The Couples Guide to Basic Concepts

The Couples Guide to Basic Concepts

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the quarantine in place we thought it would be a great idea 11/04/2020


Why did the Airwolf theme song play in my head when I saw this 🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪



Health Report: Two-Faced Bi***es Still Only Need One Mask 09/04/2020

Health Report: Two-Faced Bi***es Still Only Need One Mask As confusion sets in over who should be wearing a mask, and whether or not they actually limit the spread of COVID-19, a recent health report put out by the World Health Organization clarified that…

Domestic violence calls increase as people shelter in place during COVID-19 outbreak 23/03/2020

Ok. This is terrible, but also slightly funny. People are going to go crazy. 🤔🤣

Domestic violence calls increase as people shelter in place during COVID-19 outbreak Domestic violence shelters say they are being swamped with calls as many people are asked to stay at home to avoid exposure to COVID-19.


Ok. So the first episode went online. Not a total failure. 🤣 Looking for people to join on the Live Stream with us tomorrow. Who's in? Drop a comment below.

We are working on the technical, the show format, and the overall plan.

Gov. Whitmer to announce stay-at-home order Monday 23/03/2020

This s**t is about to get real... Join us for our live broadcast at 3pm EST today. We may have some not so politically correct commentary on this. 🤷‍♂️😁🤣

Gov. Whitmer to announce stay-at-home order Monday Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is expected to announce a stay-at-home order during an 11 a.m. press conference Monday, sources tell 7 Action News.


Curious on how many people we can get to watch this.?

Come join us for some discussion, jokes, and whatever we come up with. We are feeling isolated and driving each other nuts.

Literally as I type this Im being yelled at about taking allergy meds... 🤣🤣🤣 This should be fun. 🤷‍♂️

Please share this with your friends and other couples. We will be looking for other couples to join us on a live video session or record and share their own! I'm laughing just thinking about what this might turn into.

In these perilous times we only have each other.

So this was a totally crazy idea that we had after watching all of these newscasts and shows with people doing video calls and having a blast. So I thought why not capture some of the silly, crazy, weird conversations we have and share it with the world. We talk about everything.... No limits or restrictions. We are also looking to add other couples to the show to share their experiences during the quarantine. It took some convincing to get Della to do this... She was not interested in having to “get ready” while “working from home” 🤣🤣

Let’s see how this goes. I’ll add more to this later.

Videos (show all)

Episode 1 : Quarantine Day 10
