Entrepreneur Templates

Entrepreneur Templates

Entrepreneur Templates is a Canva Templates membership built for entrepreneurs who struggle with having beautiful graphics!


It’s time for our Black Friday deal! 🎉

I know you’re overwhelmed with deals and special offers, so we wanted to create an epic offer to help you create your marketing graphics and digital content assets.

You can grab any of our template bundles for 50% off until November 29th at midnight EST, or get all of our templates by signing up for an annual membership for 50% off your first year! That’s only $123.50 - or $10.29 per month for thousands of Canva templates (regular and renewal price of $247 per year)!

Just enter coupon code BLACKFRIDAY21 during checkout.

Timeline photos 18/06/2021

Trying is half the battle when it comes to entrepreneurship.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What have you been letting your fear of failure prevent you from putting out there? Maybe a new offer, course, or program idea?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you're passionate about it, your audience needs it, and it feels aligned -- stop holding yourself back and do it! 👏🏼

Timeline photos 16/06/2021

How do you consume content? 💻⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
And the more important question -- how does your ideal audience prefer to consume content?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I personally love the ✏️ written word, but audio and video are definitely on the rise when it comes to content marketing!

Timeline photos 14/06/2021

A reminder and mantra that can help you stop the comparison game! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We all get caught in that sometimes. We see the highlights reel of someone's life and business online and it's hard to remember that they might have:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
➡️Spent years growing, scaling, and perfecting their business and audience⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
➡️Had money to start their business and grow quicker.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
➡️Not had to work a full-time job while working on their side hustle. Anyone who does knows that you'll see slower growth, most likely.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The big point is you can't compare yourself to someone else and their journey. You also can't worry about how much "competition" there is out there. If you want to create something, but people are already doing it, that's okay because nobody else is YOU.

Timeline photos 11/06/2021

TRUTH 💣 Your social media content and engagement strategies won't work unless you have your messaging down.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You can create content, provide so much value it's insane that it's free, and engage strategically with your ideal audience. But, if they are left confused and unclear about what it is you do or who you help, it's not going to be as effective as it should be.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Get clear on your messaging - who you want to work with, the transformation your services or offers provide and connect with your audience using those pain points.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What do you feel like you struggle with the most on social media - content, engagement or your messaging?

Timeline photos 09/06/2021

📢 DO IT NOW!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What is holding you back from doing what you want to do right now? Is it fear of failure, imposter syndrome, or a negative mindset?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Entrepreneurs are some of the most incredible people. We have to be willing to just show up and do it. If it fails? Pivot, adjust, change it up... and try again. We are resilient. That's the best trait that any entrepreneur could have!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
When we feel like giving up, we have to figure it out and keep pushing forward. 🙌

Timeline photos 07/06/2021

⁉ What transformation do your services or offers provide your client?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
That's the most important factor that you need to be talking about. If I'm outsourcing podcast management, WHY am I wanting to do that? What will it give me?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
➡ Allows me the ability to just focus on recording⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
➡ Allows me to focus on growing the podcast⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
➡ Allows me to connect more with my audience & subscribers⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Speak to that. Don't just tell me what you'll do with a list of deliverables, tell me why I need it. Help me imagine what my life will look like after I work with you! 🙌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What transformation do you provide your clients, or what pain point does working with you fix for your clients?

Timeline photos 04/06/2021

Feel like you are constantly spinning your wheels and creating content non-stop? There are some ways to make content creation a little easier! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⭐Plan and Schedule Ahead⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Whether it's a blog content calendar or using Planoly to plan your social media content... having a seamless process and system for your marketing is essential to stop making yourself crazy with content creation overload.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⭐Use Content Pillars⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If content ideas are what's holding back your content creation process, schedule a brain dump and figure out your content pillars. A good brain dump is good for your soul (and your content marketing!)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⭐Repurpose Your Content⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Not everything you create has to be 100% brand new. That would be exhausting! Repurposing your awesome content is a great way to make the most of the content you've already created. One blog post can become 20 pieces of content! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💡 3 email newsletters⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💡 5 social media post captions⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💡 5 story ideas for additional engagement⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💡 1 Instagram or Facebook live⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💡 5 Pinterest pins to promote that blog post even further⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💡 1 LinkedIn post⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Just space out the posts so you aren't talking about the same thing every day for a month 😊



Don't forget to take the time each day to celebrate your wins and successes, no matter how big or small! 🎉

Gratitude can change your whole mindset and leave you radiating positivity to both yourself and clients!

The more you acknowledge your wins, the more you’ll be excited to go after more! So be proud of all your hard work, because you deserve it! 💎

What’s a win you've had recently that you want to share? We’d love to celebrate you in the comments! 📣


Do you have a favorite podcast you can't wait to dive into each week? 🎧

Whether they are...

✨ Inspirational
✨ Educational
✨ Entertaining
..podcasts can be a great way to tap into new resources, unwind, or have a connection with someone without having to be in the same place!

If you haven't yet, check out my podcast, Introvertpreneur! We talk about all things running your own business and new episodes are released each Thursday! 🤩


I don't know who needs to hear this, but now is not the time to give up! 💥

Here's a little truth bomb 💣 - sometimes being an entrepreneur means you have to keep trying and failing at something before you finally get the result you want!

The most successful visionaries didn't get it right the first time, and you probably won't either! What matters is that you keep trying and eventually your hard work will pay off!

So give yourself some grace and keep going!

Drop a 💯 emoji below if this was the inspiration you needed today!


Branding is more than just a logo or a clean aesthetic on your feed! You are the biggest asset your brand has to offer!

In order for a client to want to work with you, they need to feel like they know and trust you enough to provide value to them!

💡 Show them your face! Showing up on your stories and feed gives potential clients a glimpse of who you are and can be a helpful conversation starter!

💡 Speak to them directly in your posts! Create content that feels tailored to your ideal client and speaks directly to their needs and motivations.

💡 Invite them in! Calls to action are a great way to invite potential clients to engage with you allows you to start up that conversation!

Clients won't just show up in your inbox, unfortunately. Real interactions and connections are where the magic happens ✨ so be engaging with your followers often and you'll find people that are the best fit for you!


Do something for YOU for a change! ⚡

We tend to put ourselves on the back burner quite a bit as entrepreneurs.

We want to be productive and cross things off of our to-do lists, but sometimes all we can give isn't really our best.

There are some ways to take your power back with these self-care acts!

💞Taking a nice walk outside with your pet(s)
💞Scheduling out your content for the month or two weeks in advance (it may not seem like self-care, but blocking time out to batch create your content saves you TIME)
💞Reading that book you've been dying to read
💞Stepping away from your work to being with your loved ones
💞Setting up automated emails for those frequently asked questions about your services or products
💞or anything that is going to allow you to save time in your business and do something for yourself

These acts are going to help us come back to our work feeling refreshed and ready to get back to our zone of genius!

What self-care act are you going to take action on right now to take your power back?⚡


Let's be honest 💥 it's hard to ignore what others are doing to create success in their business from time to time.

The good news for you is that if you have been struggling with this, then I have a VERY useful tip for you that actually helps. ⚡

If you feel triggered in any way, feel self-doubt showing up about anything you are doing in your business because of anyone else on social media:


You get to be in charge of what you want to launch, create, and do in your business. Just because everyone or someone is doing something (and finding success with it) doesn't mean that you should too.

Be authentic to yourself in every aspect of your business (along with unfollowing those accounts that make you feel less than, etc.) and you will do INCREDIBLE things.🎉

Do you plan to unfollow any accounts that make you feel this way? 📲 I want to know, so leave it in the comments below!


Don't waste 🗑️ your life doing something that doesn't feel authentic to you. What may help someone become successful - doesn't mean that it can do the same for you.

They are too busy shining their light and doing things that bring them joy in their business to waste it on something that does the opposite. If you aren't true to yourself and what feels right for you, others will most likely pick up on it.

⚡Don't hop on stories sharing all the things if it doesn't bring you joy!
⚡Don't design your marketing materials if it's not your jam.
⚡Instead - do things that align with your mission, your business goals, and what feels authentic for you.

One thing I don't enjoy is getting on live video much, so I keep it to a minimum. What is something that you don't enjoy doing in your business? 🙈


You have your launch plan for your 🖥️ course, but haven't actually been able to put your course slides together.

You don't have to have any fancy filming equipment to put a professional and beautifully designed course together.

A great option, especially if you're low on ⏳ time, is to use slides for your course. But if you aren't pleased with how yours are turning out then I have a few factors for you to keep in mind that always make your slides look better.

Keep your text on each slide minimal. ✨ You don't want to overwhelm anyone, and this helps focus their attention on your topic. With your text, you also want to use serif or commercial-type fonts because cursive or decorative fonts aren't as readable.

If you have brand colors 🎨 definitely go with those. Otherwise, choose 2 to 3 complimentary colors that you can use for your slides. An amazing tool to help you find those colors is - colour lovers - which allows you to search for colors by keywords, hex code, and even by most recent creations.

And another great factor to be mindful of is your images or visuals.📸 Let's be honest, these keep your audience engaged, so find some free stock photos or find a great stock membership to join.

Still not putting your plans down on paper - be sure to look at our course and webinar bundle in our shop which can help you save time ⏰ and ditch the stress of actually launching your course. The hard work is done for you, so all you have to do is customize the templates to your liking.

Use the link below to head over to the shop for this bundle to see for yourself!


📢 Are you an introvert looking to grow and scale your business this year?

Join me for the FREE 5-Day Introvertpreneur Summit 🎉starting today where you will hear from 40+ speakers who are looking forward to helping you use the right marketing methods so you can 🚫 ditch the stress, overcome the mindset blocks 🌪️ you're facing, and ensure that you have the right systems 📌 in place.

You can hear from speakers like Presh Rodgers, Robyn MacNeill, Eman Ismail, Krishna Fay and so many others that you may know! It's going to be an amazing line-up.

Click the link below to grab your free ticket so you can join us ❤️ today and learn more about our upgrade options to elevate your summit experience!


Do you share client love or client testimonials 💞 as a service provider?

They are beneficial for your business in many ways.

One way is that benefits your business is that it shares an unbiased voice 🔊 for someone you have worked with.

If using strong salesy pitches 🏷️ aren't your jam, then showcasing what a client's experience was with you helps potential clients convert to paying clients.

Sharing these will also establish trust ⚡ with your audience. The know-like-trust factor comes into play here and allows you to check off one of these key ways to convert clients or customers.

If you don't have a template for showcasing those easily - you can customize any of our templates to showcase your client love! 😉


Are you in the throws of creating a course or webinar to help scale your business?🖥️

One of the elements that may take the longest to nail down is the design piece. You want it to be JUST RIGHT and I totally get it!

Presentation is key because it is one of the pillars of your brand, which relates to how your customers or clients will feel 🧲 when they initially see your course or webinar.

I have created quite a few webinars and memberships myself, so I know what it's like. That's why I knew we needed to include a template bundle in our shop to make the design process less of a hassle for you while saving you time.

The Webinar + Course Bundle includes:
✔️18 Pinterest Templates
✔️6 Slide Templates (50 Pages)
✔️30 Facebook & Instagram Ad Templates (in different sizes)
✔️8 Website or Blog Optin Templates
✔️16 Instagram Story Templates
✔️12 Instagram Post Templates

Not only do we take care of the course or webinar design for you - but we also take care of the promotional piece as well. All you have to do is make minor customizations to the templates and TA-DA 🎉 you are ready to introduce it to your audience.

Tag someone you know below who this bundle would be perfect for! 🤩

You can also check out this template bundle below.


The Perfect Pin Design Necessities 📌

When you are creating a pin design for a new blog post you have, for your services page on your website, etc. there are ways to ensure that your pin checks all the design boxes.

🎨Use readable text
🎨Add your logo or URL so it's less likely to be stolen
🎨Add colors that compliment each other
🎨Insert simple elements that bring your design to life
🎨And if you want to simplify this process and save time - you can use our templates

What colors and font(s) are you currently using for your Pinterest pin designs? Share in the comments below.

3 Ways to Plan your Content More Efficiently 16/04/2021

If you are currently planning your content, how effective is your strategy?📈

There are many 📋 tips and tricks you can use to ensure your content strategy is efficient, and I have 3 ways to share with you that I recently shared on the blog.

Want to find out for yourself? Use the 🔗 link below to learn about the 3 tips to improve your efficiency!

3 Ways to Plan your Content More Efficiently How many of you are planning your content? Probably quite a few of you, but let me ask you, how many of you plan your content efficiently? Efficiency is something that you have to work on and have systems in place to do more in less time. There are a lot of tricks and tips […]


Your current followers and community 💞 started following you for a reason, so don't forget to continue nurturing your relationship with them.

You don't want to focus only on talking about your business or their business. You can keep it fun and light-hearted, so you can genuinely get to know them if you haven't already started yet.

Some great ways to start a conversation are:

1. Comment on their stories (especially if it's something you're curious about or🔎 know about yourself) and follow up with questions.

2. Comment on their posts that you enjoy and are intrigued by. Or an even more thoughtful 🥰 way to talk about their post with them is to share it in their DMs, and tell them what you loved about the post.

3. If they comment 💬 on your posts or your stories, then reply authentically and ask open-ended questions to get to know them more.

If you use any other way to connect with your current followers or community drop it in the comments below! ⬇️


This is another new Canva template bundle we released recently that is great for any kind of 🎨 creative entrepreneur!

There are a total of 70 cohesive Canva templates for you to use for all your business needs in this bundle. This bundle includes:

💻10 Page Ebook
💻10 Instagram Post Templates
💻10 Instagram Quote Templates
💻10 Instagram Story Templates
💻8 Pinterest Blog Post Templates
💻8 Pinterest Quote Templates
💻8 Facebook Ad Templates
💻6 YouTube Video Thumbnail Templates

Our templates are completely customizable. All you have to do is – change text, move elements around, change colors, add your photo, logo, and voila. It’s so easy and simple!

This is a great time-saving hack for your business and allows you to do more of what you love. We know designing isn't something that everyone enjoys, so we do the heavy lifting because it's what we enjoy doing.

Tap the link below to shop all of our template bundles.
🔗 https://entrepreneurtemplates.com/shop/

What is something you enjoy doing outside of your work in your business?✨


This is a new Canva template bundle we released recently that is great for any kind of 💡 creative entrepreneur!

This bundle includes:

💻10 Page Ebook
💻10 Instagram Post Templates
💻10 Instagram Quote Templates
💻10 Instagram Story Templates
💻8 Pinterest Blog Post Templates
💻8 Pinterest Quote Templates
💻8 Facebook Ad Templates
💻6 YouTube Video Thumbnail Templates

Our templates are completely customizable. All you have to do is – change text, move elements around, change colors, add your photo, logo, and voila. It’s so easy and simple!

Your time is super important to us, so we do the heavy lifting (or designing) for you. In return, this allows you to do more of what you enjoy.❤️

Tap the link below to shop our template bundles.

Aside from using Canva templates to save you time, what is your favorite time-saving hack in your business?⏰


If you are new here, I'm Tara, 👋 the founder of Entrepreneur Templates! I know there are some new faces, so I wanted to introduce myself.

📌I’ve been an entrepreneur since 2007 and have worn many hats over the years. I’m a content creator, a graphic designer, a digital marketing strategist and a Pinterest Manager all rolled into one.

I am a huge introvert, so I like to stay behind the scenes! 🙈 One thing I really love is helping female entrepreneurs grow and scale their business, so they can stay in their zone of genius.

A few things about me that you may not know are:

⚡You can usually find me in comfy pants and slippers when working in my office.
⚡I have 3 rescue pups - Luni, Cheeto, and Elouise (Ellie for short)
⚡The introvert in me doesn't like small talk - although I'm told I'm a great listener.
⚡My favorite color is pink.
⚡My favorite food is poutine - I am Canadian after all! (And I'm a pretty picky eater)

I'd love to know a fun fact about you, so drop it in the comments below!


❌ Raise your hand if you've ever skipped posting to your social media because you didn't prep your content?

I'm right there with you and have done this many times before! ✋ But there are a few ways to plan your content that can help you stay consistent.

1. Repurpose!🔄 This can be anything from your email marketing, recorded masterclass, ebook, blog post - the list goes on here. You can reuse those content piences to use for social media content.

2. Create a content calendar!📅 This is crucial to keeping your plan in place and staying consistent. When you create a plan - there is less of a chance for skipping content being posted. This could be as simple as writing down the content pillar you want to focus on on any given day and so forth.

3. Batch plan your content!📋 This is going to save you loads of time in the long run. You can plan week by week, month by month, or whatever suits your needs best.

These 3 things can drastically change your engagement for your content and help you stay accountable when putting new content out into the world.

Which of these content tips do you plan to incorporate if you don't already? ⬇️


Want to know how our Canva design templates can help you grow your business?👇🏻👇🏾👇🏿

🌈Level up your graphic design services for your business or for your clients!

🌈Create gorgeous branded materials for your social media aesthetic that encourage engagement!

🌈Make a new opt-in freebie offer to grow your email marketing list and target audience!

🌈Ramp up all of your marketing for your podcast, social media, Pinterest, email newsletters, ads, and more!

✨Plus, save so much time by having hundreds of templates at your fingertips!


Not only is today April 1st and April Fools Day, but it's also the beginning of Quarter 2.📅

What are your business goals for the next 3 months?📋

Does this include a new opt-in freebie📌 for your sales funnel?
How about an updated workbook📖 for your course or program?
Ready to start posting📲 more consistently?

Whatever your need is- we can help you!

Tap the 🔗link below to view our 2 options for joining the membership and shop our Canva template bundles!


This is your Monday reminder📌 that as a business owner, you aren't a failure.

There is always a way to succeed!

🔎Fine-tune your process
🔎Seek advice from someone you look up to
🔎Hire an expert to help you
🔎Do a quality check on your customer experience
& the list goes on!

The journey you are on as an entrepreneur isn't linear. There are all kinds of winding turns, pivots, and pauses.

Your journey is your own and that's the beauty of it!

Drop a ⚡ emoji if you needed this today!


There is power in the quality you provide and is what makes customers and followers loyal to you! 💥

The processes that are tried and true to your brand are what successfully assist you in your brand consistency.

When you go about doing quality control spot checks on your business it gives you a chance to think about any new procedures or products that have come out to see if there was room to implement them in your business without minimizing what has worked to this point.

You are enhancing quality, but keeping true to your original vision! ⚡

What is one thing that you have been trying to make better in your business?


⚠️ There are definitely some do's and don'ts when it comes to Instagram for you + your business.

2️⃣ Mistakes You Might Be Making On Instagram:

Posting ❌ more of what you want & not what your audience wants.

You aren't 📉 posting consistently.

Doing more of the things on the 'do list' will help you avoid making any more mistakes, so that your strategy for 2021 continues to stay strong.

Things that worked a year ago on social media - may not work now. It's important to stay up to date with the ever-changing platform.

What are some lessons that you've learned about sharing on social media?📲


You don't always have to reinvent the wheel🎡 when it comes to sharing your content. You can reuse your content for the different marketing methods you utilize. Some examples are:

✨Turning an older blog post into a more hyper-focused blog post on one of the key points from the previous blog post.

✨Turning your blog posts into a social media infographic.

✨Using a social media post and turning it into an email marketing topic.

✨You can repurpose topics you've used before and turn them into freebies, ebooks, and webinars.

What is one piece of 📋content that you have repurposed into something else?


Your branding isn't only your logo and associated colors. It's MORE than that! Still confused on this yourself? Scroll down ⬇️

Your brand as a whole is combining your colors, logo, your mission or purpose, and what relationship your business has with its customers and clients! These are all broken down further to more specific elements of your brand, but this is the main meaning of a brand.

Some of the more specific elements include:

🗣️Brand Voice
✨Brand Vision
💬Brand Statement
🎯Target Audience

These cohesive pieces share the bigger picture for your brand! And we know that the connections you make with others won't be instant - it builds up over time.

What is your brand's vision for the future? 📌


Discipline and perseverance are extremely important for the success of your business! 🔐

Are you taking advantage of the people surrounding you in your corner and the resources you have available to you?

It's something you should look into if you haven't already because if you try doing everything on your own - you are on your way to burnout mode.💥

I have experienced burnout myself quite a few times and I can tell you that it's not benefiting you or your business!

Who do you want to give a shoutout to for helping you get to where you are in your business? Tag them in the comments below! ❤️


Do you know what is beautiful?🥰 Being authentic and sharing your creativity!

Even if you aren't a great graphic designer ✨, you can create a beautiful client experience in your business, a beautiful relationship with a new friend online in your industry, thanking someone for their purchase in an authentic way, and so much more!

There are many ways to create something beautiful in your life and your business today and every day after.

What is something beautiful that you've experienced recently in your life or business?💞


Stop worrying about everything being perfect! Embrace messy action because people want to see authenticity on social media! ❤️

This was a huge lesson for us in 2020; showing who we really are behind our social media profiles. Less perfection and more realness!

People love following accounts they can relate to and the best way to be relatable is to show up authentically as you are!

Embrace your authentic self and enjoy those moments more starting today. ✨

Do you feel the need to be perfect all of the time?


Have you ever stared at your computer like this after a failed attempt at designing your own business graphics? 😩

Design templates to the rescue! It's a great and easy way to have and use perfectly crafted designs without staring at your computer for hours on end!


This or That: Email Marketing or Social Media 🔎

Email Marketing 💌 is one of the best ways for your 'tribe' or your community to stay up to date on what's happening in your business and for them to learn tips and tricks that you have to offer. They signed up to be on your email list because they want to know what you have to say. Who doesn't want that? 😜

Social Media 📲 is a great place for finding others to connect with and engaging with them in a more instant way. Whether they get to see the real and authentic side of you or your business - with more emphasis placed on creating your own content.

Which do you use more to market your business? Place an emoji below for the one you choose. 💌 or 📲


It's officially the last month in Q1 and we're three months into 2021! It also means that our new + fresh designs for our members went live this week! 🤩 We always get excited for that.

On the topic of design - there are so many design aspects when it comes to using them for your marketing purposes.

🌈The colors: what they say about your brand and how they make you feel when you or your audience sees them.

➰The fonts: the type of font you use can change the whole mood of what you're trying to get across. For example, the words "Want to play a game?" can look eerie in certain fonts while it looks child-like in another font.

🖌️The elements: These are the little added touches that make something pop in your design, whether you choose to emphasize a certain word or images used on the graphic.

🖼️Your images: These make your graphic tell a story and so it's all about how you want that to look.

With these things in mind - What are your favorite colors to work with for your brand? 🎨


Is there a particular graphic you're looking for that you don't see on our dashboard - as a member? 💻

We are happy to create designs when our members are looking for something specific to fit their needs because that's why we started in the first place.

We make design easier for you, so that you don't have to spend hours creating them yourself!

We have a wide range of templates for you to use at your disposal + for client purposes:

⚡Facebook Adverts
⚡Youtube Covers
⚡Freebie Offers
⚡Social media posts

And that's not all of them! Inside of our members' vault, there are over 300+ core templates for you to use and every month 20+ new templates get added.

What gives you the most stress when creating your own graphics? 💥

Beautiful Canva Templates for Entrepreneurs

If you struggle with graphic design, our Canva templates membership was built for you!

Perfect for virtual assistants and social media managers because you can use the templates for your client work, too.