Health - keto - weight loss

Health - keto - weight loss

. 😕 Don't know how to start keto diet properly? or want to lose 5-10 lbs in the first week alone



If you are worried about the fat problem , 60 days me 10to12 kg weight loss, say "yes " i will send you course.


love keto.


Follow so I have the opportunity to share with you many useful tips and tricks for weight loss


cred : sugarfreegigi ⁣⁣

It’s all smiles until you’re on your 100th kettlebell swing
Absolutely brutal home workout to start my Saturday morning, but ya gotta get it done

thewellnesswarrior Cute love! 100 swings


Back at it again with the taco salad. Basically the only thing I eat.



This was last nights dinner. It’s insane and so simple. Was just tagliatelle with a tomato sauce and i topped it with a Quorn chicken fillet for my protein fix. Reminded me of a chicken parmigiana style thing ????
So so nice!!


6 months ago I never EVER thought i’d be where I am now. I say it all the time because its SO true! I started with the vision that at some point I wouldn’t be on a ‘diet’ anymore but what a stupid mindset to have. This never ends - its a life long thing to improve your health and fitness and although my hair does that same stupid water feature look at the top of my head????- I’m definitely a completely different person with a completely different mindset. This is my life now and i LOVE it❤️


Guys, we’ve got to stop telling ourselves we can’t reach our goals. ????One of the biggest parts of my journey has been turning my constant negative thinking into positive thinking.


These Keto meal suggestions are the perfect lunch ideas. Which one do you prefer the most? Grilled chicken with fresh green salads, cherry tomatoes, boiled eggs, carrots, and bell pepper.⁠⠀ Scrambled eggs with fresh cherry tomatoes and fried bacon.⁠⠀
Fried eggs, fresh green salad, ham, and tasty avocado


Grilled chicken breast with delicious avocado, spinach salad, and cherry tomatoes - the perfect Keto salad option????⁠
Would you try it? Let us know in the commnets????⁠


Keto has changed my life and It will change your life
????8-week meal plan
????Losing 5-10lbs per week while eating your favorite foods every meal ❤️
Click website in my profile!
????Level Up Your Mindset????
1️⃣. Be intentional with your time instead of letting it slip away
2️⃣. Stop thinking about what you want to do and just do it!
3️⃣. Invest energy and trust in your relationships
4️⃣. Laugh! Life is too short to be serious 24/7
5️⃣. Find a hobby you love without worrying if it’s practical
6️⃣. Stay sharp and healthy by getting those ???? ‘s in!
7️⃣. Don’t hold back from going all-in with your life and work
8️⃣. Be willing to look like a fool when it matters
9️⃣. Embrace what can be & look beyond what is
????. Fresh experiences adds richness to your life
1️⃣1️⃣. Spark new ideas, learn & grow while on your couch
1️⃣2️⃣. Fight stress & enjoy the endorphins—hit the gym!
1️⃣3️⃣. Take time off to relax and recharge
???? Join our Keto Challenge to start your own keto journey with 100% success ????



I’ve become quite complacent lately with my weight loss goals. I’ve hit a lazy mode. I’ve become somewhat comfortable with my weight on most days, on other days I remember how much better I felt not carrying around these 30 extra pounds.

I’ve gotta get my head back in the game, remind myself that I’ve already lost 56 pounds following the keto lifestyle, remind myself that I feel so much better, both physically and mentally on the keto diet, and remind myself that it’s not hard but IT IS ABOUT CHOICES. Making better food choices that are going to get me to my goal. Intentionally choosing the foods I’m putting into my body, not choosing foods out of convenience and not choosing to drown my stress with emotional eating. •

The day I took the photo in the middle was the day I started the keto diet. I decided to start keto because of a random woman I found on the internet when searching . Her before and after photos were very motivational to me. That woman will never know how her posting unflattering pictures of herself on the internet for all the world to see gave me hope that this diet change might work for me also. I was overweight, depressed and desperate to find a fix. •

➕I want to be clear when I say: NO PILLS OR POTIONS WERE USED TO HELP LOSE THESE 50+ POUNDS. NUTRITIONAL KETOSIS ALONE. No gym, no workouts. Maybe some of those products out there work, maybe they don’t. But I didn’t use any for these 56 lbs. In my opinion you don’t need to buy any magic keto product to lose weight with the keto lifestyle. Simply switch the foods you’re buying at the grocery store and invest your time to look up info about the keto diet and how it works. There’s a wealth of info online. ????
If you don't know how to start keto properly or do you want to lose possibly 5-10 lbs in the first week alone with keto? Click link in our bio to get Everything You Need for keto @://


Your child will follow your example, not your advice. ????⠀
❗️Share your story like DM us now❗️⠀
I share this message often, but that's because it is a powerful message that deeply resonates with me. ????⠀
The idea of setting an example goes beyond just your children, too. Your actions and your attitude can influence others. Your spouse, your parents, your friends, you never know who may be looking to you to set an example... ????⠀
Make sure you set a good one! ????


The first two pictures were a side by side I did this summer. This was one of my most liked pictures last year. I tried the same romper on again today. I love seeing the waist and leg change!!! So glad I kept this dumb romper. 🤣 .
Credit: .
😕 Want to lose up to 20 lbs in the first month alone with keto lifestyle?⁣⁣ 👉 Then sign up now for "The 28-Day Keto Challenge" to start your own keto journey and lose weight from now on and in the long-term.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


TWO YEAR KETO JOURNEY!!!* 💪🏼❤️Thank you to everyone that has reached out, shared words of encouragement, and believed in me. KETO IS sustainable, and I’ve never felt better, or more healthy! This lifestyle works for me AND my family and I’m so proud of myself for all of my accomplishments! I get asked all the time how often did I work out? I’m happy to say that the majority of my weight loss was done with little to NO exercise. Changing the way you eat changes way you live! It wasn’t easy, but it was soooo worth it! (ps. My baby girl sure has grown!)🧀


.nation_ ig
💁 Don't know how to start keto diet properly? or want to lose 5-10 lbs in the first week alone with keto lifestyle?
You can click the link in our bio to get Everything You Need for Keto Success. Imagine… armed with the 4-week meal plan, 7 Keto guide books, and the 3 bonus guides… you’ll be able to start strong and finish strong. 💪