Miami Girl Investing

Miami Girl Investing

Created for you to learn to invest for yourself and for your children.

Clean Energy Fuels Surges on Deal to Supply L.A. County Metro 08/02/2021

Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE) just signed a contract with L.A. County to supply their bus fleet with alternative energy to. Fuel made up of organic waste. Clean Energy said its RNG is derived from capturing the biogenic methane produced by the decomposition of organic waste from dairies, landfills, and wastewater treatment plants. 🤯 Absolutely beautiful for a cleaner, greener, world. I have purchased equity and I expect the stock to at least double. But always, always, always, do your own research.

Clean Energy Fuels Surges on Deal to Supply L.A. County Metro Clean Energy Fuels wins a five-year contract to supply renewable natural gas for the nation's largest transit bus fleet.


The Gamestop madness caused the entire market to drop. When markets "crash", that is the best time to buy shares of stock or indexes that have long term potential for gains. You're bound to see an immediate gain once the market settles and corrects itself. And you can just let it ride until it's reached the goal you want to get. Whether it's 15%, 25%, 50%, or more profit. "Be greedy, when others are fearful"


Wind Turbine Companies, Solar Panel Companies, Software Developers, Metal 3D Printing, Clean Energy ETFs. Which American companies would you invest in for each category?


This company is based in THE 305. and you've probably seen their trucks driving around. MASTEC. You know what they do? "Leading specialty contractor engineers, designs and constructs infrastructures for electric power generation and transmission, oil and natural gas pipelines, ..." This January, their stock has hit NEW HIGHS! Do you think the stock still has room to grow? Why or why not?

Opinion: Here are the biggest stock market winners and losers in Biden’s massive stimulus plan 15/01/2021

This article is loaded with good bits of information. Don't forget to check the charts by clicking on the red and green links!

Opinion: Here are the biggest stock market winners and losers in Biden’s massive stimulus plan Sectors including banking, biotech, gold mining, green energy and infrastructure will be in play this year.


Don't want to invest in specific stocks? Buy good ETF's that have year over year growth. Look up the 5-year chart on SWLGX, VTSAX or FSKAX, for example. These ETF's grow each year that passes.


3 Months ago this stock was at $17!!! It's been going up and up since we are getting closer to a brand new administration who support Electric Vehicles. This company PLUG POWER primarily provides hydrogen fuel cell systems that uses hydrogen to produce electricity without combustion. These systems are currently used only in niche areas, such as electric forklifts. Plug Power's prominent customers include Amazon, Home Depot, and Walmart.


This stock is popular and fun to watch. It is a Chinese maker of electric vehicles. Similar to Tesla, but not yet on Teslas level. It debuted on the NY Stock Exchange in SEPT 2018 and stayed under $14 until it broke out around JUNE 2020. It's been up and up since then with only one significant drop. Today it stands at $64. What $ amount do you think NIO can get to?


There are many types of accounts you can open for investing. But the most standard and easiest to understand are the INDIVIDUAL and JTWROS. The JTWROS is a Joint account you open with someone else, such as a spouse, business partner, or 2 parents who want to put money aside to grow over time for their Childs future. TWO TIPS ----> 1. NEVER OPEN A JOINT ACCOUNT WITH SOMEONE YOU POSSIBLY CANNOT TRUST NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. In a joint account mentioned above, the SURVIVING parent/partner gets all rights to the account if something were to happen and one of the account holders transitions to the afterlife. ...TIP #2 CHOOSE A BENEFICIARY on whichever account you choose. A beneficiary is someone who gets the assets of the account in the event the INDIVIDUAL or BOTH PARTNERS pass. This is where you would name your under-age child, for example, to be the beneficiary.


How do you know if a company is "on-sale"? When it takes a significant dip from its rising trajectory. Five Below, a growing company, took a few dips as it rose in the last 5 years, and you can see the big dip when the pandemic started in March. $50 bucks, today it's $182. Five below played a major factor in my personal quick accumulation. Everyone has their own story. Because investing is personal.


The first step to getting started is to open an account. It's just like opening an account with a bank. You have different banks for storing your money, and you have different brokerages for investing your money. You have to fund the account any amount to get started. I started with one brokerage, Fidelity, then I opened up an account with Robinhood. I use Robinhood now for trading stock "options". And I also have 2 accounts with TD Ameritrade for long term growth. There are so many stock brokerages and none of them are a wrong choice. The point is to start with one so you can just start!


Regardless of your investing strategy - The most important thing to be able to recognize is when a good stock is "on-sale". You're buying at a low, with intent to sell at a high price soon, or later.


The intention of this page is to assist Miamians (or anyone), learn to invest for themselves and for their children's future. This is an informative page. Like everything, there are risks involved, but don't let that stop you from getting started. You can minimize that risk by making smart investment choices. Always do your own research.
