Odin's Story

Odin's Story

I have created this page to tell you the story of Odin, the coolest cat you could ever meet! Frostb


We love this boy so much πŸ’™

Photos from Odin's Story's post 12/03/2022

Odin has come SO FAR! But not in his selfie game. 🀣🀣🀣


Why do pet health issues happen on a Friday night???

So, Odin has a very raw patch of skin on his neck.. I saw it yesterday but it was like a pencil eraser size and tonight it is thumb print size.

It's itching him a lot. I've Googled treatments but it is overwhelming. 😭

Applied polysporin as the vet had recommended this before Odin's healing tail and other pets' healing wounds. Odin promptly licked it all off. 😐

Advice? Recommendations? Should I call a vet this weekend? πŸ€”


I've had a few requests for a post on Odin so here he is!


To those who helped save my life, THANK YOU!

Life is so much better now! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

Photos from Odin's Story's post 19/01/2022

Odin went to the vet today for a bandage change and came home with NO cone and NO bandage!!!

When Patrick brought him home and told me that he didn't have to have the cone and bandaging anymore, I literally cried with happiness and relief for Odin and just reflecting on our journey with our boy. We have been doing bandage changes 2x daily and at any given time day and night.

The vet took one look at Odin and recognized what an unhappy and frustrated boy he is and said, "The tail is healing great. Let's get rid of all this stuff."

Fast forward a few hours, momma gets stressed out again and sends the vet more pics .πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

We got the all-clear once again and instructed to clean the amputation site as needed and apply polysporin 2x daily.

Odin, momma and dad are very happy today!

Love to you all. Thanks for being such wonderful support for Odin. πŸ’—


Odin entered our home and our hearts on January 2, 2022, and we've not had a solid sleep since!

It's so exhausting having a baby that needs you! Lol. Vet said that we have to check him every 2 hours which we've been doing for a week already; since she warned us about the risk of exposed bone. Now the risk is different; him pulling out stitches from his tail.

Odin had his surgery yesterday and came home on the same day and he's not slowed down AT ALL! He's pulled his tail bandage off and now a couple of stitches. Since the surgery, just yesterday, we've already had to call emergency vet twice because of Odin's antics! Oi!

Wishing for sleep and patience! πŸ˜‚β€


Odin seemed different today. His tail was significantly worse overnight. We brought him to the vet right away.

With the vet's advice, Odin will have surgery tomorrow morning for tail amputation and get neutered.

The vet said that it will be easier on him to amputate the tail now because the falling off of it could take 6 weeks and the vet said that he'd be in pain for that duration. She has already administered pain meds today and sent him home with pain meds for 7 days.

Without your help, we wouldn't be able to ease Odin's healing journey. We are incredibly thankful for your beautiful hearts. πŸ’—

Pay Bonnie Bieganski using PayPal.Me 09/01/2022

Odin now has PayPay to make it easier for his family and friends to help with vet bills, supplies and food. PayPal profile link is attached. PayPal.Me/odinsstory

You can also send e-transfers to; [email protected]

Odin & his parents are SO incredibly grateful for the donations, well wishes, healing vibes already received. Odin's recovery has only just begun & we are taking it day-by-day & praying for the absolute best.

Thank you for being here with us.

Pay Bonnie Bieganski using PayPal.Me Go to paypal.me/odinsstory and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.


Y'all are amazing! Only $40 left to the goal!


We love him so much and blessed to join him on his journey. He needs a lot of help from us, and we'd be forever grateful for your help to do so.

Right now, we're having to move him from room to room and if his injuries become worse before better, moving him is not ideal. We had borrowed a kennel but it's broken and does not hold him.
If you have even $5, please consider helping purchase a new kennel for Odin to recover and relax in while still being with his family (he HATES to be alone!).

Thank you so much!

E-transfer to [email protected]


Odin had an emergency vet visit today. Here's what we found out...

Frostbitten ears and tail, mites and worms. Nothing they can see wrong with his leg or paw and no obvious reason for him not walking other than the mites and/or damaged tail that may be causing him to lose balance.

Odin is a lucky guy. πŸ’—


Since last night, Odin has been unable to walk more than 2 steps at a time before falling over. I have a feeling his paw is very frostbitten and sore. He also has severe mites and an injury to his tail. We have him scheduled for an emergency vet appointment at 10AM this morning.

Please help us help Odin. Any little bit helps!

E-transfer to [email protected]


On Sunday January 2, 2022, frostbitten and hungry, this little guy found his way into our heart and home. Although we already have two fur babies, there was no way this little one was staying outside.

His ears are frozen, his tail is bent and he has an injured paw. He needs immediate vet care that I do not have the funds for. We have so quickly fallen in love with this face. Heck! We've given him a name! We hope that you'll fall in love with him, too, and follow/share for more of Odin's story, and if you can, donate to his vet bills.

E-transfer any amount you can! [email protected]

Thank you so much for being here,

Furbaby parents & Odin
