Fighting For A Future: Trapped Behind The Border

Fighting For A Future: Trapped Behind The Border

Fighting For A Future is a message to those trapped in an unhappy life that there is hope to change

Photos from Fighting For A Future: Trapped Behind The Border's post 05/11/2023

It was wonderful to be invited and attend the National Monument to Migration Unveiling Ceremony at Dorling Harbour.
To hear captivating stories, stories of hope and resilience, which many of us who left our birth country to have freedom can relate to.
Hearing the stories of migrants who left their home country with difficulties, risking their lives to seek freedom and aiming to build a new life in a safe country that could be called home brought all my emotional memories back. A familiar journey that I experienced, too.
My journey, "Fighting For A Future, Trapped Behind the Border", is one of those stories. One of many stories that still continue. The difficult journey and horrific experiences to save a life, strive for a better future and make a difference!
A big thank you to the excellent MC and the speakers, who made this even more memorable.

Photos from Fighting For A Future: Trapped Behind The Border's post 19/08/2023

Today is the 2nd anniversary of releasing my book, “Fighting For A Future_ Trapped Behind The Border”.
What a roller coaster emotional journey to share my story, experience and survival tools with the world.
The experience made me a stronger person, a fighter and an actual survivor.


New review of my book. Thanks, Max!

It’s Okay to Say No 06/07/2023

Check out my blog post

It’s Okay to Say No Photo credit: Nutlegal Photographer Do you find it difficult to say no, even to unreasonable requests? Do you feel guilty if you refuse a request? You are not alone! The first intuitive reaction of most of us to other people's requests and needs is "yes"! Without even thinking for a second and knowi...



When my father died! 12/06/2023

When my father died! I had not yet come to terms with my father's death when I got involved in my father's funeral and took care of my mother. I could handle everything well. At least, that's what I thought. I believed I could digest this grief, but I didn't know that I couldn't install a 6-cylinder car engine into an 8...


به خود می آیی و میبینی که زندگیت را در حسرت طی کرده ای. حسرت کارهایی را که خواستی انجام ندادی. سفرهایی را آرزو داشتی و نرفتی. امیدهای را که در دل بستی ولی به آن نرسیدی و آن زمان در میابی که زندگی چقدر کوتاه و زودگذر بود. پس با تمام وجود زندگی کن و سعی کن زندگی را که لایقش هستی به دست بیاوری. تغییر را بپذیری و برای تغییر زندگیت
آماده باشی.

You come to your senses and see that you have lived your life in regret. Regret you didn't do what you wanted to do, the trips you wished and you didn't go. The hopes that you put in your heart but you didn't reach it, and then you realise how short and fleeting life was. So live with all your heart and try to get the life you deserve. Accept the change and be ready to change your life.


A wise advice🍀


In the last hour of 2022, I want to express my most profound empathy and heartache with my sisters and brothers in Iran who have been facing a horrible few months under the Iranian regime. Those arrested, tortured, killed and hanged only for demanding their basic right as a human "FREEDOM".
My heart goes to the parents who lost their daughters or sons and those who could not even bury their loved ones in peace without fear of persecution.
My biggest wish for this year is PEACE, JUSTICE and FREEDOM for all people worldwide, especially the people who are seeking freedom in IRAN.
May 2023 be a new beginning for a year full of joy, liberty and
Happy New Year, ❤️


When life throws a stone at you, grab it with both hands. Remember, you can use it as a cornerstone to construct your destiny. NEVER GIVE UP.


Sometimes your only option is, to stay strong and keep pushing through!


Fighting for a better future❤️

Photos from Fighting For A Future: Trapped Behind The Border's post 06/12/2022

Christmas Special🎄
“Fighting For A Future-Trapped Behind the border” is on Christmas special.

Bouns🌼 it will deliver to you on your door step in a special wrap! Merry Christmas 🤶
Place your order through in Australia and on Amazon outside Australia.


Thanks for the nomination whoever nominated me!!!❤️


Thanks for nominating me!

Photos from Fighting For A Future: Trapped Behind The Border's post 15/11/2022

A beautiful night with Dr Kylie Moore-Gilbert. You are a legend ❤️

It’s Okay to Say No 24/10/2022

It’s Okay to Say No Photo credit: Nutlegal Photographer Do you find it difficult to say no, even to unreasonable requests? Do you feel guilty if you refuse a request? You are not alone! The first intuitive reaction of most of us to other people's requests and needs is "yes"! Without even thinking for a second and knowi...

Photos from Fighting For A Future: Trapped Behind The Border's post 17/10/2022

Name: Human
Surname: Beings
Place of birth: Planet
Father: Adam
Mother: Eve
Siblings: Mankind
Purpose in life: Unity and equal right for all human beings

That is the birth certificate we all should carry in our hearts. We are all entitled to human rights no matter what. Human rights are inherent to us regardless of colour, religion, background, s*x, ethnic origin, education, language, national origin, or any other status.

As human beings, especially during this challenging time when the world is facing many crises, wars and disasters, we must create spaces that welcome everyone's values and beliefs and join together to build a strong chain that nothing can break it. It is time to love each other, care for and support each other and feel each other's pain and sorrow. That makes us different from any other creature!
Sa'adi, the greatest poet of Iran in the 13th century, has a famous poem which can be employed as a conceit to our current challenge to envision this common constitution of humanity. It
Human beings are members of a whole
in the creation of one essence and soul.
If one member is afflicted with pain,
other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
the name of human you cannot retain.

Mobile uploads 15/10/2022
Photos from Girls With Hammers's post 15/10/2022

Where there is unity, there is always victory.


I am a woman; I am a proud Iranian woman.
To my Iranian sisters and brothers, seeing Iran go through this terrifying time breaks my heart. Iranian authorities continue to harass, arrest, and prosecute those seeking accountability and justice. The world needs to know what is happening to the many defenceless but brave people who are tortured, tormented and even killed just because they are seeking their fundamental human rights.
Your pain is my misery; your suffering is my grief. I am not an activist, but I can be your voice, telling your story to my non-Iranian/Australian friends and the World.
The World should know that all they are asking is basic freedom!
It is not only about wearing a hejab, it is about being controlled.
Iranian women encounter discrimination in personal matters associated with marriage, divorce, inheritance, and decisions relating to children and custody. In Iran a woman may not obtain a passport or travel outside the country without written permission from her husband, father or brother, who can revoke such consent at any minute.
Despite tremendous challenges, Iranian women have had a long and critical history of activism. In the mid-19th century, Qurrat al- Ayn aka Tahirh, Iran’s first martyr, fearlessly fought conventional norms by appearing unveiled in public. Her last words prior to being strangled was “You can kill me as soon as you like, but you cannot stop the emancipation of women.” History is repeated again .
We are entitled to equal rights, regardless of skin colour, background, and religion.
We all long for a better future, to the day that we put our differences aside, live together peacefully, respectfully in harmony without judging each other and have a right to choose our path.
We are all together, and our drive is the same, "basic human rights and freedom for Iranians."
Women, Life, Freedom.

Photos from Girls With Hammers's post 07/10/2022

So proud to be part of this successful and inspiring conference. I felt at home with all your kindness and cuddles……..Go girls!


Life can be unfair; you could be mistreated, face many obstacles and difficulties, or fall often and keep breaking.

But the important is; that you are still getting up; keep moving and beaming.
Nothing can break you when you are strong, not even the strongest wind.
So when things are getting tough, be positive and believe in your inner power to overcome hardships.
Remember, not every day is a rainy day. Tomorrow the sun will shine and will brighten your day.


Are You Ok?
A simple sentence that initiates a meaningful connection.
A question that can change someone's life!

So If you are worried about someone, don't wait, use these four steps;

Ask, Are You Ok?
Encourage action
Check in

It only takes a few seconds to start a conversation which may save a life!

Today I want to tell you,
You are not alone, I do care! So Are You Ok? 💛💛💛


Thank you for your support and interest in my book "Fighting For A Future- Trapped Behind The Border".
Sometimes we come across people in life that encourage us to be a better person. You are one of these people. A kind soul and role model and someone who touches so many hearts with your open arms and lovely smile!


One year anniversary since my life journey was published.
Time to reflect!

During my life journey, I learned that people who think before doing anything and reflect on their past deeds are more successful.
The value of thinking and reflecting is so high as they say, "everyone's world is as wide as their thoughts".

This thinking affects how we deal with life issues and demands. I believe that by controlling our thoughts, we can change our behaviour and live better lives.
I learned that by practising self-control and using our inner power, we can change our living conditions and move towards fulfilling our dreams. Believe that you have the ability to change.

We all want to try to get better, but getting better in life requires changes in both your surroundings and yourself. So I began, to learn to make positive changes in my life to improve and experience a better life.
I learnt to be good to myself and be comfortable with my weaknesses and faults! I learned to forgive myself and move on without judging myself.
Our thoughts and actions are influenced by our emotions. For this reason, when we feel sad, we can easily allow negative thoughts and actions to form in our minds, and as a result, terrible things can happen in life. That's why we should try to be positive even in difficult times. Of course, we cannot prevent negative thoughts from entering our minds, but we only have to fill our minds with positive thoughts, so there is less room for negative thoughts.
I have realised that the only way to move forward and be happy is to forgive٫ love myself and others. I accept every day is a new opportunity and a new beginning, so if today is horrendous, tomorrow will be a wonderful day!
I understand there is a sunny day after any rainy day. And I keep learning, day by day and minute by minute, life goes on!



You are a true legend, a genuinee and inspirational soul, Ash Barty! ❤️


Life is so unpredictable these days. You think your life is going well according to your schedule, and suddenly, you have to change your plan to survive the ordeal or overcome the new challenges!
Uncertainty, fear of the future, and the unknown of what will happen next make you nervous and uneasy.
Yes, you can't predict what is waiting for you on the corner, but you can fully control how you should deal with the new situation!
When life throws stones at you, collect them with both hands and make your dream castle!
Be the king and lord of your castle and keep grabbing the new thrown stones; you might find a gem to create your crown in one of those stones.
Never give up, be calm and keep going,
این روزها زندگی خیلی غیر قابل پیش بینی است. فکر می‌کنید زندگی‌تان طبق برنامه‌تان به خوبی پیش می‌رود و ناگهان باید برنامه‌تان را تغییر دهید تا از این مصیبت جان سالم به در ببرید یا بر چالش‌های جدید غلبه کنید!
عدم اطمینان، ترس از آینده و ناشناخته بودن آنچه در آینده اتفاق خواهد افتاد، شما را عصبی و ناآرام می کند.
بله، شما نمی توانید پیش بینی کنید که در گوشه چه چیزی در انتظار شماست، اما می توانید کاملاً کنترل کنید که چگونه باید با موقعیت جدید کنار بیایید!
وقتی زندگی به سمت شما سنگ پرتاب می کند، آنها را با دو دست جمع کنید و قلعه رویایی خود را بسازید!
پادشاه و ارباب قلعه خود باشید و به گرفتن سنگ های پرتاب شده جدید ادامه دهید. ممکن است جواهری برای ایجاد تاج خود در یکی از آن سنگ ها پیدا کنید.
هرگز تسلیم نشو، آرام باش و ادامه بده،


So excited to be part of this awesome conference!


What life advice would you give your younger self?


What I found today! 📙📚📔👩‍🏫

Photos from Fighting For A Future: Trapped Behind The Border's post 27/04/2022

It was a proud moment when my husband handed me my first printed finished copy of my memoir "Fighting For A Future- Trapped Behind the Border". I was absolutely delighted to be able to share my life story with others aiming to pass on the message that it is never too late to change your life.
Holding the copy in my hand brought back all the memories and the obstacles that I overcame to stand where I am standing today and become who I am today. Today, for the second time, I experienced this unique feeling again when I saw on a Sydney library shelf my book on public display.
Fighting For A Future is not only a book about me; it is my personal gift and inspiration to others who feel trapped in an unhappy situations. A message of hope.

Now that first copy is sitting on the bedside table to remind me that nothing is unachievable if you put 100% of your heart and mind into it!
If you wish to grab a copy, on Amazon around the world. Or in Australia through my website


Be yourself, it doesn’t matter how people see you; it matters how you see yourself.


Live your life🍀


Nice to see "Fighting For A Future-Trapped Behind The Border" on many online book shops.


Life is full of challenges. We go up one minute and down the next, a bit like a rollercoaster ride! We are happy when we get what we want and get angry so quickly when someone beats us! We became so involved in our thoughts and life’s activities and forget that clouds do not aways block the sun forever. If we just learn to act on our problems and not react then our life can became so different. Our anger and frustrations will disappear. Our unwise quick reactions will be replaced with thoughtful, wise acts.


Behind nurse Shabnam Ighani’s smile lies a story of a determined woman who not only escaped an emotionally abusive marriage, but who crossed international borders and escaped prison with her two young sons to live a better life in Australia.

After overcoming her own adversities, now the mother-of-two works at Royal North Shore Hospital’s in the renal/urology and vascular ward to save the lives of others.

Shabnam’s bright and bubbly personality masks the depression and sadness that once filled her life after years of persecution in her native Iran, trapped in an unhappy marriage.

Detailing her escape from Iran, Shabnam has penned a memoir Fighting for Future: Trapped behind the Border which shows the incredible determination the mother had to make a better life in Australia.

Find out more about Shabnam's story in our NSLHD Newsletter -

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Love yourself❤️
Happy International Women’s Day🌺
A wise advice🍀
Sometimes your only option is, to stay strong and keep pushing through!
You are a true legend, a genuinee and inspirational soul, Ash Barty! ❤️
What I found today! 📙📚📔👩‍🏫
Live your life🍀
Sorry to my three other speakers Colin, Salar and Sam for not mentioning you in the Video. Also a big thank you to Hayle...
Fighting For A Future: Trapped behind the border