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A Bite of China - Top Rated Food Documentary (S2 E1) in English 05/05/2020

Last glance of "A Bite of China."
-Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiGjFRNEtXQ

A Bite of China - Top Rated Food Documentary (S2 E1) in English A Bite of China is a teve-serie about Chinese cuisine which has got great response from viewers and food writers. China’s long history as an agricultural soc...

Great Treasure 05/05/2020

Panda? Panda! Read the most recent blog to understand story behind our logo and name.

Great Treasure For a country like China, with five thousand years of history, a lot of things can be called treasure. As a newbie of Chinese culture, there is no need for you to be panic. CuriousPanda has your ba…


Join our knowledge competition about all the things about China at 8pm tonight. The winner can get a $500 coupon to use in CuriousPanda.


Comments below to discuss with people on the internet about "What do you think about China"

《舌尖上的中国 》第二季 第二集 脚步 | CCTV纪录 03/05/2020

China is such a huge country to measure by your bare feet, food also varies.
-Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJzfy44Gwrc&list=PLR_UIYIzlAt_x9PHw76CpyMlXjVdBxmHM&index=9

《舌尖上的中国 》第二季 第二集 脚步 | CCTV纪录 本期节目主要内容: 不管是否情愿,生活总在催促我们迈步向前,人们整装、启程、跋涉、落脚,停在哪里,哪里就会燃起灶火。从个体生命的迁徙到食材的交流运输,从烹调方法的演变到人生命运的流转,人和食物的匆匆脚.....


What do you expect if you can go China?

《舌尖上的中国 》第二季 第一集 时节 | CCTV纪录 18/04/2020

Work with perfect timing, then you get harvest from the nature.
-Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgarBDvbYCk&list=PLR_UIYIzlAt_x9PHw76CpyMlXjVdBxmHM&index=8
The best food tasting documentary ever...

《舌尖上的中国 》第二季 第一集 时节 | CCTV纪录 本期节目主要内容:中国,人们春种、秋收、夏耘、冬藏。沿袭祖先的智慧,来安排饮食,已内化为中国人特有的基因。穿越一年四季,在时节变换中寻找属于每个季节的独特美食。东北,冬季绵长,铁锅炖鱼贴饼子,还有冻豆...

One Day in Beijing 18/04/2020

Great blog for you to read!

One Day in Beijing As a Chinese person, nobody can ignore the importance of Beijing. Today, CuriousPanda prepared a trip for you to lead you to experience the real capital. Yuyantuan ParkMany old ladies in Beijing li…

《舌尖上的中国》 第一季 第七集 我们的田野 | CCTV纪录 18/04/2020

Today is all about China's farm fields...
Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSy7bHIXmWI&list=PLR_UIYIzlAt_x9PHw76CpyMlXjVdBxmHM&index=7

《舌尖上的中国》 第一季 第七集 我们的田野 | CCTV纪录 本期节目本集 本集将带领观众完成一个回归——从餐桌回归大地。以餐桌上的美食为出发点,继而将视线投向生产出各种美食原材的广袤田野,探究美食的来源,它们是如何被人类以各种方式培育出来,并突出体现生态环保的.....


Love us, join us. We just release our t-shirt with our logo on. Buy 1 get the second 50% off.


Throw your questions to our faces! Comments below with your questions about China.


Check out another special date for remembering people who passed away called "clear and bright"

《舌尖上的中国》第一季 第六集 五味的调和 | CCTV纪录 07/04/2020

Check out another video on how to mix different taste together
-Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRK5Iu6MjfY&list=PLR_UIYIzlAt_x9PHw76CpyMlXjVdBxmHM&index=6

《舌尖上的中国》第一季 第六集 五味的调和 | CCTV纪录 本期节目主要内容: 中国饮食素有“味”是灵魂之说。不同的原材料,不同的调味品,不同的调制手法,不同的调味大师,引领食物到达更加美味的境界。咸鲜,甜咸,酸甜,酸辣,麻辣,香辣,苦香,鲜香,每一种美食,经.....

80 Years of Chinese Fashion 07/04/2020

Check out our third blog https://rhetoricjinyi.wordpress.com/2020/03/30/80-years-of-chinese-fashion/

80 Years of Chinese Fashion CuriousPanda Made Infographic CuriousPanda is not here to get you to know more about today’s China, but also the history of China. So, we are presenting you with the infographic of how clothe…

《舌尖上的中国》 第一季 第五集 厨房的秘密 | CCTV纪录 07/04/2020

Dinner Time!
-Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxLOpM2eSd4&list=PLR_UIYIzlAt_x9PHw76CpyMlXjVdBxmHM&index=5

《舌尖上的中国》 第一季 第五集 厨房的秘密 | CCTV纪录 本期节目主要内容: 与西方“菜生而鲜,食分而餐”的饮食传统文化相比,中国的菜肴更讲究色、香、味、形、器。而在这一系列意境的追逐中,中国的厨师个个都像魔术大师,都能把“水火交攻”的把戏玩到炉火纯青的地步.....


Lovely CuriousPanda members!

《舌尖上的中国》 第一季 第四集 时间的味道 | CCTV纪录 07/04/2020

Aren't you hungry?
-Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdGCiiFTu4U&list=PLR_UIYIzlAt_x9PHw76CpyMlXjVdBxmHM&index=4

《舌尖上的中国》 第一季 第四集 时间的味道 | CCTV纪录 本集主要内容: 时间是食物的挚友,时间也是食物的死敌。腌制食品,风干晾晒的干货,以及酱泡、冷冻等是中国历史最为久远的食物保存方式。贮藏食物从早先的保存食物方便携带发展到人们对食物滋味的不断追求,保鲜的.....


Where is the CuriousPanda base?

The Great Wall in China 07/04/2020

Read our second blog https://rhetoricjinyi.wordpress.com/2020/02/26/the-great-wall-in-china/

The Great Wall in China By Curious Panda| February 26, 2020 What is The Great Wall? The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. More than 2,300 years ago, it was a defensive architecture. The greatness of th…

《舌尖上的中国 》第一季 第三集 转化的灵感 | CCTV纪录 07/04/2020

Another food documentary coming at you!
-Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fkAs8HKh3c&list=PLR_UIYIzlAt_x9PHw76CpyMlXjVdBxmHM&index=3

《舌尖上的中国 》第一季 第三集 转化的灵感 | CCTV纪录 腐乳、豆豉、黄酒、泡菜,都有一个共同点,它们都具有一种芳香浓郁的特殊风味。这种味道是人与微生物携手贡献的成果。而这种手法被称作“发酵”。中国人的老祖宗,用一些坛坛罐罐,加上敏锐的直觉,打造了一个食物的...


Scenery window-"The Great Wall of China", it is one of the greatest sights in the world. A great place with a history for more than 2,300 years


Here is our lovely CuriousPanda team members!


CuriousPanda is a travel agency aiming for young people who want to know China more, we are here for you!

《舌尖上的中国》第一季 第二集 主食的故事 | CCTV纪录 31/03/2020

Want to eat delicious food in China? Don't miss every Monday's Youtube link!
-Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDl0Q-XmiSk&list=PLR_UIYIzlAt_x9PHw76CpyMlXjVdBxmHM&index=2

《舌尖上的中国》第一季 第二集 主食的故事 | CCTV纪录 主食是餐桌上的主要食物,是人们所需能量的主要来源。从远古时代赖以充饥的自然谷物到如今人们餐桌上丰盛的、让人垂涎欲滴的美食,一个异彩纷呈、变化多端的主食世界呈现在你面前。本集着重描绘不同地域、不同民族、...


Check out an international celebration with women on 03/08


Check out a special date in the Chinese calendar called "Insects Awaken"

How To Survive Under 2019-nCoV 26/03/2020

Read our first blog→https://rhetoricjinyi.wordpress.com/2020/03/26/how-to-survive-under-2019-ncov/

How To Survive Under 2019-nCoV By Curious Panda| February 4, 2020 What is nCov? The 2019 Novel Coronavirus, or 2019-nCoV, is a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It is a new coronavirus that …

《舌尖上的中国》第一季 第一集 自然的馈赠 | CCTV纪录 26/03/2020

Want to eat delicious food in China? Don't miss every Monday's Youtube link!

《舌尖上的中国》第一季 第一集 自然的馈赠 | CCTV纪录 作为一个美食家,食物的美妙味感固然值得玩味,但是食物是从哪里来的?毫无疑问,我们从大自然中获得所有的食物,在我们走进厨房,走向餐桌之前,先让我们回归自然,看看她给我们的最初的馈赠。本集将选取生活在中国...
