Pivot Masters

Pivot Masters

Pivot Masters Podcast is an interview podcast sharing the inspiring stories of career pivoters!

Starting in 2021, we'll also begin sharing mini-episodes with practical tips for those who are looking to take a career pivot. We're streaming on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, Patreon, and our website www.pivotmasterspodcast.com


🌟 Embracing New Beginnings and Priorities! 🌟

Dear friends, colleagues, and the incredible Pivot Masters community,

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I'm reaching out to share some personal and professional updates as I navigate exciting changes in my journey.

As many of you may already know, recently, I announced a significant milestone in my careerβ€”I have been promoted to the role of Director of Operations at Training Systems Designs. This is a thrilling opportunity, and I'm eager to bring my skills and passion to a new chapter in my professional life.

In light of these changes, I have made the heartfelt decision to temporarily step back from my role at Pivot Masters. The journey with Pivot Masters has been nothing short of amazing, and the joy of helping individuals find their dream careers will forever hold a special place in my heart.

While I may return to Pivot Masters when the time is right, my current focus is on the exciting challenges and opportunities that lie ahead at Training Systems Designs. The commitment to creating quality performance improvement programs aligns seamlessly with my professional goals.

On a personal note, this year has brought the incredible joy of fostering three amazing young souls. They have become a central focus, and being there for them has become a top priority in my life.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have been a part of the Pivot Masters community. Your support and camaraderie have meant the world to me, and I carry the memories of our shared successes with me.

Here's to embracing change, prioritizing what matters most, and stepping into new chapters with enthusiasm and gratitude.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.


Happy Birthday Jessi Hans! Wishing you another year of great accomplishments! From all of us at Pivot Masters Podcast πŸ₯‚

Follow to learn more: https://linktr.ee/pivotmasters


Feeling appreciated, respected, and valued at work? That's the hallmark of a positive workplace culture πŸ’• Find a job where you thrive, not just survive πŸ’ͺ🏽


Learn to love learning and nothing is unattainable.


Don't forget to prioritize YOUrself! πŸ™Œ


An oldie but a goodie.

LISTEN πŸ”— https://linktr.ee/pivotmasters

Ashley talks about how to be a support networker!

Support networking is when you connect people to the right people. You help people find desired employment and employers the people they need to thrive. It's a win for all situation in which you are the link that helps make it happen.

This episode provides tips on how to help the people around us with their job search.


Sometime's all we need is a little tweaking. πŸ™Œ


Having job satisfaction is key to leading a fulfilling life.

In this episode, Debbie Mourey offers listeners an empowered perspective on maneuvering careers towards building meaningful lives. Check it out to learn more! 😊

Click on the link, select your preferred streaming service, and scroll down until you see Debbie Mourey's name. https://linktr.ee/pivotmasters




Happy Birthday Jennie Wendland! Wishing you another year of accomplishments! From all of us at Pivot Masters Podcast πŸ₯‚

If you'd like to learn more about what an inspiration Jennie is, click on the link below.


Happy Birthday Debbie Mourey! Wishing you another year of accomplishments! From all of us at Pivot Masters Podcast πŸ₯‚

If you'd like to learn more about what an inspiration Debbie is, click on the link below.


is ageless πŸ’―

"Just because I'm 77 doesn't mean I don't have a dream"

John Glenn is an inspiration to us all. Be like John. Be unstoppable.




You never know if the next try is going to be the one that succeeds.


is key. You ARE capable of besting this game.


Dust yourself off and just keep going! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Sometimes it's the employers who bomb the interview-not you. Know your worth!


Happy Birthday Rachel Shaw! Wishing you another year of great accomplishments! From all of us at Pivot Masters Podcast πŸ₯‚

If you would like to learn more about the amazing pivoter Rachel Shaw is, click on the link: https://linktr.ee/pivotmasters


Timeline photos 22/09/2022

Everyone wins πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Timeline photos 21/09/2022

Find a career that feeds into all facets of your life and you will thrive.

Timeline photos 20/09/2022

Happy to all of our Latin friends! Special shout out to

"Our goal is to leave no person behind as we venture into a secure and better future"

Keep fighting the good fight Queen AOC!

Timeline photos 20/09/2022

You entered our lives and had such a profound impactβ€”we could no longer remember a time without you in it. We're incredibly humbled and beyond privileged to have you in our lives. Becoming a foster parent was a long journey but worth every effort to have you three in our lives.

Thank you to our "village" for helping us through this significant change in our lives. We are so grateful. You know who you are.

We would also like to thank everyone for their patience while we adjust to our growing family. We are still around. Just temporarily slowing our speed. β™₯

Keep calm and pivot on!

Timeline photos 04/08/2022

A must read for anyone looking to make a career change.

Timeline photos 03/08/2022


Timeline photos 02/08/2022

Give yourself credit for failures. If you failed this week you got out there and tried. You did something and there is no shame in that.

It's all part of the process of finding success.

Timeline photos 30/07/2022

You're an inspiration, a motivator, a place of solace and trust, a sister, and forever friend.

I think the world of you, and cherish our friendship.

Thanks for being amazing!

Timeline photos 28/07/2022

Can't recommend this book enough!

I bought it for my husband on his last birthday, and he would tell you the same.

Total game changer-check it out!

Timeline photos 27/07/2022


Timeline photos 26/07/2022

We're not here to make you feel better.

We're here to help you realize the full extent of your potential; which will ultimately impact how you feel.

See what I did there? 😎

Timeline photos 21/07/2022

Recognize and Reverse.

Instead of letting discomfort of something new turn into fear, recognize that you are learning, and personal growth is inevitable.

Reverse that fear and discomfort into excitement because you are leveling up. Embrace your inner go-getter-badass self!

Ya feel me?

Videos (show all)

πŸ™Œ#WednesdayWisdom #JobSearch
Why pay to learn new skills when you can have someone *pay you* to learn new skills?! #WednesdayWisdom #JobSearch #Skill...
New episode this Thursday!