🇪🇺 Your quickest way to logistics world in Europe.


Viens no galvenajiem ieguvumiem, strādājot ar loģistikas uzņēmumu, ir globālā sasniedzamība. Ja jūsu uzņēmums darbojas starptautiskā mērogā, sadarbība ar loģistikas uzņēmumu var palīdzēt jums orientēties starptautiskās piegādēs, veikt saskaņošanas un risināt dažādus jautājumus, piemēram, saistībā ar muitu. 💡


Efektivitāte💡: loģistika nav saistīta tikai ar preču pārvietošanu. Tas ir par procesu optimizēšanu, izmaksu samazināšanu un vispārējās biznesa efektivitātes uzlabošanu. Sazinieties ar mums un strādāsim kopā - [email protected] 📩


📦Globālais tirgus turpina attīstīties, tāpēc loģistikas loma, uzņēmumu un patērētāju savienošanā un ilgtspējīgas ekonomikas izaugsmes veicināšanā, kļūs tikai arvien nozīmīgāka.📦

Sazinies ar mums 📩 [email protected] 📩


Sadarbība ar loģistikas kompāniju var palīdzēt biznesa darbībai un attīstībai. Sazinies ar mums - [email protected] 📩 - un strādāsim kopā!



Mēs meklējam uzticamus pārvadātājus, kuri ir gatavi ar mums sasniegt izcilību. 🚛 Ja Tu esi gatavs un Tev interesē uzzināt vairāk, sazinies ar mums - [email protected] 📲


Šodien, atzīmējot Baltijas ceļa 34. gadadienu, mēs vēlamies atcerēties kopienas spēku un pārliecību, ka kopā mēs varam paveikt vairāk. Saglabāsim šīs sajūtas un atcerēsimies, ka būt vienotiem ir spēks. 🤝


Koncentrējieties uz sava biznesa izaugsmi un attīstību un uzticiet lietas, kas saistītas ar loģistikas procesiem mums - QWQER.PRO
Mēs zinām, cik sarežģīti var būt visu pārvaldīt patstāvīgi, tāpēc mēs esam šeit un būtu vairāk nekā priecīgi jums palīdzēt. Sazinieties ar mums - [email protected] 📲


Darbs ar loģistikas uzņēmumu var sniegt labumu biznesam. Loģistikas izmantošana ārpakalpojumos bieži var būt rentablāka nekā tās pārvaldīšana uzņēmuma iekšienē. Loģistikas uzņēmumi ir izveidojuši tīklus, attiecības ar pārvadātājiem, kas ļauj vienoties par labākiem transporta un noliktavu tarifiem, kas var radīt jūsu uzņēmuma izmaksu ietaupījumu.


Mēs zinām, cik grūti var būt visu pārvaldīt, it īpaši, ja runa ir par loģistiku. Reģistrējies tūlīt un iegūsti visu vienuviet. Esi uz pareizā ceļā, lai paplašinātu savu biznesa tīklu. ✔️ Vairāk info meklē: www.qwqer.pro


Izmēģini bez maksas jau šodien! Vairāk info mūsu mājaslapā: www.qwqer.pro


Mēs - QWQER.PRO - esam veidota kā datu platforma kravu nosūtītājiem un kravu pārvadājumu pakalpojumu veicējiem. Platformā ir iespējams ātri atrast vienam otru un tiešsaistē apspriest nākotnes biznesa projektu galvenos punktus. Tāpat ir iespējams uzreiz izrakstīt rēķinu, un visa darījumu vēsture tiek saglabāta un viegli pieejama jebkurā laikā. Mēs neiekasējam maksu par darījumu slēgšanu. Pievienojies!


QWQER.PRO are offering EU roundtrips. We are looking for carriers who would be interested in roundtrips across the EU. Regardless of the country represented, we cooperate with everyone! For more details contact us ➡ [email protected]


Today we celebrate the incredible backbone of global trade and commerce: the logistics industry! To all logistics professionals - keep up the outstanding work! 🌍👏


Logistics, often referred to as the backbone of global trade, plays a vital role in the world economy. It combines complex processes of planning, implementing, and controlling the flow of goods, services, and information from the point of origin to the point of consumption.


We - QWQER.PRO - are designed as a data platform for shippers and trucking services performers. On the platform it is possible to find each other quickly and discuss the key points of future business projects online. Also it is possible to make an invoice right away and all the transaction history is stored and easily accessible at any time. We are not charging for making deals.


By entrusting logistics operations to a specialized company, manufacturers can focus their resources, expertise, and attention on their core competencies: designing and producing high-quality products. Outsourcing logistics allows manufacturers to allocate their time and energy to research, development, and innovation, ensuring that their products remain competitive and meet evolving customer demands.


Happy Mother’s Day to all the powerful and amazing moms out there. Best wishes from QWQER PRO team. 🌸


Get started TODAY! No contracts required. Try 90 days for free to understand how everything works and how it can help your business.


We know how hard it can be to manage everything, especially if we're talking about logistics. Register now and have everything in one place. Be on the right way to expand your business network.


We - QWQER PRO - are here to help you and your business to grow and to reach new heights. Check our website and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


In the app it is possible to create two types of shipments or advertisements for transport vehicles:
1. Fixed price ad - which means that your price is non-negotiable.
2. Auction type ad - all carriers have the opportunity to offer their own price. The price may drop from the originally planned.


Happy Easter everyone from QWQER PRO team!


For carriers using the QWQER.PRO tool is an easy and quick way to find the next cargo. It significantly reduces the time and effort required for manual interventions, leading to quicker and more efficient deliveries. It allows optimizing delivery routes and scheduling pick-ups and drop-offs. The tool also allows carriers to create their own fleet and make invoices. Find out more un register here: www.qwqer.pro


Trucks are equipped with new smart tachographs so it is possible to record and control the drivers work and rest time much better. For the pauses to be taken the driver is warned with a signal that prompts him to look for the nearest parking spot so that he can take a break from the work.


Finding the right manufacturer is crucial to the success of any product-based business. But have you ever considered how important freight transportation is to the process? Working with the right freight transportation company can be just as important as finding the right manufacturer.


Technology has also improved safety in freight transportation. Different sensors and monitoring devices, like road assistants, help, facilitate and make the truck drivers journey more safe. Check qwqer.pro


Hello Monday! May you start your week with a positive attitude and ready to take on whatever challenges come your way.


How technology is being used to improve the road freight service? The ability to follow the trucks on a real time basis. Stay up to date with everything - the current location and all the movements of the trucks. 📲

Photos from QWQER PRO EU's post 10/03/2023

What are the pros of road freight transport? Find out more ⬇️


Cheers to all the women who are shattering stereotypes and making a difference in the business world. Happy International Women’s Day!


Our platform is made to provide the business between shippers and carriers more simply and convenient. Spend less time finding your partners - check and try our ➖qwqer.pro tool➖


We get asked quite often what maps are used on the https://eu.qwqer.pro platform and if it is adapted for trucks! We are using TomTom and of course routes are adapted for truck needs. 🙌


We are very happy to announce that Uhh Design has joined qwqer.pro freight exchange platform! 🤩 The company is engaged in trade of interior materials, visual advertising, printing, embroidery, engraving, milling, etc. Check out our website how we can help to grow your business too - https://eu.qwqer.pro 😉


We are very proud of our team! 😊 Meet Jānis, he is one of our regional managers who is responsible for our qwqer.pro platform's development and attracting new partners. "I recommend qwqer.pro because it helps save time and is easier to find your perfect partners! We are very client oriented - everything is available to our customers with a click or a call away." 🚀

In his free time he loves to spend time with his family, play guitar and read books about historical events and biographies of eminent persons.


We have great news! In our freight exchange tool has joined ALBO PLUS 😊

It is an international transport & logistics company which has successfully worked in the latvian and international market of cargo transportation for more than 15 years. They render a full range of services on delivery and storage of cargoes, a permanently high level of service and observance of an individual approach to each client. If you are looking for this kind of partner to grow your business, meet them at qwqer.pro! 😉


We are happy to announce that has joined qwqer.pro platform! 🤩 They are one of the leading suppliers of hoof trimming chutes and hoof trimming equipment especially for professional hoof trimmers, veterinarians and large dairy farms worldwide. Check out how your business can grow in the qwqer.pro tool too! 😉


Viesturs is the regional manager of our QWQER PRO team, responsible for attracting carriers and manufacturers to the qwqer.pro freight exchange platform. 🚀 The QWQER PRO platform is a new and innovative tool that can help businesses find much-needed partners easily and quickly. 😉

As Viesturs emphasizes: "Every day we think a lot about how to make the platform as convenient and profitable as possible for our partners, but it is also important that the companies themselves want to introduce some changes/innovative solutions, because if you follow the same method for dozens of years, the business can only stagnate."

QWQER PRO is currently also an introductory offer, in which companies do not have to make a decision yet, but can immediately try, test, and understand their benefits. 👏 And all this for free. In his free time, Viesturs is very passionate about dog training and motor sports, and he loves to spend quality time with his two-year-old daughter. 😊


We are very happy to work with ! 😊 WILDE Logistics founded in 2010 and after 13 years has become a reliable and professional member of the European logistics and transport market.

WILDE Logistics offers a full range of logistics and transport services in Europe, providing a high level of customer service, cargo security and growth of its employees.

They have joined our freight exchange's tool qwqer.pro! 🚀 Check out how you can expand your business through qwqer.pro! 🤩


We are happy to start collaborating with our new carrier partner Horda Logistics Ltd - Freight Transportation! 😊 Join our freight exchange platform qwqer.pro and meet your potential partners today! First 90 days are completely free! 🤩


QWQER PRO is a part of the QWQER company. It's a logistics platform that brings together manufacturers and carriers, thus finding the best partners for the development of their business more conveniently and profitably. Stay tuned for our news coming soon!

QWQER PRO ir kravu un transportlīdzekļu birža, daļa no QWQER uzņēmuma, kas ražotājiem un pārvadātājiem jau tuvākajā laikā dos iespēju tās biržā izvietot savu kravu un transportlīdzekļu piedāvājumus, tādējādi ērtāk un izdevīgāk atrodot sava biznesa attīstībai labākos sadarbības partnerus. Sekojiet līdzi mūsu jaunumiem drīzumā!

Videos (show all)

Efektivitāte💡: loģistika nav saistīta tikai ar preču pārvietošanu. Tas ir par procesu optimizēšanu, izmaksu samazināšanu...
Jā, vairāk nekā puse no sūtījumiem Eiropā tiek pārvadāti ar kravas mašīnām. Kā arī, kopējā Eiropas autopārvadājumu tirgu...
Mēs zinām, cik grūti var būt visu pārvaldīt, it īpaši, ja runa ir par loģistiku. Reģistrējies tūlīt un iegūsti visu vien...
We know how hard it can be to manage everything, especially if we're talking about logistics. Register now and have ever...
In the app it is possible to create two types of shipments or advertisements for transport vehicles:1. Fixed price ad - ...