Holly Doyle

Holly Doyle

Navigate, create + manifest the life of your most daring dreams
Ease Fun + Joy


Out beyond ideas of
wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.



Happy Birthday Will Smith!! So grateful for knowing you and having the pleasure of working with you and your family personally. You and your family rock. Big Birthday love 🩷

Make a Splash Marbella 💦

Happy Birthday to my guy Will Smith | Thank you for all the incredible moments and memories. I’ve learned so much from you over the years. Whether it’s been on film sets, at home or on the road you’re always someone I enjoy being around. You make everyone feel at ease, welcomed and appreciated. Grateful to call you a dear friend. Today I’m sending you so much love and wishing you all the success on your journey of self realization and service. You’re one of the bravest people I know and I wish you more and more courage to walk the path less taken.

Photos from Holly Doyle's post 23/09/2023

One of my favourite family holidays with Baby Jesse, Nana Nellie, Blake, Nicky and Auntie Nokiee.

What a stunning location and experience of being taken care of by two very sweet servants in the most spectacularly positioned villa on a island only reached by boat.

It was fun to greet the day trippers each day as they moored in front of our terrace. There was a 'Kitchen boat' that came by cooking a huge variety of foods from curry to crepes and smoothies, all while rocking around on the lapping waves.

During a monsoon we would run down to the boat to get some yummy traditional foods to eat in our luxury holiday home looking out to the famous high limestone rock. The housekeepers would dash to fetch an umbrella to shield us from the rain - it was so funny and a beautiful experience.

We encountered lots of varieties of monkeys, some very cute and some had little mohawks and looked gangster-like. One time, they entered our lounge to steal food and cheekily ate their treasure on the roof, where the housekeeps would reach up with brooms to scare them away.

We still giggle about the fertility cave on the island that locals would carry huge wooden pen*s's, a metre high, along the beach to the shrine inside to pray for fertility. Inside of the cave were thousands of wi***es!

@ Thailand, Railay Beach ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I am so grateful for the amazing people I get to work with.

Everyone has different reasons for hiring a coach.

But one thing all my clients have in common is that they are all looking to create the life they love and a life that they love to wake up to.

They're ready to drop their mundane living that they have become over familiar with and comfortable in.

Their current situation feels ready to be shed/ outgrown.

They are ripe and ready to look at what is in the way of their dreams and are up for taking action to move the dial of their dreams in the direction of what they would prefer.

These actions uplevel and transform their life in every way.

Creating the life you love is what you deserve and more.

When you step into your creative, and greatest version of you, everyone benefits from the person you have become.


Alchemy Coach


It's no coincidence..

This morning in a coaching session, my incredible Queen of a client, stated what she would love for her next step to be in her fashion business...
..that she would love her drawings of dress designs to 'come alive' and be made into garments.

Her bigger vision is to supply fashion houses all over the world.

With energy work, intuition and alchemy we explored her growth during these past months together.

We celebrated her upleveling in her relationships, home environment upgrades and shedding of many limiting beliefs.

She has regained belief in her true self and her dreams, and now reports being 'in it to win it'.

She acknowledges her Queenly state and walks in her Queenly self 👑💃💥

Her intuition is her guide. She now acknowledges and consciously acts on her inner guidance.

Transforming her life has given her a new appreciation of herself and gratitude for her journey and where she is directing it and 'going for it'.

Today we deeply explored her ability to receive the opportunities available to her now.

Within the hour she received contact from a clothing workshop in Barcelona to arrange a meeting to discuss using her illustrations in a collaboration.

Magic or what?!

In her words 'When one is ready, the universe responds' ✨


Openings for Magical Natural Success Coaching Sessions to Smash your End Results out of the park and Uplevel your inner and outer worlds to live your life freely, truly and naturally in your unique purpose are now available.

Fornightly meets via zoom to dive into what is current for you right now, vision what you are creating, holding that focus, meanwhile using the forces of creative tension to powerfully bring your Land of Plenty to life!

Private message to enquire

🔺 Holly Doyle


Hey Magicians all over the world!

Greetings from Spain!

I am back in Marbella after a long break in the UK visiting friends and family. Recharging my batteries and continuing to serve my online clients to achieve their highest potential and dreams.

It has been fun to put my nomadic business living to the test and really take my biz travelling with me. Setting up meetings while in a hotel, while at my parent’s home, while on the road (in a car) and sometimes in a café.

To have this freedom is what I’ve been creating in my business for some time. To have location freedom and be anywhere around the world, planning my day to suit my family, my leisure pursuits and free-time. And to hold 1 to 1’s and group calls at times that suit my routine best.

I set up my diaries in advance so my clients can choose a time that suits them which runs so smoothly, with ease.

It has been a work in progress to get to this stage and have boundaries that serve me and my clients.

But, my goodness, having this structure is so relieving as the system runs itself with little to no effort. Which gives my energy a boost as I’m not sweating the day to day small stuff as the bookings, zoom meetings and payments are all taken care of.

This enables me to be the best coach I can be, with presence and energy to focus on my clients 100%.

My clients will tell you, how supported they feel, how powerful our coaching sessions are and their results are.

We are both in this and committed time-wise and energy wise to rise higher in our consciousness, purposeful work and receiving.

So it was a wonderful experience to take my coaching journey global, and to realise there are no limits to this work and the destinations I get to work from.

I also love to be an inspiration to my clients, stepping into this work on greater levels.

I have been asked to consider coaching my clients to become coaches themselves and I cannot think of anything more exciting!

If you’re loving this industry of transformation and are interested In becoming a coach I’d love to hear from you.


Incredible morning with this amazing professional swimmer.

She has been with me two short weeks and during this time has focused with precisión on her mindset.

We've dedicated each set, each lap, each start and finish to her end results.

With no need to know the 'how', we set clear intentions for her pool drills and made an intuitive exercise programme to meet those intentions.

Coaching is an intimate business. To form a great relationship, and have the space held to express your fears, feelings, worse case scenarios as well as recognising patterns that play throughout your life (that scupper your creations).

Its a huge deal getting a coach. Selecting someone who is dedicated to seeing the whole picture, invites the subsonscious to reveal itself, neutralises the fears and then implements new heart centred structures, and repetitively trains you over and over until it becomes natural, easy and embodied.

This 13 year old, has opened up vulnerably about where her mind has been focused and now has the tools to be in her truth, in her power and be a strong contender in her next competition.

The way she is progressing, her style, endurance, speed and entries into the water are all steadily building temperance. I predict she'll smash her next heats.

The message here is to activate your innate power, embody your dreams and build razor sharp focus.

With these simple tools the world is your oyster.

Want amazing results in the pool, and out of the pool? I'm available for hire - 1 off's to see if we're compatible. Then long term options available.

Be in your greatness and lead your way in your life.

Holly Doyle Coach


Happy Birthday Jaden Smith! Love your swim instructor from Sydney 🐨🩵💦💦💦💦

Happy Birthday, J-Diggy. It’s crazy that you’re 25?!?! When I was 25 I had a 2 yr. old… I’m just sayin’… Wha’s up? What you doin’ over there?

BTW, this is my favorite picture of us. 📷

Photos from Holly Doyle's post 08/07/2023

Witnessing Jesse living his dreams of playing music to his friends and friends he's not met yet melts my heart.

We all loved watching him play Seven Nation Army to 100's in the gallery at the Palacio De Congresos for the second year in a row.

I am so proud of him.

I asked him if he was nervous. He always says he's not.

He looks forward to being on stage for weeks before hand and it means the world to him.having his friends support him.

It was a joy to see him playing his heart out.

Here's a few snaps and vids.

Well done Jesse Rivers! 🤘🎸⭐️✨️

Thank you Marbella Music School and Ismael his Music Teacher.

After we headed the beach to celebrate with crepes and smoothies 🧃🥞☺️


My days are a mix of coaching online using the magical principles of alchemy balanced with my first love of teaching swimming.

I cannot decide which one I love more, they are both huge loves and I thoroughly enjoy gifting others the ability to swim and swim with style as well as guiding clients to create a life they love - magically.

This 13 year old competitive swimmer has just returned from competing in Thailand!

She is here in Marbella keeping up her fitness with Make a Splash Marbella 🩵💪


Beautiful eve 🩵


'Film Nite' chat ~

‘Mummy knows the Genie’ said Blake to Jesse.

’Yes, she’s taught the Genies children to swim’ said Jesse.

I was like 😳💬🧞‍♂️ ....

The conversations get pretty bonkers in our house but this time the surreal is real - which is a bit of a theme right now


Ditch the Dating Struggles & Nonsense with Rotational Dating 07/06/2023

I have many single friends and clients who are dating right now.

It can be an exciting time, I also believe it is a great area for personal growth as it is stepping into the void of adventure and the unknown.

I love connecting with my clients about their fears, struggles and doubts, and then coming through the other side, feeling more ready, sure and confident.

Dating is one of my favourite topics and fully facinates me.

This woman 'The Universe Guru' always has a fresh perspective and opens our minds to greater possibilities, is a stand for women imploring their greatness and getting the most from their dating.

Ditch the Dating Struggles & Nonsense with Rotational Dating Modern Dating for Queens (Rotational Dating): http://bit.ly/2sVJea8Get Your Free Gift: Mina's Container Workbook: https://bit.ly/2YgfnN8***Start Inner Work H...


Excited to
Welcome everyone who has said YES to
Choice Mastery 10.30am UK time TMRW!!!

Personal Transformation & Alchemy Coaching - Holly Doyle 29/05/2023

Getting a coach can be cool AF (depending on who you choose, and doing your due diligence)

But seriously, it's such a feel good investment.

It's commiting to yourself, your mastery, your dreams. (There is zero to be ashamed of).

This is NOT waving the white flag. This is claiming your crown.

It's sending a clear message to your subconscious that you're serious AF and for that subconscious of yours to buck up it ideas...

Repeat after me

'I'm ready for a shift.'

'I'm doing this!'

'I'm all in on myself'

THAT kind of energy SHIFTS sh*t 💩

It's time to choose your heart. Choose your dreams, Choose you.



Book in here to chat about your predicament - let's see what can be done. No strings chat.


I'm sure as hell you're ready.

Your dreamy AF life awaits

Personal Transformation & Alchemy Coaching - Holly Doyle Join Holly and be empowered to be the amazing creator you are. Together you will explore your current reality and what it takes to create with more ease and power.


How much longer are you going to spend complaining about your current reality?..yawn!


The way we perceive life, shapes our reality 🦁


Remember 🌻

Your Power 🔥 goes where you are Focused 👀

Even if the drama seems enticing and magnetic.

Stop. 🛑

Reclaim your Focus.



Can you feel the shift in this?

What do you notice?

During our time together in Choice Mastery we will be deep diving into this principle on Month 3 'Rising into Soft Focus'.

There's plenty of time to join us. We start Early June.

Pre requisites include: completion of CYD, plus Land Of Plenty within 6 months.

For anyone who hasn't completed CYD or Land of Plenty and would like to join, message me for details on how to make this possible.

Love and Magic,

Holly ✨️


Hearing one of my greatest mentors speak about how his most successful clients 'made sh*t happen'

'It happened when they got serious about making their daily choices.'

'Not just doing their choices, but taking them seriously.'

'Creating sh*t like you wouldn't believe.'

'One client starting a Unicorn company. Meaning a start up company with a value of 1 billon.'

'It happened when they did their Choices properly, with energy and with love'

I know this to be true, in my own life .

Making my Choices every day keeps me in my creative orientation, in my Land of Plenty vibes, intuitively receiving my end results and living a creative, fun, joy filled life, full of my favourite things.

I am crazy excited for all of the magicians ready to take their choices seriously too!

Where: Inside of Choice Mastery

Beginning: CHOOSEday June 6th

Sign Up Here https://buy.stripe.com/3cs3dicwDc1N9QQfZ7


"Once there was a young warrior. Her teacher told her that she had to do battle with fear. She didn’t want to do that. It seemed too aggressive; it was scary; it seemed unfriendly. But the teacher said she had to do it and gave her the instructions for the battle. The day arrived. The student warrior stood on one side, and fear stood on the other. The warrior was feeling very small, and fear was looking big and wrathful. They both had their weapons. The young warrior roused herself and went toward fear, prostrated three times, and asked, "May I have permission to go into battle with you?" Fear said, "Thank you for showing me so much respect that you ask permission." Then the young warrior said, "How can I defeat you?" Fear replied, "My weapons are that I talk fast, and I get very close to your face. Then you get completely unnerved, and you do whatever I say. If you don’t do what I tell you, I have no power. You can listen to me, and you can have respect for me. You can even be convinced by me. But if you don’t do what I say, I have no power." In that way, the student warrior learned how to defeat fear."
~Pema Chödrön



When starting something new - it’s natural to feel like a novice!

However continually allowing negative thoughts to creep into your mind basically sets yourself up for failure!

So rather telling yourself that ‘this is going to be hard’ or ‘that you will struggle’…


Tell yourself that;

💥 I’m going to rock at this
💥 I’m someone who’s totally capable to crush this
💥 This is going to open up a whole new world to me

Allow the scene that plays on repeat in your mind to be the one you WANT to play out, and create the OUTCOME you want to experience.

Your thoughts are so incredibly powerful!!!

💜 The way you think impacts the way you FEEL
💜 The way you feel impacts the way you BEHAVE &
💜 The way you behave creates your REALITY!

So if you want a different outcome in your life - be sure to flood your mind with POWERFUL affirmations and create the life you desire!

As it’s truly such a beautiful feeling to be surrounded with so much positivity every single day 💓


Today we will be MASTERMINDING all about 'With Practice, You Will Become a Joyous, Deliberate Creator'. It will be JUICY!
LIVE on Zoom @ 🇪🇸 9pm Spain, 🇬🇧 8pm UK, 🇦🇺 7am Australia AEDT (IN 15 MINUTES)

Please join the group 🔥IGNITE🔥 Your Life With 🦋Abraham Hicks🦋 beforehand for the Zoom entry link.

This is a great opportunity to share your experiences, uplevel your current practices and learn from the Mastermind team, a wealth of tips for embodying and igniting your life to be prosperous in all things.

See you there!

🦋 Wishing you all the HAPPIEST MOST ABUNDANT WEEK ❤


🙌 Sunday ~ Absent Healing
🕣 10.00pm CET
🌞 Healing List
⚜ First Name Only✨


A huge YES to this ❤️ Health is wealth!

The best investment you can ever make is in your own health.⁠

Good health can prevent disease and can keep healthcare cost down, and who doesn't want that?!⁠

And if we don't have good health, everything in life is affected.

This is why we have chosen the BEST water for healthy body, mind and hearts 🥰

Photos from Holly Doyle's post 25/03/2022

✨️✨️ 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 ✨️✨️


LIVE inside 🔥IGNITE🔥 Your Life With 🦋Abraham Hicks🦋
in 10 mins
'The Hidden Value Behind Your Emotional Reactions'


What are you CHOOSING to believe?


Happy World Water Day! 💦
Celebrating Conscious Water
and sharing a free E-book below


𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞💧✨🙏

H A P P Y W O R L D W A T E R D A Y 2 0 2 2 !

The healing that living water provides in people’s lives that I have witnessed is unmeasurable.

This video is incredible! All about how to tap into the 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 and 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲 of water



Life is Better when You're Laughing !!

Choose Conscious Water 09/03/2022

Water Wednesday


Register on the link below and watch this 8 minute video by Naturopath, leadership coach and wellness advocate, Karolyn Zinetti for an insight into the origins and ethos of Enagic


Choose Conscious Water Water is our most valuable natural resource but not all water is created equal. Learn how one machine can filter and restructure regular tap water into 5 different types of water with 60+ uses.


Don’t wait for permission.

Don’t wait another 12 months and be in the same place as you were this time last year.

Take the action.

Be brave and bold In your adventures and decisions.

We get to be fully present in the life we choose and we get to be proud to want more for ourselves.

Be willing to break the mould

And dare to Dance along the unpaved path.

Now is your chance to create something amazing for yourself.

And now is the perfect time.


✨Monday Expansion of the Moment Attract more time and space to create 💕

Join our new group for more tips, a space to ignite new dimensions to your life in all areas HERE ➡️ 🔥IGNITE🔥 Your Life With 🦋Abraham Hicks🦋


👉 But I’m not really good at sales…
💎 That’s why we have a built in support team to answer any questions on your behalf

👉 But I don’t have the time to really focus on it…
💎 That’s why we leverage a partly automated system that does so much of the heavy lifting for you

👉 But I don’t really want to be online…
💎 That’s why we leverage automation so that it can be done online without actually being “online” - but you also have the option to build offline. We’ll guide you and tailor an option that works best for you.

👉 But this is all so new to me so I don’t really know where to start…
💎 That’s why we have an education platform that teaches you literally step-by-step how to create a successful online business

👉 But I don’t have the money to get started…
💎 Shouldn’t that be the main reason - to change your current situation!! 🎤💥👌


REWIND to only a few short years ago and I had no idea how all the online space stuff worked…. 🤷‍♀️

But I knew I had to change my current situation - as I had debt to clear, wanted to get ahead in my finances & the drive to leave a legacy for my children.

✅ I became a student
✅ I went ALL IN
✅ And learnt a whole new skill set

And TODAY I’m so grateful I did all of this….because especially now, more than ever before - learning the skill set to generate an income online opens up a whole new world for you!

And having the luxury to do all of this from the comfort of your own home - gives you so much freedom as well!! 🙌

It all comes down to YOU and if you’re ready for the new way to do business online.

Keen to know more? Drop me a message and let’s lock in your free 15min consultation call with me this week to discuss further…

And you too can start March 2022 feeling confident with the direction you’re heading! 💎


What are you celebrating this week? A small/ big win.
Let's share and celebrate one another...

I'll go first in the comments below



“Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter.”

More-so than ever before, we are seeing a global need and desire amongst the majority, for community & connection.

For a feeling of belonging, for togetherness, connection and unity.
There is so much power to be found in Community!

COMMUNITY is everything!

and I believe that my inner circle has a direct impact on my own success and quality of life.

I would be lost without my chosen family, the support, the power of the energy & frequency from our like minded collective.

I find that within my online community, and amongst those for which I have had an impact, that I truly thrive and can be of so much service.

I can fully step into the best version of me, my highest self, and I grow and evolve more every single day!

It’s like we are fuel for each other’s soul fires, and we keep each other burning bright. 🔥

Moving forward, achieving new levels of growth, expansion and success

Supporting and empowering each other to be the. best versions of ourselves

Being able to connect and stay true to my why, and to my vision of empowering others, is amplified within my tribe.

The power of our community is simply unstoppable, and I am so proud to be a part of it. 🙌🏽

Being part of something like this, something so special, is how I am able to achieve all of my dreams and goals, and keep making new ones.

I see so many people winning, rising and thriving in our collective where success & expansion is inevitable

When we call upon all of ourselves,

Our heart, our mind, our body and our spirit,

We can show up more fully to the challenge.

And as a WHOLE, we are always greater than the sum of each part...

Together we can do SO MUCH..

Together we RISE!

Who else LOVES the power of community?? ❤️


Today, Monday January 23rd, we Begin a New Book 'The Astonishing Power Of Emotions - Let your feelings be your guide' by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

We are excited to dive in 💦

If you have this book please follow along or simply tune in when we are LIVE or catch the replay at your leisure.

🔥IGNITE🔥 Your Life With 🦋Abraham Hicks🦋


All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory ✨💫

Choose Conscious Water 26/06/2021

My aim is to live my best life right now, here in this moment.

To consciously choose and take action on the best choices for myself and my family.

Q. Did you know that approx 72% of our body is water?

This gives us a clear indication on how to support and boost our health 💦💦💦

Have you ever thought that W A T E R could be the one key missing link to your optimal health?

Once I discovered this...so much changed, and everyday I am so grateful for choosing to invest in my incredible water ionizer machine.

What shocks me is that ~ for all the health conscious people, practitioners, doctors, naturopaths, healers...most people don't consider the importance of W A T E R.

Q. Are they not educated in this 🤔💭

Especially when we also know that dehydration, acidosis and inflammation are 3 common symptoms that can lead to other disease.


Most people think filtered, rain or spring water is enough...and yes, of course, much better than tap or bottled water...
But filtered water is still dead water. It is dense and heavy

Spring & rain water, depending on the source & tank quality, can be highly acidic.

✨ Kangen water is alive.
✨ It is restructured and pure antioxidant.
✨ Absorbs 6 x MORE into the cells than other water.
✨ Hydrates.
✨ Reduces inflammation.
✨ Creates an alkaline environment.

As I value health being wealth...when I learnt all of this, choosing Kangen Enagic was an ABSOLUTE NO BRAINER!!

No need for all the extra expense on supplements....this water is giving the BEST nourishment 💧💧💧
And now, through knowledge and personal experience of this life changing water, it is my passion to share this life hack with others and change lives for the better.
I ask you...do you agree health is wealth?
What water are you drinking at the moment?
Would you like to dive deeper into how this water can change you life?

Click here to explore the transformational potency of Kangen Water. I guarantee it will change your life.


Choose Conscious Water Water is our most valuable natural resource but not all water is created equal. Learn how one machine can filter and restructure regular tap water into 5 different types of water with 60+ uses.

Videos (show all)

✨Monday Expansion of the Moment #patience  Attract more time and space to create 💕 #lifeandbizhacks Join our new group f...