Cast Iron Performance

Cast Iron Performance

Providing functional Sports Performance for athletes in the Ozarks!


In business the phrase is people over profit.

In sports performance the phrase is people over performance.

We say it all the time to our athletes, if you perform well but treat the people around you like trash then we missed the mark and your parents are wasting their money.

Performance improves when the internal human work is foundational to the external human work (training).

Train different.




We are holding a Labor Day Giveaway at one of our favorite supplement spots Hometown Supplements in Marshfield!

Giveaway starts tomorrow (August 15th) at 2PM and we’ll be giving away our absolute favorite JOCKO FUEL Protein and Creatine!

You must stop by Hometown Supplments and fill out one of the giveaway tickets that will be at the checkout counter. That’s it!

Winner will be announced September 2nd!



We are holding a Labor Day Giveaway at one of our favorite supplement spots Hometown Supplements in Marshfield!

Giveaway starts tomorrow (August 15th) at 2PM and we’ll be giving away our absolute favorite JOCKO FUEL Protein and Creatine!

You must stop by Hometown Supplments and fill out one of the giveaway tickets that will be at the checkout counter. That’s it!

Winner will be announced September 2nd!


Today let’s talk about the “Dreaded Knee Dip”

What’s this you ask? Let’s chat.

So, when we watch our volleyball athletes jump we watch to see where their knees go.

Most of the time those knees dip inward.

What’s the issue?

This puts more tension on the knee and usually forces their body to generate power from the quad. That’s a BIIIIIIG no no! This can cause unnecessary knee pain (and sometimes injury) as well as lower the amount of lower that is produced (aka they aren’t jumping as high)

We want those knees to track straight and keep that power generating from the glutes and hamstrings.

We place a special focus on flute and hamstring development for this very reason.

What can you do today? Check back for part 3 tomorrow 💪


In honor of Volleyball tryout week we’re going to kick things off there.

So - what have we seen from a strength and conditioning perspective in our volleyball athletes?

Inefficient landing and weak upper backs.

We see many high school (and especially middle school) volleyball athletes landing strictly on one leg with the toe pointed down. We also see a lot of athletes landing on their heels on one leg.

What’s the issue? Ankle and knee injuries are way up locally (Springfield and surrounding area).

What to do? Loaded landing drills that force the athlete in different planes of motion. Over and over and over again. As some might say - muscle memory is key here!

I’m sure many folks have seen the high amounts of KT tape on shoulders at a volleyball game/tournament.

What’s the issue?

Many volleyball athletes are performing “pushing” movements in the weight room far more than they are “pulling” movements. Pushing is great, but we want ALL of our volleyball guys and gals to be “Scap Jacked”. That upper back should be strong and stable which starts with consistent pulling movements and band work to build that base.

We love volleyball. Let’s keep our athletes strong and stable throughout the entire season.

Lift smart.


Annual reminder that if an athletes success stops at the doorway of the weight room, than the mark was missed.

Maxes are great. They can be useful and they can build team morale.

But, if there’s a big bench, squat, and deadlift but no evidence of progress in the court/field then those numbers really don’t matter. For their sport at least.

The weight room is not a place to build your ego.

It’s a place to build community, resilience, and absolute warrior strength.

Chuck that ego at the door.

Train smart. Train hard. Train together.

Free Performance Sports Physicals 08/08/2024

Free Performance Sports Physicals MSHSAA Preparticipation Physicals with 3D motion capture

2024 Fall Preview: Marshfield Football 07/08/2024

2024 Fall Preview: Marshfield Football Share on Facebook Share on Twitter By Jordan Burton (For Cody Bull has been known for his offense during his time at Marshfield, but the Jays could be one of the better defenses in the newly


Parents - here’s your quick pre season info:

- Be the parent, not the coach
- Let your kids enjoy the sport
- Don’t lecture them after every practice/game
- Be their biggest cheerleader(s)
- Don’t embarrass them with negative behavior

Being a parent is a big job. Being present, supportive, and firm when needed, during the sports season helps your kids develop a strong relationship with:

- Hard work
- Failure (learning)
- Being resilient
- Being a good teammate

All things that flow into life OUTSIDE of sports. There’s a bigger game at play. Let’s remember that.


These 3 are great, if and ONLY if you can move well.

Let’s explain.

Athletes need to have a solid baseline with the following movements BEFORE they get to the fun stuff:


Starting an athlete with a bar in hand that is loaded with heavy weight and keeps them in one plane of motion will greatly limit their progress AND increase their potential for injury WHEN (not if) their body is out in a position that they haven’t trained for.

Doing simple well and often is key.

Move well. Train smart.


Attention all Springfield area athletes! 📢

We invite you all to kick off DEAD WEEK the 1st Annual Iron Athlete Camp! We will be celebrating the impact of Sport through community and competition on August 5th at Allison Sports Town.

What to Expect:
💪This is for ages 14-17
💪A group sports performance training session (Keeping it simple!)
💪Breakout sessions focused on mental resilience
💪Group competitions

Kick off the start to another great year of sports by joining us for Iron Athlete Camp 2024!


Email [email protected]


Not just for sport, but for life.

Strength and conditioning for youth athletes can seem unnecessary to some.

But the training we provide helps athletes to perform better in the their sport AND move better in life.

Being strong and having the ability to run and jump efficiently and powerfully make an athlete more effective on the field and therefore they can contribute to the teams objective (physically speaking).

Being strong and having the ability to run and jump efficiently gives humans more opportunity to serve those around them in different capacities.

Train for sport. Train for life.


What separates one athlete from another?

Skill development is all over the place. Proper technique is fundamental.

So, what separates one athlete from another in regard to game time performance?

The athletes that have strength, power, speed, and conditioning that lasts the entire game AND the entire season, those are the athletes that have separated themselves.

Athletes should not be trained to shine in the first quarter and fall out after halftime.

Train smart. Train hard. Train different!

Lighthouse Christian’s sports complex for homeschool athletes making progress 30/07/2024

Lighthouse Christian’s sports complex for homeschool athletes making progress An update on the multi-million dollar sports complex that Lighthouse Christian wants to build for its homeschool sports programs.


📢 Registration closes at the end of this week!

Join us at Allison Sports Town as we get ready for another solid season of sports in the Ozarks!

Cost: $50/athlete

Registration Link: #/online/allisonsportstown/programs/6/levels?&facility_ids=1&time_of_year=2&skill_level_id=1

Email Coach Garrick Allen: [email protected]


Cast Iron.

Long lasting, stays hot, cooks like a beast. However, failure to properly care for cast iron leads to rust.

Whether for sport or everyday life our bodies need to be seasoned year round. Don’t let your body rust.


Keep it simple.

Athletes don’t need 15 different movements in one training session.

Give’em a few training sessions programmed with a handful of movements that focus on:

👉Quality Movements that transfer to the court/field
👉Conditioning that makes them a nightmare to play against
👉Coaching that promotes learning, mental resilience, and makes them want to run through a wall!

It doesn’t take much, but it does take time for a coach to build a program with deep intentions and for the athletes to buy in and reap the benefits.

Be patient. Keep it simple. Train different.


The mind will always try to stop before the body unless work is done to change that.

Be sure to entrust your kid(s) with coaches that will help develop mental resilience.

The physical development is the easy part. The building the mind takes time

Here are southwest Missouri's high school football linebackers to know in 2024 23/07/2024

Here are southwest Missouri's high school football linebackers to know in 2024 The 2024 high school football season will be here before you know it. Here are the Springfield area's best linebackers entering the season.


More training sessions.

More sets and reps.

More weight.

More practice.

More. More. More.

📢For what‼️

Especially with athletes 18 and under. Give’em two solid days of strength and conditioning per week and they will beat most athletes “Killin it” in the gym 4-5 days per week.

If athletes have more and more added to their bodies with improper recovery and random programming, injury will win every time.

It’s about longevity.

Train smart. Train hard.


📢 August 5th we’ll be rollin!!!📢

Camp times are at 10AM or 11:40AM at Allison Sports Town!

Join us for a little pre-season performance spit shine as you head into the start of the new school year!

Registration link below! #/online/allisonsportstown/programs/6/levels?&facility_ids=1&time_of_year=2&gender=c&skill_level_id=1


This is a trap that many fall into.

It is much easier to lift heavier and faster week after week because it gives the "feeling" of progress.

Heavy and fast have their places but maybe try pairing them separately.

Lift heavy and slow to build motor control and strength.

Lift fast and light/moderately heavy to allow the body to actually move fast.

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Many athletes under the age of 18 need years of moving slow to build a solid base (aka good form and good movement patterns).

Move heavy. Move fast. Move smart.


Having the words to say carries quite a bit more weight when there is action that follows.

We demand much of our athletes, and we must, FIRST, demand much of ourselves as coaches.

Great perspective from Coach Zingler.


We will be having a memorial basketball game at The Basketball Movement on August 17th. Current and former Yanders Law and Wear Are United players and gym rats of TBM welcome. More details to come, but get it on your calendars!


Allow me to reintroduce myself.

Garrick Allen (aka Coach G)

BS Exercise Science, CF-L1

Clean and Jerk

Remember the Titans

I've been married for almost 10 years now, have 2 crazy awesome kiddos, love a good ole cup of black coffee a couple of times per day, and have a burning desire to see our youth be developed into resilient warriors that impact the world around them.


📢 Strength and Conditioning vs Skills Training‼️

This should never be an either/or, but should always be a both/and.

However, having the following performance markers prior to starting consistent skills training will make a major difference;

👍 Solid ability squat, bend, push, pull, and rotate with no weight
👍 Solid baseline of strength
👍 Solid ability to accelerate AND decelerate (aka start and stop)
👍 Solid ability to recover

A little goes a long way. Train smart. Train hard.


Attention all Springfield area athletes!

We invite you all to 1st Annual Iron Athlete Camp!

We will be celebrating the impact of Sport through community and competition on August 5th at Allison Sports Town!

What to Expect:
- This is for ages 14-17

- A group sports performance training session (aka workout)

- Breakout sessions focused on mental resilience
Group competitions of course!

Kick off the start to another great year of sports by joining us for Iron Athlete Camp 2024!

Register at the link below! #/online/allisonsportstown/activity-finder/programs/6/levels/961?days_of_week=m&facility_ids=1&sport_ids=37&time_of_year=2&skill_level_id=1


What we do for our athletes should go beyond the walls of the game/training facility.

We can’t expect them to act like young adults if they are not provided the tools to do so.

If we can help athletes to:

- Consistently show up
- Give high effort
- Be about the team
- Push through adversity

Then the work has been done. Being good at a sport is great, but it doesn’t make you a good human.

Set a standard and expect nothing less!


Well folks a change is coming!

Due to where things are currently we will be dialing back all training sessions and o my offering 1 session per week on Saturday mornings at RogFit Gym.

These will be our Saturday Breakfast Club sessions and are open to athletes between the ages of 10-18yo.

We hope to get back more sessions in the future but for now we’ll be throwing down on Saturdays!

Sign-up below!

Videos (show all)

Max effort is easily given when the work is enjoyable and the energy in the room is high. Everybody loves a good max out...
You get out what you put in. Improving performance doesn’t come from wishful thinking. Work has to be done. And not just...
Off-season work for one of our incoming freshman football athletes.Building explosiveness with simplicity.Move smart. Mo...
Off-season work for one of our incoming freshman football athletes.Building explosiveness with simplicity.Move smart. Mo...
Tough loss for the Logan-Rogersville High School Soccer ladies, but that second half was a dog fight!Shoutout to our gir...
Beckett comes in for speed work and gets it done!Over the past few weeks he’s dropped his 10 yard start time significant...
One of our Logan-Rogersville High School Soccer athletes getting ready for the sectional game this Saturday!#LeaveNoDoub...
We are in the business of working with humans that happen to be athletes. That is, and will always be our appoach!#beatt...
These two always show up ready to work!Teaching young athletes to have quick ground contact is a major factor for us.The...
Great 8-0 district win for the Logan-Rogersville High School Soccer girls! Love getting to see our athletes during game ...
Calling all DB’a and WR’s!It’s time to start focusing on footwork.Footwork and proper body positioning and movement make...
It’s testing week and our athletes are setting a solid starting point.We use max outs as mile markers and to help progra...
