Social Verify

Social Verify

Social Verify is a system that delivers customizable social proof notifications and various other to


Have you ever browsed for a product or service that you are interested in. Landed on a sales page. Noticed that lots of people have recently bought this product. And that a special offer that is running is about to end? So you end up buying the product then and there.
Well, you are not alone! You have probably just experienced the incredible power of social proof.

Have you ever asked yourself what suddenly made you hit the buy now?
You might have put it down as an impulse purchase but what generated the impulse?

You see, your customers have little to no sense of which products are popular or what other people are showing interest in.

This is actually a pretty big problem because behavioural psychologists have established that an integral part of what motivates us to buy, is knowing that they're popular with other people.

The seminal book "Influence, The psychology of Persuasion" reveals that when people are uncertain, they look to the actions of others to guide their own actions.
If people see someone else buying something, the customer it embeds in the mind the idea that other, similar people, want the same product. Therefore, it must be good.

It's the reason that we use things like testimonials, 5-star reviews, and celebrity endorsements to shape our buying decisions.

It is the same reason that clubs and restaurants will hire people to queue outside their establishments. They understand that you're much more likely to try out their service if lots of other people are already doing the same.

At Social Verify, we have developed a tool that leverages this psychological selling technique
and makes it even better by adding urgency.

Now, instead of having to view testimonials, reviews, and or endorsements, your potential customers will see, in real-time, when other people just like them, are purchasing, opting in or signing up.
This creates a desire in your prospect's mind not to be left out.

Say, for example, you have a limited amount of a certain item. You can display this information prominently on your sales page. If you then add real-time notifications of purchases, it creates a pressure, in the potential customer's mind, not to miss out. Using this technique, we have seen conversions increase from 22 to 58 per cent!

Social Verify, allows you to do this and so much more.It has 14 different tools for utilizing forms of social proof.

From live visits to recent purchases and much more. Plus, you've got additional widgets like customer reviews, feedback requests, announcements, a countdown timer, and even a cookie widget!

By combining these tools, you can watch your conversions start to skyrocket.

So, get your access to this powerful psychological selling tool right now, and, in just the next few minutes you could be doubling or tripling your conversion rates; just, by adding a small line of code
Just join using the button below and will see you on the inside.