Awakening Wellness Within

Awakening Wellness Within

As a Wellness Coach, I help you navigate the mind/body/spirit holistic wellness triad and claim your unique and balanced health from within.

I offer Belief Work, Craniosacral Therapy, Reflexology, and Holistic Nutrition in BC. The services provided by Daniella Najda, R.H.N. are at all times restricted to consultation of the subject of nutritional and wellness matters intended for general well being and do not involve the diagnosing, prognostication, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of any disease or any licensed or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine in this province.


For my American friends. I'm not sure if petitions really work, but it gets the info out there. Glyphosate should not be used in a health conscious society.

Sign the petition to ban glyphosate:

A very disturbing, newly published scientific review brings together research that has found glyphosate causes intestinal and other damage linked to systemic diseases such as Crohns and Alzheimers. It's no wonder the incidence of these systemic diseases has reached epidemic proportion.

It has become nearly impossible to avoid foods that contain glyphosate. Eating clean is like a full-time job these days. (We feel your pain.) The time to ban glyphosate is NOW. Sign the petition to the EPA, telling them that the evidence of health harm is overwhelming. They must step up and BAN GLYPHOSATE.

Sign the petition:

Read the new review:


Check out page 48 of the South Shuswap Scoop June 2023 edition for an article I wrote about epigenetics.
It Runs in the Family

Awakening Wellness Within
[email protected]
Sorrento, BC
Holistic Services:
Holistic Nutrition
Core Beliefs
Craniosacral Therapy
Reflexology Therapy

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 05/04/2023

What is going on for you in your body is not necessarily 'set in stone' as you may have been told. When people blame things on genetics, it's just that, they're blaming something else because they don't know how to help you.

You may not be stuck with what you have.

Check out the possibility of cleaning up your health and see where that may take you.

Schedule an appointment today!
Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 24/03/2023

"Laying on her bed, blanketed I felt warm and safe. Listening to her explain in brief what she was going to do and asking for consent to touch me and access my mind and heart. Instantly she built a rapport of trust and comfort allowing me to easily let go and melt into the procedure body mind and soul.

Soothing music played to ease me into a mode of meditation. Her lightly pressured touches created areas of focus and the ability to release the tensions I wasn't even aware I was carrying in those areas. I slipped touch by touch into a state of euphoric bliss. The sensations eleviating my troubles and worries, leaving them behind as I felt as if I were floating. A true out of body experience yet I was more in my body than I've been in years. All my senses heightened, basking in her peaceful ambience. Feeling her shifting my energys guiding them to a brighter space, a higher altitude. Behind my eyes, although the room was dimly lit, I could see bright lights. Like rays of sunshine through a thickly leafed forested canopy. Within myself, thoughts of everything and everyone I care about the most flashed at me, I think revealing to me what's at my core, where I derive my strength from. I got to indulge in the happiness those people and those thoughts provide me and letting that inner calm settle within me.

My breathing slowed and I was transported into another realm of relaxation and surrender.

There I remained for the session, whilst Daniella used her skilled hands to find my areas of restriction and work her magic.

Upon transitioning me out of my euphoric trance, Daniella gently guided me back allowing me time to come back to myself. It took more time than I thought as I must have transported much further than I envisioned. My brain fuzzy and light. My body tingling and revived.

I found this form of treatment very spiritually effective in finding my center again. It also has many other benefits all of which you can easily look up or ask Daniella for more information on.

I highly recommend trying a session and seeing where it takes you!
Thank you Daniella!" ~ Zan

Awakening Holistic Nutrition & Wellness

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 22/03/2023

Check out page 32 of the South Shuswap Scoop March 2023 edition for an article I wrote about stress.
Stress–The Monster Under Your Bed

Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]
Sorrento, BC

Holistic Services:
Holistic Nutrition
Craniosacral Therapy
Reflexology Therapy


Wow, I gotta say, this is the most perfect looking pizza I’ve ever made!

And there’s a surprise in the crust!!

Homemade organic healthy pizza for the win!!

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 20/02/2023

It truly does matter what you choose to put in your body. Food either builds you up or contributes to the breaking down of the body. Whole food provides nutrients the body needs that are in the natural proportion to each other, supporting the digestion and absorption in the body. It also has it's own energy or "life force" that is alive.

When food is refined or processed it loses so much, if not all, of this goodness. When it even loses just some, then you don't have the symmetry and the effects of the nutrients all working together for your health and lacks the same energy as the original.

When food is enriched to try to solve this problem of lacking nutrients from processing, you receive synthetic nutrients that the body doesn't accept the same. You also only get a sprinkle of the nutrients that have been depleted and they don't have the energy of the original alive food. This does not solve the problem.

There is no replacement for living whole foods.

Let me help you on your health journey.

Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 13/02/2023

“The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas A. Edison

“Where there is mental illness, there is poor diet. Where there is mental illness, there is a long history of digestive problems.” – Dr. Leslie Korn

Nutrition truly matters, as it affects mental health, with poor nutrition leading to mental illness or making it worse.

A high fat diet of bad trans or hydrogenated fats is associated with reduced diversity of microbiome and increased anxiety.

High stress can also adversely affect the gut and microflora, inhibiting nutrient absorption and digestive function, setting the scene for mental health illness.

While in fight, flight, or freeze state, the blood vessels contract, restrict oxygen delivery, and reduce digestive function.

Antibiotic use, caffeine-based stimulants, prescription drugs, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, blood sugar imbalances, a stressed or dysfunctional liver, and inflammation are all associated with anxiety.

Overly processed foods are loaded with chemicals and synthetic preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, and food colouring that are known to alter mood, in addition to not providing the nutrients that the brain and body need to function well.
Eat a healthy whole foods organic diet with lots of fibre rich staples, as well as probiotic, and prebiotic foods. Cook with herbs and take pleasure in herbal teas.
Anything you think that is not helping you replace with a healthier substitute, there are options!

Book a nutrition consultation now
Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 10/02/2023

Reflexology Therapy can positively effect mental health due to its impact on the nervous system, blood circulation throughout the body, elimination of toxins, boosting metabolism, and boosting endorphin production. Reflexology restores mental alertness and improves the attention span. By reducing tensions and calming the mind, it is easier to think freely, come up with best ideas, and work longer and with greater clarity while doing difficult tasks, thus stimulating creativity and productivity.

Stimulating the nerves, opening neural pathways, and helping to improve the functionality and flexibility of nerves and other cells in the body not only induces a state of calm throughout the body and mind, assisting with anxiety and ADHD, it also allows for information to flow much faster and more effectively to the brain, which helps one to have faster cognitive function, improved physical reactions, and boosts memory. This also helps to improve sleep disorders such as insomnia and helps the body to attain balanced, healthy circadian rhythms.

The most well-known benefit of Reflexology Therapy is an improvement in the flow of blood circulation throughout the body. This means that oxygen gets cycled and delivered more efficiently to the brain and the vital organ systems, which function more optimally. This is important for all the body systems, as a low functioning area will negatively impact the brain. The increase in oxygen also has a positive impact on the body’s healing and ability to grow new cells.

Improved circulation also leads to better efficiency of the body to eliminate toxins and wastes. In our ever-present stressful world there are more environmental toxins than ever before. Some, we have no way of controlling, so having assistance with helping the body in this function is incredibly important. When toxins and wastes are managed appropriately, the body is able to work more efficiently.

Book a session now
Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 09/02/2023

Craniosacral Therapy works closely with the nervous system, helping to balance the autonomic nervous system, allowing the body to come out of the perpetual state of fight, flight, or freeze that most people are in with the constant pressures of today’s society. This permits the body to, not only relax and rest, but to heal, digest, and allow all the systems to come into the state of homeostasis that it’s always striving for. It clears imbalances in the head, increasing the flow of fluids in and amongst the brain cells, allowing them to receive proper nutrients and to eliminate toxins and wastes.

This calming of the nervous system and improved fluid flow helps reduce inflammation, clears thinking function, reduces pain and tension symptoms, all helping to alleviate anxiety.

Book a session now
Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 17/01/2023

Roughly 20% of Canadians deal with chronic pain.

Chronic pain is unique to each person, often misunderstood, and difficult to treat or provide relief for. It ranges from mild tissue irritation to intense whole-body pain that can affect the psyche and quality of life.

The pain perception is often held by body tissues after the original cause has healed. This triggers the body to compensate, creating issues in other parts of the body, which then can mask the root cause of the chronic pain.

The causes are many, from birth disorders to musculoskeletal imbalance, to surgery, trauma, and infection to overuse, disuse, and misuse. The commonality is the irritation of nerve cell endings that is interpreted as pain.

The body responds to the root cause of the pain or to the pain itself by creating further issues and imbalances in the body.

To work with me on your nutrition and wellness journey DM or email me at
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 14/01/2023

Check out page 30 of the South Shuswap Scoop January 2023 edition for an article I wrote!

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness - The Body's White Knight

Your immune system isn’t a group of organs or in a specific place of the body, but rather everywhere, even behind your knees! It doesn’t get much notice or thanks for the invaluable work it does. Maintaining a properly functioning immune system is what allows you to attain and maintain true health.

What is the immune system? It’s the first line of defense to protect your body from infection and disease. In short, it’s like a white knight from within identifying those things that belong in your body and those things that don’t and must be destroyed, like an evil dragon. The stronger the force of your white knight, the stronger you are.

A major part of your immune system is the lymphatic system, functioning as a pathway for the immune cells and for the elimination of toxins and wastes. An even larger part is the gut! 80% of your immune system is in the gut. The beneficial gut bacteria are like little marching soldiers who play a large role in immune function, regulating your immunity throughout life.

When your white knight can’t do its job, neither can the soldiers nor the lymphatic pathway. This is when you may feel fatigued, have repeated infections, inflammation, pain, arthritis, or have diarrhea often.

There is a long list of suppressors of the immune system and even more lists of things you can do to boost your immunity or reverse a weakened white knight.

A couple common suppressors are stress and lack of sleep. Many people are busy all day running around accomplishing daily tasks for family, friends, a job, volunteering, taking care of pets, the house, and the car that you forget to slow down and take a breath. You don’t realize all this constant activity is a strain to your body, but it adds up. When you’re constantly in high gear, it wears on your loyal white knight who needs a break too and it gets in the way of a restful night’s sleep.

[continue reading from the link, IG won't fit the rest of the article]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 13/01/2023

While in a Reflexology Therapy session I create space for your body to enhance its self-correcting mechanisms to find balance and allow self-healing. Reflexology stimulates the energy pathways, increases cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation, and relieves tension allowing the body to normalize itself naturally without adverse side effects.

Book a session:
Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 11/01/2023

While in a Craniosacral Therapy session, I create space for your body to enhance its self-correcting mechanisms to find balance and allow self-healing. By relieving tension in the body tissues and the central nervous system, Craniosacral Therapy promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity.

Book a session
Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 10/01/2023

“Supportive nutrition and our alignment with nature are basic components of health, and certainly factors in disease when they are not present.” – Elson M. Haas, MD

Meeting you where you are, I walk beside you on your path to health and wellness, focusing on regaining balance in your whole body.

I take into consideration your physical, environmental, mindset, emotional, spiritual, and lifestyle aspects as a unique individual, while encouraging and tapping into your innate wisdom.

You are fully engaged, empowered, and supported in your customized repair, recovery, and/or maintenance process. I use current science and research to facilitate improvements in your environment, diet, nutrition and eating habits, lifestyle, and mindset, which are all needed to help you achieve your goals.

Book your session now
Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]


For the body to be able to heal or do any work, it can't be in a stressed state.

Allow me to help you experience such deep relaxation that the body remembers it's own ability to self-correct.

Come see me for Craniosacral Therapy or Reflexology Therapy.

Awakening Nutrition and Wellness
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 31/12/2022

Changes that we want to make in life are definitely individual and personal, yet there are so many reasons why we may want to make a change that can make it not so personal.

Asking these above questions to yourself may help you in prioritizing the need for making a certain goal (is it the right one for you at this time in your life) and if you're making the steps to get you where you want to be.

Book a session through the link in the bio for support in your health and wellness goals for 2023.

250 517 0775
[email protected]

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 31/12/2022

Do you find it a struggle to get through the day feeling sane? Do you find it hard to manage your stress, or you don't really understand what that even means? There's nothing easy about reducing stress in chaotic fast paced world of today.

Stress is a key factor for all health issues.

There are solutions! You can support all aspects of your being and overcome stress and the effects it has on your life.

Make an appointment now.

250 517 0775
[email protected]
or use the link the bio.

Vibrant health starts here... beyond just the food!

Awakening Nutrition and Wellness

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 30/12/2022

Don't forget the last tip! Treat yourself to foot Reflexology Therapy regularly! :D

Gift a session to a loved one!

I'm at Taylormade Wellness Clinic downtown Salmon Arm.
#201 - 391 Hudson Ave NE
[email protected]
250 517 0775

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 28/12/2022

Reflexology Therapy is suitable for everyone.

Come into for a Reflexology session or get a gift certificate for a loved one!

[email protected]
250 517 0775


Wishing everyone the best this holiday season. Wishing you the steadfastness to withstand any stress coming at you and take time to breathe and be grateful for you and your strength.

Sending you all my love,

Photos from Awakening Wellness Within's post 23/12/2022

Everyone can experience Craniosacral Therapy.

Come into for a session and try it out for yourself.

[email protected]
250 517 0775

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As a holistic practitioner I help you get your health back. Listen to find out more.
