BodyFit with Aimee

BodyFit with Aimee

online personal training and Nutrition. Helping people live a better life through fitness and nutrit


It’s often said to me that my hands are in so many different things and my mind is always engaged , ok…. Facts.

More often than none my work travels with me but I have learned now how to manage my mind, my body and my soul to give each what it needs to continue to be able to provide my knowledge and my care to my clients-

Today is about rest and relaxation and picking up the 3rd book for more personal growth💛🏖️💛

Hello September 2, 2024


Saturday mornings for my soul ✈️🏖️💦🚲


My fav ride …. Rosemary 🏖️🏖️



I can not stress enough the importance of taking in protein.
Protein is imperative in not only building but holding onto muscle as you walk through your personal journey.

As we age, our bodies naturally begin to lose muscle and we want to keep a firm foundation.

If you are utilizing weightloss tools, make sure you are eating to support your goals along with these tools.

If you feel like you need guidance, please reach out! We would love to have you on Team Bodyfit!




Having the proper team in place and supervision is SO important in a journey to wellness!

(And in this case, I have 2 helpers!) 🐶

My client is working his way to feeling his best and due to a full bloodwork panel and careful observation of the body working against instead of working with, We are doing what we do best.

💯 Listen to the body and take the tools of the the testing done to work up a plan that allows the body to make strides without continually feeling stressed and going against us.

Plan is in place and proof is in the weekly checkins that my client is putting in the work!


Establish a Routine👏🏼

This is one that I always pull into training my clients -

A workout routine, a set schedule that you have just like you have a work schedule and a daily routine .

Leaving it to limbo will only leave you looking back saying “I didn’t make it again today “

Establish and balance your schedule , the time you give yourself at the gym will give you more in return than you can comprehend.

So, who wants to be Bodyfit?



One of the main reasons I see weight loss stale or not take place, INFLAMMATION.

It’s the something that indicates many factors and so many fight weekly and say to me to feel they are curing the issue :

I lifted more this week
I walked on a incline
I walked the hills in my subdivision to help

Pro Tip: All the above aren’t helping. In fact they are making matters worse.

Let’s find the root cause that is holding you back -

Is it an auto-immune? Are you doing a plan that feeds the autoimmune instead of fueling it to madness? Causing a Flare

Are you having Joint issues?

Are you eating to help the body process the inflammation?

Have you over stressed your body?

Root cause answers . Let’s find them and work to make them better.

Facts: Before my implant removal, my markers showed 290 on inflammation , auto immune present , interior of my body was rejecting my macros that always worked .

Today; inflammation markers 84. Auto immune not present . Road to recovery.

Don’t get discouraged, let’s run the Bloodwork, allow me to help you with answers and let’s kickstart RECOVERY to Health and Healing !

Reach out ! I would love to help you Regain your Focus instead of feeling defeated.


What if I told you we have you covered?

💛 aimee


Today’s Spotlight goes to not only just a client of mine but a friend!

The greatest compliments given to me are

I feel amazing .

That’s what it’s all about! Reversing Age! She is living her best life!!!!

SO HAPPY for you my friend!!! So happy you are TEAM BODYFIT!🤩

Searching for answers! Let’s chat!

1:1 Coaching Macros and Nutrition
Softwave / Peptides’s/ weightlossTools/ bloodwork/TRT/HRT/ GUT Health/ Inflammation/ Auto Immunes/ PCOS/ Menopause

Health is Wealth 🙌🏼💯🙌🏼


I love listening to others searching for solutions in health! I have made more friends sitting in the sauna and talking!


If you looking for someone to consult with, I’m all Ears and Ready to help you!

💯TRT/HRT Clinic
💯Custom Workouts
💯Gut Health


The best things in life are those that we give focus and energy to!

We are all incredible humans with extraordinary willpower and an unwavering mindset… We Can do what we set our mind to!

What’s your focus? Is it losing weight? Gaining Muscle?

Is it defying age? What’s your reason to push?

Comment below🙌🏼


Just sayin….💛


Reasons to exercise. 💣


Sometimes you just have to stop and relax….

Rest is just as important in your journey as movement.

Soak up the moments, Yolo🩵🏖️🩵


To cute not to share …..

What’s your why?


What’s the driving force behind your actions?

Is it not sitting on the sidelines of life?

Is it wanting to feel like you did when you talk about when you were younger?

Whatever your reason , don’t feel like the past is your life story! Turn your past into your PRESENT 💛🙌🏼

I want each day to count! To be active, present and telling my best present self story!

So instead of in highschool I was ……. ( fill in the blank ) . I want to be able to say, Today!

If your looking for a Coach vested in YOU! Let’s start today!

💪🏼 Macros / Nutrition/ Custom Workouts / Bloodwork for SOLID Answers / HRT/ TRT / Peptides/ Softwave Regeneration / Red light Therapy


Just sayin🥰


It’s official and I plan to embrace every second of it💯 .

My day was filled with more messages than one girl could ever in a lifetime ask for💛

Flowers 🌸 visits from my Babes and Nonie , calls, texts, trips, dinner complete with the most incredible evening ride with the wind blowing in my hair 💛

Stellar moments, Cheers to you 53🥳


Chapter 52+

It’s been 6 mos officially now that I had my breast implants removed , I get asked weekly “ Are you happy you did it?”

The quick simple answer will always be a yes!

The 🌎 sees the look, I get it, I understand it and I know after nursing 3 babes the uplift it provided and boosted my ego, just being real 🖤

But, my health seeking self and passion for living by example for my clients and being true to me was larger than the look!

Do I miss that look, some days !

Do I miss feeling like my eyes are so dark and hurting daily ? NOPE
Autoimmune Flares? NOPE
My Gut health ?? 1000 times better!
Inflammation??? 10000000 improved!
🩸 Bloodwork 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

I always told everyone, when I was on a stage it wasn’t for the trophy, 🏆 it was for the passion of knowing my discipline and goals aligned to be my best .

As I go into my birthday 🎉 week , approaching 53, I want to continue the journey of feeling vibrant, Zesty, Happy, and most importantly Healthy 💛

We have one good go around this beautiful world 🌎 so let’s make sure it supports our true being 🤘🏼

We each have a story, and this Chapter is called
“ My recovery from BILL”
( Breast Implant Illness)


Investing in yourself is not selfish! It allows you the privilege to be your best self for YOU and YOUR LOVED 🥰 ONES!

So many yummy services to help you achieve your goals!

💯Custom Workouts
💯 Bloodwork
💯 Red light
💯 Softwave Regeneration
💯 Peptides / Weight loss Tools

Interested in learning how We can help you feel your best?!!


💯Consistency always wins
💯Habits will carry you
💯Foods can fuel or fire you
💯 Movement will guide you
💯 Age doesn’t define you
💯 Life Balance is the 🔑
💯 Passion provides happiness
💯 Health is Wealth 🖤

Happy Sunday !


Who else hit the gym today ??? 🙋🏼‍♀️


We couldn’t be happier to have added TRT/HRT to our services 🤗
Simple. One location.
Tele-doc Visit
Prescription to your doorstep.


My clients are SO much more than clients, they are my friends, my people. My tribe!!

Spotlight goes to you my girl! You are beautiful inside and out and it’s an honor to work with you!!


Do it for the YOU factor .

It’s not about the person beside you, in front or behind you, it’s about how you feel in your life! It’s about being in the present moment💯, not suiting on the sidelines of life 💯, it’s about your health💯, it’s about how you want to age💯.

Key word YOU 💯

Happy FriYAY!!
💛 aimee

💢 looking for a Coach vested in YOU?!! 1:1 Coaching / Macros/ Nutrition/ Custom workouts/ Peptides’s/ TRT/HRT/ RedLight /Softwave


Come out and see US this weekend at Reformations YARD in Woodstock this weekend 💯

1:30 Saturday as we support MilVet!



Stuck and don’t know the answers?

Join the “a” team …

🦾 Macros
🦾 Custom Workouts
🦾 Bloodwork /Consultations
🦾 Peptides’s/Sema/Tirzap/BPC157
🛑Red Light Therapy
💯 Magnesium Recovery Line


🦾 let’s goooooo

My Story - BodyFit with Aimee

Look In the mirror, that's your only competition.

I remember thinking daily, I am happy, I am "not" one of those people that needs to workout to find happiness. I love my life, I am a wife.. my husband loves me ... I am a mom... my kids are busy... I am busy... I don't have time ... I am an entrepreneur... I can't fit in time to do more ....

Until I took a moment to really ask myself "How do I feel as I walk through this happy life of being a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur. I listened to my body screaming "Live Your Best Life". I read books on living my best life, being the true person I was designed to be, I reached out to find a team that could educate me, teach me and guide me back to my teen years of a healthy weight. Then I had a light bulb moment!

This was the moment I decided to deal with myself, the person in the mirror that was filled with daily inflammation, the person that would go home to a foot bath prepared for by my husband to keep my feet from hurting after working. I realized, I could still be the wife and mother that didn't sit on the sidelines watching life go by. I realized that I could do anything I set my mind to. I could be active, involved and engaged in life.

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