Urban Conclave - UCRL

Urban Conclave - UCRL

The Urban Conclave of Religious Leaders (UCRL) is a multi denominational ingathering of ordained pres


"On Your Mark, Get Set, LEAD!"

Welcome to 2022! Another opportunity to give God what He wants; our allegiance and devotion! Because WE are ALIVE, it is our honor to serve Him with ALL! Be ALL you are CALLED! Love you to LIFE!

Overseer Charles Reid ll
Pastor of Kingdom Life Church
Killeen, Texas


To my leading brothers and sisters. šŸ™

This is either a good day on the job or an advantageous camera shot, a moment caught. Every day isn't like this: a day of formation, cooperation, synergy, good numbers, trust, and accountability. The modern-day shepherd must not only be patient to succeed but moreover skilled. The art of service prepares us for the best and worst of such a necessary task as organization, ministry, and leadership.

Honestly speaking, there are too many prioritizing a moment like this to hinge personal esteem, prove superior, post, gloat, feature or identify as unique, until any flock that doesn't position us for accolade is an assignment second guessed. Pastor, if we embrace Jesus, who is the art of service, we will see promised fulfillment. You know, he really loves those sheep of his! Stay the course, ladies and gentlemen.

May our motives be one with Christ's ancient charge to his called and chosen,

He said to him the third time, ā€œSimon, son of John, do you love me?ā€ Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, ā€œDo you love me?ā€ and he said to him, ā€œLord, you know everything; you know that I love you.ā€ Jesus said to him, ā€œFeed my sheep.
John 21:17 ESV


I've engaged a 30-day sabbatical until January 1st. As a shepherd, I have encouraged the same for our ministry, partners, and friends. "If you don't take a break, you will break." Perseverance psychologically accumulates a subtle toxin that will bleed your mind if you don't take the time to celebrate your wins and regroup. I place no judgment on anyone who is currently going full-speed ahead. To those of you who may have thought to do it, need to do it, want to do it, please take some time to have your soul restored. It's critical to your expected end. For a leader, sometimes the concern of whether or not the people will leave keeps you serving when you ought be resting. Well, if you die, they'll find another leader. Or should I say God will equip them with a shepherd.... (thats better)

I've resolved; resting is as much a discipline as serving itself. It's time for meadows grass and quiet streams. Next stop, 2022!


As I prepare for Sunday, I think about how long I've served this particular plant. Truly, my heart beats to see them fully discipled and fulfilled in their Christ/life experience. Institutionalism has it's own goals and definitions of success aside from Christ's true mission for the church. Some days it makes the endeavor seem almost impossible. People don't always want what they need! I resolve, as I read over my notes, that we donā€™t have to have the hottest church. As God is my witness, my one desire is atleast a healthy one. Leading is a privilege, getting everyone there in one piece without destroying ourselves is the challenge. The burden, it must be done.

Lord, allow fulfillment in sacrifice. Keep the minds of your servants everywhere. In Jesus name.



Dear Pastor...

No ministry gift is popular because of themselves alone. So, we don't penalize their achievement of notoriety. To God be all the glory, actually. Great churches really do matter. I thank God for flourishing leaders/ ministries everywhere.

What we should pray about is the disgruntled minds of those who devalue their fitting contributions to
the kingdom, because they've been wrongly inspired to be just as celebrated, and are as a result found covetous. This is a real issue! COMPARISON.

I'm noticing a vast amount of souls touring the 7 cities, looking for churches to call home. The "spiritually homeless" aren't necessarily searching for what's celebrated. They're just trying to find what's organic, true, considerate, healthy and safe. If that's why it's popular, then so be it. It shouldn't be penalized. Let's not forget "Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the uttermost parts" still need
the gospel.

Dear Pastor, foster an environment full of
God's presence, biblical teaching, considerate administration and Christ's love, and you've done
your part. Truthfully, the unconverted just want
hope, community and a savior. That's too easy!

Bishop AD Jones


"Truth is they never expect the pulpit to hit back!
And if we really love Jesus, we probably won't."

Please consider for a second how convenient it is to air out your opinions, grievances and disdain addressing it to no one in particular.

EXAMPLE: To all you preachers ...

If ever we posted their label, predicament or addressed them by the cycle that has them bound/captive, they'd dig up Johnnie Cochran! Thank God our oath won't allow it, though some of us are just that crazy. (some, not all) Here's the truth, We see your posts, but we heed His charge. "Feed My Sheep"

Lastly, if you make your living off
of these systems...šŸ¤«

*this post has no bearing on the defenseless or victims of ungodly leadership. šŸ™ I pray for peace, healing, and I personally do apologize.


Sometimes your ministry isn't believable because of who you've ministered to. We live in a review culture where we judge by productivity and profit. Know when you're wasting your ministry. Some of the people you labor with simply want your time, that's why your ministry has no effect. NOTICE WHERE CHANGE DOES NOT ABOUND. Even Jesus went to another city. Watch where you pour!

Everyone won't like this post, but someone will be made free. When you are, please share. šŸ™


"Leaders Clean Up The Wreckage"

I'm slowly discovering lines of influence that were laid like plumbing around me.

Those "pipelines" are rusted at this point because plots have run their full course. People are amazingly cunning. It's like arriving to the scene of a crime, too late to catch it. When you're in charge,(as the leader) you don't even have time to confront or let anyone know that you see/saw them. What you must do is clean up the wreckage. Any industry that hinges off the cooperation of people must be attended with care, with prowess, and so very carefully.

Leadership is just that!

With all that happens (which is much), it's an assignment worth recovering for. I've learned great lessons...Know the variations of influence that emerge out of your own influence. Manage it.


Hear the heart of E Devon Goodwin!

A Beautiful Message of Transparency:

Hey, Pastor/Preacher/Worship Leader/Musician!

The easiest way to send depression and anxiety an invitation to your heart and mind isā€¦
ā€¦ for you itinerate schedule to be deeper than your devotion. Your engagements canā€™t outweigh your seek. If you perform for him more than you pray to him. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MIND. I guarantee it.

Donā€™t pour empty!


Hear the heart of Pastor Kri Burke.

People will scan your page looking for things to question , to disagree with or to debate ..

Notice how these same people are never seen sowing into your vision , congratulating you on various accomplishments, buying your merchandise or commenting anything POSITIVE .

But will wait for the right post to try and question and or challenge your viewpoints, your doctrine or theology .

BLOCKEDā€¼ļøšŸ„±šŸ§˜šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø ļæ¼

I control this page try another person šŸ˜‚āœŒšŸ½

Thereā€™s are almost 5K people following me , meaning they couldnā€™t get on my page because thereā€™s no room ... between 5K friends and additional almost 5K Followers that puts me at around 10K of VIEWERS....

Iā€™m not wasting time debating , or wasting energy to explain anything to ONE person , especially when the motive behind asking isnā€™t to have healthy dialogue but to be annoying ...


Hear the heart of Pastor Quentin N. Battle!

PASTORS...Be careful of putting your mouth on other spiritual leaders. Everybody's house is ran differently and the šŸŒŽ doesn't need PASTORS being public critics of other pastors.


It's Tuesday! Meet us here in the Urban Conclave - UCRL tonight. We've a detailed conversation for senior leaders, servant leaders and administrators.




Experiencing Technical Difficulties


God will let you groom and nurture those who have no teeth, only for them to bite you as soon as they cut their gums. And you'd better not harm them! Instead you've got to be happy that they finally grew in.

And you're breaking your neck to lead?

-The Urban Conclave-


Hear wisdom from Pastor Rick Hawkins!

PASTORS - That Part Of Pastoring...

As I have entered my 40th year of ministry and the majority of those years as a Senior Pastor, there is one thing that never changed, the pain or hurt you feel when people leave. Itā€™s gut wrenching at times.

We all understand that it comes with the turf. We do not own nor do we desire to control people. If you have that mindset, you shouldnā€™t be in ministry. However, it doesnā€™t change your love and desire to protect through prayer, preaching, prophesying and all the other things that come with it.

As Pastors, you want to believe that they feel about you like you feel about them. The truth is that they donā€™t. You are probably not their favorite preacher, you are not on their mind when they lay down, they may pray for you periodically. While you are turning in bed weeping for their soul, they are sleeping and you never crossed their mind. Just know what it is and try your best not to take it personal (which is basically impossible).

Do your best to live a life of consistency in regards to purpose and serve that purpose. Gauge everything according to your service to purpose. While your doing that, love people and understand the pain will always show up, keep loving anyway.


Have you purchased your copy yet?


Darryl Spud Brown, Mdiv
Upper Marlboro, MD

ā€œYour Ark is sinking because you didnā€™t follow instructions!ā€ Noah had specific instructions on how to build the ark. Can I suggest (just a suggestion) that if Noah doesnā€™t follow Godā€™s exact instructions, ā€œto the Tā€, then the Ark sinks! Many of us are trying to accomplish God-Given vision without following Godā€™s instructions! God wouldnā€™t give the vision without instructions & strategy! The vision is there, now go back and find out how God would have you to build it! You simply follow his instructions, heā€™s responsible for outcome


Pastor Andre Jones interprets the mission of the last two years in the Urban Conclave - UCRL!
2020: Held In Contempt 2021: Propelled By Favor


Sometimes you have to REMIND the saints or else they'll settle for the present. Join Pastor Darren C. Matthis in declaring, "IT'S BIGGER THAN ME"!
What great encouragement for all co-laborers here in the Urban Conclave - UCRL .

Pastor Darren Matthis
Vibe Church, PA


Hear the heart of Elisha Sumo!
Creator of The DMs of The Church Are Now Opened.
Atlanta, GA

Some people have been able to create, grow, and maintain a standard of excellence with a product, project, and/or promise God gave them.

Many people watch their every move not in support but in hopes to tear them down or speak down on a ā€œmissed momentā€.

This fact drives that group of visionaries into frantic thoughts like, ā€œhow do I do this betterā€ ā€œI canā€™t afford to slipā€ ā€œfailure is not an optionā€ ā€œIā€™m not allowed to mess upā€ and many other statements that create a living state of being that becomes TIRING and EXHAUSTINGā€¼ļø

To every fatigued and tired visionary that keeps on moving forward with no sight of the end, not enough or consistent help, and no authentic well wishes I say to you, ā€œI SEE YOU. KEEP GOING. YOU ARE DOING WELLā€ Today, Iā€™m praying for you.


A book in the hand of a reader is access to the otherwise unaccessible. Let's all tour the mind of Rev J. Kyle Nicholson and break through to higher thoughts. (Richmond VA)


"Some of the most effective preachers I know donā€™t whoop. ITS NOT A REQUIREMENT IN PREACHING."

Pastor Brandon J. Moore
Fervent City Church
Hinesville, Georgia


Welcome To UCRL!!!!


Congratulations to our newest set of friends!
We're excited to build a meaningful ministers
network together. We believe UCRL's commitment to keeping capable voices credible for 21st century ministry will define the hour in a notable way.

Remember to and hone your craft!

-Urban Conclave of Religious Leaders-


If ever you find yourself trying to figure or interpret the leader's moves, motive and objective, stop and ask yourself why you're subject to figure... It's more than likely because you don't know them. CAUTION: Don't sit around with lay-leaders or secondary leadership discussing your superior's mind. And whoever leads that particular conversation, ponder what's in this for them. This excerpt is entitled, "Preserving Respect"...

Little moments like these dismantle honor. If you can't see your leadership right, you'll have a hard time walking together.

Believe it or not, you can't draw from who you are led to poorly regard.


Don't mistake lack of confidence for humility. It isn't humility at all, it's pending nerve for sudden advancement. Many of your platforms are perfect until they get up the nerve. Insecurity needs a refuge, too! Know the difference, humble or hesitant?

It's your mistake to make, not theirs.

The Urban Conclave


Dear Pastor, Christian ministry has reached the hour of ultimatum. Don't resent God's people. This is clearly a paradigm.

Currently subscription, membership, loyalty and community are greatly impacted by world crisis. The pandemic's ability to insight panic has made people unapologetically sincere. In shock we are most honest. People quite naturally care about themselves; they always have.Not in a negative way, but in the self preserving sense. We're all necessity driven.

ā€¢safety from all harm
ā€¢predictability, consistency
ā€¢finance and resource management
ā€¢companionship, friendship, relationship
ā€¢food, shelter, comfort, survival

I understand that virtual ministry avails us a life where all things fit, based on convenience. A church with non physical commitment is frightening to a shepherd, but either we adjust or dissolve.

What we cannot do is fuss, guilt people, take it personal, second guess our call or resent those who are afraid. Yes, afraid and finally honest, caring about themselves. They've discovered that salvation works at home versus only in the temple. They've much to lose... If the unfaithfulness began with the pandemic, be empathetic and innovative.

We must redesign, update, integrate, tear down the structures we've praised and get in the spirit to have that eureka moment! The one where the church built on the rock prevails. If the Holy Spirit birthed in the climate of Acts, surely this is no impossible task.

The Pendulum Is Swinging.

What's it gonna be?

The Urban Conclave


Hear The Heart of Pastor DeAngelo Loftin!

For all Pastors that are starting new ministries from the ground up:

Lay down all your expectations on who is gonna join your ministry.(family, friends etc) What I expected and what I received were to different things. Im grateful to Pastor some amazing people that I couldnā€™t imagine wouldā€™ve joined of whom God lead to our ministry. Be patiently waiting on him to send the sheep thatā€™s gonna help you build your beginning.

Pastor D.

The Urban Conclave


Welcome. The excitement is unreal as we've so much in common. There's salvation, divine selection, our lives presented as a living sacrifice, and the sanction of our lips to declare the gospel. The question of the ages remains unanswered, "How can they hear without a preacher?" Over the next few weeks others will join us. We anticipate a wonderful fellowship.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, thank you for concenting to grow with us. Please advise others to join UCRL!

The Urban Conclave

Videos (show all)

Pastor Andre Jones interprets the mission of the last two years in the Urban Conclave - UCRL!2020: Held In Contempt 2021...
Sometimes you have to REMIND the saints or else they'll settle for the present. Join Pastor Darren C. Matthis in declari...
Welcome To UCRL!!!!
Congratulations to our newest set of followers!We're excited to build a meaningful ministers network together. We believ...
Congratulations to our first set of followers!We're excited to build a meaningful ministers network together. We believe...
