

Welcome to a new type of church. Our goal is to help you find a deeper faith and relationship with Jesus without all the red tape.

This is a "come as you are" type of space and we hope it makes all the difference.

An Enduring Kingdom 18/09/2022

An Enduring Kingdom The rise and fall of royals

Finding Fit 28/08/2022

Finding Fit The natural process of coming together

Be Humble to Live Strong 21/08/2022

Humility is one of the most underrated ways to crash the glass ceiling.

Be Humble to Live Strong Riches, Honour and Long Life can be had

Love your enemies 15/08/2022

Living counter to culture is hard. You can start today by loving your enemies.

Love your enemies Living counter to culture can help you see the world differently

Finding the Extraordinary 20/02/2022

Don't live with regrets, faith is the answer to mediocrity

Finding the Extraordinary The unapologetic push of faith

The Lure of Wealth 13/02/2022

100X > 10X all day, everyday. Find out how you can live this better life.

The Lure of Wealth Things that crowd out the 100X life

A Better Currency 22/01/2022

Ever wonder what it takes to be

A Better Currency What it takes to be Rich

The Decentralization Movement 16/01/2022

Find you're struggling to find the relevancy of faith? We need new models to unlock the potential of our relationship with Jesus.

The Decentralization Movement Creating a movement is hard from the middle

An unfair trade 08/01/2022

It’s time to learn the unforced rhythms of a life that’s lived in grace.

An unfair trade The art of carrying a load

Counter Culture 03/01/2022

You have to live different if you want different results. This is a bold new way of living.

Counter Culture Setting the bar higher

Cancel culture is a thing 31/03/2021

Cancel culture is real.

If we’re all in some way broken why are we surprised when we miss the mark. The fact is that we’re all in desperate need of this thing we've forgotten, it’s called “grace”.

Cancel culture is a thing The art of making progress in a world of uncertainty


We just launched a substack called Trending. It discusses all things life and faith. You can sign up here: https://missionx.substack.com/

Trending with MissionX A discussion about life and faith


Hi, my name is Jesan and I am going to share with you a story about my Father.
Growing up, I faced many challenges. My Father has truly been the strongest pillar of our family in every difficult situation. He always resorted to prayer and encouraged all of us to do the same. It seemed like nothing on earth could wipe the smile off his face. His smile was our strength. Whether there were financial struggles or relational issues, my Father seemed to overcome the emotional impact of these challenges really quick. His response to uncertainties was a great inspiration to me. His loving and encouraging words always made me feel “I can do this!” Growing up with him, I realized that truly nothing is impossible. We only need to believe and never give up!
My Father’s favorite bible verse has been Philippians 4:13 which says, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” In love, he always pointed us to Christ for strength in our weakest moments.
One thing that my Father helped in shaping me is my perception. Perception to situations, perception to people, perception to faults and failure and so much more. He showed me that it’s more important to fix the problem rather than figuring out how and why it happened. This perception also shaped my heart to be more loving and forgiving towards people in my life.
Sometimes, we won’t have answers. But we don’t always need an answer. If we had answers to everything, we won’t need faith. I learnt this from observing my Father’s life. I learnt to walk in genuine faith, hope, and love.
Looking at my Father, I can’t but be amazed at how much more our Heavenly Father loves us and will guide us. No matter what happens, He will never fail us. I urge you to turn to your Heavenly Father today. His love for you is greater than any other you could find in your life.


Hi, my name is Vid and I have a short story for you about my mother, the one who raised me and never failed. Growing up and going through the various stages of life you tend to make some mistakes and see a lot of mistakes made my people closest to you. Sometimes Its bad decisions,or things that hurt others. Sometimes you tend to wonder why and how you got there in the first place. Whenever I was at “that place” I felt like there was no turning back, I felt alone, I felt like this is it and that I can never reconcile my relationships to those who i’ve hurt and those that have hurt me, I felt like a failure. This is where my mother showed her unconditional love. No matter how far off the edge I was emotionally or mentally, she was there to hold onto me and pull me back up into safety. She saw no faults and kept no records of wrongs, she taught me to open my eyes to forgiveness and the love of God. My mother was this beacon of light in my life, guiding me, but there was always something more to it. There was an even bigger light right behind her and that was God. God held onto my mothers life and weathered all the storms she has been through. My mother led me to the true source of infinite love, affection, and care. She led me to God. Much like the prodigal son in Luke 15: 11-31. The prodigal son was in “that place”, he was so far off the edge, he was alone, he made mistakes, he felt as if he were a failure and he felt that he could not reconcile his relationships. But one day he went back to his father and said “ Father, i have sinned against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” However, the Father saw no record of wrong, he took back his son with his unconditional love and said “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found”. The one thing i want you to take from this story is this; God is always waiting for you, no matter how far you are, how much you have sinned, or even if you never had a relationship with him, God is waiting to give you the life you deserve. Take one step towards him and see how your life will change.


Each day we need to make decisions to connect fresh with our creator. This is how we live our best life.


Happy New Years! We have a new convo dropping tomorrow with as we chat about life and Jesus. Make sure you tune in to hear more.


This Christmas focus on how you can be a blessing vs. just accumulating more stuff.


It's Christmas in just a few days and probably a great time to reflect on some of our favourite songs of the season. Regardless of what we're humming it's important to remember the reason for the season :)


Some Christmas music coming at you next week. What's your favourite holiday tune?


Living for yourself is overrated, believe God for more in your life.


One of our favourite songs, enjoy :)


Keep an eye out for new music next week. Singing a new song can be liberating. It's taking the focus off our problems and redirecting them to Jesus.

Force for Good - Conversations with MissionX 29/11/2020

Force for Good - Conversations with MissionX The world around us is changing, this is a talk about how we can be good corporate citizens while living out our faith.


Bold Moves


More music coming your way this week. He's faithful.

Next Gen - Conversations with MissionX 15/11/2020

Next Gen - Conversations with MissionX In this conversation we explore some of the big challenges facing our generation. We take a particular focus on how to keep the faith in the middle of these ...


Next week we have a great conversation coming up that anyone in highschool or university will want to tune in for. Don't miss it :)


It's a beautiful, wonderful, powerful name.


New music coming from the team next week. We can't wait to share it with you. Stay connected :)

Videos (show all)

Sometimes its better to give than to receive! Today we’re continuing to help people pay for their groceries. Tap the lin...
Let’s make someone’s day today by helping them with their groceries! Jesus calls us to show generosity and kindness. Cli...
We asked strangers for advice when faced with adversity. But that's not all— at the end they’re offered $100 and are fac...
We asked strangers for their best advice on life's toughest challenges. But that's not all—Also offering them money and ...
Kindness pays off! We asked people if they would compliment a stranger for $10. If they choose to spread postivity they ...
When you’re not in control, God is. A lot of times the facts on the ground can look daunting. This is a perfect opportun...
We all have those moments when we drop the ball. It’s a good thing we have people in our lives to help pick us up. Take ...
Mission Minded