Deamalgamate Greater Sudbury

Deamalgamate Greater Sudbury

We, the taxpayers of Greater Sudbury, are fed up. It is time to gather ourselves and make our voices



"You know... It's not even THAT much snow... the school buses would probably be running if the city had actually dispatched plows like we overpay millions for every year... ❄️😑 "

~Perry Plow

Bigger reaffirms his commitment to seek a third term as mayor 08/01/2022

Bigger reaffirms his commitment to seek a third term as mayor With this a municipal election year, Brian Bigger has indicated that he intends to seek a third term as mayor of the City of Greater Sudbury

Photos from Deamalgamate Greater Sudbury's post 08/12/2021


"Then he voted today to close capreol arena after telling us he would not vote to close arena in capreol. His words posted on his page."

~Concerned in Capreol

Province won't get involved in Sudbury's affairs 03/12/2021


"Not a surprise but the province is clearly just as useless as everyone at city hall is"

~Ursula Useless

Province won't get involved in Sudbury's affairs Critics asked for CAO to be removed and an audit of the city's books

Sudbury councillors approve 4.8% hike in water rates for 2022 02/12/2021


"5%!? Is our water imported from the glaciers of remote Northern Greenland!? Hell, it's brown half the time I turn the tap on. "Let it run clear"... Oh, good idea. Let it run for 2 minutes... I wouldn't want to save money on my bill now anyway.... This city is pathetic..."

~Walden's Watery Wonda

Sudbury councillors approve 4.8% hike in water rates for 2022 Proposal from Coun. Mark Signoretti for a 2.9% increase didn't get enough support



"Saw this and figured it deserved a wider audience..."

~Perry Plow



"I work nights and can see a major road out my window for my entire shift. I did not ONCE see a plow go by until the storm was well past "8cm" or whatever it is. Here we go for another season of p**s poor plowing and an overblown budget... "

~Paulie Plower

How much are Northern Ontario mayors paid? 11/11/2021


"Did you see this? I'm shocked, but not that shocked tbh"

~Mayor Money

How much are Northern Ontario mayors paid? Here's how the mayoral salaries of the four major municipalities in the northeast compare

Tax increase of 4.7 per cent proposed in draft 2022 budget 03/11/2021


"You've got to be kidding..."

~Timothy Taxed

Tax increase of 4.7 per cent proposed in draft 2022 budget The City of Greater Sudbury’s draft 2022 budget includes a 3.2 per cent property tax increase, a special capital levy of 1.5 per cent and a water and wastewater rate increase of 4.8 per cent

Wealth of demands complicate City of Greater Sudbury budget preparations 19/10/2021


"Wait. You want to increase taxes by 3.4% and nearly 68% of it is "salaries & benefits"? In fact, it's the ONLY AMOUNT LISTED that's over a full percentage point, and then some, of the 3.4% increase.

I'm wholeheartedly for fair wages but this is ridiculous."

~Wally Wages

Wealth of demands complicate City of Greater Sudbury budget preparations The City of Greater Sudbury’s elected officials had asked city administration to produce a draft budget that does not exceed a three per cent tax levy increase

Place des Arts seeks $260K/year from city 15/10/2021


"You've got to be kidding..."

Place des Arts seeks $260K/year from city Funds could also go to food council, seniors woodwork shop



"Wow. Using this situation to show your dictatorship of your group. It's honestly too bad Facebook not the City of Greater Sudbury have the ball to do something about him but will slap just about anyone else with an account suspension for just about anything else.

For shame on you Kirwans. You truly are the a pair of the worst people in this city..."

~Vote Him Out

Photos from Deamalgamate Greater Sudbury's post 09/09/2021


"For those who can't see this bologna, I figured you may want to post it...

Never accountable for his own actions. Everyone else is to blame for absolutely everything that goes wrong in his life, regardless of what it is...

It must be absolutely tiresome to be that much of a devout narcissist that you truly believe anything you spout from your soapbox thinking you're never in the wrong. No wonder he's constantly angry...

Wait until enough people report that post along with the multiple accounts that he and his wife hide behind. Will be hard to inflate his ego when the box is pulled from beneath him. Seems fitting since violating community standards is a trait they both share...

Election time is coming soon, Councilor, and you, and your wife, keep digging your own hole..."

~"Jesse Timmons"

Wife of city councillor in Sudbury, Ont., defended him on his Facebook page using a fake name 08/09/2021

Wife of city councillor in Sudbury, Ont., defended him on his page using a fake name City councillors in Greater Sudbury are keeping their integrity commissioner busy, with a second councillor facing reprimand in just a couple of months.


That was quite the storm... 😳

How's the flooding Capreol & Levack? City workers on hand to watch the water flow into your basements?

Photos from Deamalgamate Greater Sudbury's post 05/08/2021


"This was the reply I got from Mike {about the flooding on Dennie in Capreol}”

Photos from Deamalgamate Greater Sudbury's post 05/08/2021


"This is on Dennie St capreol. Few pictures over the last year or so. Water all way up to front steps. Neighbour behind us yard flooded."

Sudbury letter: Rich and powerful hold sway over city council 31/07/2021

Sudbury letter: Rich and powerful hold sway over city council There is currently a serious disconnect between the general citizens of Sudbury and city hall.



"Remember when the towns in the Region of Sudbury didn't have this problem?

Me too. Too bad nobody downtown cares. Must be hard to drive with blinders on... 🤷‍♂️"

~'Member Blueberries

Sudbury column: City councillors must be held to a higher standard 08/07/2021

Sudbury column: City councillors must be held to a higher standard Column: I simply could not allow Coun. Montpellier's allegations against other city councillors go unanswered. To do so might be taken by some as an admission…

Letters: Readers not happy with city leadership 29/06/2021

Letters: Readers not happy with city leadership City councillors, mayor abusing their powers I listened to the city’s special council meeting held last Wednesday. Over the last 35 years, I have attended many…

Auditor calls for tiered water fees 11/06/2021


"I'm sorry, raise rates? We're one of the highest water rates in Ontario and you want to raise them...

Why do they spend money on useless audits...🤦‍♂️"

~Worried Bout Water

Auditor calls for tiered water fees Changes would increase bills but foster conservation

What's good for the Sault is good for Valley East? 03/06/2021


"You really don't get it. Most of us don't want this project but YOU, Mr. Kirwan, and your two adjacent councilors don't care because you don't listen to those who put your butts in those chairs.

Your egotistical little legacy project won't improve services to the Valley or Capreol and will only prove that being in favour of deamalgamation is a better idea for this city than you've ever had..."

What's good for the Sault is good for Valley East? Province paying most of a $25M twin pad project in Sault Ste. Marie. The City is Greater Sudbury is looking to build similar facility in Hanmer



"Another reason to get away from Sudbury, lack of police service in outlying areas. Capreol did have a police presence last night but it was for security at a filming site. In their defense, the film company was paying for their services. BUT do our taxes not pay for the same service? I guess if you live in the city core it does."

~Capreol Concerns


Back Story:

There has been a significant increase in theft in Capreol, from flower pots to taking the tires and rims off of a vehicle while it was parked overnight.

Several citizens have contacted the Greater Sudbury Police Service but as usual when an outlying community has a policing concern, it gets filed under "Ignore This".

Some citizens have retaken up their own version of 'Citizens on Patrol' but even with photos and surveillance, GSPS has yet to increase anything. We commend these citizens for standing up for your community when those who are paid to do so won't. Just be safe while you're doing so.

Councillor Jakubo has been quoted in some posts saying "he's looking into it" but based on past experience, we're sure the ignored citizens of Capreol aren't holding their breath...

Community group 'dismayed' by results from safety survey | CBC News 13/05/2021


"I really hope it does something. I hate not being able to get around this city because of the maintenance."

~Sidewalk Sally

Community group 'dismayed' by results from safety survey | CBC News A Sudbury group says poor winter sidewalk maintenance is keeping people from getting out, and even leaving some housebound.

Sudbury letter: Why does Sudbury's mayor earn more than PEI's premier? 07/05/2021


Sudbury letter: Why does Sudbury's mayor earn more than PEI's premier? Re: ‘Column: A dozen ways Sudbury councillors could help city taxpayers,’ April 28.

Sudbury letter: Time for a new city council 07/05/2021


Sudbury letter: Time for a new city council The bold-faced hypocrisy is mind-boggling. The same mayor who a few weeks ago bragged publicly that he was “proud” to stiff us with a four per cent-plus…

Letter: Greater Sudbury council needs to cut spending, taxes 03/05/2021


Letter: Greater Sudbury council needs to cut spending, taxes Mayor Brian Bigger’s “relief” is laughable, unless one doesn’t pay their taxes on time. Most people do.

Mayor and council were paid a combined $766,000 in 2020 15/04/2021


"I almost choked on my coffee reading this..."

~Councillor Coffee

Mayor and council were paid a combined $766,000 in 2020 Bigger paid $180,448 last year, along with $48,000 in fringe benefits



"Don't kid yourself... You didn't fight for anything except the urge to stay under the bridge you've been hiding beneath..."

~Livid, not Lively

‘No way around tax levy increases,’ says finance committee chair 09/04/2021


"What services, Mike? The ones you've already cut? The ones you're planning on cutting? You can't justify raising taxing to pay for services IMMEDIATELY after cutting services because they cost too much? They must not have taught logic in your finance courses...

I cannot wait for you to be actually gone after the next election because you've been MIA from your ward since you were elected"

~Capreol Caller

‘No way around tax levy increases,’ says finance committee chair Ward 7 Coun. Mike Jakubo says the city has no choice but to increase taxes in order to maintain current service levels

Sudbury letter: Maybe Onaping Falls should separate from the city 07/04/2021

Only if you let the rest of us leave too

Sudbury letter: Maybe Onaping Falls should separate from the city Here we go again, the narrative has begun with the mindless (perhaps vindictive) ramblings of two city councillors. What can we take away from the outlying…



"Did he actually say "same service"? Tell that to Onaping. They're still getting the same service they were, right?

I'd say tell that to Capreol but Jakubo doesn't know where Capreol is so... 🤷‍♀️"

~Service Sally

Sudbury's mayor 'proud' of city's 2021 budget 07/04/2021


"😂😂😂...that was a good one... Oh he's serious?! 😂😂😂"

~The Laughing Buddy

Sudbury's mayor 'proud' of city's 2021 budget Councillors approve a 4 per cent tax hike, along with a 4.8 increase in water bills

Onaping Falls residents fight back 06/04/2021


"More service cuts. Higher taxes. Less for outlying communities. The only thing "Great" about Sudbury is my growing urge to leave it behind. It's too bad no politician representing any of us to any level actually gives a crap because maybe this reign of pathetic wastefulness could end."

~Reign on Me

Onaping Falls residents fight back 'We will not tolerate any more cuts to our community by the City of Greater Sudbury'

Sudbury letter: Councillors attacking outlying areas 04/04/2021

Sudbury letter: Councillors attacking outlying areas To councillors Al Sizer and Geoff McCausland:

Sudbury letters: City closing outlying areas — again 04/04/2021

Sudbury letters: City closing outlying areas — again It looks like the City of Greater Sudbury is back to its games, closing more of our facilities. Sudbury never built these arenas, pools, or ski hills. They…

City councillor’s Facebook group back in the news after hundreds of users banned for emoji use 30/03/2021


"Integrity Commissioner anyone?"

~Commissioner Connie

City councillor’s Facebook group back in the news after hundreds of users banned for emoji use Ward 5 Coun. Robert Kirwan’s often-criticized online conduct is back in the news after his Valley East Today page banned hundreds of people for using the ‘crying laughing’ emoji in a ways the city councillor calls bullying



"Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that city workers are using the pandemic as an excuse to uses as many vehicles as possible? Seriously each vehicle only ever has 1 person it. The pot hole crew is 5 workers in 5 different vehicles. For someone to drive the back roads to put a pilon by a sink hole, it takes 3 trucks each with 1 person.
All companies seem to have figured out the 'life hack' to have more than 1 person in a vehicle...wear a mask. Vale, Glencore, Day and many others can be seen driving around with 2 or more people per vehicle...why can't city workers do the same?
When a city council member was asked about this, he said; don't worry, its subsidized."

~Subsidized Sally
