Ubuntu Women Wellness Center

Ubuntu Women Wellness Center

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Ubuntu Women Wellness Center, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), .

Women's Wellness, Enriching Lives
Let us Engage In Women
1️⃣Relationship2️⃣Self-Care 3️⃣Mental Health 4️⃣Gender-Based Violence Prevention5️⃣Sexual Reproductive Health

Opinion: Ruto Dedicated To Promoting Gender Equality And Empowering Women - Kenya Ni Sisi 08/03/2024

Investing in women and ensuring their inclusion across all facets of society can expedite progress towards a fairer and more equitable future for all.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Opinion: Ruto Dedicated To Promoting Gender Equality And Empowering Women - Kenya Ni Sisi On March 8th, the world celebrates International Women's Day (IWD). It is a day designated to recognize the achievements of women in social, economic,


Today, on International Women's Day 2024, let's take a pledge to do more than just celebrate; let's commit to investing in the aspirations and potential of women around the globe. By supporting their education, empowering them economically, ensuring access to healthcare, and nurturing their leadership, we not only accelerate progress towards gender equality but also cultivate a brighter, more inclusive future for all."


Ukiulizwa height, weight na blood group yako upewe one million, utapata hiyo pesa?

The Power of Self-Reflection 29/01/2024

Building a strong sense of self-esteem starts with self-reflection.🎯

The Power of Self-Reflection The Power of Self-Reflection Building a strong sense of self-esteem starts with self-reflection.


I look in the mirror and think, "Gurl, you're a walking miracle, courtesy of the Most High!" I've seen it all – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Life threw me curveballs, sweet victories, and Ls that hit harder than a Saturday night hangover. But you know what? I own that playlist of experiences. They've shaped me into different versions of myself, like a chameleon shedding its skin, leaving me wondering: which one will I be next?

You know there are times I'm not exactly proud of myself. Lately, I've been caught up in the hustle, ticking off tasks and achieving goals, but weirdly, no sense of accomplishment. Like I'm on autopilot, finishing one thing and moving on to the next without savoring the small wins. It's all been "task assigned, task done."
Unbeknownst to me, I've made progress. My mind isn't as foggy anymore, and I take things slow when life throws everything at me. Taking breaks is a thing now – no more pushing myself to exhaustion.

Grateful for the love and the lessons, real talk though, I'm hoping life switches it up a bit. More rainbows and sunshine, less storm clouds and chaos, please!

So, I'm putting it out there: more wins, more triumphs. I want the Ahaaa moments where I can say, "Life? I'm genuinely happy right now!" No thinking about bills or the next hurdle. Just positive vibes and relishing soft life on the beautiful shores of Santorini.

***Psssst Kidogo kidogo nishakuwa influencer
👗 By
📸 credit Ťiąnø Prince

Happy Sunday Folks🥰🥰💞


Sisi hatuna maoni😆


Team Red Flags mtachange hii mwaka ama kuna hopes itawork🥰


Team mko vipi ❓


Team Kubalance hae😘


Relationship 🎯


Being awesome is rocking that smile, chasing the bag..... Starting your day with gratitude, hustling with purpose because every sunrise is a new opportunity to make today better than yesterday. So, get out there, shine like your star, and let your vibe inspire everyone around you.
This morning is yours, so own it! 💪🌞🥰


How do you handle a neighbour who doesn't greet you but he greets your wife


Vile niweekendi, leo mechi mtatumia CD ama nyinyi ni raw abiding citizens⁉


Wewe huwa unacalculate safe days aje?






The "It Thing" 🎯.....
Finding your "it thing". It's like searching for that perfect avocado at the market: ripe, smooth, not one brown spot in sight. You poke, you prod, you hope it won't leave you with mushy disappointment. Well, let me tell you, folks, finding my "it thing" felt like it took longer than a Kenyan politician promising change to a skeptical voter.

Years I spent meandering, my compass stuck pointing at "Whatever Pays the Bills." My ancestors were probably muttering, "Girl, that ain't it!" But listen, when life's so cluttered with just keeping the lights on, the struggle to survive is so loud, that it drowns out any whispers from within.

Uncovering my "it thing" was like stumbling upon a hidden treasure, but one that had been there all along, waiting for me to brush aside the mess and see it. It's funny how life works; sometimes, your 'it' thing is just around the corner, patiently waiting for you to stop meandering and pay attention.

So, this year, I'm sending out a prayer for all you lost souls wandering the job market. May you find your "it thing". May your ancestors give you a celestial nudge in the right direction. May your soul searching lead you to a purpose that feels like discovering the missing piece to a puzzle—essential, fulfilling, and completing the picture of who you are meant to be.

And remember, even if your journey takes longer than Nairobi traffic, keep searching, keep hoping, keep meandering. Because when you finally find your "it thing", the victory will be a lap for all those who came before you, a validation of their hopes and dreams woven into your very being. So, embrace the meanders, and savor the detours, for in the end, you'll arrive at your "it thing".

goodnight folks!😍😘❣


Whatever you say to yourself this year, let it be something good. You must make a habit of beginning each day by telling yourself nice things. it is necessary to flood your mind with positive thoughts about yourself this year.


Jamaa wako ni mtu
serious ama niwa
kubahatisha tu?


𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥
"Working hard is great when it's motivated by passion and love and enthusiasm," asserts Viola Davis in her book Finding Me. "But working hard when it's motivated by deprivation is not pleasant."

Have you ever been caught in the relentless grip of necessity?
The necessity to put a meal on the table grinds you down, turning dreams into dust and hopes into calloused hands. It's like pushing a boulder uphill, not for ambition's sweet summit, but simply to reach the ground level of survival.

I, too, understand this struggle. The kind of work fueled by deprivation strips away your joy, leaving behind a raw ache in your spirit. It's not just about sweat and exhaustion; it's about the psychological torment of pouring your energy into tasks that feel hollow and devoid of purpose and each day becomes a relentless pursuit of the basics. Yaani kusukuma maisha......

You see the cycle of poverty feels inescapable, it's like pushing a boulder uphill only to have it roll back down again. It's a relentless dance with exhaustion, fueled by the flicker of hope for a better tomorrow.

It whispers doubts about your worth, making you feel like you're just a cog in the machine, replaceable and dispensable. It siphons away the very essence of your value, leaving you hollow and deflated with gaping wounds that bleed self-doubt and invisibility.

Remember, even the darkest tunnel eventually leads to light.
Keep your eyes on the prize and remember, the prize is not always a tangible thing. It's the peace of finding yourself, the joy of living authentically, the beauty of a life well-lived.

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"Working hard when it’s motivated by deprivation is not pleasant."
Viola Davis


𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐀 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧
To the resilient woman who inspired Shaggy's song, 'The Strength of a Woman' – the woman who embodies the very essence of strength, forged from trials that would cripple others.

You see I, too, am a testament to such fortitude, moulded by women who faced hardships with unwavering spirit, offering boundless love even when their reserves were depleted. Yet, their strength was not intrinsic; it was a shield tempered in the flames of societal expectations, neglect, years of abuse, and emotional turmoil. These women imparted to me the values of strength, concealing pain and vulnerability, persevering even on the brink of collapse. However, they couldn't teach me to fill the emptiness within because they, too, were unaware of its existence.

In our strong spirit, many women pour from an empty cup, giving endlessly without seeking reciprocation. It leaves women hollow, drained and emaciated like a child with kwashiokor only that theirs is a depletion not of flesh, but of spirit, a dimming of the inner flame that once burned so brightly, leaving them adrift in a fog of resentment and regret.

The signs are there, but most women remained oblivious – the exhaustion clinging like a second skin, the gnawing anxiety, the erupting anger – pleas from a neglected self desperate for attention. Unfortunately, our focus on projecting strength blinds our own needs.

The truth is, that the notion of "being a strong woman" is a fallacy. True strength doesn't lie in stoicism or enduring pain; it resides in acknowledging vulnerabilities, healing wounds, and nurturing the emptiness within. It means learning to say no, prioritizing ourselves, and establishing boundaries.

To all strong women stand strong, but with a different strength – one rooted in vulnerability, compassion, and self-awareness. The understanding that we are not infinite wells but human beings deserving of love and care. Woman..... yes you.....liberate yourself from the confines of the "strong woman" image.

To all the indomitable women, May the tears you hold back become nourishing rain, watering the garden of your very soul where strength and vulnerability intertwine, their roots woven deep in the soil of your true self.
To the women who hold the world, remember: you are not just a giver, you are a receiver too. Embrace your full spectrum, the warrior and the nurturer, the roar and the whisper. In your strength, find your softness. In your resilience, find your rest.

And to all women, You are beautiful in every shade, every tear, every laugh, and every breath. May your Saturday night be a banquet for your soul. Savor moments of self-care, like a warm bath for your weary spirit or a quiet corner for your introspective mind. Let your resilience blossom in the gentle embrace of self-love.🥰🥰❤❤

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Babe nko na mimba☺️☺️
Jibu k**a Dj afro😂😂😂


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