Odubanjo Youth Sisters' Fellowship

Odubanjo Youth Sisters' Fellowship

We are Apostolic Sisters raised in this generation to be different in the way we serve God


Mrs S. I. Oludare (wife of Iyere Zone Pastor ministering in our Sisters Prayer Retreat)


I have been led to bless in this new day, week and month.
I bless you with the blessings of the deep
I bless your heart with love and warmth
I bless your land with great increase
I bless your work with abundance wealth
I bless your life with mercy and favor
I bless your family with God's protection
I bless every students with wisdom to know more than their teachers
I bless our job seekers with favourable jobs that will shut the door of poverty
I bless all marriageable single sisters with godly husbands
I bless every womb yearning to carry babies with multiple children
I bless every hand with God's blessings that maketh rich and add no sorrow in Jesus name.
Happy New Month and Happy Easter Celebration!!!!!!!


*_Searchlight_* 🏸
_Dedicated to Strong and Super Women_
Women play important roles and make valuable contributions in all aspects of life. They are strong in character and strength.When Apostle Peter advises husbands to treat their wives with understanding, acknowledging that they may be more delicate as weaker vessels (1 Pet. 3:7), he does not mean that women are weak, or lacking in character. Women are not supposed to be called weaker vessels as being interpreted but for husbands to cherish and handle their wives with care, just as one would handle a precious, fragile object. Women should be seen as precious gifts and treated with love and care. Only ungodly husbands who are obviously in need of rehabilitation would harm and mistreat their wives instead of showing them affection. Dear women, strive to be the virtuous women you were meant to be!
Good morning and Happy Women's Day


*_New year wishes!!!!!!!!!!_*
I decree that as you pitch your tent with God this year:
You will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; your leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The year will speak
Abundance of grace
Abundance of mercy
Abundance of blessings and
Abundance of prosperity!
Into your life and family!!
Happy New Year!!!
Psalms 1:1-3


_Season greetings to all my sisters on the Platform_
The season of love is here!
The season of peace is here!!
The season of light is here!!!
May the Jesus who is the reason for this season usher us into peaceful moments in Jesus name
Happy celebrations!!!


She who gets her husband from the domain of devils will have demons as in- laws!
Be warned!!
To before warned is to before armed!!!
2 Chronicles 21:1-20


You are able to make it to the month of praise (December) again!
You are alive to the glory of God simply by His goodness!!
You are seeing the break of a new day just because God is on your side!!!
The Lord has been good to you on every side. His goodness over your life and family despite the scarcity is a demonstration of His love and gracious!!!! Ps 124
Praise God for His goodness!!!!!
Praise God for He deserve our praise!!!!!!
Praise God for His mercy endureth forever!!!!!!! Ps 136
Happy New Month!!!!!!!

Photos from Odubanjo Youth Sisters' Fellowship 's post 11/09/2023

It's the beginning of ember months again!
Thank God you made it to this level!!
Thank God for His faithfulness despite all odds!!!
Fuel scarcity came, you jump am pass!!!!
Money scarcity came, you jump am pass!!!!!
Food scarcity came, you didn't die of hunger!!!!!!
Subsidy removal is here but God is still subsidising us through His unbeatable subsidies strategy!!!!!!
Welcome to the ninth and delivery month!!!!!!!
You will deliver all good things you have been carrying since January in Jesus name. Amen!!!!!!!!!


It's a a New Month
It's a New Beginning
It's another fresh start
It usher us into another realm of calmness and serenity
It starts with coolness
It's here with showers of blessing.
May our land, life and family be receptive to His immeasurable peace and blessings in Jesus name.
Happy new month!!!


*Searchlight* 🎇
Believers are sons and daughters of God (Gal. 3:26). It is through faith in the Lord Jesus Who offered Himself as a sacrifice to atone for man's sin that believers become God's children, members of His family and heirs with Christ. Anyone who doesn't accept the lordship of Jesus remains a slave, billed for damnation. As believer in Christ, you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ (Gal. 4:7). On no occasion should you forfeit your sonship.You are welcome to the family of God, in Jesus' name.
Good morning 🌅


You are welcome to the second half of the year and the seventh month will speak for perfection in every area of your life. You will fly and soar into realm of inexhaustible blessings in Jesus name. Happy new month!


Prepare to attend our programme slated for Friday and Saturday


The fifth month is here again!!!!!
It's here to speak for grace
It's here to speak for mercy
It's here to speak for favor
It's here to usher you to the realm where all things will be beautiful. Ps 102:13
It's a month where the Gracious God will be gracious to you.


Gratitude deepens our love for Jesus and guards our hearts against the trappings of pride and selfishness. Be grateful for God's benevolence!!!


It's God's love that is speaking for you till today. So be grateful!!!


Open Letter Christian Singles.

Dear young person, getting into a relationship doesn't cure a lonely heart.

Loneliness is not the same thing as being alone. Loneliness is a state of the heart that makes you feel desolate, solitary, empty and unhappy.

We have a lot of young people today, jumping into one relationship after the other in the hope to find satisfaction and a cure for their loneliness.

Adam was "alone" not "lonely. This is to say, Adam was a complete person already not necessarily needing another to complete him.

He had a blossoming relationship with God and that in itself provided him with total satisfaction.

If you have not learnt to find true satisfaction in God and contentment with yourself, getting into a relationship will not bring to you that satisfaction and contentment.

Nobody in this world can complete you except God.

If the Holy Spirit is not your first lover, no other lover can fill the void in your soul with their love regardless of who they are or what they do.

Being in a relationship is not for you if you are yet to discover yourself, if you are yet to discover who you are in Christ and if you are yet to love and accept yourself.

A relationship and by extension marriage is a beautiful system designed by God to afford two people who are already complete in Him and in themselves to complement each other and work side by side, together as one, in the fulfilment of purpose.

This is where the real beauty of it lies.

If your reason for seeking another person in your life is because you believe you "desperately need" them to be happy, fulfilled or complete or probably just to "feel among" your peers, then you have totally gotten it wrong.

Dear lonely heart, find peace with God!

Be committed to your relationship with Him, be committed in your service and in the discovery and fulfilment of your purpose, I assure you in the course of this, when the time is right, He will always lead you to a suitable person.



Beloved daughter of Zion, I want to specially welcome you to the second month in the year. I prophesy that February will speak for favour, fruitfulness, freedom, freshness and God will be faithful from the beginning to the end in Jesus name.
Happy new month!!!


Sometimes life can make us feel so alone. Our friends abandon us in times of crisis. We struggle with stress and worry that nobody seems to understand. Where do we turn when we’re alone? Sometimes God uses these difficult times to remind us He is still our Rock and our hope. Only God is faithful in all circumstances.



As you get closer to 2023, I've got Twenty three (23) questions for you to answer :-

1. Have you set your goals?

2. Have you prayed and planned for 2023?

3. What skills are you going to learn and upgrade in 2023?

4. What financial wisdom are you engaging in 2023?

5. What mistakes are you going to correct as you step into 2023?

6. What are you going to start, stop, pause, do more or do less in 2023?

7. What Core values are you adding to your life in 2023?

8. What area of learning are you going to engage more in 2023?

9. Who are you going to disciple in 2023?

10. Who are you going to learn from in 2023?

11. How many souls will you add to the Kingdom in 2023?

12. What positive habit will you build in 2023?

13. How many books will you add to your library in 2023?

14. How productive do you want to be in 2023?

15. In which area of your life do you want to stop giving excuses and start getting results in 2023?

16. How much intensity are you willing to put in your pursuit for God in 2023?

17. How much deeper are you willing to go in your pressing into God in 2023?

18. How much Consecration are you willing and ready to give God and the Kingdom in 2023?

19. Are you willing to obey God and go all the way for him in 2023?

20. Will you represent God well in 2023?

21. What trainings and rigorous process will you give yourself to, so as to fulfil purpose in 2023?

22. What strategies do you intend to engage in, in order to take over the spheres of influence that God has given to you in 2023?

23. Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone in 2023?

Above all, remember to put Christ ahead of everything you do.

Don't just make resolutions, set goals and execute them.

God bless your 2023 in Jesus name.. Amen
