Bible Study for Beginners

Bible Study for Beginners

Bible study for beginners has a goal. That goal is to get you connected to God. By joining me in this bible study, those voices will grow silent.

God wants to speak to you, but you have too many voices screaming different things in your head.


23rd Psalm
Discipleship Class
Lesson 7

"I will fear no evil, for you are with me,
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

Up until this point after we have confessed Jesus as our Lord (the Lord is my Shepherd) and surrendered to Him (I shall not want), Jesus has made us sit in peace by the still waters, fed us His word which is the green pastures. And He restored our minds by cleansing us with His word. Then He shows us that to be born again, we had to die - "the valley of the shadow of death". We must understand that to be resurrected with Jesus, we must die with Jesus. How do you die with Jesus? Focus on His word. His word will subdue your flesh and carnal mind.

Our focus is in His Word, and not filthy social media, movies, and sin. When you die, you no longer desire those things. If you do, ask the Lord to deliver you from that demon who is tempting you in your mind - because those are NOT your thoughts.

Jesus is Lord over everything and everyone. His authority cannot be challenged. Demons and evil spirits fear him so much that just the mention of His name torments them. They fear His rod and His staff. They fear His presence and His word. They tremble and run without Jesus even saying anything to them - they are so afraid.

This is why you should fear no evil. But evil fears you. You can't see Jesus next to you, but He is there. And you are in heaven with Jesus just like He is on earth with you.

Now stop being scared and fearful. Don't ever run away from anything, but be bold and declare Jesus is with you. Just saying the name of Jesus is enough to end any tormenting thought.


Surrender Event is SOLD OUT! If you were planning on attending - YOU MUST CONFIRM THAT WITH AN EMAIL TO US!

Only people who responded on the Facebook Event page saying they were GOING have reserved tickets (but if you need more than one tell us)

People who responded MAYBE need to email us asap with your name and the number of seats you require. We will let you know if we have seats for you.


or Go the website and click ticket reservation.


Jim Kauth


23rd Psalm
Discipleship Class
Lesson 6
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..."
Whose death is the Lord talking about? What is the shadow of death? It is your death. Why does Jesus lead you to death? Jesus told everyone that if they wanted to follow Him, they had to take up their cross. That to live for Jesus is to die to yourself. Dying to yourself isn't hard, because it simply means you think about others and desire to serve others and not yourself. If you have repented and confessed your sins, weaknesses and addictions to Jesus, He gives you the power to overcome them. And isn't sin, addictions and weaknesses really selfishness? Addicts are the most selfish people in the world! Dying simply means stop being selfish and start looking for ways to help others. You cannot move on to the next steps as a disciple of Jesus and be selfish. If you are a believer, I don't need to tell you to help others, it is already part of who you are. Jim

05/09/2023 An outreach ministry of Come experience surrender. No surrender no salvation.


23rd Psalm
The discipleship program of Jesus
Lesson 5
"He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."

Jesus first "made" you sit down in green pastures which is interpreted "he has gotten you to sit down and study His word." Then Jesus brought peace into your life and restored your mind so you aren't doing stupid stuff anymore. Now He leads you into doing the right things. If you are going to be a disciple of Jesus, you better do what He impresses upon you to do. This means your life isn't about you but others.

But it's not about you acting righteous or trying to obtain righteousness because you can't. The path of righteousness is simply believing in Jesus. Jesus wants you to know you can never do anything good or righteous. Forget it. Your goodness is His. Your righteousness is His. When Jesus prompts you to help someone, that wasn't your thought, but His. Being rightesous is simply doing what Jesus puts in your mind. When you realize that all your good works are actually His and you didn't do anything - then you are on the right path. After all whose name do you call yourself by? Don't you call yourself a Christian which mean Christ like. You are God's child - so God must train you as a Father.

WIN 20230830 18 14 13 Pro duplicate 1 31/08/2023

Are ready for the return of Jesus? If you aren't ready, listen to this video!

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Discipleship Class
23rd Psalm
Lesson 4
He restores my soul.

Once Jesus gets you into His word you will experience peace for the first time. Your soul is your mind. Before your mind was troubled and you did anything to numb yourself and not think about your problems.

Jesus calms your mind as you focus on His word. You feel whole again and healthy. Now you start making good decisions and start doing good things for yourself and others.

Don’t be sin conscious. You will never stop sinning until the day you die. That is why Jesus washed the disciples feet. When we sin and repent, Jesus washes us up with His mercy. When you walk your feet or shoes get dirty. Just confess and let Jesus clean you up.

You must keep reading the Bible. If you feed your spirit with God’s word, you will not be focused on your flesh and doing things to numb yourself. Like using s*x, alcohol or drugs or even social media.

Being restored is the best part of being Jesus’ disciple. It is peace.


Discipleship Class
23rd Psalm
Lesson 3
Verse: He leads me beside still waters.

After Jesus creates a desire in you for His word, the Bible, He brings a supernatural peace to you. This only happens IF you begin studying His word. While reading, you will experience calm and your mind will slow down. Sheep will not rest next to a rushing loud river - it frightens them.
When you Sit quietly studying the Word, you create a peaceful environment in your home or wherever you are.

This is when you will hear the Lord teach you His word. His doesn’t speak in words or sentences like we do but in thoughts He downloads into you mind. His teachings bubbles up inside your mind and then explode into thought. They come like inspirations or impressions. God doesn’t speak in words - He downloads thoughts. You perceive what God is saying. You don’t hear it with your natural ear. It’s like a whisper which is why you must study in a quiet place so you can perceive His thoughts. It like the movie the Matrix.

No music, tv, or any distractions.

EVERY TIME YOU STUDY THE WORD, GOD SPEAKS! not in your ear, but in your mind. 07/08/2023 Discover the power of surrender in your walk with Jesus. Join the surrender movement at


Discipleship Class
Lesson 2
23rd Psalm
Verse 2. He makes me lie down in green pastures.

What are the green pastures? It is where sheep go to eat. As a disciple of Jesus, he will lead YOU to a place where you need to eat. That place is the Word of God. You can't be His disciple if you are not eating His word. Jesus said His flesh was food for us. His flesh is the Word of God. Begin your own daily study of the Bible. Start in the Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John) As you read, keep a pen and paper near you. It is Jesus who will teach you His word. He will put thoughts in your head not words. Think downloads not sentences. As you read, Jesus speaks to your mind. Whatever comes to your mind, write it down. In time you will hear His voice speaking to you even when you aren't reading the Bible.



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