Helping People in Crisis

Helping People in Crisis

The purpose of this page is to help those in crisis find help. The answers are from a Christian pers


Merry Christmas dear friends. I pray you will experience God's love for you at this time in a very special way. This has been a very blessed Christmas season for me, everyone is in good health, my family and I have been so close, I have terrific pastors and I have experienced God's love in such a strong way.
It has not always been so. There were years when I cried myself to sleep every night. I missed my son Clint so much I could hardly breath, it seemed everywhere I went I saw him at every age. He was 21 when he went to Heaven, but I would see a little blond haired, blue eyed 2 year old and I would actually find myself going to pick the child up. I'd see a 10 year old that looked like Clint, giggling with his friends and I'd walk toward him. Seeing a guy with massive shoulders and chest would make me want to throw my arms around him as my very big son would often do to me. It would take every thing I had not to get hysterical in a mall or public place.
After having an accident that left me in constant pain following the death of my son was unbearable. I would beg God to take me to Heaven, but He didn't answer that prayer. When I asked Him why I was still here, God let me know I still had a purpose. I didn't feel I had anything to give to anyone but I continued to read God's word and try to encourage someone in spite of my own emotional and physical pain. it helped me to get my mind off myself and my problems and it caused me to pray for other people with problems.
My life is experiencing so much comfort and joy. I'm so glad I chose to live. Anyone can stay alive but it's another thing to live life to its' fullest. Because I clung to Jesus with all my might, He has brought me into a beautiful season of harvest. I've been privileged to see many of my prayers answered and some wonderful surprises.
If you are hurting physically or emotionally I suggest you put your hand on that heart of yours that is still beating. Know
that is God's way of telling you your life still has purpose and destiny. Sometimes you have to live day by day, sometimes it's minute by minute. I urge you if you are in a rough place, seek God with all your might. His Word and His will are in the Bible. Ask Him to open up His Word to you and I promise He will. Thank God for everything you can thing of. Pray for others in your own need. Doing these things will bring you out from this hard place. If there is something you would like me to pray for, I would be happy to. Merry Christmas dear friend, may God's comfort and beautiful presence be with you!


Merry Christmas dear friends. I pray you will experience God's love for you at this time in a very special way. This has been a very blessed Christmas season for me, everyone is in good health, my family and I have been so close, I have terrific pastors and I have experienced God's love in such a strong way.

It has no always been so. There were years when I cried myself to sleep every night. I missed my son Clint so much I could hardly breath, it seemed everywhere I went I saw him at every age. He was 21 when he went to Heaven, but I would see a litle blond hair, blue eyed 2 year old and I would actually find myself going to pick the child up. I'd see a 10 year old that looked like Clint, giggling with his friends and I'd walk toward him. Seeing a guy with massive shoulders and chest would make me want to throw my arms around him as my very big son would often do to me. It would take every thing I had not to get hysterical in a mall or public place.

After having an accident that left me in constant pain following the death of my son was unbearable. I would beg God to take me to Heaven, but He didn't answer that prayer. When I asked Him why I was still here, God let me know I still had a purpose. I didn't feel I had anything to give to anyone but I continued to read God's word and try to encourage someone in spite of my own emotional and physical pain. it helped me to get my mind off myself and my problems and it caused me to pray for other people with problems.

My life is experiencing so much comfort and joy. I'm so glad I chose to live. Anyone can stay alive but it's another thing to live life to its' fullest. Because I clung to Jesus with all my might, He has brought me into a beautiful season of harvest. I've been priveleged to see many of my prayers answered and some wonderful surprises.

If you are hurting physically or emotionally I suggest you put your hand on that heart of yours that is still beating. Know, that is God's way of telling you your life still has purpose and destiny. Sometimes you have to live day by day, sometimes it's minute by minute. I urge you if you are in a rough place, seek God with all your might. His Word and His will are in the Bible. Ask Him to open up His Word to you and I promise He will. Thank God for everything you can thing of. Pray for others in your own need. Doing these things will bring you out from this hard place. If there is something you would like me to pray for, I would be happy to. Merry Christmas dear friend, may God's comfort and beautiful presence be with you!


If you find yourself in depression, loneliness, sorrow, chances are you are in need of encouragement. King David encouraged himself in the Lord, which means he would rehearse the good things in his life. He would talk about his past victories and how wonderful his God was to him. I know there is only one true God, but David made it personal which really helps you to believe your self talk. We all have conversations in our heads. It is so important to be saying positive things to yourself. This is especially important when things are hard. The enemy of your soul wants you talking down to yourself. Things like, I'm so stupid. How could I be such an idiot? My life is never going to change! It will change for the better as you quote scriptures and positive statements about yourself.
Words like,
God is on my side, I can do this." "I'm getting stronger and stronger every day. I have a sharp brain, Jesus said He has given me the mind of Christ, He will never leave me or forsake me. I know my God is a good God and His plans for me are good plans, plans of peace and not of evil. Jer 29:11. I pray this is a blessing to you. God has your back!


Love is your greatest weapon against evil. The Bible says it never fails.
God builds our strength as we choose to walk in love.


God won't let your future live, unless you let your past die!


Today I had a white haired angel help me. I went into a store to return something and had a man literally park 2 inches from my SUV. He swung his car in the space next to mine but overlapping the lines of my space. He was about 6 inches from my driver's side. I could not get into my car and noticed an elderly man parked across from me. I asked him if he wouldn't mind trying to flag me out. He suggested putting the car in neutral and he would push my SUV out. I was so concerned because he looked to be in his 80's. Before I could warn him not to, he had pushed my SUV out to where I could get in. I thanked him profusely and told him he was my hero and angel. He smiled a kind smile and gently said thank you. As I went into another store, I saw the words on a poster, "Have you made someone smile today?" I smiled and said "Yes I have!" Kindness is contagious, so my question to you is, Have you made someone smile today? It's still not to late to do. Be someone else's angel and hero!


Every now and then I see the tremendous need in people's lives to be at peace and walk in joy. That is why I started writing books. I was the most needy of all. I suffered with terrible panic attacks, depressions and low self-worth to name just a few of my problems. One night I had a melt down on the front row of my church. Two friends had to help me walk out of the church. It was humiliating. I cried out to God to help me overcome the nervous wreck I had become. He did, through the power of His Word. It was almost like God was dictating to me page after page of Who He was and is. He also led me to scriptures to heal my wounded soul. Everyone I knew wanted a copy of my notes when they saw the amazing changes in me. Those notes became a book called The I AM Book. It has been featured on the 700 Club, and Christian television stations across the U.S. and internationally. Many, many people have written to me that it has helped change their lives. If you would like to purchase it, it is listed on Amazon/The I AM Book/susaneaves or I believe it will be life-changing for you. Don't forget to write me your praise story or prayer request. God bless you in your adventures with Him.


Valentine's Day is coming up. What is it about? Love. Jesus said through Paul, there are in the end three things that remain, faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is LOVE. LOVE NEVER FAILS. Love heals broken hearts and imparts hope in hopeless situations. Love is such a powerful force that it lasts for eternity. If you want to change the world for better, choose love. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Love gives. It gives in spite of... No matter who you are and what you have done, God loves you, He really does. You can change the world forever just by choosing to love. Happy Valentine's Day!


Are you in a crisis, or do you know someone in crisis? I wrote the book, THE CRISIS TOPICAL BIBLE, because I went through such a great time of loss, my son passed, I was in a crippling car accident, and I was unable to work due to the injuries I received. There were many other losses and I was in a bad state physically and emotionally. Reading anything was a challenge and I desperately needed encouragement and hope. I started collecting scriptures dealing with various types of crisis. I was once again challenged with panic attacks. I would read my scriptures several times a day and they kept me from losing my mind. The scriptures became a book that dealt with over 150 types of scriptures for every imaginable type of crisis. THE CRISIS TOPICAL BIBLE makes a great gift for someone who has lost a loved one, a job they were counting on, for someone who is sick, in a legal battle, the types of crisis is endless. The point is when you see someone in crisis, and you want to help them but you don't know how, the book becomes something tangible for them to hold on to. It is sending the words of comfort, love and encouragement to a person whose life has been turned upside down, and it's a very practical way of showing that you care. The book can be purchased through Amazon, THE CRISIS TOPICAL BIBLE or through I'm not trying to be a pushy saleslady. I honestly care about the people all around me that are in such heartache. It's my simple way to reach out to those who have no hope. If you order a book would you drop me a note and let me know? Thank you, and God bless.
Linda Salzman
Susan...This particular book is such an encouraging source of strength as I have walked through so much and needed a source to guide me through my darker hours to stay on track and grow in The Lord ... Not crumbling apart! Highly recommended resource for self and assisting others!
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Susan Principe Eaves
Thank you Linda. It is wonderful to know that it was so helpful to you. You are an overcomer for sure! ox
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Susan Principe Eaves
December 12, 2020 ·
Shared with Your friends
I am thankful for the wonderful family and great friends that have given into my life, whether it was through prayer, encouragement, friendship, uplifting words or just some form of strength and hope that you sent my way. From the bottom of my heart thank you! May this upcoming year be a better year for all. I'm counting my blessings and refusing to think on any of the negatives.


I have discovered something that has brought me so much joy and peace. I pray blessings on people that have been thorns in my side. I pray earnestly for God to bless them, and any time the enemy tries to bring up an offense or bad memories, I hit them with prayer. No wonder Jesus said repeatedly, "Forgive those who have hurt you, and used you, and lied about you." Let me tell you, it works! Don't allow the awful memories. You give the Evil One a place to torment you. It is not easy, but when you pray for your enemies to be blessed. What joy and peace saturate your soul! Someone who has been a thorn in my side for years came to my house today. I really was happy to see this person. When our conversation was over, I had such joy, it shocked me. This person used to drive me absolutely crazy. They haven't changed but I have. Sometimes following the Lord's way is difficult, but it is always rewarded abundantly. I pray this is a blessing to you today! Don't let anyone steal your joy.


One of the most important things to do in a crisis is to be careful not to make any snap decisions when you are in such a vulnerable place. An acrostic that AA uses is HALT. Never make a major change when you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Remembering this acrostic has saved me heartache and regret a bunch of times. Last month I made a very quick, expensive decision that I now regret. You can scroll on down to read the whole story. Anyway, I'm just hoping to be a light in a dark place that our country is going through right now. Remember, you are here for a reason, destiny and purpose. God still has many great days ahead for you.


I pray this post finds you in good mental and physical health. God is not through blessing our nation. Remember He is a great God who loves to see His children blessed, just like you want for your children. But don't you want a close relationship with your kids? God wants that with you. Take a few minutes to just pour out your heart to Him. He is a loving, wonderful Father who cherishes His own. ox


Thank you Barbara for sharing your amazing story with us!


The past thirty one days has been like a Ripley's Believe it or Not. I was rear ended by a huge monster truck. The driver got out completely inebriated (drunk) barely able to stand up. He just kept laughing saying," I can't believe I totaled my truck". I was shook up, okay, but very sore. As a result, I couldn't sleep. Two days later in a desperate to sleep mode, I was going into my bathroom and passed out, splitting my head open.
My forehead was split from the middle of my head to almost my hairline by my ear. My house looked like a crime scene, I lost so much blood and had to go by ambulance to the hospital because of the amount of blood I lost so quickly. On approximately day twenty, a front tooth fell out eating a piece of corn. Because of Covid 19 I couldn't find a dentist open. I only tried for a few hours but I was panicking because I'm scheduled to be on TV in two weeks.
I finally found a dentist approximately 75 miles away each way. His receptionists called and said, Can you be here in two hours?" I promptly said, "Yes" and jumped in my car. I waited for two hours to be called, I then went in explained my situation and the dentist pulled what was left of my tooth. It had been capped. After the dentist pulled the tooth, he started to pressure me, using fear tactics to have additional procedures done so I didn't get into, trouble, infection, etc...
I really didn't feel I should do it, but I let the pressure from him and his assistant get the better of me. I agreed. I am a miracle in progress, currently overcoming a neuro disease which affects the nerve endings in my body. I explained this to the dentist he assured me he knew all about the disease.
My body went into a complete flare up of my nerve endings. I don't remember ever having so much pain. It is day number eight after having the tooth pulled, and it is still so painful to just drink water or eat even soft food.
The reason I am saying this is to hopefully spare someone else not just in their mouth but in their lives as well. When you feel to not do something, don't let anyone pressure you. And, if they do continue to pressure you say, "NO"! I was pressured to immediately come 150 miles round trip because I would not find another dentist. I was pressured to have additional things done and again I felt so pressured, and I gave place to fear.
I know now it was the Holy Spirit trying to warn me. The lesson learned is most people don't have your best interest at heart. I choose to forgive myself and the dentist, but I don't ever want to repeat this again! I hope this helps you. Lesson two whenever you are being pressured tell them no. It's a very big word that will help you keep your peace and happiness. God bless, have a great day.


To the right of this post is a section called Visitors Posts. Please read the post from Barbara Shulla. She is a walking miracle and I know her story will inspire you!


I want to thank Crusita for sharing an incredible miracle she experienced. Do you need to read good news? Read her story!


Crusita Ollervides Sosa I couldn't find where to add my testimony so I will share this right here.
My testimony isn't one of physical healing, but God reaches out to us and shows Himself faithful in every part of our lives. Whether it be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual financial, in the natural, or Supernatural.
What I want to share is Supernatural. Our daughter had been married for a little over a year. Her husband was in the navy and stationed in Japan. She was living with us during that time with their little baby boy. She was 18 at the time, and we enjoyed having them with us.
Of course, she missed her husband, and wanted to be together with him and their baby as a family. So the day came when she decided to fly to Japan and to live there together until they could come back to the states.
She was a very young girl, a new mom, and lived in a new and strange land. A language she couldn't speak and her husband out at sea most of the time. We missed them so much, and I could share many things that we know God helped her with, but I want to share one thing in particular to attest to the fact that there is no distance in prayer when you agree with God and in His Word.
We lived in Ohio, and one day we I got a call from her. I immediately knew she was crying and so scared.
There was a Sunami coming towards where she lived. Her husband was out at sea, and her and our little grandson were alone at home.
I remember trying to keep myself from crying too, knowing I couldn't get in our car and just go and bring them home. By the grace of God I stayed calm, and I managed to calm her down too. I could hear the strong winds around her house almost as if they were trying to rip her house down to get to them. Her baby was clinging to her chest as she held on to him.
I asked God, " what should I do Lord? ".
I suddenly heard myself telling her to get up and extend her hand to the wind, and speak to it. I told her to take her God given authority over it. I said command it to to cease in the name of Jesus, and I told her I would agree with her. She was so frightened and it took a little while to convince her to do what I said. She finally got up and still in tears she shouted at it and spoke to it, and commanded it to turn and go back out to the sea in Jesus's name. I agreed with her, and prayed in the Spirit.
We held our breath and waited. After a couple of minutes she came back on the phone. Laughing and rejoicing. She said the winds started to calm down and than they stopped.
Glory to God, I finally let the tears come and started giving God praise. We started laughing together, thanking. Jesus. We had just wittnessed a miracle. The baby was calm now too.
People can say it was a coincidence, but we don't believe in coincidences. I believe it was the next day she was listening to the news and they reported that the Sunami had suddenly shifted its course and gone back out to sea. It had slowly dissolved and lost its power. There had been little to no damage anywhere. There was no damage to her house either except for a little clean up outside where the winds had blown things around.
Years have gone by now. They have lived here in the states along with another son. The oldest one is now 26 and we have occasionally told him of how God miraculously protected them. He just smiles.
I pray that in sharing this it will encourage someone to stand in faith, believing that God is truly a Father that loves and cares for His children and nothing is too hard for Him no matter what kind of storm we may be facing, if we will only BELIEVE! God bless you!

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Prayer is the most effective thing you can do in a crisis. The Word says that Jesus moved with compassion to help people. He is still moving with compassion today. No matter how far away from God you feel, I know Jesus will move heaven and earth to help you. He has done it for me, and I know He will do it for you! Visit Helping People in Crisis to lift you up.


To those who have liked my post, thank you, thank you, thank you! I want hope to return to people in crisis!


Reaching out to someone while in the midst of a crisis often helps lift your own spirit.


Thank you for liking this page. Sometimes the best thing in a crisis is knowing someone else knows and is praying for you!


Several years ago I went through multiple crises at the same time. My son passed away. I was in a horrible car accident that left me disabled and unable to work.

One of the injuries involved a herniated disc that ruptured into the top of my spinal cord. The pain was mind-blowing.

My hands and feet pulled into claws. I was diagnosed with a neuro disease that has no cure. It was excruciating, I lost the house of my dreams that I had worked so hard to buy.

Everyone of my closest friends moved to other states. Some very personal heartbreaking situations happened during that time as well.

I had to use a wheelchair for anything that required walking or standing more than a few minutes. When I did walk it was with great pain and spastic arm and leg motions. The strong medicines that I was on caused my eyebrows and eyelashes to fall out, as well as the hair on the top and back of my head.

I didn't know what hurt worse, my physical injuries or my broken heart over losing my son. Every doctor I went to see said I would not recover and I was told to think about moving to a nursing home. I was forty eight years old.

The woman who hit my car had a long history of DUI's. Through a loophole in the law, she was able to walk away with no fines or jail time. I was awarded less that the price of a new car as a settlement.

Honestly, I was begging God to let me die. Thank God He did not answer that prayer! I began to watch Christian television as much as possible. One day I watched the same Joel Osteen program twelve times in one day. He gave me hope, when the enemy kept hissing in my ears, "There is no hope for you. You are only going to get worse!"

I began looking for books that could help me. I found very little that dealt with people going through multiple calamities.

I started searching the Bible for help with all the different horrendous things I was going through. I could only type with two fingers, sometimes I couldn't even do that.

As I stayed laser focused on whatever was good in my life. I watched programs on healing and uplifting shows. I compiled almost two hundred pages of every type of crisis I could think of.

I am a miracle in progress. Most days my hands and feet are not in claws and I typically walk without a limp. I compiled and published all my crisis scriptures. That is how The Crisis Topical Bible came to be.

I am a Christian minister. It is my joy to help people not give up. God has turned my pain into gain. This page is for people in crisis. It is also for people who want to help someone in crisis, as well as post testimonies of how others overcame in their crisis.

Your testimony can help someone who is in the worst place of their life. Never underestimate the power of your story to uplift or inspire someone who is in a really dark place.

If you would like to purchase The Crisis Topical Bible you can go to or Crisis Bible/amazon/susaneaves
