Peter Welch Revealed

Peter Welch Revealed

Informing Vermont Voters about U.S. Senate Candidate Peter Welch.


This ship probably will never arrive in port but one can hope.


Vote this women out!!!
"Since 2013, state representative Clarkson has voted to raise fees and taxes on Vermonters by the astronomical amount of $303.5 million. Vermonters are struggling mightily under this heavy burden. Ms. Clarkson’s voting record can be found by following this web link.
The voters should know that In February 2015, Ms. Clarkson was shameless in calling for a pay increase for herself of $17 per hour for services done for constituents when the legislature is not in session. Sacrifice used to be a prerequisite for public service. Apparently this is not a concern for Ms.Clarkson. It should also be known that Ms. Clarkson is one of the most vocal opponents of school choice in Vermont Meanwhile, she chooses to send her own kids to the elite private Groton prep school in Massachusetts.
Ms. Clarkson’s “progressive” imagination appears to have no moral boundaries. In February of 2015 she also co-sponsored House Bill 57. This bill gives the state the right to steal your body. Under this bill, “the state will start harvesting your body parts for its use. Although presumed to be altruistic, it is “moneytruistic.” This law is so bad on so many levels there is not time or space to decry how really bad it is.”

Roper: Vermont's public schools are a hot mess - Vermont Daily Chronicle 29/09/2024

Roper: Vermont's public schools are a hot mess - Vermont Daily Chronicle It's official: the public school system is broken – costs are rising, scores are falling, violence is on the rise, and “teachers are literally scared and administrators are at a loss.”


Vermont has a rapidly declining number of school age children and a hyper accelerated tax burden placed on it's working class families by the Democrat super majority. We also have almost zero affordable housing for fathers and mothers who would like to raise their children here. What are you plans to address these very challenging issues facing our state?

Gov. Scott Sounds Alarm Over (Un)Affordable Heat Act 15/09/2024 A message from Governor Phil Scott.

Gov. Scott Sounds Alarm Over (Un)Affordable Heat Act Worries about the damage Democrats will do in January if re-elected this November

Montpelier, thieves and scoundrels. Vermont priorities? - Vermont Daily Chronicle 15/09/2024

Montpelier, thieves and scoundrels. Vermont priorities? - Vermont Daily Chronicle Vermont has had a housing issue my entire real estate career. We have been unaffordable for 40 years! Vermont citizens are always last.

JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version) 02/09/2024

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Latest Estimated Cost of Clean Heat Standard (Act 18): $17 billion
Could require a $3.20/gallon tax on home heating fuel to fund.

In the first year of the current legislative biennium, 2023, the Democrat/Progressive supermajorities passed Act 18 (S.5), a law establishing a Clean Heat Standard and “carbon credit” market for fossil-based home heating fuels, overriding the veto of Governor Scott.

The way this program works is that users of heating oil, propane, kerosene, and natural gas must pay for “carbon credits” (in practice an excise tax) for using those products, the proceeds of which will be spent to subsidize greenhouse gas reduction measures such as home weatherization, the installation of cold climate heat pumps, etc.

During the writing and passage of Act 18 its proponents in the legislature and the activist community were adamant that no cost analysis or economic impact study of the program be done until after the bill became law, although an informal “guestimate” by Agency of Natural Resources secretary Julie Moore pegged the impact of the cost to a gallon of home heating fuel to be in the neighborhood of 70¢ per gallon. Moore was vilified for speaking up.

Now the first official, in depth study of the Clean Heat Standard’s cost has been presented and the total bill is estimated to be $17.3 billion between 2026 and 2050. However, the upfront spending in the first five years will require the most revenue. Although this is the first draft of a study that will be updated for finalized publication this fall, the implications at this point are that the program will require not a 70¢ per gallon carbon excise tax, but rather a $3.20 per gallon tax.

This, of course, is totally unaffordable. Any policy that would place this much stress on the state’s economy and household budgets is not good government. But beyond the sheer unaffordability of the program, and regardless of what the final number turns out to be, the fact that lawmakers passed the Clean Heat Standard into law without FIRST doing the cost analysis is something beyond bad government. It is willful negligence; an abject refusal by lawmakers to do their due diligence on behalf of their constituents.

Those who voted for the Clean Heat Standard/Home Heating Carbon tax are:

Andrews, Democrat of Westford
Anthony, Democrat of Barre City
Arrison, Democrat of Weathersfield
Arsenault, Democrat of Williston
Austin, Democrat of Colchester
Bartholomew, Democrat of Hartland
Berbeco, Democrat of Winooski
Birong, Democrat of Vergennes
Black, Democrat of Essex
Bluemle, Democrat of Burlington
Bongartz, Democrat of Manchester
Bos-Lun, Democrat of Westminster
Boyden, Democrat of Cambridge
Brady, Democrat of Williston
Brown, Democrat of Richmond
Brumsted, Democrat of Shelburne
Burke, Democrat of Brattleboro
Burrows, Democrat of West Windsor
Buss, Democrat of Woodstock
Campbell, Democrat of St. Johnsbury
Carpenter, Democrat of Hyde Park
Carroll, Democrat of Bennington
Casey, Democrat of Montpelier
Chapin, Democrat of East Montpelier
Chase , Democrat of Colchester
Chase, Democrat of Chester
Chesnut-Tangerman, Democrat of Middletown Springs
Christie, Democrat of Hartford
Cina, Democrat/Progressive of Burlington
Coffey, Democrat of Guilford
Cole, Democrat of Hartford
Conlon, Democrat of Cornwall
Corcoran, Democrat of Bennington
Cordes, Democrat of Lincoln
Demrow, Democrat of Corinth
Dodge, Democrat of Essex
Dolan, Democrat of Essex Junction
Dolan, Democrat of Waitsfield
Durfee, Democrat of Shaftsbury
Elder, Democrat of Starksboro
Emmons, Democrat of Springfield
Farlice-Rubio, Democrat of Barnet
Garofano, Democrat of Essex
Goldman, Democrat of Rockingham
Graning, Democrat of Jericho
Headrick, Democrat of Burlington
Holcombe, Democrat of Norwich
Hooper, Democrat of Burlington
Hooper, Democrat of Randolph
Houghton, Democrat of Essex Junction
Howard, Democrat of Rutland City
Hyman, Democrat of South Burlington
James, Democrat of Manchester
Jerome, Democrat of Brandon
Kornheiser, Democrat of Brattleboro
Krasnow, Democrat of South Burlington
Krowinski, Democrat of Burlington
Lalley, Democrat of Shelburne
LaLonde, Democrat of South Burlington
LaMont, Democrat of Morristown
Lanpher, Democrat of Vergennes
Leavitt, Democrat of Grand Isle
Logan, Democrat of Burlington
Long, Democrat of Newfane
Masland, Democrat of Thetford
McCann, Democrat of Montpelier
McCarthy, Democrat of St. Albans City
McGill, Democrat of Bridport
Mihaly, Democrat of Calais
Minier, Democrat of South Burlington
Morris, Democrat of Springfield
Mrowicki, Democrat of Putney
Mulvaney-Stanak, Democrat/Progressive of Burlington
Nicoll, Democrat of Ludlow
Notte, Democrat of Rutland City
Noyes, Democrat of Wolcott
Nugent, Democrat of South Burlington
Ode, Democrat of Burlington
Pajala, Independent of Londonderry
Patt, Democrat of Worcester
Pearl, Democrat of Danville
Pouech, Democrat of Hinesburg
Priestley, Democrat of Bradford
Rachelson, Democrat of Burlington
Rice, Democrat of Dorset
Roberts, Democrat of Halifax
Satcowitz, Democrat of Randolph
Scheu, Democrat of Middlebury
Sheldon, Democrat of Middlebury
Sibilia, Independent of Dover
Sims, Democrat of Craftsbury
Small, Democrat/Progressive of Winooski
Squirrell, Democrat of Underhill
Stebbins, Democrat of Burlington
Stevens, Democrat of Waterbury
Stone, Democrat of Burlington
Surprenant, Democrat of Barnard
Taylor, Democrat of Colchester
Templeman, Democrat of Brownington
Toleno, Democrat of Brattleboro
Torre, Democrat of Moretown
Troiano, Democrat of Stannard
Waters, Democrat Evans of Charlotte
White, Democrat of Bethel
Whitman, Democrat of Bennington
Williams, Democrat of Barre City
Wood, Democrat of Waterbury

Baruth, Democrat/Progressive of Chittenden Central
Bray, Democrat of Addison
Campion, Democrat of Bennington
Chittenden, Democrat of Chittenden Southeast
Clarkson, Democrat of Windsor
Cummings, Democrat of Washington
Gulick, Democrat of Chittenden Central
Hardy, Democrat of Addison
Harrison, Democrat of Windham
Hashim, Democrat of Windham
Kitchel, Democrat of Caledonia
Lyons, Democrat of Chittenden Southeast
MacDonald, Democrat of Orange
McCormack, Democrat of Windsor
Perchlik, Democrat/Progressive of Washington
Ram Hinsdale, Democrat of Chittenden Southeast
Sears, Democrat of Bennington
Vyhovsky, Democrat/Progressive of Chittenden Central
Watson, Democrat/Progressive of Washington
White, Democrat of Windsor

Those who opposed the program/carbon tax are:

Andriano, Democrat of Orwell
Bartley, Republican of Fairfax
Beck, Republican of St. Johnsbury
Branagan, Republican of Georgia
Brennan, Republican of Colchester
Burditt, Republican of West Rutland
Canfield, Republican of Fair Haven
Clifford, Republican of Rutland City
Demar, Republican of Enosburgh
Dickinson, Republican of St. Albans Town
Donahue, Republican of Northfield
Galfetti, Republican of Barre Town
Goslant, Republican of Northfield
Graham, Republican of Williamstown
Gregoire, Republican of Fairfield
Hango, Republican of Berkshire
Harrison, Republican of Chittenden
Higley, Republican of Lowell
Labor, Republican of Morgan
LaBounty, Democrat of Lyndon
Laroche, Republican of Franklin
Lipsky, Independent of Stowe
Maguire, Republican of Rutland City
Marcotte, Republican of Coventry
Mattos, Republican of Milton
McCoy, Republican of Poultney
McFaun, Republican of Barre Town
Morgan, Republican of Milton
Morrissey, Republican of Bennington
O'Brien, Democrat of Tunbridge
Oliver, Republican of Sheldon
Page, Republican of Newport City
Parsons, Republican of Newbury
Peterson, Republican of Clarendon
Sammis, Libertarian of Castleton
Shaw, Republican of Pittsford
Smith, Republican of Derby
Taylor, Republican of Milton
Toof, Republican of St. Albans Town
Walker, Republican of Swanton
Williams, Republican of Granby
Wilson, Republican of Lyndon

Brock, Republican of Franklin
Collamore, Republican of Rutland
Ingalls, Republican of Essex
Mazza, Democrat of Grand Isle
Norris, Republican of Franklin
Starr, Democrat of Orleans
Weeks, Republican of Rutland
Westman, Republican of Lamoille
Williams, Republican of Rutland
Wrenner, Democrat of Chittenden North

The Clean Heat Standard is one piece of legislation that falls under the umbrella of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2020 that mandates Vermont lower its greenhouse gas emissions levels 80 percent below 1990 levels between now and 2050, with interim mandatory benchmarks in 2025 and 2030.

Suggested Reading

Clean Heat Standard Comes with $17 BILLION Price Tag!
Would require $3.20 per gallon carbon tax on home heating fuel.
- By Rob Roper

Senators Don’t Care What Their Constituents Think about the UnAffordable Heat Act.
So much for representative democracy!
- By Rob Roper


Senators Don’t Care What Their Constituents Think about the UnAffordable Heat Act.
So much for representative democracy!

FEB 28, 2023

We have known for a long time that Vermonters like in theory the idea of reducing our carbon footprint. Judging the bill by its cover, the Global Warming Solutions Act sounds like a great read. But we also know that Vermonters have no interest in paying for the programs that come along with the fancy titles.

Ask a room full of people if they’d like to own a Ferrari, and most of the hands go up. Ask them if they want the monthly payments, insurance, and maintenance costs that come with owning a Ferrari, and all the hands go down. Nobody wants one anymore. The first reaction was childish and emotional, and the second is a reasoned, responsible, practical adult decision. There are other more important priorities for which limited resources need to be utilized.

This is where we are with climate policy in Vermont today. Want to save the planet? Yay! Want to pay an additional $0.70 cents to $4.00 a gallon for home heating fuel to do it? Abso-freakin’-lutely not. My heating bill is high enough already, and have you seen the price of eggs lately?

Citizens and voters are making their objection to S.5, the UnAffordable Heat Act, loudly known before an anticipated vote by the full senate later this week (likely Thursday, March 3). Individual legislators are getting multiple hundreds, in some cases in excess of a thousand, letters, phone calls, and emails from constituents telling them – begging them – to vote “No” on S.5. We cannot afford it.

The typical response, both in public proclamation and in private correspondence from those who are supposed to represent us has been resounding: “We don’t care what you think.”

Senator Ruth Hardy (D-Addison) blasted out a message to her email list stating, “Over the past week since I told my constituents that I supported S.5, the Affordable Heat Act, I have received hundreds of emails, calls, and notes asking me not to vote for S.5. This is largely because fuel dealers also sent messages to their customers intentionally misleading you about how the Affordable Heat Act would work and what it would mean for Vermonters, and they told you to contact me to tell me to vote no on S.5.”

This is insulting and condescending on so many levels.

Hardy, along with many of her colleagues, believes Vermonters are simpletons incapable of understanding what S.5 does. Somebody tells you to send a letter and you just stupidly do it without any critical consideration of why you’re doing so. The opposite is true.

What’s actually happening here is that voters are paying unusually close attention to what’s going on and understand perfectly well that when you force fuel dealers to buy costly “carbon credits” in order to sell their products the cost of those credits will be passed along to customers. The end result will inevitably be higher home heating bills for the majority of Vermonters who heat with oil, propane, natural gas, and kerosene. Whether S.5 means homeowners end up paying $0.70 more per gallon, $4.00 more per gallon, or some other number more per gallon is irrelevant. The unacceptable and undeniable factor int this equation is “more.”

Hardy’s attitude is, I’m not wrong. YOU are wrong. And I’m not going to pay attention to you -- despite that being my job to represent your interests in state government. This is what democracy in Vermont looks like today.

Hardy then goes into a list of highly misleading talking points Democrat Senators have been programed to regurgitate rather than engage in any sort of critical thinking or in-depth policy analysis regarding the bill. (See my previous article, Senator Says “Don’t Slop Lies” About the Clean Heat Standard, for a breakdown of those talking points.)

Similarly, Senator Martine Gulick (D-Chittenden Central) responded to a constituent’s email with, “I feel it is important to address all the points that folks are making against the bill. [This, it must be pointed out, instead of answering the constituent’s actual questions.] This bill simply asks for a plan to transition how we heat our homes and businesses over the next 25 years. For Vermont’s economy and environment to survive, Vermonters need to reduce their dependence on expensive, price-volatile, and polluting fossil fuels.”

More subtle than Hardy, the message is the same: I don’t care what you think, I’m voting for the bill anyway. Gulik then cuts and pastes the same boilerplate Democratic Party talking points into her email in place of any real critical thinking or analysis, totally ignoring the constituent’s specific questions about those talking points.

Senator Andy Perchlik (D/P-Washington) responded to another constituent’s email request for a No vote on S.5 with, “I do agree with Sen. McDonald (sic) - and voting Yes for S. 5 just like he did.” Stick finger down throat, regurgitate talking points.

The constituent then followed up, “You said in your email, ‘There is not a tax imposed, despite what those that oppose it may tell you.’ Can you please explain to me the functional difference between mandating that an ‘obligated’ fuel dealer purchase a ‘clean heat credit’ per ton of CO2 emissions, the cost of which will be passed along to the customer, and imposing an excise tax on that fuel dealer per ton of CO2 emissions, the cost of which will be passed along to the customer?”

As of this writing, Perchlik hasn’t responded to the second email.

In another incident, a constituent of Rep. Kathleen James (D-Manchester) ran into her at a legislative breakfast where she warned him to disregard “misinformation” in opposition to S.5. A pretty clear indication she intends to disregard constituents’ very valid concerns about S.5 when it comes to the House, and will vote for it regardless.

According to these lawmakers, every criticism of the bill is “misinformation.” Everyone who opposes it is “misinformed.” Yet, ask lawmakers who are fully prepared to vote for the Unaffordable Heat Act to explain how the “carbon credit” system in S.5 is supposed to work, who an “obligated party” is according to the bill, if the mandates in the law are technically feasible, or, heaven forbid, how much it will cost to implement the bill, and they can’t answer the questions.

Here's the news, lawmakers. It’s not your constituents who are misinformed by listening to misinformation – it’s you.


Gregory Thayer and John Rogers for LT Governor of Vermont. A comparison on the issues.


Nothing left for them to take but they just won't give her a break.

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