Federated Church Prayer Room

Federated Church Prayer Room

This page is dedicated to the lifting up of those who need prayer in our community. It is a page for those who can pray and those who need prayer!


Please keep Eric Gunderson and Juanita Benson in your prayers.


Community Vacation Bible School is only about 6 weeks away. Time to start paying for the staff and students.


Let's keep our missionaries in our prayers, Hope Unlimited, Happy Life Mission, Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center, Endless Mountains Mission Center, and New Beginnings GodHab.


Help brighten her day!

šŸ¤« Our girl Cadie is having a real rough go at it right nowā€¦. We put our heads together and came up with a šŸ’” but we need all of your help!!!!! Letā€™s flood Cadie with valentines šŸ’˜ and show her the ā¤ļøā€¦. Please mail all Valentine Cards to:

2542 S**o Road,
Ulster, PA 18850

Thank you for participating šŸ’›šŸŽ—ļø


Please continue to pray for Cadence (cadiebugā¤ļø) She has been diagnosed with leukemia.
We have faith that god can and will do a miracle in this young lady. He has already given her the gift of a personality that can light up any room as I'm sure the dr's are finding out.
Pray for healing, but also pray for strength, for courage and for the Lord to give her and her family his peace as they go through this trial.
We love you cadiebug! Stay strong!


(Update: a bed has opened at CHOP! Keep praying for this little girl!) Please keep little Cadence in your prayers! She had been quite sick and has been in the Hospital. Please pray that a bed in one of the Children's Hospitals will open up right away!


Please be in prayer for this little girl!


Send up a praise to God this morning for this young man! Also continue to pray for Gods continued working in his life!

Very Successful visit with NeuroSurg, appts and MRIs have been moved up to a year, Tumor confirmed - No Growth & Stable!!!! 6 YEARS stable - what a miracle!!!
No Seizures since November!!!
Medical Ma*****na adjusting successfully!!!!
Keppra - lowered to 500 mg in morning & 1000mg at night, he should be fully weaned and off Keppra in June !!!
Thank you to our wonderful Prayer Warriors!!!


Please be in prayer!

As you know, Russia has attacked Ukraine. Letā€™s all be in prayer for the people there. Pray also for our leadership that they make wise and prudent decisions in the next few critical hours.


Praise God! Please keep praying for this family!

I try to keep my business and personal life separate - even though most of my clients become friends and friends become clients.

My beautiful bride (and real estate assistant) has stage 4 triple negative breast cancer. It has metastasized into her bones and for awhile things were looking pretty bleak. I rolled her up and down this ramp for her radiation treatments for two weeks. She could only take a few steps on her own. Today she WALKED to her last check-up and got discharged from that radiation clinic :) the radiation seems to have helped and the PARP Inhibitor (she's also BRCA1 positive) really seems to be helping as well.

"When the enemy says I'm done I lift my praises
When my world comes crashing down I lift my praises high
'Til the darkness turns to dawn I lift my praises
I choose to worship
I choose You now"

God is good.


Please pray for Quill Spencer age 2. At this time he is being admitted to hospital with a transfer to Geisinger soon, by ambulance. They think he has bronchitis like symptoms but his oxygen saturation is so low (85) they put him on oxygen. That is all I know at this time.

The Jacobs Brothers - When I Say Jesus (1979) 14/12/2021

Let's keep Mike's family in our prayers. We will miss him in our concerts at the church.

The Jacobs Brothers - When I Say Jesus (1979) Featuring Mike Jacobs


Please pray for our missionary. This is from him: Mission ministries partners, This is from from Elvis Myanmar, I have urgent prayer for ministry safety, mission workers , Grace Children, School safety as we are being under martial law since February, everything in Myanmar is now unusual, unsafe , so prayer for the ministry safety is much appreciated!


Please pray for this young man! And for his Mom!


Join us tonight in prayer.
Father, we pray tonight for so many hurting. So many families and friends deep in grief and sorrow, not knowing what to do or what to say. Many only able to say why and cry out to you with wordless groans.
Lord we know you hear them, we know you know them. Father pour out your grace upon them, show them mercy and bring them your peace in time. There are no good words we can offer, no quick fix. But, Lord hear our hearts, hear our cries as we lift the families of these latest tragedies to you.
We pray in your Son's name, Amen.


Praise God update!!
Michael is doing well! No seizures since December 26th!!!! Keep the prayers coming !!!
Share !!!

Michael Murray, is a 16 Year Old Young Man who attends Towanda Highschool in Towanda,Pa. He enjoys his phone, socializing with friends and family! Back in 2016 Michael was diagnosed with a Left thalamo mesencephalic grade II
oligodendroglioma with Hydrocephalus, doctors were able to remove 97% of his Tumor the rest is inoperable! Michaels scans have been stable since surgery although weā€™ve had some scares of growth itā€™s remained stable. Back in August 2020 Michael experienced a bad GrandMal Seizure, something heā€™d never had before but they always told me he was high risk so he was always on a low dose of Keppra, they increased his Keppra thinking that would do the trick, October, the next one came during my sleep thank god for his brother who woke me to assist, that one was 3 minutes but took almost
a hr for him to become alert. Thanksgiving was the next one, 2 minutes long and he came right out of that One. Recently heā€™s been having them a lot, followed by fevers and headaches. He had one Christmas Eve and several Christmas Day (and spent our Christmas evening in the hospital) and the day after. He slept most all day yesterday, did very well today but is now experiencing a fever and headaches again. He is going to be admitted in the next week or two for a LTM EEG. I am asking for everyone near and far to please please Pray for my baby boy!!!! He may be 16 but heā€™s my baby still, please share this please get this out to the world PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!!!!!!! I am a wreck, I am a mess, I am trying to hold myself together, I have faith Gods got this! Gods got him! Please please share and get as many prayers as we can for him!!!!!!!!
Thank you all !!!!


Michael Murray, is a 16 Year Old Young Man who attends Towanda Highschool in Towanda,Pa. He enjoys his phone, socializing with friends and family! Back in 2016 Michael was diagnosed with a Left thalamo mesencephalic grade II
oligodendroglioma with Hydrocephalus, doctors were able to remove 97% of his Tumor the rest is inoperable! Michaels scans have been stable since surgery although weā€™ve had some scares of growth itā€™s remained stable. Back in August 2020 Michael experienced a bad GrandMal Seizure, something heā€™d never had before but they always told me he was high risk so he was always on a low dose of Keppra, they increased his Keppra thinking that would do the trick, October, the next one came during my sleep thank god for his brother who woke me to assist, that one was 3 minutes but took almost
a hr for him to become alert. Thanksgiving was the next one, 2 minutes long and he came right out of that One. Recently heā€™s been having them a lot, followed by fevers and headaches. He had one Christmas Eve and several Christmas Day (and spent our Christmas evening in the hospital) and the day after. He slept most all day yesterday, did very well today but is now experiencing a fever and headaches again. He is going to be admitted in the next week or two for a LTM EEG. I am asking for everyone near and far to please please Pray for my baby boy!!!! He may be 16 but heā€™s my baby still, please share this please get this out to the world PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!!!!!!! I am a wreck, I am a mess, I am trying to hold myself together, I have faith Gods got this! Gods got him! Please please share and get as many prayers as we can for him!!!!!!!!
Thank you all !!!!


Pray for Micheal and letā€™s get this young man some cards!!!

Photos from Prayers for Michael, Brain Tumor and Epilepsy Journey's post 26/12/2020

Prayer request!
Lord we pray that you would intercede for Micheal, that you would stop his seizures and that you would provide the Dr and their staff wisdom!


The latest update on Bill, please keep praying!
PRAYER WARRIORS UPDATE: I didnā€™t get an update last evening, and received this this morning:
The nurse said they tried to lower Bill's sedation and after a few hours his respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure went too high so they turned his sedation back up. The doctors will be meeting today to discuss a plan for lowering his sedation. The doctor will then call me about it. Please pray for the doctors to have wisdom and me to have understanding when they call. Thanks Donna
Sounds like the doctors really need to be lifted up and they try to make a plan. Thank you all


Please Keep the Vosburgh Family in your prayers as their Sister Dawn Morgan has gone to be with the Lord.


This snow is serious, stay put, shovel out your furnace vents if you have them and donā€™t over do it shoveling. It will be a wile before things are opened up


Please pray for all the emergency and road crews out tonight, especially those taking part in the rope rescue right now.


Tonight we are asking for prayers for a little boy named Brantly, Rodney and Nancy McConnellā€™s grandson. He has a ruptured appendix and they are currently rushing him to Rochester for surgery. Lord we pray for your hand of healing and protection over this little boy, ā€™for wisdom for the doctors and nurses treating him and peace surpassing understanding for his parents and family


Please Keep our dear friend Lloyd Bailey in your prayers as he has tested positive for Covid.
Lord we pray for your healing touch and your strength upon our good friend and your good servant Lloyd. May he feel the prayers of your people! Amen


The Following is an update on Cliff Scalf, (from Rita) Please keep him in your prayers!

PRAYER WARRIORS NEEDED: Please be praying for Cliff! I took him to the ER Saturday evening as his oxygen level had start to drop. After examining him they decided to admit him, and transferred him to Towanda as the last COVID bed in Troy was spoken for about an hour before we arrived. He has been experiencing typical COVID symptoms, and had spiked a fever last night, it finally broke in the night. However, he texted me a bit ago and it is on its way back up again. He cannot come home until he is fever free for 24 hours. Thank you all in advance.
