Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from GEX, Musician/Band, .


Authoritarian regimes are nations where political pluralism is nonexistent or severely limited. These nations are often absolute monarchies or dictatorships, may have some conventional institutions of democracy but with meagre significance, infringements and abuses of civil liberties are commonplace, elections (if they take place) are not fair or free (including sham elections), the media is often state-owned or controlled by groups associated with the ruling regime, the judiciary is not independent, and censorship and suppression of governmental criticism are commonplace.


Muita diversidade no meu WhatsApp,
Nhonguistas, crentes, burladores, desempregados, gajas da Avon, epah muita coisa


Love this girl


Bom dia rapaziada!
Tenham uma boa semana guerreiros, tá valendo tudo, menos confiar em mulher


Já cansaram de fazer bolos agora são cursos




Hold on




Separatist held


African ancestors watching current African leaders mourning a former coloniser





• 🇿🇦 África do Sul -- Pretória, Cape Town & Bloenfontein
• 🇦🇴 Angola -- Luanda
• 🇩🇿 Argélia -- Argel
• 🇧🇯 Benin -- Porto-Novo
• 🇧🇼 Botswana -- Gaborone
• 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso -- Ouagadougou
• 🇧🇮 Burundi -- Bujumbura
• 🇨🇲 Camarões -- Yaoundé
• 🇨🇻 Cabo Verde -- Praia
• 🇹🇩 Chad -- N'Djamena
• 🇰🇲 Comores -- Moroni
• 🇨🇬 Congo -- Brazzaville
• 🇨🇮 C. do Marfim -- Yamoussoukro e Abidjan
• 🇩🇯 Djibouti -- Djibouti
• 🇪🇬 Egito -- Cairo
• 🇪🇷 Eritreia -- Asmara
• 🇪🇹 Etiópia -- Addis Ababa
• 🇸🇿 Eswatini -- Mbabane e Lobamba
• 🇬🇦 Gabão -- Libreville
• 🇬🇲 Gâmbia -- Banjul
• 🇬🇭 Gana -- Accra
• 🇬🇳 Guiné Conakry --
• 🇬🇶 Guiné Equatorial -- Malabo
• 🇬🇼 Guiné-Bissau -- Bissau
• 🇰🇪 Quênia -- Nairobi
• 🇱🇸 Lesoto -- Maseru
• 🇱🇷 Libéria -- Monróvia
• 🇱🇾 Líbia -- Tripoli
• 🇲🇬 Madagáscar -- Antananarivo
• 🇲🇼 Malawi -- Lilongwe
• 🇲🇱 Mali -- Bamako
• 🇲🇦 Marrocos -- Rabat
• 🇲🇺 Maurícias -- Port Louis
• 🇲🇷 Mauritânia -- Nouakchott
• 🇲🇿 Moçambique -- Maputo
• 🇳🇦 Namíbia -- Windhoek
• 🇳🇪 Níger -- Niamey
• 🇳🇬 Nigéria -- Abuja
• 🇨🇫 República C. Africana -- Bangui
• 🇨🇩 República Democrática do Congo -- Kinshasa
• 🇷🇼 Ruanda -- Kigali
• 🇸🇹 São T. P. -- São Tomé
• 🇪🇭 Saara Ocidental -- El Aiune e Tifariti
• 🇸🇳 Senegal -- Dakar
• 🇸🇨 Seychelles -- Victoria
• 🇸🇱 Serra Leoa -- Freetown
• 🇸🇴 Somália -- Mogadíscio
• 🇸🇩 Sudão -- Cartum
• 🇸🇸 Sudão do Sul -- Juba
• 🇹🇿 Tanzânia -- Dar Es Salaam e Dodoma
• 🇹🇬 Togo -- Lomé
• 🇹🇳 Tunísia -- Tunis
• 🇺🇬 Uganda -- Kampala
• 🇿🇲 Zâmbia -- Lusaka
• 🇿🇼 Zimbábue -- Harare


• 🇦🇬 Antígua e Barbuda -- Saint John's
• 🇦🇷 Argentina -- Buenos Aires
• 🇧🇸 Bahamas -- Nassau
• 🇧🇧 Barbados -- Bridgetown
• 🇧🇿 Belize -- Belmopan
• 🇧🇴 Bolívia -- La Paz e Sucre
• 🇧🇷 Brasil -- Brasilia
• 🇨🇦 Canadá -- Ottawa
• 🇨🇱 Chile -- Santiago e Valparaíso
• 🇨🇴 Colômbia -- Bogotá
• 🇨🇷 Costa Rica -- San José
• 🇨🇺 Cuba -- Havana
• 🇩🇲 Dominica -- Roseau
• 🇪🇨 Equador -- Quito
• 🇺🇲EUA -- Washington
• 🇬🇩 Granada -- São Jorge
• 🇬🇹 Guatemala -- Guatemala
• 🇬🇫 Guiana -- Georgetown
• 🇭🇹 Haiti -- Port-au-Prince
• 🇭🇳 Honduras -- Tegucigalpa e Comayagüela
• 🇯🇲 Jamaica -- Kingston
• 🇲🇽 México -- Cidade do México
• 🇳🇮 Nicarágua -- Manágua
• 🇵🇦 Panamá -- Panama
• 🇵🇾 Paraguai -- Assunção
• 🇵🇪 Peru -- Lima
• 🇩🇴 República D. -- S. Domingo
• 🇰🇳 São C. e Neves -- Basseterre
• 🇻🇨 Granadinas -- Kingstown
• 🇱🇨 Santa Lúcia -- Castries
• 🇸🇻 Salvador -- San Salvador
• 🇸🇷 Suriname -- Paramaribo
• 🇹🇹 Trinidad e Tobago -- P. da Espanha
• 🇺🇾 Uruguai -- Montevidéu
• 🇻🇪 Venezuela -- Caracas


• 🇦🇫 Afeganistão -- Cabul
• 🇸🇦 Arábia Saudita -- Riade
• 🇦🇲 Armênia -- Yerevan
• 🇦🇿 Azerbaijão -- Baku(Transcontinental)
• 🇧🇭 Bahrain -- Manama
• 🇧🇩 Bangladesh -- Dhaka
• 🇧🇹 Butão -- Thimbu
• 🇲🇲 Birmânia -- Naipidau
• 🇧🇳Brunei -- Begawan
• 🇰🇭 Camboja -- Phnom Penh
• 🇰🇿 Cazaquistão -- Astana(Transcontinental)
• 🇨🇳 China -- Pequim
• 🇰🇵 Coreia do Norte -- Pyongyang
• 🇰🇷 Coreia do Sul -- Seul
• 🇦🇪 Emirados Árabes Unidos -- Abu Dhabi
• 🇬🇪 Geórgia -- Tbilisi(Transcontinental)
• 🇮🇳 Índia -- Nova Delhi
• 🇮🇩 Indonésia -- Jacarta
• 🇮🇶 Iraque -- Bagdá
• 🇮🇷 Irã -- Teerã
• 🇮🇱 Israel -- Jerusalém
• 🇯🇵 Japão -- Tóquio
• 🇯🇴 Jordânia -- Amã
• 🇰🇬 Quirguistão -- Bishkek
• 🇰🇼 Kuwait -- Kuwait
• 🇱🇦 Laos -- Vientiane
• 🇱🇧 Líbano -- Beirute
• 🇲🇾 Malásia -- K. Lumpur e Putrajaia
• 🇲🇻 Maldivas -- Masculino
• 🇲🇳 Mongólia -- Ulaanbaatar
• 🇳🇵 Nepal -- Kathmandu
• 🇴🇲 Omã -- Muscat
• 🇺🇿 Uzbequistão -- Tashkent
• 🇵🇰 Paquistão -- Islamabad
• 🇵🇸 Palestina -- Jerusalém Oriental
• 🇵🇭 Filipinas -- Manila
• 🇶🇦 Qatar -- Doha
• 🇷🇺 Rússia -- Moscow(Transcontinental)
• 🇸🇬 Singapura -- Singapura
• 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka -- ayawardenapura e Colombo
• 🇸🇾 Síria -- Damasco
• 🇹🇯 Tajiquistão -- Dushanbe
• 🇹🇼 Taiwan -- Taipei
• 🇹🇱 Timor Leste -- Dili
• 🇹🇭 Tailândia -- Bangkok
• 🇹🇲 Turcomenistão -- Ashgabat
• 🇹🇷 Turquia -- Ancara(Transcontinental)
• 🇻🇳 Vietnã -- Hanói
• 🇾🇪 Iêmen -- Sana'a


• 🇦🇱 Albânia -- Tirana
• 🇩🇪 Alemanha -- Berlim
• 🇦🇩 Andorra -- Andorra la Vella
• 🇦🇿 Azerbaijão -- Baku(Transcontinental)
• 🇦🇹 Áustria -- Viena
• 🇧🇪 Bélgica -- Bruxelas
• 🇧🇾 Bielorússia -- Minsk
• 🇧🇦 Bósnia e Herzegovina -- Sarajevo
• 🇧🇬 Bulgária -- Sofia
• 🇰🇿 Cazaquistão -- Astana
• 🇨🇾 Chipre -- Nicósia
• 🇭🇷 Croácia -- Zagreb
• 🇩🇰 Dinamarca -- Copenhague
• 🇪🇦 Espanha -- Madrid
• 🇪🇪 Estônia -- Tallinn
• 🇫🇮 Finlândia -- Helsinque
• 🇫🇷 França -- Paris
• 🇬🇪 Geórgia -- Tbilisi
• 🇬🇷 Grécia -- Atenas
• 🇭🇺 Hungria -- Budapeste
• 🇮🇪 Irlanda -- Dublin
• 🇮🇸 Islândia -- Reykjavik
• 🇮🇹 Itália -- Roma
• 🇽🇰 Kosovo -- Pristina
• 🇱🇻 Letônia -- Riga
• 🇱🇮 Liechtenstein -- Vaduz
• 🇱🇹 Lituânia -- Vilnius
• 🇱🇺 Luxemburgo -- Luxemburgo
• 🇲🇰 Macedônia -- Skopje
• 🇲🇹 Malta -- Valletta
• 🇲🇩 Moldávia -- Chisinau
• 🇲🇨 Mônaco -- Mônaco
• 🇲🇪 Montenegro -- Podgorica e Cetinje
• 🇧🇻 Noruega -- Oslo
• 🇳🇱 Países Baixos -- Amsterdã e Haja
• 🇵🇱 Polônia -- Varsóvia
• 🇵🇹 Portugal -- Lisboa
• 🇨🇿 República Tcheca -- Praga e Brno
• 🇷🇴 Romênia -- Bucareste
• 🇷🇺 Rússia -- Moscow
• 🇹🇷 Turquia --
• 🇸🇲 San Marino -- San Marino
• 🇷🇸 Sérvia -- Belgrado
• 🇸🇰 Eslováquia -- Bratislava
• 🇸🇮 Eslovênia -- Liubliana
• 🇸🇪 Suécia -- Estocolmo
• 🇨🇭 Suíça -- Berna
• 🇺🇦 Ucrânia -- Kiev
• 🇻🇦 Vaticano -- Vaticano
• 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁮󠁩󠁲󠁿 Irlanda do Norte: Belfast
• 🇽🇸 Escócia -- Edimburgo
• 🇽🇪 Inglaterra -- Londres
• 🇽🇼 País de Gales -- Cardiff


• 🇦🇺 Austrália -- Canberra
• 🇫🇯 Fiji -- Suva
• 🇰🇮 Kiribati -- Tarawa
• 🇲🇭 Marshall -- Majuro
• 🇫🇲 Micronésia -- Palikir
• 🇳🇷 Nauru -- Yaren
• 🇳🇿 Nova Zelândia -- Wellington
• 🇵🇼 Palau -- Ngerulmud e Melequeoque
• 🇵🇬 Papua Nova Guiné -- Port Moresby
• 🇸🇧 Salomão -- Honiara
• 🇼🇸 Samoa -- Apia
• 🇹🇴 Tonga -- Nukualofa
• 🇹🇻 Tuvalu -- Fanafuti
• 🇻🇺 Vanuatu -- Port Vila

• Sem Capital, Sem países

Fontes: ONU 2021, Wikipédia, Britannica, Google Earth


Mid-Atlantc Ridge on Iceland (Thingvellir National Park)

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a mid-ocean ridge (a divergent or constructive plate boundary) located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, and part of the longest mountain range in the world (about 10,000 milesor 16,000 km).

In the North Atlantic, the ridge separates the North American from the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate, north and south of the Azores Triple Junction respectively.

Because of seafloor spreading and the movement of the ocean floor and of tMid-Atlantc Ridge on Iceland (Thingvellir National Park)

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a mid-ocean ridge (a divergent or constructive plate boundary) located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, and part of the longest mountain range in the world (about 10,000 milesor 16,000 km).

In the North Atlantic, the ridge separates the North American from the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate, north and south of the Azores Triple Junction respectively.

Because of seafloor spreading and the movement of the ocean floor and of the continents outward from the ridge, the Atlantic Basin is widening at an estimated rate of 1 to 10 cm (0.5 to 4 inches) a year.

The majority of the mountains and rifts this ridge has created are covered by the ocean, but the country of Iceland is the exception.
📽️Full video in YouTube Chanel (Cografya Dünyası)
he continents outward from the ridge, the Atlantic Basin is widening at an estimated rate of 1 to 10 cm (0.5 to 4 inches) a year.

The majority of the mountains and rifts this ridge has created are covered by the ocean, but the country of Iceland is the exception.
📽️Full video in YouTube Chanel (Cografya Dünyası)


Polygamy is the practice of marrying multiple spouses. When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny.




But Recognized Abroad marriage


Angola is incredibly beautiful and welcoming, the nature and scenery is just breathtaking and look what found today. Calandula Falls are waterfalls in the municipality of Calandula, Malanje Province, Angola. On the Lucala River, the falls are 105 meters high and 400 meters wide. They are one of the largest waterfalls by volume in Africa. The distance from Luanda, the capital is 360 km. Visitors can access this dramatic set of waterfalls from hiking paths & low-key lookout points.


Stephen Hawking was well-known for his work on black holes and the theory of relativity. Hawking said humans will need to colonize another planet within 100 years or face extinction.

"With climate change, overdue asteroid strikes, epidemics and population growth, our own planet is increasingly precarious."


Cannabis is classified as a schedule drug under the single convention treaty, meaning that signatories can allow medical use but that it is considered to be an additive drug with a serious risk of abuse


But often unenforced




🌐Stonehenge 1877 vs today🌐

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, two miles (3 km) west of Amesbury. It consists of an outer ring of vertical sarsen standing stones, each around 13 feet (4.0 m) high, seven feet (2.1 m) wide, and weighing around 25 tons, topped by connecting horizontal lintel stones. Inside is a ring of smaller bluestones. Inside these are free-standing trilithons, two bulkier vertical Sarsens joined by one lintel. The whole monument, now ruinous, is orientated towards the sunrise on the summer solstice. The stones are set within earthworks in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred tumuli (burial mounds).


7 sem


t's not that Africa is shown as being too small on the majority of world maps, it's how almost every other part of the world has been artificially inflated.

If we want someone to blame for this distortion, then we need look no further than the year 1569 when the cartographer Gerardus Mercator devised a solution to the problem of representing a globe on a 2D map's surface.

Mercator's projection was revolutionary and invaluable for nautical navigation, but in the modern era, is outdated and wildly inaccurate. You can see this for yourself quite easily - taking a look at this accurate infographic, you can see how almost the entire length of Russia fits into the African continent when turned by 45 degrees. Now go to Google Maps (or wherever you satisfy your cartographic needs) and measure the length of Russia with your hand, comparing to Africa. It doesn't fit, and it isn't even close. The Mercator-based distortion makes the country appear roughly twice as long from West to East as Africa is from North to South.
4 d


he village of Bürting Fortress is a castle in Bürting, Groningen, Netherlands. It was built by orders of William the Silent and completed in 1593. Its original purpose was to control the only road between Germany and the Spanish-controlled city of Groningen during the Eighty Years' War. After experiencing its last battle in 1672, the fort continued to serve in the defensive net on the Jerma border until it was finally handed over in 1851 and turned into a village. Fort Porting currently operates as a historical museum


Rock glacier is a mass of rock, ice, snow, mud, and water that moves slowly down a mountain under the influence of gravity. They often begin in a cirque or at the edge of a large talus slope, conform to the shape of their valley, and have a tongue-shaped end.


enice, known also as the “City of Canals,” “The Floating City,” and “Serenissima,” is arguably one of Italy’s most picturesque cities. With its winding canals, striking architecture, and beautiful bridges, Venice is a popular destination for travel.⁣⁣
Here are 10 facts about Venice you probably didn’t know.⁣⁣
* Venice is known for its bridges. There are 417 bridges in Venice, and 72 of those are private.⁣
* Houses in Venice are numbered according to districts, not streets, making it difficult to find addresses, even for postmen. The rule of thumb is to look for a monument, shop, or landmark in close proximity.⁣
* There are about 350 gondolas and 400 gondolieri in Venice. On average, gondolas are 11 meters long and weigh around 600 kilos.⁣
* In 1608, the Council of Ten approved wearing masks only during the carnival. Those who broke the law were heavily punished. Punishments ranged from two years in prison to public beating and binding to the pillar of shame.⁣
* There are 177 canals in Venice. The S-shaped Grand Canal is the biggest and splits the city in two.⁣
* The San Marco bell tower, or campanile, was built in the 12th century and collapsed in 1902. The tower was rebuilt to be exactly the same as the previous one. It is 98.6 metres tall, making it the fifth tallest bell tower in Italy.⁣
* Venice is sinking at the rate of 1-2 millimeters a year.⁣
* The population of Venice has decreased from 120,000 to 60,000 in the last 50 years. Some experts believe Venice could be a ghost town by 2030 with only tourists visiting by day.⁣
* The first woman in the world that graduated was born in Venice in 1646.⁣
* The first public casino in the world was opened in Venice in 1638.⁣


Despite the towering reputation of Egypt’s Great Pyramids at Giza, the Americas actually contain more pyramid structures than the rest of the planet combined.

• Civilizations like the Olmec, Maya, Aztec and Inca all built pyramids to house their deities, as well as to bury their kings. In many of their great city-states, temple-pyramids formed the center of public life and were the site of holy rituals, including human sacrifice.

• The best known Latin American pyramids include the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacán in central Mexico, the Castillo at Chichén Itzá in the Yucatan, the Great Pyramid in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, the Pyramid at Cholula and the Inca’s great temple at Cuzco in Peru.

• Rise of the Pyramid-Builders

• Mesoamerican peoples built pyramids from around 1000 B.C. up until the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century.

• (Egyptian pyramids are much older than American ones; the earliest Egyptian pyramid, the Pyramid of Djoser, was built in the 27 century BC). The earliest known pyramid in the Americas stands at La Venta in Tabasco, Mexico.

• Built by the Olmecs, the first major Mesoamerican civilization (a group famous for other firsts, like chocolate and the use of for sports), the pyramid dates to between 1000 B.C. and 400 B.C. American pyramids were generally built of earth and then faced with stone, typically in a stepped, or layered, shape topped by a platform or temple structure. They are often referred to as stepped pyramids.


How Long is Chile?

Chile is as narrow as it is because of the Andes Mountains, which separate it from Argentina. That's why the country is only 110 miles (177 km) across, on average. Chile measures 2,653 miles (4,270 km) from north to south. It is the world's most prominent example of the elongated type of territorial morphology. Other examples include Norway and Vietnam. There are four other types of territorial morphology: compact, prorupt, fragmented and perforated. —
Are you from chile? Or have you been there?

Source - Via BigThink and Reddit User BezzleFord.


Don't look up


Corinth Canal, tidal waterway across the Isthmus of Corinth in Greece, joining the Gulf of Corinth in the northwest with the Saronic Gulf in the southeast. The isthmus was first crossed by boats in 600 BC when Periander built a ship railway, small boats being carried on wheeled cradles running in grooves.

This system may have been used until the 9th century. Work on the canal began in 1882, and it opened in 1893. The canal is 6.3 km (3.9 miles) long and has a water depth of 8 metres (26 feet); its width varies from a minimum of 21 metres (69 feet) at the bottom to a maximum of 25 metres (82 feet) at the water’s surface. The canal has brought great economic benefits to the ports of Posithonía at its northwest end and Isthmía at its southeast end.


Terra-cotta army

have uncovered a large protective terra-cotta “spirit army” of some 8,000 life-size warrior figures along with 400 horses and 100 chariots placed in battle formation in a series of pits beneath the nearby fields. Molded in separate sections, assembled, then fully painted, these warrior figures were executed in minute and .

In 1974 thousands of life-size terra-cotta figures representing the emperor’s army were unearthed within the compound, about three-fourths of a mile (one-half kilometre) from the tomb proper; the area was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. Burial mounds were a peculiarly prominent feature of the protohistoric period in .

army of some 8,000 life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. The Qin did not last long enough to stamp out literature and learning effectively, and much of the rich legacy of the ancient Shang dynasty managed to survive into the successor Han .

army of some 8,000 life-size terra-cotta soldiers (assembled from separately fired sections but given individually detailed faces) and horses, along with richly adorned chariots of wood (now disintegrated) and of bronze; iron farm implements; bronze and leather bridles; objects of silk, linen, jade, and bone .


Hotel yang terlihat lumayan megah ini ternyata udah berdiri sejak 1988. Korea Utara (Korut) mengumumkan dikukuhkannya Hotel Ryugyong sebagai gedung pencakar langit tertinggi saat itu. Sayangnya, pembangunan nggak berjalan mulus, malah mangkrak sejak 1992.

Usut punya usut, kekurangan dana jadi penyebab utama terbengkalainya proyek ini. Apalagi dengan jatuh dan terpecahnya Soviet membuat proyek besar ini jadi kekurangan sokongan dana. Alhasil hotel yang satu ini jadi bangunan ‘hantu’, alias tak lebih sebuah gedung kosong selama puluhan tahun.


venue of the Baobabs
Morondava, Madagascar
The centuries old trees lining both sides of this dirt road may become Madagascar's first natural monument.

west coast of Madagascar linking Morondava and Belo Tsiribihina is framed by dozens of rare and ancient baobab trees creating a setting so beautiful and unique that it may become the country’s first official natural monument.

These giant, dry season-deciduous trees (members of the Mallow family), many of which are more than 800 years old with trunks that are over 150 feet around did not always stand alone. At one time the trees dotting the lane were part of a rich forest of the trees and other plants, but the encroachment of modern civilization and increasing populations in the area led to massive deforestation leaving the remaining baobabs to stand in relative isolation. There are also a handful of the ancient trees remaining in the outlying areas but both the trees along the road otherwise are under near-constant threat of destruction. When Arab seafarers first visited a bit over 1000 years ago, they said the devil ripped them out of the ground and put them back upside down, for their canopies




The " Mark Twain tree " was a giant sequoia ( sequoiadebdron gigantum ) that was over 1,350 years old that was cut down in 1891 for a cross - cut display , that measured 28.6 feet in diameter ! That's 90 feet in circumference ! The felling is an incredible action shot considering the time ! A very heartbreaking image .


Elephant Foot Glacier

The Elephant Foot Glacier in northeastern Greenland, looks like a bowl of batter that has been poured over a pan. The sheer pressure of the zillion-ton ice has broken through the mountain and spilled into the sea in a near symmetric, fan-shaped lobe. Such glaciers are known as piedmont glaciers, and the Elephant Foot Glacier is a perfect example of it. Its shape is so distinct that it stands out dramatically from its surroundings when viewed from high above.

Glaciers are one of the most extraordinary of the earth’s natural phenomena. These rivers of frozen snow accumulated over centuries of precipitation are so densely packed that it exceeds its overall ablation. They are in a constant state of flux, flowing down in the direction of the slope towards a valley or a water body. You can’t really tell if it’s moving but come back in a few decades and you will be able to see the dramatic change in the landscape.

The Elephant Foot Glacier is located on the Kronprins Christian Land peninsula. It is not connected to Greenland’s main ice sheet. Rather, it’s part of a network of glaciers and ice caps that hangs around the periphery of the island. Research has shown that as a whole, these outlying glaciers and ice caps account for 5 to 7 percent of Greenland’s total ice coverage, but they are responsible for 20 percent of its contribution to sea level rise.

Another example of piedmont glaciers is the Malaspina Glacier in southeastern Alaska. 65-km long and 45-km wide, it is the largest piedmont glacier in the world. The glacier arises where several valley glaciers, primarily the Seward Glacier and Agassiz Glacier, spill out from the Saint Elias Mountains onto the coastal plain facing the Gulf of Alaska.


Is the Richat Structure the lost city of Atlantis? ✨
the Richat Structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara, is located in the Mauritania desert of northwest Africa. it is a deeply eroded, massive circular dome of unknown origin with a diameter of 14.6 miles. it can be seen from outer space and contains rock and sediment dating to a time before life on Earth.
many believe the mysterious Richat Structure may actually be the remains of the ancient city of Atlantis. according to Plato, Atlantis was a stunningly gorgeous and opulent civilization located in the eastern Atlantic Ocean - which was named after the lost city.
Plato stated that Atlantis had three circular alternating zones of water and two of land, which is mirrored by the concentric circular zones of the Richat Structure. the isle of Atlantis was described to have a diameter of 127 Stadia, which is equivalent to around 14.6 miles - the same distance as the Eye. it is said fresh water flowed from the center isle of Atlantis, and a freshwater spring has been located at the center of the Richat Structure.
the lost city was described by Plato as having large mountains to the north, which corresponds to the mountainous terrain to the north of the Eye. he also reported that elephants were abundant in Atlantis, and many elephant bones have been found near the Richat Structure. thousands of artifacts have been discovered in and around the structure, most of which are 12,000 years and older. these items included arrowheads, spears, stone spheres, surfboards, oars, ship hills, and more. .
