, and get yourself ready for sleep before our session. We’ll meet in bed online at 9.30 PM Copenhagen/Brussels.
Send me a PM if you would like to participate.
Would you like to tune into and activate your womb wisdom?
Come join our circle tomorrow. A safe supportive space to share, heal and reconnect with your deep inner wisdom.
Women's Circle tomorrow at 11am CET:
Day Dreaming Creation
Both our waking and sleeping dreams are linked to our creativity.
As the nights are longest we retreat inwards, both physically and mentally, and find ourselves naturally exploring our vision for the future
This creative, manifestation energy, is one that can be tapped into in the winter months and this is what we will be exploring this month at circle.
If you are looking for supportive sisterhood to lean into and feel connected whilst working inwardly on your creation, then join us at this deeply motivating event.
You’ll leave circle feeling connected and supported. Feeling ready to confidently create in alignment with your soul’s journey.
What a powerful circle we had on Monday stitching the sisterhood and celebrating Sistership Circle Day. Thank you, beautiful ladies, for your wholehearted participation 🥰.
A small intimate women's circle this morning. Sharing from the heart and creating beautiful connection exploring how to open our mind, heart and soul to greater expansion, abundance, harmony and prosperity within our lives ✨🌹🌞
En kvindecirkel er et sted, hvor vi kan hele, opnå dybere selverkendelse og komme i kontakt med vores indre visdom. Dette er meget styrkende. Når vi sidder i cirkel med andre kvinder, autentiske og sårbare, skaber vi ikke alene en dybere forbindelse til os selv, vi skaber også dybe forbindelser til disse kvinder. Vi skaber et fællesskab, der bygger på gensidig tillid, autenticitet, sårbarhed, åbenhed og kærlighed. Tak skønne kvinder for en dejlig cirkel i går aftes 🥰
Do you want relationships that are honest, nurturing, supportive and harmonious?
How would life feel if you were surrounded by people who loved and supported you? What might be possible if you were to be your own biggest cheerleader - forgiving yourself for your mistakes and celebrating your wins?
Come join us in circle this month as we explore what creating and living a prosperous life means to you. When we have loving and harmonious relationships in our life, we act from a place of expansion and with an open heart. Our cups are filled up by the people we spend time with and life feels full of abundance. We attract the energy that we put out into the world and expand beyond what we ever could have imagined.
You’ll leave circle feeling expanded and dropped into your heart and body. You’ll feel in your flow, in your power, and in your divine feminine energy, ready to build a prosperous life that meets all your needs and desires.
Menopauseyoga i sommerhuset
Fra tirsdag den 5. juli tilbyder jeg ugentlig menopauseyoga i mit sommerhus i Smidstrup, Gilleleje. Kom og vær med. Jeg har et lækkert yogarum med plads til 8 personer. Hvis vejret er godt, laver vi yoga på græsset i haven.
Indenfor kinesisk medicin kaldes menopausen for det andet forår, og som vi alle ved, er foråret tiden for nye begyndelser. Overgangsalderen kan være en mulighed for at komme tilbage til dig selv efter i årevis at have taget dig af andres behov, tid til at genfinde din energi, omdefinere dit formål med livet og begive dig ud på en ny vej til selvrealisering. Hvordan har du det med din alder? Værdsætter du dig selv, som du er? Menopause Yoga støtter kvinder på deres overgangsrejse ved at give et trygt rum, hvor de kan dele og udveksle erfaringer. Vi taler om naturmidler, ernæring, indisk ayurveda, medicinske tilgange til hormonudskiftning, parforhold og s*x med meget mere, og laver en specielt tilpasset yogapraksis med åndedrætsteknikker og mindfulde meditationsøvelser til at hjælpe med at håndtere de vigtigste symptomer såsom hedeture, angst, irritabilitet, søvnløshed, træthed, manglende fokus og lavt humør.
Menopauseyoga hver torsdag kl. 17-18.30
For dig, der enten oplever symptomer på perimenopause eller befinder dig i din menopause eller postmenopause. Kendskab til yoga er ikke nødvendig.
Tilmelding og info til Catja på mail: [email protected] eller mobil: 93913819
Begrænset antal pladser, tilmelding nødvendig.
Today I rise!
Today is the day
Today I will start
To offer the world
The wisdom of my heart ❤
TODAY I RISE Where are you?Little girl with broken wings but full of hope....Where are you?Wise women covered in wounds ... Where are you?Today is the dayI will not sit s...
"To the small.
To the star counters.
To the cloud watchers.
To the inspired.
To the birds.
To everyone who’s ever cried.
To everyone who’s ever tried.
To those who pull themselves
up off the floor.
To those who can still find
love in their hearts,
even after everything.
To those who paint the world
each day with the colors
of their feelings.
To those who hope.
To you.
Thank you."
💚 Shannon Fox
I am a divine goddess in my feminine flow. I am strong, I am fearless, I am love ❤. I treat myself and others with respect, kindness, and empathy. We are all connected, we are all one. We are all love 💞