Un_Invited Guests

Un_Invited Guests

We are Un-invited, but the most welcome guests:
A Safe and friendly platform for the expat community

Bizkim - Пусть вас знают все | Производители, поставщики, экспортеры и импортеры Узбекистана 09/10/2023

Dear friends! If you are looking for partners in Uzbekistan, start with such a convenient platform!

Bizkim - Пусть вас знают все | Производители, поставщики, экспортеры и импортеры Узбекистана Портал производителей, поставщиков, экспортеров и импортеров Узбекистана


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, in collaboration with ICE Agency and Confindustria, is organizing the "Italy-Uzbekistan Business Forum". The event will be held in Rome on 6 June 2023 and will include an institutional session followed by presentations focused on opportunities for commercial exchange, industrial partnership and investment between the two countries. At the end of the plenary session, the organization of B2B meetings between Italian and Uzbek companies is foreseen. The initiative aims to further strengthen Italy's economic relations with Uzbekistan, the most populated country in the region and with a constantly growing GDP since 1996. Participation in the event is free, and to express interest, participants must complete an online form prepared by ICE Agenzia by 26 May.

Photos from Ассоциация "Узчармсаноат"'s post 09/05/2023

The association "Uzcharmsanoat" hosted a meeting with the head of an Italian company for foreign trade and contracts. The Italian side intends to boost bilateral cooperation with Uzbekistan in the leather and footwear industries.


The EAAP Secretary General met with representatives from Uzbekistan to assess the country's chances of joining the EAAP network. The Minister and his colleague expressed a strong desire to join EAAP because of the benefits it will bring to the local animal scientist network through active participation in EAAP activities and services.

𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐔𝐳𝐛𝐞𝐤 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 🇺🇿 🌾

During the Green Week Agriculture Fair organized in Berlin two weeks ago, the EAAP Secretary General had meetings with highly representatives from Uzbekistan: the Minister of Agriculture, the Chairman of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of Veterinary and
livestock development. Uzbekistan is a country with 32 million people and with a fast-growing economy, specifically the agriculture sector is supported by local governments for its strategic importance. The objective of the meeting was to evaluate the possibilities for Uzbekistan to join EAAP because the local animal science network, during the Soviet Union period, was already part of the EAAP network. The Minister and his colleague
expressed high interest to join EAAP for the benefit that will bring to the local animal scientists network through effective participation to EAAP activities and services.

Next months a final decision will be taken and, hopefully,
EAAP will be able to welcome a new member!💪

Picture - From left to right: Nabijon Kasimov (Uzbek Ambassador in
Germany), Andrea Rosati (EAAP), Aziz Voitov (Uzbek Minister of
Agriculture), Olga Jastrebkova and Anna Korsak (international
consultants), Davron Vakhabov (Chairman of the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan).


Here comes another most awaited event for this year!

The Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan will meet with Italian entrepreneurs to discuss cooperation and economic growth in various areas of services and industry.

Photos from Un_Invited Guests's post 27/06/2022

Naples, Mediterranean wine & food and travel first edition at Castel dell'Ovo

The event was held inside the Castel dell'Ovo, one of the most evocative locations in the Napolitan panorama, and hosted buyers and operators in the sector from various countries in Europe and abroad, who will have the opportunity to meet the foreign market. The worldwide event offers an excellent opportunity for the promotion of the countries by bringing together the food and wine industries with the tourism sector. It also presents a financial opportunity because of the commercial agreements that will be established.

Photos from Un_Invited Guests's post 23/06/2022

Uzbekistan – Cuisine & Food

Uzbek cuisine is among the most delicious in the world, having absorbed and adapted the best recipes from neighbouring cultures over the centuries to create a flavorful and satisfying cuisine.
In comparison to its Central Asian neighbours, one distinguishing feature of Uzbek cuisine is that it includes not only meat dishes but also vegetables and salads.

Uzbek fruits and vegetables are, in fact, so good that they are exported to other countries.
However, this was not always the case. Until the nineteenth century, the local diet consisted primarily of meat, bread, milk, and cereals. Meat, particularly beef and lamb, is still the staple of the local diet. Horse meat is also popular as a delicacy, whereas poultry is less so. Fish dishes are relatively uncommon in this landlocked country. Seasonings abound in Uzbek cuisine, enhancing the flavour of the dishes and leaving a pleasant aftertaste.
Uzbeks are very hospitable people who will never let guests go hungry: first, because it is difficult to decline a genuine invitation; second, because the Uzbek table is usually brimming with food; and finally, because you are likely to be sent home with leftovers after a filling meal.

Herbs and other salads
If you're in a larger city or a restaurant with a more extensive menu, you'll find a much wider variety of salads to choose from. You'll find everything from Caesar to Greek salad. Many local salads, soups, and meals include a generous amount of additional herbs such as dill, parsley, cilantro, or red basil. Other herbs, such as regular green basil, oregano, and rosemary, are used less frequently in Uzbekistan. It's best to try the salad with herbs first, but if they overpower the flavour, you can always ask the chef to prepare a salad without them.

Uzbek Dairy Products
Uzbek dairy products are widely consumed as a standalone dish as well as as a condiment with soup or a main course. Katyk is a fermented sour milk. Suzma is a yoghurt made by squeezing katyk's excess liquid.
Kurt are salted katyk balls with a diameter of up to 5 centimetres (but often much smaller). They are sun-dried and can be stored for a long time. Katykli is a meat, rice, and vegetable soup made with katyk. Chalop (okroshka in Russian) is a cold soup made of finely chopped vegetables and diluted katyk. Ayran is a cold, sour milk drink diluted with carbonated or plain water. Ayran is frequently salted.

Uzbek Desserts and coffee – Desert I Kofe -Дeсерт и кофе
Uzbek cuisine includes not only meat and bread, but also desserts.

Fruits and melons are available in Uzbekistan almost all year.
Seasonal apricots, sweet and sour cherries, apples, plums, peaches, lemons, figs, grapes, pomegranates, quince, persimmons, and many varieties of melons are available in late spring, summer, and autumn.
Apples, oranges, and dried fruits are available in the winter.
Turshak, or dried melons and apricots, are particularly tasty in Uzbekistan.
Sugar-glazed peanuts are frequently served with tea, but halva is the most well-known Uzbek sweet.
Navat (crystal sugar) nishalda, a white, airy mass made from soap root, and khashtak, a sweet made from nuts and dried fruit, are runners-up.
Pashmak is a flour halva that is woven with hundreds of thin, sweet threads. Bugirsaki (bogirsoki) are holiday-themed sweet pastries. (Unlike Kazakh baursak and Kyrgyz boorsok, Uzbek boorsok is eaten as a sweet rather than a bread.) Parvarda is a melt-in-your-mouth candy. Kozinaki are nuts that have been moulded with honey or sugar syrup. Baklava is a honey-soaked puff pastry, and chak-chak are small pieces of dough fried in oil and soaked in honey. Turkish delight is a corn flour and sugar syrup dessert, and holvaitar (halvaitar) is a flour, sugar, water, and butter dessert. Sumalak is a traditional Navruz sprouted wheat dish (Persian New Year). It should be boiled in a huge cauldron for almost a day while being stirred continuously.
Central Asia is a tea-drinking country. However, brewed coffee and deserts are becoming more common in touristic restaurants. Coffee can be of the instant variety in simple local restaurants or hotels.

Uzbek Spices
Every food bazaar in Uzbekistan is brimming with spices that will entice you with their aroma: hot peppers, cumin, barberry, bay leaves, cinnamon, star anise, herbs, mint, basil, raisins, saffron, turmeric, sesame seeds, cumin, and more...
Spices are used in both soups and main dishes and are sometimes purchased as a souvenir by tourists. For example, cumin (zira) is unique to Uzbekistan and cannot be found elsewhere.
It is not an exaggeration to say that food is a cult in Uzbekistan. With everything it has to offer, Uzbek food is rightfully one of the country's main attractions.

Ovoshi I frukty (Uzbek fruits and vegetables) – вои и рyкт
Dried fruits and nuts – Sukhofrukty I Orekhi – Суxофрукты и орехи

Juicy fruits and vegetables on the table are symbols of the Uzbek people's abundance and prosperity. Dastarkhan - Uzbek table - is incomplete without greens, vegetables, fruits, sunny melons, and juicy bunches of grapes.
Uzbekistan adores dried apricots, raisins, and various nuts. Almost every table will have a plate of different dried fruits and nuts. A huge variety of such products can be found in bazaars and supermarkets, ideal for taking with you as a snack on the road.
Supermarkets in major cities will carry both seasonal and exotic fruits and vegetables. Outside of cities, the supply of local produce, such as apples, apricots, peaches, plums, and pears, is more limited. Watermelons and melons are large and delicious. Carrots, turnips, beets, onions, cabbage, bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes are the most common vegetables. As a result, most dishes outside of cities are limited to these ingredients.
The good news is that Uzbekistan will bring their culture and products here in Italy.

Come and join us at the Mediterraneo Wine & Food and Travel International Exhibition on June 25-27, 2022 at the Castel dell'Ovoin Naples.
The largest global fair event in the Mediterranean region's history.
For more information and reservations, please email us at [email protected].

"Mediterraneo wine, food and travel". 25 -27/2022 Castel dell'Ovo, Napoli per tre giorni cittadella del gusto e del turismo news inserita su spaghettitaliani da Made in Italy 20/06/2022

“Mediterraneo wine, food and travel". 25 -27/2022 Castel dell'Ovo, Napoli per tre giorni cittadella del gusto e del turismo.

"Mediterraneo wine, food and travel". 25 -27/2022 Castel dell'Ovo, Napoli per tre giorni cittadella del gusto e del turismo news inserita su spaghettitaliani da Made in Italy Eventi inseriti su spaghettitaliani.com, portale dedicato alla gastronomia dove oltre ad un ricettario potrete trovare un elenco di ristoranti italiani, riferimenti ai cibi e ai vini, alla storia dell'uomo e alla letteratura, alle manifestazioni che si svolgono in tutta Italia, divise per provincia....


Be a part of the Mediterraneo Wine & Food and Travel International Exhibition this June 25-27, 2022 at the Castel dell’Ovoin Naples. The most important global fair event ever in the Mediterranean area.

Please contact [email protected] for more information and reservations.

Photos from Un_Invited Guests's post 26/05/2022

On May 19, The Velluto Beauty Lab Institute had the pleasure of welcoming many guests to the launch of the new Illustrious line face ritual for flawless skin whitening and Un_invited Guests was honoured to be at the event.

Velluto Beauty Lab is the first location in Italy to provide exclusive treatments using Israeli cosmetic products. Christina offers solutions for all skin types, from the most basic to the most complex, with individualized protocols tailored to your specific needs. Velluto consultants are available to assist you and show you the best treatment option for you.


We are inviting all the foreign and Italian companies in the agrifood and tourism sectors to meet foreign companies and operators in the sectors (buyers, importers, distributors, commercial agents, travel agencies, representatives, wholesalers, restaurateurs, hoteliers) to be a part of the Mediterraneo Wine & Food and Travel International Exhibition this June 25-27, 2022 at the Castel dell’Ovoin Naples.

It is the most important global fair event ever in the Mediterranean area. The event has an exhibition area for Italian companies, which will promote and relaunch the brand MADE IN ITALY.

For more information and bookings, please write to [email protected]


A Business Forum in Milan on Textile and Leather Cooperation
Italy – Uzbekistan
When two cultures meet in business we are always there for them to make sure it will be smooth and has a successful outcome.



The Creative Mind 09/11/2021

Meet Anja Korsak our brilliant, passionate, charming and eccentric avant-garde artist! She loves the extreme, edgy, and, well, honestly, crazy stuff that happen in the world of art.

The Creative Mind Being an expat working mom means going 90 miles per hour every day, while trying to balance that many responsibilities and have fun at the same time. Although many of us have full-time jobs outside the home, that hasn't stopped us from loving our family and friends big time. Let us meet Anja Korsak....


Surviving life as an Expat Wife
Let's face it, relocating overseas may be nerve-racking, especially if you're going to become a trailing spouse. It's especially terrifying for those of us who have abandoned our careers to follow our partners throughout the world. With cultural shock, a lack of a regular schedule, language problems, and a general lack of understanding of what's going on, it's certain to be a difficult transition. Fortunately, you are not in new terrain. Many people have gone through this change and come out on the other side happy. Here are some advice to the new or soon to be, expat wife.

1. Take advantage of and create chances to meet new people.
You will most likely know no one outside of your spouse/children when you initially relocate to your new country. Unfortunately, they will be of little use when it comes to the practical aspects of transitioning to living in a different nation. How are you going to locate the local grocery shop, pharmacy, or purchase x item? Your family will be as clueless as you are. Get out there and meet other expats, is the solution.
Join Facebook groups, send group messages, and attend meetups to let folks know you're here and looking for company. Everyone requires some direction, and who better to lead your befuddled self than a seasoned foreigner who's been around the block and back? You never know who is just around the corner waiting to meet you.

2. Get good at being alone
This is the polar opposite of guideline number one, but it is as crucial for those of us who are used to working full-time. The truth is that you will spend a lot of time alone. It will seem strange at first, and you may even dislike it, but learning to appreciate your own company is actually a very good skill to have.

3. Try new stuff you've been wanting to try
You've got to do something with all that extra free time, right? Why not broaden your horizons by learning new skills? You know all those things you've always wanted to accomplish but haven't had the time to do them? That time has come!
Knit that scarf you've been meaning to create, join a gym and get in shape, write a book, heck, learn a new language; whatever it is you've been wanting to accomplish, you'll never have more time than you have now.
Keeping active and assigning duties to yourself is one of the finest things you can do as an expat wife to maintain your feeling of purpose and contentment. We must actually discover our own footing on this new terrain, independent from that of our spouse.

4. Find a means to pursue your passions.
If you've relocated to a new country and have lost touch with your passions, there's no shame in seeking assistance. Post on your local expat page or group and ask around for information on how to continue doing what you enjoy. There's a good chance that someone there shares your interests and can assist you in regaining your groove back.

5. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
There are many questions. And take in as much information as possible from the responses to those questions. Your fellow expats are the finest individuals to ask these questions to; anyone who has been around for a year or more is the greatest person to obtain advice from. Most locals would be delighted to assist you to understand their original place as long as you are courteous in your inquiries.

6. Make your home your sanctuary
Your house is valuable to you as an expat. Treat it as though it were a valuable gem. Bring your favorite things from home (as in your rural home) and utilize them to decorate your residence. It may take some time for your belongings to make their way through the maze that is customs in any nation, but the wait will be worthwhile.

7. Study the culture and learn the language
Just because you're studying the culture doesn't imply you shouldn't learn the language. Behavior and miming can get things done, but wouldn't it be lovely to be able to, you know, talk to people? For some, this may appear to be a difficult endeavor, but even if you only learn the fundamentals, your life will be so much easier.

8. Keep an open mind
Every country, no matter how similar the countries or cultures appear to be, has its own method of doing things. There is no one perfect way to travel from your house to the grocery shop, for example. There is a quick way, a slow route, and a myriad of different roads you can take, but none of them is the perfect one from your house to the store.
It's not wrong, it's not right; it's simply different.
Most of the time.

9. Accept that the one constant in your life is change.
As an expat, your life will alter far more than it would in your own country. The most significant aspect of this transformation is that people come and go ALL THE TIME. No one who goes away is ever truly gone in this day and age. The sooner you recognize and accept this, the more adjusted you will be.

10. Develop your sense of adventure.
As an expat, you have the unique chance to travel to parts of the globe that you would not have otherwise seen. Wandering the streets is an excellent way to begin discovering your new location. Get on a bus or a bike and exit whenever you find anything fascinating. Make a note of where you are going so you can go back again.
Are you ready to succeed as an expat wife? Share your story in the comments.


Changing home and the decision-making process
For many expats, the decision to move abroad can be challenging. It is not always clear-cut. With each passing day, you'll become more and more familiar with a country and its culture. This familiarity can complicate the decision to leave the country. After living in a certain country for years, it will become your second home. A rhythm will be developed in your life, you will learn your way about and learn to love the people, the culture, and so on.
However, even though you consider the country to be a second home, the decision to move abroad will be difficult. You have your own job and friends who become like your family. Losing such an important part of the equation will make everyday life a little more difficult.
International work assignments are frequently designed to be temporary, so you must be flexible and adapt to changing situations quickly. It can be difficult to make decisions when there are so many variables to consider, most of which are beyond your control. It's one thing to take a calculated risk, but it's quite another to make a decision with your eyes closed.

Heart on Fire 26/10/2021

Even without the peaks and valleys of expat life, being a mother and wife can be challenging. However, moving to a foreign country can make you a better person by strengthening your character.

Meet Lia Zefirova , our legend and icon.

Heart on Fire Even without the peaks and valleys of expat life, being a mother and wife can be challenging. However, moving to a foreign country can make you a better person by strengthening your character. Meet Lia Zefirova Our legend and icon. Expat with a good work-life balance. She has worked in television an...


A great way to start our Monday.
Good Morning!


Today is United Nations Day!

2021 Theme: Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

The COVID-19 pandemic is known for hitting the underprivileged and marginalised groups the hardest. The global ceasefire must continue to be honoured, to ensure people caught in conflict have access to lifesaving vaccinations and treatments. Despite the travel restrictions and economic shutdowns, climate change is not on pause. What we need is a green and sustainable global economy that produces jobs, reduces emissions, and builds resilience to climate impacts. We invite you to join the efforts of the United Nations family as we focus on recovering better for a more equitable and peaceful world.


Happy World Ballet day!
World Ballet Day is a celebration of ballet, but it is also an opportunity for people to watch renowned ballet companies in action in ways they may not have seen before. It also helps to investigate the significance of ballet in dancers' lives, what it takes to achieve the greatest level of the dance, and the strategies and practices that dancers use to stay there.
The event was created in 2014 in cooperation with some of the world's most prestigious dance companies, including the Bolshoi Ballet, Royal Ballet, Australian Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and National Ballet of Canada. Each organization uses the day to highlight its work, performances, and backstage preparations.


We love this quote to start our Monday.
Be your glow!

The Modern Expat Mum 17/10/2021

Even without the ups and downs of expat life, being a wife and a mother may be challenging, but one day you'll wake up feeling powerful, resourceful, resilient, and strong.

The Modern Expat Mum Conventional roles of wife and mother may suddenly become very important in the face of such a massive change, and their value cannot be overstated. From my observations, most expat spouses could have dozens of work titles if they wanted to, considering all the physical and psychological demands the...


Expat life: Social Isolation is normal

Life as an expat can be a challenge. Your comfort zone and sense of security aren't the only things you'll have to leave behind. As you adjust to new cultures and surroundings, you may experience financial, social, cultural, and emotional challenges.
There is a vicious circle to loneliness. Our sense of isolation increases as our loneliness increases. When you're lonely, you're more likely to suffer from depression, lack of motivation, and an increased sense of insecurity. While trying to integrate yourself into society, you may encounter obstacles that discourage you from succeeding at this. The fact that you don't speak the same language is one of the first issues you'll face. On top of that, sometimes things don't turn out as you had hoped for them too. As a result, isolation is an unwanted consequence.

The question is, how do you deal with being alone? Is there a way to get rid of the poisonous melancholia arms that linger in your mind, whispering in your ear that you should give up everything and go back to your safe sanctuary?

Social Care
Prior to seeking help from a therapist, examine your social circle. Stress and busyness in everyday life may have made it difficult to maintain contact with many people for a long time. A coffee date would be ideal. It is a form of communication in which a person reveals information about himself or herself to another person in order to communicate with them. It's the best way to overcome feelings of isolation and solitude.
Participating in social gatherings on different platforms and being part of a community is always a good idea.

Getting a pet
Being around animals is a practical way to experience unconditional love. There are times in life when a pet can brighten your mood and make you feel better. Enjoy the companionship and positive attention you'll receive when strolling with your dog in a city park. Meeting other animal lovers and possibly forming new friendships can be a great experience.

Diet and exercise have a significant impact on the body's ability to produce Serotonin. Exercising regularly increases the release of serotonin, which is responsible for feelings of well-being and relaxation, as well as dopamine, which is responsible for feelings of motivation and reward as well as a sense of pleasure. When you exercise regularly, you can easily eliminate factors such as depression, anxiety, melancholia, and hopelessness that can lead to isolation in the long run.

Social Media
Start a conversation with someone who shares your interests. Check your Whatsapp, Facebook, and Instagram conversations from the past few days. Seek to find a point of agreement and a way to share the passion. Chat with your friends on social media. During your social interactions, you may have experienced some pleasant emotions.

We all know that our bowels are our second brain, according to medical professionals. Our daily lives are shaped by the way they function. Inasmuch as what we eat directly affects our intestines, our dietary choices can easily affect our mood. Our immune and nervous systems can be strengthened by eating foods that contain natural and organic ingredients. What a difference a balanced diet can make in how you feel about life and how positive and balanced you become. You'd better start tackling those nutritious foods.

As a rule, returning to our origins can only benefit us. In addition to barefoot walking on soil, picking fruit from trees, swimming in a lake, and running in the woods, these activities can help relieve stress and negative energy. Parks in urban areas are the most convenient in the summer months. Pack up a sandwich and a book, and head to a nearby park for a picnic lunch.

Mindfulness and meditation
Taking a deep breath and scanning your body, heart, and mind can be the best solution when you're feeling down about everything going on in your life. You may be surprised at how beneficial mindfulness activities like yoga and meditation can be to your mental health. After some time, you may notice that the emotional barriers in your heart and soul are diminishing, making it easier for you to break out of your shell and integrate into society. Your mind and heart should be cleansed before you embark on a new journey.

Interests and Hobbies
In order to get off to a good start and build friendly relationships, you need to have something interesting to talk about.
People who talk passionately about a topic appear more interesting and charming, according to research. We learn something new in such moments. Positive energy from a passionate individual can be easily passed on to others, making everyone feel happier. Become an expert at something you're passionate about and share your knowledge and ideas with others in your community. I'm willing to bet that you'll receive a lot of positive feedback, which will make you feel less alone and more confident.

Sometimes it's just not possible to make it on your own. Despite your efforts, you simply cannot get rid of that heaviness in your chest. Some situations may become unbearable. Your past experiences, traumas, and memories combined with the fact that you're an expat in a completely different country and culture may be the cause of your feelings of isolation. Anyone can help you see the light at the end of a dark tunnel during these times.


Home (less) nation (Where is your home?).
We ask this question to all our friends abroad. Most of them have been pondering for a while. Is it the place where your family lives, or your home country? Or maybe it's a place where you feel accepted? Can you point it out on the map, or is it just a hypothetical destination you are looking for? Expats often feel foreign when they return to their home country and, like a fish to water, start a new life in a new country.


Happy Vegetarian Festival to all our friends from Phuket Thailand!!!
This year 2021 they are celebrating from October 6-14, processions may still happen, but many gatherings will be limited because of COVID-19.
The Phuket Vegetarian Festival (or Nine Emperor Gods Festival) takes place once a year during the ninth lunar month and is considered one of the most auspicious festivals on Phuket island. For this one-of-a-kind event, believers go to every Chinese shrine on the island, followed by an even larger swarm of photographers eager to capture the image of a lifetime. It is famed for its 'extreme' festivities, which involve actions that call the gods, such as firewalking and body piercing.
The Vegetarian Festival is a well-known international event, and while it is held modestly in Bangkok around the same time, it is primarily a Phuket event.


A Matter of Taste

One of the most fascinating aspects of relocating is the opportunity to immerse yourself in a completely new culture, customs, and, most importantly, food! What do you usually do first when you move to a new place? Most of our expat friends explore the grocery store to check out the food situation. And there are two ways here: either you adapt the local products to your favorite dishes, or you adapt yourself to the local cuisine. What do you prefer? Do you like to try out new gastronomical experiences or prefer to remain conservative? Our magical Nana will give you some special cooking tips and kind of "international" mouthwatering recipes.


Lia & Yana. Alvor, Portugal


Tiramisù News. Coffee and small talks.

Dear friends! we invite you to have a coffee and chat! - if you want to share news or just curious facts from your life, wherever you are, knock on and we will gladly accept you in our Tiramisu project. Let's charge the day with the positive vibes! Our beautiful host Lia is waiting for you every monday, wednesday and friday in her virtual cafe. Please DM us if you are interested!

Videos (show all)

The international fair Mediterraneo Wine & Food and Travel represents the most important global fair ever held in the Me...
A Business Forum in Milan on Textile and Leather CooperationItaly – UzbekistanWhen two cultures meet in business we are ...
