Bulls Eye Tarot

Bulls Eye Tarot

Tarot, wellness, healing, empowerment

Give a little, get a lot 13/11/2021

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Give a little, get a lot Join the Spaces by Wix app to read this blog and stay updated on the go.

Sometimes I'd rather stay home 09/09/2021

New blog post up!!


Sometimes I'd rather stay home I remember WAY back when I was in high school, one of my classmates said that when she goes to the beach for vacation, all she needs to take is a bathing suit, a pair of shorts, and a towel. I wish. I don't know why that stuck with me, but it did. I guess I like the idea of simplicity. Which got me....

Be not afraid... 29/06/2021

New blog post up!


Be not afraid... "Only when we are no longer afraid, do we begin to live." - Dorothy Thompson (Phew, l almost didn't get this out before the month ended! Not that anybody would notice, but anyway...) A little while ago I posted on Facebook alluding to how some of my friends and family and strangers (people I'd norma...

More is definitely more! 30/05/2021

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More is definitely more! Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to live in a tiny house. When my dad's friend would park/store his camper in our driveway, I'd sneak in it and spend hours pretending I lived there. I remember it made me feel so content and cozy and grown up. Of course, there was absolutely nothing else insi...


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Clean, clear, cleanse Experts say that the best way to let new, and positive, things into your life is to get rid of the old stuff that you never use, the kind that clutters your space and holds negative energy. This includes more than just the physical, tangible, every day stuff that surrounds us. I'm also talking about...


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Sign your own permission slip As February rolls in, a few things come to mind, at least for me. Despite having only 28 days, it seems like the LONGEST month of the year. No offense to my friends born during this cold, dark, wintery time, but that's how I feel about it. But since it IS February, it means I get to mention my 3rd f...


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Just a little bit longer 2020 seems to have imported itself into the New Year, while sadly dragging behind it a pile of dirty laundry and loads of heavy baggage, pretending to be 2021. (It's begging us to take it back, kinda like after a bad break up.) We've learned so much from the past twelve months that we probably won't...


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Goodbye and Good Riddance 2020 The year 2021 is upon us. (Phew!) I'm pretty sure there isn't one human being out there that hasn't gone through some kind of snafu, crappy situation, life changing event, or worse. It's just been that kind of year for EVERYBODY (to some degree or another.) SO... We can sit and dwell on the past wit...


New blog post up!


This is why toast is so important.... A piece of bread can become toast in 45 seconds...THAT's IT!!! Ok maybe a little longer...or maybe it SEEMS a little longer, especially when you are hungry! You put it in the toaster, it's soft. You take it out, it's toasty and crunchy. Regardless of how long it takes for a piece of bread to become....


New blog post up!! 🍃🍁🍂


Fall in Love with Fall Ahhhhhhhh Fall... It's more than a season. It's a feeling, an attitude. It’s the highly anticipated Vogue magazine Fall fashion issue. It's the JCPenney catalog. It’s Friday nights under the lights wearing a wool varsity jacket. It’s apple crisp this and pumpkin spice that. More importantly......


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Grieve for what you still have Ok, so this is a bit late (warning, and sad!) but isn't it "better late than never?" August was a bit of a blur, but that's no excuse! I vowed (to myself, in writing) to have a blog post up at least once a month, but I broke it. With good reason. Earlier in the month, my mother's health suddenly dec...


New blog post up!


Why and now Recently I got back into photography as a hobby. I've actually become pretty obsessed with it, not a bad thing, right? I have about 5 (completely) different cameras that I have been playing around with. I'm not gonna lie, it's been challenging and fun! A few weekends ago I had an amazing time with s...

Photos from Bulls Eye Tarot's post 28/07/2020

I love this Ten of Pentacles card from the Golden Girls Tarot deck (yes you heard me right!!!) It reminds me of one of my favorite trees; one I get to gaze upon almost every day. It’s full and perfect and strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were actual pentacles in this tree, maybe some day I’ll go check it out ....
@ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania



New blog post!!

Because it's easier... Part 1: I don’t know what it’s like to be any of the following: Male, Black, Jewish, Native American, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Elderly (not yet...) a beauty queen, a dog, a cat, or a turtle. Nor will I pretend to be any of those things. But I DO know what it's like to be HUMAN. And I do know th...



Stranger Friends Let's say things are back to normal for now, or at least let's pretend for a second. If you are like me, you have somewhat of a "normal" (hahahahahahaha what's that????) routine where you go out in public either to the store, to the post office, for a walk around the neighborhood, to work, or to exe...

Timeline photos 08/05/2020

Week 2 of the hosted by

Timeline photos 04/05/2020

Monday Morning Oracle .... be brave and show the world your talents... now is the time to display your magic

Timeline photos 02/05/2020

Found another one today... there are quite a few sticks, twigs, branches, and such on the trail, but I’m noticing these little symbols more and more. It could be because of our awesome lessons with ... so I’m taking these as signs 💜

Timeline photos 01/05/2020

Saw this on my yesterday .... thoughts anybody? I know you’ll have a good interpretation!

Photos from Bulls Eye Tarot's post 29/04/2020

May 2020 Seeds Rituals Creation Ceremony ... Enjoy!!

Timeline photos 24/04/2020

Week 4 of the .... Master.. enjoy! Sorry it’s a little late!

Timeline photos 23/04/2020

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” -Confucius

Photos from Bulls Eye Tarot's post 22/04/2020

Phases of the Moon spread created by ... I’m pretty sure this spread is meant to be used for the Full Moon, but honestly you can get creative with it and probably use it for any moon phase .... today I used it for the New Moon using .. it’s also fun to pull a crystal from my collection to help get a bit of clarity ...
@ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


New blog post up! Enjoy!


Heads are a poppin... Well here we are, weeks, if not months, into a global pandemic and STILL nobody knows for sure where this will all end up. Hopefully everybody (literally everybody, and of course YOU my readers) is happy and healthy and making good use of their time. I (we...sorry Goose....we... me and my husband) j...

Timeline photos 06/04/2020

Monday Morning Oracle ... Tulsi wants us to think about how we show up in this world. It wants us to know that WE ARE ENOUGH. We are smart enough, we are kind enough, we are important enough. But hey, if you wanna improve on your greatness...don’t let anybody stop you. 💚



This should not be tolerated ... Here is a topic that isn't new to anybody (and if you are reading this you are obviously on the internet!) Cyber-bullying. As if regular bullying isn't bad enough....now we can do it 24/7!! Night or day, we can pick up our phone or sit in front of our computer and hide behind a screen and have an aw...

Stress-related hormone cortisol lowers significantly after just 45 minutes of art creation 22/02/2020

Stress-related hormone cortisol lowers significantly after just 45 minutes of art creation Whether you're Van Gogh or a stick-figure sketcher, a new Drexel University study found that making art can significantly reduce stress-related hormones ...



Better late than never!!

What does it mean to be busy? Busy, busy busy!!! We all know that phrase.... Work, school, grocery shopping, kids, cooking, housekeeping, social media, paying bills, managing finances.... it


Elderberry reminds us to inhale and exhale ... life is a continuous cycle with no ending and no beginning .....

What's love got to do with it? 26/01/2020


What's love got to do with it? As we approach February and begin to really dive into our resolutions, I figured I would start posting some journal prompts, tarot related exercises and inspira


‎The Portfolio Life with Jeff Goins: Instead of Setting Goals, Tell a New Story on Apple Podcasts

This episode is soooo tarot...


podcasts.apple.com ‎Show The Portfolio Life with Jeff Goins, Ep Instead of Setting Goals, Tell a New Story - Dec 31, 2019