Hopicus Brewery

Hopicus Brewery

Two Friends Making beer


Our friends over at hooked us up with some sweet coasters!!!


Brewery is sitting, silent, waiting for the next brew day…what did we do this weekend….one beer comp drop off and some experiments with terpenes….expect some@fun stuff in the next week or two


So we had a chance to participate in a beer comp hosted by and after all the judges got done we got Second place (aka honorable mention). Super proud that our Steam Engine IPA placed well! Thanks to our brewers Adam Lowery and for the late night work put in boiling@the wort down to to hit our OG goal! Great job all around!!!


Took both 2nd and 3rd in the comp! A little sad our Chocolate Stout didn’t place but I can’t complain about nearly sweeping an entire category! Thanks to all our supporters


Two beers, well technically 1 beer (Pale Ale) and 1 Seltzer done and in the fermenters


Brewery doors are open, sun is out and music is turn up loud. It’s time to start the first beer of the day!


When you don’t pay attention...you lose 5 gallons of beer


Just finished the first brew day with the new Brewtools B40. Love this system so far!