Cindy R. Escobar

Cindy R. Escobar

I am a self-published author who loves to create historical fiction novels. I am a Christ following,


As I'm writing my stories, I normally like to find a Bible verse that goes along with the theme. I wanted to share with y'all the verse I chose for "A Winter of Lilies." I choose my titles carefully, and I wanted to explain a little bit about Book II's title. Winter represents death, and we must all die to ourselves in order to follow Jesus Christ with our whole hearts. I play on this symbolism by setting the book in winter, but it actually follows one of the characters as they learn what this means.

Lilies also represent resurrection. Jesus rose again after being crucified so that we may have eternal life. Thank goodness our faith journey doesn't end with winter, but continues in the form of a beautiful white lily! I thought this passage from John chapter 11 would support the main theme of "A Winter of Lilies" well, and I'm excited to continue exploring this concept as I write!

Photos from Cindy R. Escobar's post 28/09/2023

Today I was able to sit down for an hour and type some scenes in "A Winter of Lilies!" Writing this book has been different than the two previous books I've published. The one major difference is this time I'm a mama to my sweet Lil' Bit! Raising my daughter has been the most fulfilling job I've had thus far in my life, but it does drastically change how I write. Before I had a baby, I could sit down and spend 8+ hours a day researching and drafting my manuscripts. Now that time has been cut to where I try to get work done while Lil' Bit naps. My goal is to write at least 600 words in the manuscript every day I write, and today my fingers were typing at lightning speed!

All this to say, some days my work may look different. I haven't been able to write but maybe an hour and a half this week, and that's okay. I would rather influence my daughter and teach her the ways of Christ before I fulfill my passion of creative writing. I am so grateful for moments like today when I'm given times to work on my manuscript, and that I have the support of my husband with both parenting and my job. Progress is being made, and I am grateful for the sweet times of mamahood!


Hey, y'all! I just wanted to share a word of encouragement with y'all today. These last two weeks have been a whirlwind for me and my family with some personal events coming together, and my daughter and I getting sick. Because of everything that has happened, I have taken a break from writing and working on "The Mystery Project."

This morning in church, we studied the passage in 1 Peter chapter 5, and I wanted to highlight verses 6 and 7. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."

In this world, there are a lot of anxieties. I fall into the trap of worry all the time, especially when there are circumstances involving my husband or child. But God, y'all! God wants us to cast, or "throw on," our worries on Him because He cares for us and wants to take our fears and worries from us. He is in control over everything, and if we throw our anxieties on Him, He will give us rest!

So this week, I'm choosing to give God my worries about the progress I have lost due to taking care of my family, and I will trust in His timing for my career, my family, and my relationships. I hope y'all can find encouragement on this Sabbath day, and that you go to God to find rest.


Hey, y'all! I wanted to give an update and let you know that the progress on "A Winter of Lilies" is going well, and I'm so excited to be sharing more of that story with y'all in the months to come!

Also, my husband and I are working on an exciting project that I'm calling "The Mystery Project" for now! It's been so much fun to work with him as we create this project together, and we are hoping to be finished with it by the end of 2023 or beginning of 2024! I won't go into details now, but I wanted y'all to know that it's really exciting and I can't wait to share it with you! Drop a comment down below if you have any guesses to what "The Mystery Project" is!

I still have some copies of "A Spring of Daisies" if you have yet to meet the Cable family and want some background on them before the new book comes out. You can order an eBook version or paperback from Amazon, or you can message me for an autographed copy that I will mail to you. Thank you for following along with me on this exhilarating adventure of the Cables!


Hey, y'all! I know it has been a while since I've been on social media, so I wanted to hop on here to share an announcement! The number one question I receive is, "Are you still writing?" And the answer is YES!!

I'm so excited to be working on a sequel to "A Spring of Daisies," and I have loved writing about Mac and a girl named Jessie Jackson. At this moment, I don't have a release date yet, but I hope to have it published sometime in the summer or fall of 2024!

The title of Book 2 of the Cables Series is, "A Winter of Lilies," so be on the lookout for more updates in the months to come!


Come on out to the Perryton Expo for the 2022 Arts and Crafts show! I will be selling both of my books from 9am to 6pm today, and 11am to 4pm tomorrow. They are the perfect Christmas gift for the reader on your list!


Good morning, y'all! I know it's been a good long while since I've been on here, but I have enjoyed getting acquainted with our new daughter and adjusting to this new way of life.

I just wanted to hop on here and say that I will be selling my books in Perryton, Texas on November 19th-20th at the Expo center! Come see me and buy one of my books! I would also love to answer any questions you may have. Hope to see y'all there!


Hey, y'all! I've been off social media to prepare for the arrival of our daughter next month, and I figured it was time for a book update! I realized that "A Spring of Daisies" has been available to purchase for one month already, and I decided I would read a little snippet from Chapter 1 for y'all!

This is Book 1 of The Cables Series where I talk about Maverick Cable and an unnamed mystery woman who survives a near-fatal wagon accident. I hope you enjoy what you hear, and let me know if you'd like to order a copy from me! You can also find the book on Amazon at the link below. I hope you enjoy it!


Probably the most important thing about self-publishing a book is promotion, and I find myself spending a lot of time wondering what I should do next to spread the word about my career.

If you have read either of my two books, please do me a favor and leave a review on my Amazon author page! The link to my author page is in my bio, but I will also leave it below for you to click on. Feel free to share any of my posts, as well!

Cindy R. Escobar 11/06/2022

Thank you to everyone who was able to come out to the book signing this morning! If you couldn't make it, I still have a few copies left to sell, or you can find it at the link below!

Cindy R. Escobar Follow Cindy R. Escobar and explore their bibliography from's Cindy R. Escobar Author Page.


The book signing starts at 10! I'm at Community Worship Center in Perryton, Texas until noon, so stop by if you want to find out more about my books!


There was a time when I thought I would never publish a book, and now I have accomplished that dream twice over! I'm so excited that "A Spring of Daisies" is available to purchase, and thank you to those who have already bought a copy!

If you haven't bought your copy yet, I will be at Community Worship Center in Perryton, Texas tomorrow morning from 10-noon! I'll be selling both of my books, so stop by, grab your copy, and feel free to ask me any questions or just chat with me!


Y'all, I'm so excited to announce this! I will be doing a book signing event this Saturday, June 11th, at Community Worship Center in Perryton, Texas! I will be selling "A Gift of Grace," and my new release, "A Spring of Daisies," and I will have my booth set up from 10 a.m. to noon.

I will also have FREE homemade chocolate chip cookies, so if you just want to grab a cookie and ask questions about my books, you're more than welcome to come! I can't wait to see y'all this Saturday!!


I feel like I'm constantly thinking about my books and how to better my writing. I'm currently in the planning phase of Book 2 of The Cables Series, and I'm loving the random ideas that pop into my head (usually when I'm trying to fall asleep!).

I also keeping thinking about Book 1, "A Spring of Daisies," and how I'll be able to share this story with all y'all in just 2 more days!! I honestly think my writing improved with this story, so if you liked "A Gift of Grace," check out my newest release on June 8th!


I finally convinced my husband to do a reel with me. 😂 But not going to lie, this is the reaction I get when I tell people how many chapters are in "A Spring of Daisies." My response is always, "I never think about how many chapters need to be in each story I write. I just tell the story and follow the flow of my words, and I usually know when I've reached the end."

That being said, once you dive into the story, the length shouldn't matter. I'm hoping you just enjoy the events I wrote about and let your imagination paint the pictures I described. Only 4 more days before "A Spring of Daisies" is available, and I cannot wait!


It's officially June, and you know what that means! "A Spring of Daisies" will be available to purchase in just 1 more week! If you haven't placed a direct order with me yet, please do so now. I'm ordering copies in the next day or two, so make sure you're on my list! If you're not buying directly from me, it will be available on Amazon in 7 more days!!


In my opinion, what makes an exciting story is the villain! As I watch movies and read books, I usually find the most enjoyment in the story if the bad guy is amazing, and they tend to be my favorite characters. In "A Spring of Daisies," I had fun making my villain as historically evil as I could. My editor told me she found herself not liking the antagonist and dreading what he would do to one of the main characters. I hope that when you purchase my new book that you find the adventure as exciting as I did!


I heard this audio and thought of a fun way to show what I love about my work. Like any job, there are things that I thoroughly enjoy, and then there are things that I have to do. Thankfully, the things I enjoy outweigh the bad, so I keep writing!

I'm so excited that June 8th is only two weeks away! I've been chompin' at the bit to share "A Spring Of Daisies" with all y'all, but I'm so glad I took the time to make sure the formatting and edits turn out the way I want them to. The countdown is here!!


Hey, y'all! Just thought I'd share a little bit about my cozy writing zone as I'm finishing up "A Spring of Daisies." I hope you enjoy these types of videos, and I plan on sharing more in the future!

Keep an eye out for June 8th! I can't wait to share this new story with y'all!


Y'all, I'm so excited! I've settled on an official release date when "A Spring of Daisies" will be available to purchase as a paperback or eBook on Amazon!! Set your calendars for June 8th to order your copy!

I am also willing to take personal orders if you would prefer to order your paperback directly from me instead of Amazon (Just know that if you do, it may take longer for you to receive your copy). Just send me a message if you want to order directly from me! You can also email me at [email protected].


Y'all, I'm so excited to share with you the book cover for A Spring of Daisies! I designed it to be a little unconventional, but I wanted to incorporate the synesthesia that I talk about in the story. You can be on the lookout for my book when it becomes available to purchase next month!


Hey, y'all! I thought I'd give an update about my new book, "A Spring of Daisies." This book should be available to purchase in June of this year, and I'm so excited! Let me know if you have any questions. I would love to talk to you about the book!


Yes, I remember summer '09 quite well! That's me in the purple shirt shirt when I was 11 years old. I convinced my friend to pose for a book cover of a story I hadn't quite finished at the time. I spent the next several days and weeks getting involved in the made-up world I had created. Looking back, this was the first official story I had written, and it was the start of my writing career! I obviously have gotten a lot better at story-telling in the last 13 years. 😂 It is fun to look back and see how far I've come! Now my second book, "A Spring of Daisies," is about to be published!


Yes, my husband and I will be welcoming our first bundle of joy later this summer! I'm very excited to be able to publish "A Spring of Daisies" before Baby Escobar arrives, and after taking time to adjust to our new schedule, I plan to get back to writing! I'm very thankful to have a husband who supports me in my writing and with welcoming our baby into this world. 😊💕


I've been quiet on social media for a reason. I'm releasing my second book in June 2022!

It's called "A Spring of Daisies," and it's Book 1 in a new series called The Cables Series. It's about Maverick Cable and a mysterious unnamed woman who find redemption from their haunting pasts and live in the new beginning that God gives them.

I'm looking forward to sharing more about the story and updates about the book in the months to come!


When I first decided I would be an independently published author, I had no idea how much work it would be to complete the process! 😂 All I knew is that I wanted to share my talent with other people, and I was very excited for this opportunity.

Now I can appreciate other indie writers and the hard work they put into their own works, and the people in the background that helped them. I had a very dear friend of mine help me with the editing, and I'm so glad I decided to have someone else's input! It made my story even better than if I had neglected that step to begin with. And now I'll have more of an idea what to do when the next book is ready!


Thank you to all y'all that made it out to the Ochiltree County Satellite Arts and Crafts show this weekend! It was a very good turn out, and I was happy to visit with y'all! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!!


Come by the Perryton Arts & Crafts Show and grab your copy of "A Gift of Grace"!


The Ochiltree County Satellite Arts and Crafts show starts tomorrow!! I will be selling my book from 9 am to 6 pm tomorrow, and then 11 am to 4 pm on Sunday. The show will be at the Expo Center in Perryton, and there will be plenty of booths to do some Christmas shopping! Can't wait to see y'all there!


One of the most common questions asked to authors is, "How do you get your inspiration?"

I have been writing fictional stories since I was 11, and most of the stories I ended up finishing started with writing a random sentence. That sentence would trigger a scene in my head, and I would continue to build off that scene until my idea for a story expanded.

Of course, I had other inspirations for a story, too. Most of the content I created stemmed from my love of American history and western movies. I would also act out what I wanted my characters to do so that I knew how to describe it better on the paper.

Most of all, my advice to anyone dreaming about writing a book or following a dream is to make sure you enjoy the process and the content you are sharing.


Only one more week until I will be at the Ochiltree County Satellite Arts and Crafts show! The show is a great place to find Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers, and I would love to visit with anyone who stops by my booth!


As a writer, I deal quite a bit with writer's block. Most of the time when I don't know where else to go in my story, I take a break for a few days to let my brain relax, and when I come back to it, the ideas start flowing!

I am already working on a new series, and I am loving how the first book is coming along! I'm sticking to the historical fiction genre, and this first book will be based in 1866, right after the American Civil War. I'll hopefully be done with this book within the next year or so, so be on the lookout!


Hey, y'all! I am back with some exciting news! I will be selling my book at the annual Ochiltree County Satellite Arts and Crafts show here in Perryton, Texas. I will also be giving out these cute bookmarks, too! The show will be the weekend before Thanksgiving, so if you're looking for a Christmas gift for someone, stop by! I will be signing books, as well, and I would love to talk with y'all.


Hey, y'all! My Western Wednesdays are back after a short, much needed break. Since it has been two weeks since my last post, I decided to do something fun today and talk about my all-time favorite actor, John Wayne.

Marion Robert Morrison was born in Winterset, Iowa on May 26, 1907. He became a film icon after starring in 142 motion pictures throughout his career. However, his career didn't start off well. He played his first leading role in 1930 in a movie titled "The Big Trail." This movie was a total flop in the box office, and for the rest of the '30s he played in B movies.

In 1939, The Duke played in director John Ford's "Stagecoach," and from that movie he became a mainstream star. He played several roles from ranchers to lawmen to soldiers, and quickly came known as an American Western icon.

I can remember watching several John Wayne movies as a child, and I still enjoy watching them as an adult. My absolute favorite movie ever created was starring John Wayne as Jacob McCandles in the 1971 film, "Big Jake." If you have watched John Wayne or any other western movie, let me know what your favorite film is in the comments! I'm always down for a good western movie.


This week for Western Wednesday, I wanted to talk about one of the weapons that was used during the Civil War. There were many different guns and blades that were used, but the Gatling gun has always intrigued me the most. The Gatling gun was probably the first machine gun that was invented in 1861 by Dr. Richard Jordan Gatling. The Gatling gun was used solely by the Union as the Confederacy had no access to such a powerful weapon. Dr. Gatling’s motivation for inventing such a large, rapid-fire weapon was to give armies a gun that could replace a hundred soldiers (On average, a well-trained Civil War soldier could load and fire four rounds per minute). During the War, many soldiers were dying of disease more so than gunshot wounds, so having a weapon that could fire literally 200 rounds per minute was very beneficiary.

The Gatling gun was operated by a hand crank with usually six barrels placed in a cyclical manner. The design of this gun was that one barrel would fire a cartridge and have time to cool down while the remaining five barrels rotated clockwise as the operator used the crank. Cartridges were dropped individually into a groove in the carrier, and a lock loaded the cartridge into the next barrel. After the bullet was fired, the lock would move and pull the empty shell out of the compartment and onto the ground. The Gatling gun was produced into several different sized calibers, but a .58 caliber was the most common caliber used in the Civil War.

Although this gun was not used very much during the Civil War, I still find it fascinating how someone was able to invent a “machine gun” using the technology that they had in the 1860’s. I hope y’all enjoyed this week’s Civil War tidbit and will be on the lookout for next week’s Western Wednesday!


This week for Western Wednesday, I will be talking about the Union General, Ulysses S. Grant. Grant was born on April 27th, 1822. His family had a reputation in the military, as his great-grandfather fought in the French and Indian War, and his grandfather fought in the American Revolution. When he was five years old, Grant began his education in a private rural school, and he also developed an unusual ability to ride and manage horses, which would benefit him in his future military ventures.

In 1839, 17-year-old Grant attended West Point, despite his misgivings about his academic skills. Grant spent more time reading recreational books from the library than his scholastic texts, but he still graduated from West Point in 1843 as 21st in his class. On August 22, 1848, Grant married his wife, Julia, and they had 4 children together. As I mentioned last week, Grant did fight in the Mexican American War, but he retired from the military and became a civilian in 1854. Grant tried his hand at farming with Julia’s slave, but the farm was unsuccessful, and the family experienced 7 years of poverty. In 1856, Grant acquired a slave from his father-in-law named William Jones. From my research, I found that Grant was not considered an abolitionist (meaning he was against slavery), but he wasn’t considered a “slavery man,” either. Either way, in 1859, he freed William by a manumission deed, worth roughly $1,000, when Grant needed the money.

Grant fought in the Civil War starting in 1861, and after four years of fighting, he saw victory over the Confederacy. When he met with General Lee on April 9, 1865, Grant stated that the Confederate soldiers would be allowed to return home with their horses, and the U. S. authority wouldn’t disturb them if they followed their parole guidelines. A week after Lee’s surrender, President Lincoln was assassinated, and there was some speculation that Lincoln’s murderer, John Wilkes Booth, had planned to kill Grant as well. The succeeding president, Andrew Johnson, promoted Grant to General of the Army in 1866, but soon after that, Grant broke his ties with President Johnson over the Reconstruction policies. Grant fully supported the Reconstruction Acts to protect the freed African Americans post-war, but President Johnson tried to veto these policies. Grant was elected as the 18th president in 1868, and he continued his work to protect the new freedmen. He supported the ratification of the 15th Amendment, stabilized the Reconstruction in the South, and defeated the Ku Klux Klan.

I hope you enjoyed another rather long excerpt for this week’s history tidbit. I’ll continue the subject of the Civil War in the following weeks to come, as there is still quite a bit to research and tell!


Come see me tonight from 5-8! My booth is near the corner of 4th Street and Main in Perryton (right in front of State Farm)!!

Videos (show all)

Yes, my husband and I will be welcoming our first bundle of joy later this summer! I'm very excited to be able to publis...
I've been quiet on social media for a reason. I'm releasing my second book in June 2022!It's called "A Spring of Daisies...
When I first decided I would be an independently published author, I had no idea how much work it would be to complete t...
As a writer, I deal quite a bit with writer's block. Most of the time when I don't know where else to go in my story, I ...
If y'all have been following my account, you would have seen the video I posted a few days ago of me reading an excerpt ...