Chers poems

Chers poems

Poems from the heart�


Wrote another poem today💜 I know I’m not the only person who feels like this. Take comfort from knowing you’re not alone🙏🏻💜

I haven’t been myself lately
It wasn’t clear for many to see
I kept it all inside for so long
The only person suffering was me

I don’t always look after myself
I like to put everyone else first
But one day it became to much
And my mind felt like it might burst

Mental health doesn’t pick and choose
It hits you on the most normal day
You think you’re doing really well
Then you’re mind just sweeps you away

It’s never too late to get the help you need
And it doesn’t happen over night
Mental health is ruthless
It doesn’t wait until the time is “right”
Take your time and be kind to yourself
Be selfish if you have to
The most important thing to remember is
Do what’s best for YOU! 💜


Do they have school in heaven?
I wonder if they do
Seeing everyone’s photos
I can’t help but think of you

Today should be your first day
Meeting all your new friends
Walking through the school gate
When all the fun begins

I wonder what you’d be like
And What shoes and bag you’d wear
It’s a heavy day on the heart
Life just really isn’t fair

I hope they have school in heaven
And you’re waiting in your line
Keeping me in your heart
Just as you’re always in mine💙

Good luck to everyone starting primary school today and sending love to everyone who’s missing someone who should be starting too🙏🏻❤️


Here’s the thing about your mum
She puts you before herself
You have to treasure every moment
She loves you like no one else

My mum is my best friend
She’s never let me down
Always knows how to make me smile
Even when I have the biggest frown

Im grateful for you mum
And everything that you do
Even when you p**s me off
Im grateful that you are you
You’re strong, beautiful and my biggest inspiration
There is nothing you can’t do

Most people would be knocked down
After the past few months you’ve had
But I’ve seen you show nothing but strength
Even when things have gotten quite bad

I cherish every moment with you
And it won’t be long until you’re on the mend
Always my mum
Forever my best friend

I love you mum❤️


Another poem requested by one of my lovely followers.

Let’s talk about being a step mum
Why do we always get made out to be the bad one?
I treat them like my own when they’re here
And ensure they have love and fun

Let’s talk about being a step mum
Always accused of trying too hard
But why wouldn’t I want them to feel at home
They have feelings I can’t discard

I just want them to feel accepted
So they don’t feel pushed aside
Surely the more people that love your kids the better
I know their mum comes first by a landslide

I know she doesn’t always see it
But I love her kids like my own
I will always make them feel welcome
And make my house feel like their home

I will never try to replace their mum
That’s never my intention
Just know that when she isn’t there
They have my full attention

Let’s talk about being a step mum
Sometimes it is so hard
But the more we spread love
The less children will grow up scarred

Written by Cher Meldrum


So as I said before, I wanted to see if I could write poems for others. Here is the first one I did for the amazing Izzy❤️ what a journey she has been on. So honoured to write this.

Cut off from the world
He made me feel so low
When I ever questioned him
He would hit another mental blow

One night it all went wrong
And as usual he blamed me
Months and months of fighting
Before everyone could finally see
That actually I wasn’t the bad one
He made a victim out of me

I tried so hard to move on
But anxiety and depression took hold
I had to constantly explain myself
But everyone believed the stories he told

Building A new life
Is very hard to do
When I thought I was moving on
I had to deal with something new

It started as a headache
Then I was in a hospital bed
Doctors all around me
Trying to figure out what’s going on in my head

I wanted to admit defeat
I couldn’t fight anymore
Staying in bed became easier
How do I pick myself off the floor?

I finally realised I had to make a change
Even if just one at a time
I decided to take my like back
And finally make it mine

I want to show others
You can be who you want to be
Joining the strongwoman community
I finally began to find me

Competitions come and go
And I may not always win
But one thing I am sure of
Is I am now comfortable in my own skin

I am grateful for my journey
It’s made me who I am today
Now I look back and I am proud of myself
That I overcame everything that got in my way


This is about that friend
Who always holds your hand
When you’re having the worst day
Right by your side is where they stand

I appreciate her more than she knows
She makes everything a bit brighter
Always knows how to make me laugh
Even on my hard days she makes them lighter

I believe you should always tell them
Just how much they mean to you
Sometimes it feels a bit cheesy
But a simple I love you will do

Celebrate these friendships
Not everyone is lucky enough to have them
Even having just one good friend
Is like finding a rare gem


Happy Mother’s Day
To all mums out there
The ones with their arms full
And the ones with their arms bare

Today is all about you
However you choose to spend it
You’re an amazing mum
Don’t ever forget that

Being a mum is a blessing
It is not a right
Wether your children are with you
Or out of your sight

So happy Mother’s Day to you all
I send you so much love
From your babies here on earth
And your babies up above

Lots of love, Cher❤️🦋


I wondered if anyone had anything they would like me to write about? I will of course keep writing about my own journey but would love to see if I could write about someone else’s❤️


My heart feels so heavy
And I just don’t know why
I don’t want to talk to anyone
I just want to hide and cry

People say you can talk to me
But do they really mean it?
Sometimes I think they just say that
To pretend they do there bit

Feeling sad for no reason
Can make you feel so lonely can’t it
You can’t put your finger on what it is
Which seems to be the hardest bit

These days can trick your mind
They force you into bed
They don’t let you do anything
Is it all just in your head?

Don’t feel bad for having these days
It’s important for you to feel
Just don’t stay down there too long
And remember your feelings are valid and real


Hi, I’m anxiety
I live inside your head,
I’ll appear when you’re having fun
And also when you’re in bed

I’ll tell you you’re not worth it
And everything you do is wrong
I’ll let you think you’ve beat me
But not for very long

I’ll keep you awake at night
While o fill you with worry
I don’t care how bad you feel
I won’t ever be sorry

I’ll take the smallest situation
And make you think the worst
I’ll make your heart beat out your chest
So hard you feel it may burst

I’ll ruin your relationships
And often ruin your day
Make you think that no one cares
So you lock yourself away

If you’ve made it this far
I’m so sorry you can relate
No one deserves to feel this way
And carry all this weight

Medication may help you cope
That doesn’t make you weak
If it helps you to fight the battle
And make the days less bleak

Be proud of yourself for pushing on
It’s no easy task to do
You’ve got this, even on your hard days
Because your superpower is being you

Written by Cher - a mama struggling with anxiety💙


One day you’re fine
The next you’re falling apart
always saying “I’m okay”
But inside you feel your broken heart

People move on and go back to normal
The don’t feel the way you do
Then ask when you’re quiet
What’s wrong with you?

Well to you it may seem like forever
But to me it feels like yesterday
I would talk about them all the time
But worry of the “that’s all you say”

Grief is such a hard thing to deal with
Comes on at the most random times
You could be walking down the street
All of a sudden you think “why mines”

Take each day as it comes
There’s no manual for grief
The only thing that we know for sure
Is that life is very brief

I miss you so much each day that goes by
And often wonder who you would be
Until I get there wait for me
My beautiful missing piece

Poem by Cher Meldrum - Mummy to an angel boy💙


Waiting for the lines is where the nerves begin
Thinking of the future and the excitement it will bring
Three minutes is over and the lines are so bright
You’re nervous because you don’t know if the time is right

You get the date for your scan
That’s where the real excitement began
Hearing that tiny heartbeat makes everything seem so real
This is the love you knew you would feel

You leave the room and start the plans
Everything you have to do before you hold your baby in your hands
You’ve had your 12 weeks scan so everything will be fine
You don’t know what’s to come a little down the line

The next time you lay on that bed
You’re not prepared for what will be said
“I’m so sorry there is no heartbeat”
Your whole world crumbles down to your feet

You tell yourself they’ve made a mistake
How much hurt can the human heart take?
All you can do is scream and cry
Continuously asking the question why!

Everyday hurts your heart a little more
Knowing you are waiting at heavens door
How lucky am I to know such love
One only some can dream of

I often wonder what our life would be
Would you be learning your ABC’s
Until I get there, wait for me
You will forever be my missing piece

A poem by Cher - A broken hearted mama💔💙


So I’ve decided to make a wee page for my poems❤️ saves me putting them all on my own page. This way if people want to read them they can☺️ I’ll be writing from my own experiences🥺 feel free to share any you like❤️
