Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson

Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson

Instagram: @untamed_ethos
Twitter: @TheJoshuaWilson

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCytX5WYLwxKzP9_DTGtMncQ

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3B79bMoMZX9FN3Ru4GEi9r?si=BdvrEGOXQ1OfsPd_vIBJdw&nd=1

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Be sure to follow us on Instagram & YouTube: @untamed_ethos


Excited to announce I'll be leading an online foundational study group for starting July 9th!

Details: Tuesdays as NOON CT for 6 weeks

Faith Driven Entrepreneur

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 08/05/2024

Attention: are you an , , , or just trying to advance in business or sales? I invite you to follow me on LinkedIn where I post more and often different content!


For the entrepreneurs and sales people: You May Be Focusing TOO MUCH on Solutions! 🤯

Here's why an excessive focus on solutions might be harming your ability to gain new clients:

👎 Gaining Attention: You risk turning off prospects who haven't done significant, relevant, and accurate research.

👎 You risk turning off those who don't already know precisely what they want.

That describes most prospects.

👎 Keeping Attention: Solutions are often too dry and boring to make a lasting impact.

📕 Boring books are easy to put down and hard to pick back up.

👎 Engaging Emotion: The solution itself is often the most boring and emotionless part of what you do, yet emotion drives actions more powerfully than reason.

More important than the solution is crafting a narrative that resonates!

👎Once the Solution is Revealed, It's Hard to Go Back: Launching too quickly into solutions can prematurely close the door on understanding the full scope of a client’s needs.

⚾ Once you’ve presented your solution, you’ve pitched; and unlike baseball, you can't easily get the ball back.

When advisors focus too much on solutions, I often find that their curiosity has diminished.

There's nothing wrong with having a standard list of questions, but over-relying on them inhibits connection.

☑ The questions become mere boxes to check off on your way to pitching the solution you planned to pitch before the client even sat down.

💡 The real game-changer is how you delve into the answers and build the narrative.

Don't rush to the next checkbox just so you can get to "your turn" to talk.

The solution isn’t the wine, the steak, or the dessert—it's just the natural handshake or hug at the end of the evening. 🤝

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 01/05/2024

What are your thoughts? This will open the door for medical research on , but what are the unintended consequences? Anxious, excited, or indifferent?

JWaller's New Movement For The Most Undervalued Heroes 17/04/2024

Blue collar workers with physically demanding jobs are the most underappreciated people in society.

JWaller's New Movement For The Most Undervalued Heroes JWaller's New Movement For The Most Undervalued Heroes


JPMorgan tells all on episode #24 of the Untamed Ethos podcast! Catch it on YouTube, Spotify, Apples, and more!

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 04/04/2024

I have deep doubts about this. Do you think the result is engineered to make people think they are the minority and activate their herd mentality?

Numerous studies show people are “conditional cooperators,” meaning they are more likely to contribute to a common good when they believe others also contribute. In other words, getting people to believe everyone is doing it is critical to getting everyone to do it.

“Social desireability bias” occurs when respondents provide answers they believe are more socially acceptable or favorable rather than what is true to their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Respondents who answered “yes” get to feel good about themselves because of what they SAID they would do without having to make any actual sacrifices.

Do you want to know if people would REALLY give 1%? Add an option to tax returns for people to give 1%, or put it as an optional election on tax withholding forms for employees.

When actions are required for the good feeling, suddenly people will come up with reasons why they won’t do it yet.

Like & share this post if you like to see exposed, and follow for more!


Does this impact how you'll vote? Will abandon the Democratic Party over this desecration?


The decisions you make with your money will guide your heart. We want feelings to come first. We want to believe our hearts will guide us, but Jesus says it doesn’t work the way culture teaches us it should! In fact, "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked,” according to Jeremiah 17:9. Jesus said where your treasure *IS* (present) there your heart WILL be (future).

Jesus said it right after telling us 1) don't act like hypocrites, and 2) don't prioritize what is temporary over what is eternal. Do you think this placement was accidental?

Your heart is following your money. It's following money to WHERE you spend it, and to WHAT you spend it on. Your heart is following it to the COMPANIES you INVEST in and to the COMPANIES that help you invest and MANAGE your money. ***You decide where your heart goes when you decide how to spend and invest.*** Do you know where your heart is going?

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 18/03/2024

Absolutely disgusting that our Has devolved to the point where such an amendment needs even be mentioned.
Newsweek summarizes what it would take to pass an amendment. "A constitutional amendment would require a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate to be passed into law. The amendment would then need to be ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the States."


Food fight! 🍽️🥘 A couple's clash over being late to a meal reveals their different values and worldviews.


Reply to a great post from Pastor of


Dr. Cory Clark on the rise of female psychology in our culture and institutions. Are men too forgiving?

Worldview Shapes Financial Decisions: Financial Philosophy - Untamed Ethos #22 #BehavioralFinance 24/02/2024

How do worldviews and upbringing influence financial choices? Dr. Wilson is joined by Robert Brooks, PhD, CFA, a professor Emeritus at The University of Alabama to discuss this and other "Financial Philosophy" questions in Episode 22 of The Untamed Ethos Podcast.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmprUQTRq7w
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1E50s71jfRT0Wt4RdM8PCl
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-worldview-shapes-financial-decisions-unveiling/id1684521406?i=1000646038238

Worldview Shapes Financial Decisions: Financial Philosophy - Untamed Ethos #22 #BehavioralFinance Episode 22 of Untamed Ethos Podcast examines the philosophical roots of financial decision-making, offering insights into behavioral finance. This episode fe...

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 15/02/2024

Pippa had her annual exam today. She was a little overweight last year so we made some adjustments. Today, she was down 2.5lbs and vet said she’s happy with her weight now. Hooray for Pip for meeting her weight-loss goals! What's your favorite kind of dog and why?!


I appreciate a lot of what teaches, but I respectfully suggest he put some restraints on this point because it is often not true. People often fall victim to the bias, a cognitive bias, that occurs when individuals believe they knew the outcome of an event before it happened, after the outcome is known. This bias can make people overconfident in their ability to predict future events based on past events. Also, some people are just negative or hedge themselves and then utilize selective memory. I once worked with a COO who would always speak up and tell us why every single thing we wanted to do wouldn’t work. When something worked, she was silence or reminded us that she acknowledged why it might work. When we ran into the typical struggles of business, she would remind us that she knew it wouldn’t work and that we told us and that she’s “always right.” Sometimes people are just full of themselves and "know" everything in hindsight. Is what Chris said sometimes true? Yes. Is is absolutely true? No!

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 09/01/2024

60% of students don’t score at grade level in . How much time, resources, and money went into discussing, debating, drafting, educating faculty, and finally publishing this? This kind of thing is lobbied for with the generated by publicly traded companies you in, and they force it on their employees, yet most people don't pay any attention to the investment firms they work with or the power they have over us.

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 08/01/2024

Behind every “win” you see posted on social media, there are many losses. Failures, both controllable and uncontrollable. Self-doubts. Imposter syndrome flareups. Setbacks. Distractions. Negative words—both external and especially internal.

On a day that I post a “win,” know that it resulted because I failed, doubted, and prayed my way to it. In 2023, after many years working in wealth management, finance, and consulting, I finished my PhD. In my studies, I blended my passion for behavioral psychology with my vocation in finance.

As many have said before, social media is a curated highlight reel. Here’s one such highlight, but know that for every highlight I post, there are dozens of fails or feelings of failure that I experienced that went unshared! The journey is much more authentic than the celebration, so whatever you’re pursuing, you’re winning when you just keep pursuing despite all the lowlights along the way!

I’m not a from a wealthy or connected family. I grew up modestly on a farm in rural Alabama, and I want to be a resource for people who are doing their best to love their families while learning and growing!

Thank God for the outrageous audacity it took to start, the grace to endure, and the fire to finish strong and 1st in my cohort! To Jesus Christ be the glory, for when I am weak, then I am strong! (2 Cor. 12:10.)

Here are a few of the most typical or most humorous reactions to my pursuit of a PhD.

“A PhD?” Yes...

“Like... A doctorate?” Yes...

“Why?” I'm not pleased with a lot of what I see happening in science and academia. People like me deserve a scientist they can trust to help them see through special interests manipulating the narrative under the cover of science.

“Aren’t you a little old for that?” I think I’m a long way from aging out as a scientist!

“So you’re going to stop working?”

“Don’t people usually stop working when they pursue a PhD?” Yep.

“So you’re going to an online university?” Nope.

“You look more like a football coach, not a Doctor!” I have no rebuttal for that!

“So you’re transitioning full-time to academia?” No, but I’ll probably do some teaching over the years. (I have taught at Baylor U’s Business school.)

Join me? See pinned comment!

What Academia Won't Admit: Truth of Gender Bias in Academia & Society 19/12/2023

Will she get canceled for having the courage to speak these truths?! Dr. Cory Clark talks about suppressed research that disproves common narratives pushed by our society and culture and more!

Dr. Cory Clark and Dr. Joshua Wilson delve into a range of sensitive and controversial topics, including political bias, gender and race issues, , and the dynamics of academia. Dr. Clark asserts, “Women might think it’s more important to label something as something that needs to be fixed and to have some kind of medical or therapeutic intervention to deal with those things… it would be kind of consistent with, you know, women’s tendency to want to tend to emotional and psychological harm and to try to fix those things.” The discussion also touches on the nuances of male and female differences, both physically and psychologically, and how these impact various aspects of society and academia. This episode offers a unique perspective on current nuances of gender bias in academia and society, and the pursuit of truth in research.

What Academia Won't Admit: Truth of Gender Bias in Academia & Society Dr. Cory Clark and Dr. Joshua Wilson delve into a range of sensitive and controversial topics, including political bias, gender and race issues, victimhood, ...

Unraveling Ethical & Economic Paradigms: #Recession, #JPMorgan & #Epstein, Kendi, and Eric Stewart 02/10/2023

Episode 19 of Untamed Ethos is out: Are we on the brink of ? Discussion of & , a big bank CEO recommending your assets be seized in the name of climate change, and dishonest academics/fake data/research bias being used to set policy.

Please consider supporting us by subscribing on one or more platforms! Every like, comment and especially every share helps us reach more people with these important messages. THANK YOU!

Unraveling Ethical & Economic Paradigms: #Recession, #JPMorgan & #Epstein, Kendi, and Eric Stewart Episode 191. Are we on the brink of recession?• Discussion about GDP expansion and its reliability.• Banks' lending practices tightening.• Federal Reserve's ...

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 27/09/2023

New episode of Untamed Ethos drops this week! I talk about and their fails with and how they may use their power to seize your private property. We also talk about a couple of professors who are caught scamming for woke friendly results to their studies! These professors are funded by many government organizations and supported by woke banks and investment firms who use your money to against your values and against truth! Links in bio for podcast! Drops by Friday!


Are fees unimportant among other issues facing us? Yes. Yet it's also a brilliant marketing strategy for getting the apathetic and disinterested out to vote for him and distracting them away from massive failures like the border crisis. The needs to worry less about patting each other in the back for seeing how silly things like this are in the grand scheme of things and realize the lasting impact on brand image this has in the minds of voters who can't comprehend or don't care about the bigger issues. The and other issues are far more important, yet many people don't see the cost right NOW, or don't see how it impacts them at all, so they don't care. They do care about saving a couple hours wages on entertainment to distract them from reality. "That's sad," you say. Agreed. Yet it's reality, and these people *might* vote, and *will* run their mouths.
and the both consistently lose the branding war, and it costs them votes.
Nothing against , by the way. He's right, yet I think he's missing the big picture.

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 24/09/2023

For nearly half my life, I’ve been in the stands of Argyle whenever possible to watch 3 little boys turn into men one by one. It’s still early in the season, but it’s already surreal thinking back to each interation of #72. Preston, Sheridan, and now Carter, the youngest, is a Senior. He’s making me just as proud as the other two. Nothing is more important to the Wilson men than faith and family, but sharing this passion for football has been pretty cool too!


Government will give to anyone, in any amount, for any degree--and not allow them to default. But if you want to go to war, we'll take a loan out against our own people's future to just GIVE you the money you need to buy our jets and bombs! Why don't we LOAN them the money at higher interests rates than we charge students?

Big Firms Controlling your Life? Role of #IndexFunds & #ETFS #Blackrock 14/09/2023


Big Firms Controlling your Life? Role of #IndexFunds & #ETFS #Blackrock Have you ever wondered who is controlling your investments? In this video, we explore the power of index funds and large corporations and how they can influe...


We wouldn't have a crisis is we didn't require loans to be given no matter how bad an investment they are.


Ever wonder why people make claims online that would be so OBVIOUSLY false if they SIMPLY verified their feeling of something being unfair before they claimed it was fact?

The phenomenon is called "attention bias." Humans inadvertently train their brains to notice certain things and ignore others. It happens without us even noticing it. We all do it, but folks can be with their consent trained, or without their consent manipulated, to do it more.

What someone of average emotional control and intelligence does, however, is check to see if the perception is true before saying anything. (They check themselves.) They understand that sometimes gut feelings lie.

By simply verifying, they save themselves the embarrassment of wrecking themselves.

They rarely get embarrassed though. They usually double down on appeals to feelings and play victim.

A study had a makeup artist paint a scar on the faces of tests subjects before they went into a job interview. Right before the subject would leave the room, the artist would tell the woman she was just going to touch up the scar, when in reality, she removed it entirely. In other words, all test subjects believed they had scars on their faces when they really didn't. Overwhelmingly, the test subjects reported feeling they were treated differently because of the scar their face! Moreover, they tended to refer to specific things the interviewer said that they thought were covert references to the scar.

Lesson: people will find whatever they are looking for, even if it's not there. These people lack the ability to regulate their emotions and lack the maturity to question whether their reaction is based on fact or emotion.

is a fitness influencer who calls out other influencers' lies and deception. He's a bit of an a$$, but like a lot of people, I have a much higher tolerance for a$$holes than for BSers. Psychological lesson here too: we don't mind a$$holes when we feel like they are bringing justice. Next time you think of someone as an a$$hole but like them anyway, notice your perception of who they are punching, the cheats or the weak? I bet you perceive them as a cheat punchers if you like them.

Photos from Untamed Ethos Podcast with Dr. Joshua Isaiah Wilson's post 09/08/2023

In the last few years, the time boys are spending on games has skyrocketed. They're spending less time working, playing sports, exercising, and a little less time sleeping and reallocated that time to playing .

I'm not anti games, but the trade-off is concerning. Rationally, one should expect the time boys spend playing games to start falling at agea in which additional opportunities open up, especially opportunities to spend time away from home: ages 16, 18, and again at 21. Of course, in some respects its hard to blame them for staying home in fantasy land when modern culture hates them. Unfortunately, this isn't going to make it easier for either s*x to meet their mate.

#Barbie movie's secret #woke symbolism that #conservative media misses 24/07/2023


movie's secret symbolism that media misses!

#Barbie movie's secret #woke symbolism that #conservative media misses It's not just pro , values, and weak men. In this video, Dr. Joshua Wilson's reaction digs deeper into the symbolism in the Barbie movie. Is t...

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