Becca Miller Magnus Videos

Videos by Becca Miller Magnus. Becca Miller Magnus is an actress, director, theatre teacher, mom, and a life long learner. JTA- Johnson Talent Agency, LLC

Applying lessons learned from the Audition Technique Intensive with Casting Director Lisa London at DTV Studios Acting for TV/Film Thank you to my cast mate Monty Halliburton Crosby for reading for me.

Other Becca Miller Magnus videos

Applying lessons learned from the Audition Technique Intensive with Casting Director Lisa London at DTV Studios Acting for TV/Film Thank you to my cast mate Monty Halliburton Crosby for reading for me.

Testing out different characters and scripts so are good…some need work…
Dramatic self tape

Becca Miller Magnus Comedic Reel

Becca Miller Magnus Dramatic Reel

Learn to laugh
Take your art seriously Just don’t take yourself too seriously Learn to laugh and have fun too

New representation
Excited to announce that I’ve joined Johnson Talent Agency

Becca Miller Magnus performs a parody "The FWOffice" as a Pam Character: Rebecca for the FWAFA Faculty Talent Show Production and Film Credit: Krista Jennings Langford

The struggle of making worksheet copies at a Fine Arts School