Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the Journey

Health and wellness tips and tricks, encouragement and inspiration on your own journey to health and


Have you ever thought about your own hormones and how they interact with each other and behave? This stuff is fascinating! :)



So many struggle with it, yet there is HOPE! 🙌🏼
Lacee wishes she hadn't waited 2 years to try these supplements but how wonderful she finally reached out and has experienced such relief!

She says:
“I have been on anxiety medications on and off since 2003. Before then, I didn’t take anyone seriously when I heard that ”so & so” was dealing with depression/ anxiety. It seemed to be very prevalent in my family and relatives. But when that train hit me hard, I felt like I should just be able to “cowgirl up” and "fix" it.

But I couldn't 😢

Those out of body panic attacks. Feeling anxious like something was going to happen but had no logical reason to feel it, but that didn't make it stop. Knowing that I was upset but just couldn't shake it. If you deal with these emotions you know that list can go on............

But there is a reason. "Our gut is home to over 100 trillion bacteria. And these bacteria, leveraging the neural network of the gut, quite literally, have a mind of their own. That’s why you’ll frequently hear the gut referred to as your “second brain.”
In addition to regulating your metabolism, digestion, learning and memory, these bacteria regulate your mood, social behavior, levels of happiness and anxiety. Essentially, all the important functions of the body!
So how do these little buggers do that? By producing hundreds of chemical neurotransmitters, including one you may have heard of before – serotonin.

70-80% of our serotonin is found in our intestines. So when we are over run with bad bacteria, those chemical connections aren't happening and it effects us mentally and physically. Getting my gut healthy has been amazing. No more laying in bed with worry anymore late into the night. I haven't had an anxiety attack, or day-long moods that I can just "get out of."

If you are dealing with these feelings, you have so much life to gain from these products!
Here’s the kicker—- if you’re going thru this yuck right now, it will hold you back from getting help! Am I right or am I right??
I have been there—- tell that anxiety to shut up, take a seat, and reach out. Don’t wait 2 years like I did! 🤦🏼‍♀️”

If this sounds familiar, message us here at Enjoy the Journey to find out if these supplements could be of help to you too!

Photos from Enjoy the Journey's post 29/05/2020

How does balanced blood sugar relate to hormones?

The five hormones: 1️⃣ insulin 2️⃣ estrogen 3️⃣ progesterone 4️⃣ cortisol, and 5️⃣ thyroid hormones

All are interrelated and most of the time an imbalance in one tells you you need to look into the whole picture.

✴️ Insulin ✴️

Why did I start with insulin, and not with estrogen, progesterone or thyroid? Because if you balance your insulin levels, you actually make a huge positive shift in ALL of your hormones, which makes everything else much easier.

If you think your blood sugar levels are out of balance, or you have health concerns like PCOS, infertility, abdominal weight gain, missed periods or other hormone-related issues, I encourage you to take the next step in balancing your hormones by balancing your blood sugar. Our products specifically target blood sugar so talk to us today to find out more!


There is a lot of talk about immunity right now.

No one is immune to this virus. COVID-19 can affect anyone. The severity of symptoms and duration are what we can really look at in terms of immunity. Who gets really sick and who barely suffers.

The number one way to stop the vicious spread of this virus is to STAY HOME. Unless you’re an essential service or are grabbing necessary supplies for home, STAY HOME. And when you are out, practice social distancing. Oh, and wash your hands.

Beyond that, there is fear of getting sick ourselves, even in isolation. The fact is, many of us will probably get sick. But the hopeful outcome is that our symptoms aren’t severe and we recover easily. The best practice here is to look after ourselves physically and mentally. But what does that mean?

Here are some tips:

1️⃣ Eat whole, fresh food as much as possible. This is challenging in isolation mode but not impossible. Frozen vegetables are a great option. And using this time to learn how to be a better cook will help quell some boredom.

2️⃣ Move your body. There are countless options for free online workouts. Get outside (if allowed in your area) but stay 2 meters away from anyone outside your family group. Elevating your heart rate is not only good for your cardiovascular health, it Is also SO good at clearing your mind.

3️⃣ Avoid sugar. Quarantine snacks have become the norm for many of us but sugar wreaks havoc on the system and creates a candida overgrowth and a gut microbiome imbalance. Which brings me to the Mac Daddy of immunity boosters....

4️⃣ Supplement. If there was EVER a time to begin supplementing with gut health supplements, it is now. In China, this virus is being treated with 2 strains of probiotics that are found in my favourite probiotic supplement.💥(Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium)💥

Many subjects had a lack of these essential microbes in their guts.

Not only does a healthy gut help keep you physically healthier during these crazy times, the gut/brain connection is so strong. A healthy gut flora, helps keep your mental health stronger. Everyone needs mental Health support as we navigate this course.

Our supplement company has been deemed an essential service as they are literally bringing health and improved immunity to people during this time and the products arrive at you door. No need to go out to source them. We can help you have these on your doorstep within days.

Practice all of these and you have a much better chance of not falling as ill as others. Practice all of these in self isolation and you will also help curb the spread of this virus. Helping thousands upon thousands of higher risk people from ending up in a life or death situation.

Stay safe my friends. Stay healthy. 💕

Evidence mounts that gut bacteria can influence mood, prevent depression 29/05/2020

Anxiety and depression rob us of our best efforts and steal joy from us on every level. It is often accompanied by brain fog, fatigue, general feelings of 'something being off', 'feeling tired, overwhelmed and unwell' and in some cases, includes headaches and joint pain.

If you suffer with depression, you are well aware of its effects.

New research is pointing to the gut-microbiome as playing a tremendous role in depression.

One of the ways to help with anxiety and depression is to improve your gut health!


Evidence mounts that gut bacteria can influence mood, prevent depression Researchers find certain bacteria may make compounds that affect mental well-being



We often take for granted the many facets which make up our bodies and how these simple elements and chemical reactions compose our very being. One small component of our body’s composition is magnesium.

Magnesium, along with calcium, potassium, chloride, and sodium are all electrolytes, needed for our brain, nerves, heart, eyes, immune system, and muscles to function.

We function best when magnesium in our body is at its optimal level. When we are lacking in this mineral our perfect symphony is out of tune, and this disharmony leads us down a path to health problems.

One of the most overlooked nutrient deficiencies that I find that many functional medicine practitioners all about is magnesium deficiency.

As the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, magnesium is crucial to accomplishing at least 300 important biochemical reactions. If you are magnesium deficient (like 50 to 90 percent of us are), you are most likely experiencing some symptoms.

Why are so many lacking in magnesium? The main reasons include:
* Stress
* Poor nutrition
* Medications that deplete magnesium (such as antibiotics and diuretics
* Chronic gut problems (e.g., leaky gut syndrome), which compromise magnesium absorption

The above reasons are common and are major contributors to the population being so deficient as a whole, but they do not always lead to a deficiency in magnesium. The following list contains common health issues that are tied to magnesium deficiency. Look for these signs that you could be not getting enough magnesium.


Hi! I'd like to introduce myself! My name is Nadine! I'm a work at home mother, and a wife to a wonderful man!
More and more I'm realizing, life is a journey, not a destination! On this page, I'd like to share some of the health and happiness tips I've learned as well as new ones I'm learning about!
I'll also be sharing some encouragement and inspirational things along the way, too!
Come, and enjoy the journey with me! ☺️
