Cheryl McMurry Kaynard for House

Cheryl McMurry Kaynard for House

I'm running for District 112 because our quality of life here East of the Cooper is under assault fr


Cheryl Kaynard endorses Daniel Brownstein for SC 112 Cheryl Kaynard announces her endorsement of Daniel Brownstein for SC House District 112, which serves Sullivan's Island, Isle of Palms and Mount Pleasant.


I'm running for House District 112 because our quality of life here East of the Cooper is under assault from over-development. From traffic to schools to conservation, we need a representative who'll fight to make Columbia listen to us -- our residents, our small businesses, our local leaders. And nothing is more important than putting an absolute end to any notion or version of offshore drilling. The only answer to that topic is NO. Common sense tells us that we know how to solve our own problems better than any senator or representative from halfway across the state. And if our citizens give me the honor of representing District 112 in Columbia, I'll work everyday to make sure that we have the authority and the resources we need here at the local level to save the quality of life that makes our area so special.