Carrie Yost Music

Carrie Yost Music

Just Believe.

Photos from Carrie Yost Music's post 24/12/2023

Merry Christmas from our chaos to yours❤️!

I have never relied so deeply on these people, or loved them more fiercely. The picture of me hanging on Loren, it’s truth. He has carried me and helped me through the most difficult challenges.

Yet, God is good. He teaches us through lessons we don’t want to learn. He heals us even when we we feel it impossible. He succors us in our heartache. This next year I pray I will devote even more of myself his work and relying more fully on him.

“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” -Russel M Nelson

Grateful for the incredible talent of my friend for capturing these.



Manifesting everywhere it feels like.

So many hurting.

It has become my teacher.

Tonight my heart wrote these words for all those who are in the struggle with chronic pain. Emotional pain. Those who are feeling pain from the separation of loved ones.

Sometimes things are just hard.

Christ makes something more from us, even when we don’t handle it all well.

I’m grateful for my Savior…to know he succors us in our infirmities.

Even when our tears fall like rain.


I was sitting in the shadows, after what I felt like was a slight train-wreck.

In November, I did two fireside’s in one week with (who is amazing 😍).

The first one left me feeling incapable. Fearful. I was shaking so badly, barely able to sing the words I believed so deeply.

The second—was a totally different experience, full of peace and I was able to do what I was asked to do.

“Cast not away thy confidence.”

Those words have been in my mind over and over the past few weeks.

God does not give us the spirit of fear.
I’m grateful for friends who pulled me aside and reminded me of that.

Whoever you are, whatever you are fearing… those feelings come from one who would like to silence you.
To kill your confidence.

He does not want us to succeed in spreading Gods word.

So to all who are fearful of sharing his word—but know he moves you to say something…Cast not away your confidence.

We have a lot of work to do as followers of Christ.


How did I find the Bryson Jones for this song?

Some saint on Facebook showed me an arrangement he had done of “The First Noel” with his wife (the incredibly talented ) during Covid. If you haven’t yet heard that… go check it out. It’s in Brysons Link in Bio. It’s the most beautiful arrangement of the song I’ve ever heard.

I knew at that moment I had to reach out.

What I found out—is that he probably the nicest and one of the most humble individuals I’ve ever met.

I’ve found he is incredibly diligent about his work—not only as a vocalist, but also as a lawyer who represents children in tough situations trying to get them the help they need.

Honestly… he and his family deserve every good thing. I feel increasingly blessed that God opened this door.

Thank you to all of you who have shared and continue to listen to “One and All.”

You can continue to help us by adding it to your Christmas playlists on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon music, or sharing the YouTube video. It helps these platforms know to play it next to the kind of music in those playlists.
Sheet music is also available on my website ❤️.

Thank you to all and Merry Christmas!🎄❤️

Photos from Carrie Yost Music's post 23/11/2023

So much gratitude for these souls.
They are my entire world.
My reason for writing.
I want them to know forever… I believed in Jesus Christ.
He is my foundation and my hope.

One and All- Featuring Bryson Jones: Most Beautiful Christmas Song of 2023, new song by Carrie Yost. 20/11/2023

🎄Official Music Video Release🎄
One and All featuring Bryson Jones

One day I hope to be really proud of the journey I’ve taken to Christ.

But most of the time, I feel like I’m constantly falling, injuring myself, or skirting a ledge trying to find a way around it.

Progress feels slow.

I don’t know how long it took the wise men to find the Christ child. I just know they went and gave their very best. We don’t know much about their journey—we know they would trust their hearts, follow a star out of faith.

There was no journey too far or daunting to meet Jesus Christ.

It is the same for us.

There is no journey too far for any of us.

No matter how distant you feel from God.
No matter the sins you have committed.
No matter the situations you currently face.
No matter how lonely and scary the path may look.

The journey is worth it.

He is my reason.
All I strive for, is to emulate HIM.
There is no journey too far back to Christ. 🌟

Merry Christmas🎄❤️.

Bryson and I have pulled so many late nights and long hours, he was jumping on flights, both of us spending savings to make this happen. We have pulled off nothing short of a miracle getting this ready for Christmas🥹.

Please, if you feel you can—share this song, your feelings about it and use the tag in your post to help us reach a broader audience.
Please help us spread this Christmas message far and wide. ❤️🎄❤️

Thank you to an amazing team of professionals for your help in creating this project ❤️. Daniel Blomberg Josh Sales Dave Zimmerman.

One and All- Featuring Bryson Jones: Most Beautiful Christmas Song of 2023, new song by Carrie Yost.

Carrie Yost - Rise As One (Music Video) 06/11/2023

It’s finished. Please. Rise with us.

Stay Tuned at the end for my Interview with Matt Osborne.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.-Helen Keller

Operation Underground Railroad

Carrie Yost - Rise As One (Music Video)


Music Video collaboration and Fundraiser tomorrow❤️.

Stay Tuned at the end for my Interview with Matt Osborne.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.-Helen Keller

Carrie Yost Music on TikTok 23/10/2023

Now on Tik Tok.
Internally fighting and screaming about it tho. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Carrie Yost Music on TikTok 0 Followers, 0 Following, 0 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by Carrie Yost Music


An amazing opportunity for youth! If you know any talented kids in this age category, please forward this on❤️!


If you are within driving distance of Provo… this is an incredible opportunity for youth!

Photos from Carrie Yost Music's post 21/10/2023

Learning from the best. 🙌🏻
Thank you for hosting an incredible conference.


The Starfish Project. 😭

While visiting the headquarters at Operation Underground Railroad a few weeks ago…they told me about the hand made jewelry made by survivors of human trafficking.

Putting this on feels different.

Knowing survivors are able to use this money to create a new life for themselves… I think I’ll be giving jewelry from here from now on.


Wear Hope, Give Hope.

My project dedicated to this fight, will be released on November 1st, by Operation Underground Railroad.

I hope it will move you… to rise with us. ❤️


Attractive picture alert:😜

This was about a year ago.

I was in the ER waiting for a high dose of steroids that would force my body to stop attacking itself for a few days.

You see,

I developed Ulcerative Colitis 3 years ago.

It’s not a flattering disease in the world of diseases. 🫣

My colon was bleeding terribly and I was having to go to the bathroom about 15 times a day.

I was dizzy from lack of food and blood loss.

The steroids worked that night:

and then….

I knew I had to work.

My flares are caused by stress.

Emotional stress, physical stress…

I had to pull back from so many things that I wanted to do. I still have to do this almost on the daily.

Sometimes God sends wake up calls in the form of physical ailment.

I pushed against it for so long.

He promised to make weak things become strong…

But what happens when he makes strong things become weak?

All of this music….

Would never have happened without God giving me weakness.

Now I get to share about Him everywhere.

It’s all been worth it.


Today “Believe” is being shared on the “We Believe” app!

Your study of Come Follow Me will immediately improve utilizing the goodness shared in this app.

Grateful for the amazing team !!! The content shared, consistently helps me strengthen my relationship with Christ.


The media has a great way of distracting us from the greater issues.

If you knew what goes on behind the scenes…

Everything these people are doing,

You would do anything possible to help them.

Cheers to Matt Osborne and the incredible team tirelessly working to fight human trafficking.

Keep up the fight.
We are with you.


What about Light?💡

When the brother of Jared was building barges for a long journey across the sea…

God gave him every resource and ability to do it.

A way to breathe.

All the things necessary for survival...

Except light.

“O Lord, wilt thou suffer that we shall cross this great water in darkness?”

I find it significant, that light—was the one answer he would not give.

God would ask him to find his own source of light.

I think God asks the same of us.

He has given us all we need to survive physically, but we must actively seek…


The brother of Jared offered the Lord stones. 🪨

We must offer our hearts. ❤️

He is capable of illuminating both.

Ether 3:4

O Lord, with thy finger, and prepare them that they may shine forth in darkness; and they shall shine forth unto us in the vessels which we have prepared, that we may have light while we shall cross the sea.
Lord, prepare our hearts that we may shine forth in darkness;
That we shall shine forth as vessels which you have prepared.
That we may have light while we navigate this life.



This photo, resides in the front entry of our home.

Every time I see it, it reminds me of Amber Mansfield.

Two years ago she sent me a beautiful song. A compilation of words about how we, are all a little like Peter. Flailing in the storm, begging Christ to lift us.

That song ignited something within me. Music has always been one of the main ways I feel God testifying to me of His existence.

I knew then, I wanted to testify of Christ through music.

I knew I could write the words, I wasn’t sure about the music. Over two years, because of this righteous desire-God opened every door.

“The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.”

This week, I witnessed so many people testifying of Jesus Christ and His ability lift us out of the depths of despair, our loneliest moments, our greatest heartbreak.

YOU all have become this beautiful blessing upon my head. Nothing greater could come from this, than witnessing this beautiful display of belief in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Thank you for everything❤️.

Christ Lives. He loves us. Just Believe.

Artwork by: Haley Clark- “The Rescuer

Believe. 18/09/2023

Available on every platform❤️.

Stream here!


Believe. 18/09/2023

My first addresses the struggle for Belief.

Why do you believe?

A simple question, yet the answers are so different for us all.

At 24, I experienced a major faith crisis.

I sat down to talk to my 2 year old daughter about God, and then looked her right in the face and told her…I knew he existed.

I was a liar, I didn’t know.

That moment would start an overwhelming, never ending sequence of questions. Was there a God? Did he care about us? Was it all just a grand made up story? Did I only believe, because my parents believed?

A couple years later... something finally made sense.

It was the idea, that God purposely didn’t give us enough evidence on either side, otherwise it wouldn’t be a choice to believe.

Only in this space… could WE choose where our heart would lean.

We can find evidence to believe.

We can find evidence not to believe.

And so…

My soul chose belief.


When I live a life following the principles of Jesus Christ.

Overwhelming peace.

It is enough for me.

someone in the comments who has helped you strengthen your faith in Christ.


Share the video and why you believe.

Lets flood the earth with belief.
FREE sheet music available at:

***The song features the work of an incredible team***

Soloist: Jarica Jamison

Arranged by: Daniel Blomberg

Co-produced by: Blomberg Music Productions and Noisebox Studios.

Videography by: Josh Sales

The featured artwork of Christ was done by the talented Makala Andrus of "Light Your Home."

Believe. Welcome to Carrie Yost’s Official Youtube channel! This will hopefully be one of many times you come here to feel close to God. Belief is the beginning of th...


Tomorrow I release my first single.

“Believe.” will be shared at 9:00 a.m. to both my, “Carrie Yost Music” pages on Instagram and Facebook.
But I need help😣. I tried to message a lot of you, but fb cut me off at like 20 messages yesterday. 🙄

I can’t do this without people who believe in me... and believe in Jesus Christ. Its the only way it will work for the message of belief to spread.

To help it gain traction organically, I’ll be asking my friends to tag someone who helped their belief in Christ grow… and then to share the post and WHY Christ means so much to you. ❤️ I don’t want anything written about me, just about HIM. (If you can tag me in it, I would LOVE to see your feelings and responses!)

Please do not feel like you have to…I know that belief is a sensitive issue, and I have so many loved ones and friends who believe differently ❤️. Please only do this if it is comfortable for you.

If you are willing, I’d like to send any of my friends, a YouTube link to pre-screen the video. I want to give everyone time to think about what it is you want to share about Him.

Message me and I’ll send you the link.

Thank you ❤️.


I didn't know anything.
.....about recording equipment.
.......about chord progressions.

I sent the song in to be judged for a competition.

It failed beautifully.

But this video...these girls... will always hold the warmest feelings for me.

I'm so grateful for their love and willingness to help me try.
They probably don't know... but I'm where I am today because of it. (Andrea Barthlome, Kim Stoddard, Amber Mansfield, Tayler Mae Yost, Anna Bitton, Daralyn Mansfield).

Daniel Blomberg, the owner of Blomberg Music Productions... commented on this video a year ago in a Christian songwriting group. He told me he liked something about it, I can't even remember what it was now.

He gave me hope.

I have now done things that have stretched me beyond what I felt I could ever do.

So, one year later-- I decided redo the song the way I would do it now.

Maybe a year from now, I'll change it again and have it professionally done.

Grateful I didn't stop.

I'm grateful for the many opportunities to, "try again."

If you aren't where you want to be. Keep going. Keep trying.

His love will lift you up, in ways you never thought possible. 💕


September 7th.

Rise as one. With God, we cannot fail. For those enslaved and silenced. Who live this living hell.


Real Role Models


Photos from Carrie Yost Music's post 23/05/2023

It’s happening. 😭

Lots of thrilling things ahead with the talented Daniel Blomberg and Dave Zimmerman of Noisebox Studios guiding production. Not to mention these 3 beautiful little girls bringing it to life.

Cannot wait to share.

Videos (show all)

I didn't know anything. ......about recording equipment. ........about chord progressions.I sent the song in to be judge...