Bodies: Empowered

Bodies: Empowered

Food and Body Image Coach
Body Positivity and Self Love
Create the Life You Want to Live


Here’s a picture of me in Maui before I got my kidney infection 😅


In honor of yesterday, here’s a rainy evening after a long adventurous day in Italy! And yes the rain hitting the ground truly smelt amazing! 😍


First pizza in Italy ✅


I’m in love with this new dress and with




It may be a few weeks late but better late than never 😆

It’s a long weekend Vlog documenting getting my new to me car, seeing that minimalists in sf, and dancing with my bestie

Link in bio!


I’ve realized that i still haven’t posted these from my trip to Reno!

My first time attending the Reno Latin dance fest and I cannot wait to go back again!

It felt so nice to be a student for dancing again, to learn, experiment, and feel connected in my body.

This was from a workshop with company and i had such a great time learning a jazz routine 😍

*I do not own the rights to this music, this is just for creative purposes*

🎶: “can’t touch this” by Bia


💕 FIRST VLOG OF 2022 💕

This was supposed to be apart of a weekend Vlog but it was so long and filled with so much goodness that I decided to make it its on video 🤗

It’s filled with my new tattoo, going to the new vegan restaurant by my house, 2nd bookstore haul, and a new night routine that I’m working on!

This year has already started off pretty well and there’s so much I’m processing from last year and what I want this year to be so I’m documenting it along the way!

Also just something fun to do to make my life look a little bit more fun and interesting ❤️



1.21.22 - The Minimalists at August Hall in SF

I’ve been following for the last few years and my mom and I were supposed to see them in 2020 😅…. But we finally got to see them this year!

It was truly so surreal to see them in person, not just in a YouTube video or on their podcast! I was so ecstatic to ask them a question during the event and they recorded a live podcast episode too, with a special surprise guest !

All of them were super cool and down to earth and it was crazy to be able to talk to them too!

Such a great evening of community, wisdom, and real people sharing the human experience together 🤗

Photos from Bodies: Empowered's post 24/01/2022


It finally happened! It’s been such a long time in the making and I finally got a new to me car!!!!

I have no words and still can’t believe it finally happened but so grateful for my family to help support me through this process and I’m very proud of myself for being able to make this purchase and find the car I wanted all by myself!

Definitely still going to have a monthly car payment but happy to be a lot more stress free and at ease when getting into my car from now on!

I really want to name her, but I’m not sure what it is just yet!

I was thinking maybe Daisy? Idek haha if you have a suggestion for a cute name, leave it in the comments down below!


🎵Don’t be sad go get a TATTOO🎵

And that’s exactly what I did 😅

Thank you for letting me get this beautiful design (the center piece with the arms) and thank you to the coolest tattoo artist I know for executing this design 1000 times better than I ever could’ve imagined!

There’s so much behind this piece and as to why I got it but the main thing is that my self love journey is forever growing and is beautiful in all its ups and downs ❤️



🎉1st Monday of 2022 🎉

In past years, this day usually meant going to the gym, make a big grocery trip, and meal prep - all with the intention of dieting, restricting, and ultimately shrinking my body.

I would always tell myself, “THIS IS THE YEAR that I’ll be able to lose all the weight and live my best life, being super SKINNY.”

But in my 10+ years of repeating this cycle every January, and every Monday, I still never learned that diets don’t work and felt like such a failure!

I solely believed that being THIN was going to fix all of my problems.

I solely believed that being THIN was the only way to live my life to the fullest, and if I was still FAT, then I had failed.

The day I looked at life through the lens of TRULY LIVING without thinking about FOOD, when I’m going to EXERCISE, and “HAVING WILLPOWER” around “bad” foods, my world expanded so much!

I was able to think clearly, listen to my body, understand my body, and see all the things I had been missing out on!

In 2022, I want you to begin your journey of reaching your fullest potential! ACTUALLY living life to the fullest and not worrying about your body image, food, and exercise.

Leave a 🙌🏻 if this is resonating with you and if you’ve been wanting food and body freedom!

✨Doors are still open till January 16th to my new group coaching program “Kicking the Bandwagon Goodbye!”

✨ DM me with any questions and we can hop on a Discovery Call to solidify everything!


☀️My Personal Top 9 of 2021☀️

Because the 2nd half of my 2021 has been chaotic, full of work, and no rest, I forgot how great the first half of the year was!

I met some of the best people that I will always and forever cherish in my life, I’ve had the opportunity to be creative and find my creative people to collaborate with, and I’ve been able to come back to my main love of dance and more specifically ballroom dancing to start teaching again!

While I’ve been undergoing a lot of stress, anxiety, and many other things recently, I’m glad I got to create this post to remind myself of all the amazing and great s**t I’ve done and accomplished!

Doing some much needed relaxation, reflection, and catching up in LA this weekend, I truly am excited for 2022 because I whole heartedly believe that this year is going to be BIG!

Left Column:
Top: First project with ~ Amy Marie ~ Dancer ~ Model ~]
Middle: Photoshoot with
Bottom: Launched my Podcast

Middle Column:
Top: 2nd project with ~ Amy Marie ~ Dancer ~ Model ~] and I cut my hair
Middle: Saw my best friend Jordan and met her daughter for the first time for her 1st birthday
Bottom: My 24th birthday

Right Column:
Top: Photoshoot/First modeling gig for
Middle: Disneyland for my sister’s birthday and First time to the Oogie Boogie Bash in CA Adventure
Bottom: Performing at the Studio’s Christmas Showcase!

Photos from Bodies: Empowered's post 27/12/2021


💪🏻 Has your number 1 resolution on your list been “LOSE WEIGHT” for years?
🥬 Have you struggled with dieting constantly and NOTHING WORKS?
😫 Do you have GUILT around your food choices from the holidays?


I was the SAME EXACT WAY for years! I always started feeling so great on Day 1 then quickly lost interest, motivation, “will power”, and felt like a failure!

First of all, diets are made to FAIL YOU.

And second of all, don’t you want to live a more sustainable, WAY less anxious lifestyle around food and exercise?!?!?

I know it may feel SCARY, DAUNTING, and OVERWHELMING to stray away from diets, meal plans, and exercise routines when that’s the only way you’ve known how to “be healthy”.

But I promise you, there’s WAAAAAAAAY more to health than just food and exercise.

This program is the BEST stepping stone into your Journey away from Diet Culture!

If you’re still following me along here, then my NEW group coaching program is MOST DEFINITELY for you!

✨What’s Included:✨
- 4 weeks of full support
- 2 Private 1:1 Calls
- 4 group coaching calls
- Worksheets/Exercises in between sessions
- Unlimited Text/Email support from Me + Group Chat

✨When do we start?!?✨
- Monday January 17th,2022

✨How many spots are available?!✨
- 5 in total!

And the Opportunity to Connect with Others and Begin your Food Freed Journey!

If you want 2022 to be a LESS STRESSFUL and feel MORE CONFIDENT in yourself and your body, make sure to send me a DM to get more info and set up a FREE Discovery Call!

Photos from Bodies: Empowered's post 25/12/2021

🎄🎁 Merry Christmas from my sister and I! 2022 is gonna be a BIG year! 🎄🎁


Dance class with is the ✨ULTIMATE VIBE✨

She’s the ultimate hype woman and empowerment voice we all need in our life!

So if you haven’t taken class with her and you live in the Bay Area…. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!

But anyway, this was my first dance class I’ve taken in MONTHS! Just for myself, to let loose, and have fun!

While I love being back in the ballroom dance space, it’s been a bit challenging on my mental health, so being able to take this class filled with BOOSTING my CONFIDENCE and EMPOWERING me in my BODY again with good people in a safe space was MUCH NEEDED! Truly for me, dance is such a healing practice and I’m so grateful for dance and for Amy!

I needed to take class to get out of my own head and back into my body and it definitely worked 🤩

💛One of my intentions for 2022 is to take classes more regularly for this reason, to heal me inside and out, and have more fun with it than being technical.
💖This all ties into a BRAND NEW group coaching program I’m putting together! I will be announcing all the details next week so KEEP LOOKIN OUT 👀

Choreography by



Life update and what’s to come!

Link in bio!!!!


💖EP 15 | Growing Up as a “Hopeless Romantic” and Wanting a Relationship💖

Surprise! Today is a solo cast episode!

I was scrolling through tik tok until I came across a video on my FYP talking about relationships, specifically about how desperately someone wants to be in when they’ve never experienced it.

(The tikok was by , Cover says “Late Bloomer Update”)

It got me thinking about how I was when I was younger being a hopeless romantic type (thank you Disney movies and Early 2000’s teen flicks) and how that stuck with me through my most recent years when I had gotten into a very toxic, long term relationship.


Go listen then come back and tell me what you think in the comments!



Guess who just uploaded a NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO…. Yes it’s me lol

It’s my first official vlog, just a more in depth life update of sorts, DEEP cleaning my room and resetting my space, and just being ME!

It’s a long one, and I edited it on my iPad, so it’s not super great in my opinion, but I’m still very happy with it!

🎶This is real, this is me, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be🎶

(Sorry I had to lol iykyk)

I’m trying to just create things that are bringing value, that I can express myself in, and be authentic.

I do have other videos on my channel so you can check them out and feel free to subscribe to stay up to date!



Episode 14 with

This clip was definitely a moment of the dots finally connecting for me!

I had the honor and pleasure of being able to sit down with my mentor and beloved coach Cara in this weeks episode!

🤩So many good nuggets and things that you DON’T WANT TO MISS! 🤩



💗A Musical Theatre QUEEN and Her Beautiful Gray-Haired Journey with 💗

I’m so honored to have had the opportunity to chat with all about her experience through musical theatre, her hair journey, and finding confidence in herself!



✨“All About Self Care and Doing Everything in the Name of Loving Myself✨

Over the last few days, I’ve had a realization… I Haven’t been doing a whole lot when it comes to the theme I set for the year…..

While I have been doing some of it, it’s not really at the fore front of my mind and I think that’s one of the reasons I’ve been out of alignment recently.

So since it’s a new month, I’m in still in the space of revamping and reconfiguring different things, I want to make an effort to create a moment of self care and/or self love EVERY SINGLE DAY!

What I think this truly comes down to is this:

💓Being PRESENT in the moment and being MINDFUL

💗Focus in on the Internal

💗and Enjoy!

I want to make a better effort to recognize what’s actually happening in my life versus just going through the motions.

I want to take more gratitude and more effort in myself. I’ll either post it on my story or make a weekly wrap up post on my feed, either way, I’d like to document it!

What are you most looking forward to in this new month of August?!?




Since I can remember, I've always been so caught up in the monotony of a work routine that I forget that if I have the free time, I can do whatever sounds good!

Especially now that the world is slowly opening up again, and I have a job that I absolutely LOVE and that's way more flexible for me, I can go do things "out of the norm".

I bring this up because I took myself on a last minute beach date yesterday, since the beach was literally 20 min away from where I was! I love the beach and haven't been all summer, so I went to Trader Joe's, bought some snacks that sounded good, and then hit the road to the beach!

Although it was gloomy and a bit cold, it actually felt amazing! I haven't been in nature, let alone been able to ground myself in it, in a hot minute!

✨So this is just a reminder to you (and to myself) that work will always be there, hustle culture will make you feel bad for not being "productive", but you have to live for you and step out of the normal routine of day to day!

💖Tag someone that you feel needs to hear this message today💖

Happy Friday Empowered People!


💖Body Positive Photography, Sexuality, and Finding Confidence in Who You Are with

Today's Podcast episode is such a good one! I had the honor of chatting with Becca about so many good things including her personal journey with relationships to food and her body image and how she began in her photography career!



😣Anxiety Around THEME PARKS 😣

I’ve always enjoyed going to theme parks, riding roller coasters, and eating all the good delicious food, but as I’ve grown up in a diet culture centric world, I started to feel so anxious around the whole experience.

😬 I would see other girls my age wearing cute outfits that I envied to wear one day, “once I had their body type”
😣 I would constantly feel out of control around the food choices and felt like I wanted to eat everything in sight
😭I would go home after a fun day and be hit with reality again that I need to cut out X Y and Z foods and exercise twice as much to “make up” for what I had just done

No matter which theme park it was, this was my same cycle of patterns I had FOR YEARS.

This past weekend my boyfriend surprised me with a day trip to Great America, first time since covid happened too.

Not only was it weird to experience a theme park with that many people since the pandemic but also the last time I was there in December 2019 I was still in the thick of my disordered eating lifestyle that I remember starving myself the entire night I was there and didn’t eat at all once I got home.

My thought process when I got home was, “Wow! I did so good! I didn’t eat anything while I was there! I held my willpower together!”

This time around…

✨I listened to my cravings
✨I listened to when I was actually hungry VS eating everything I could because it was my only “cheat day” I was going to have for a very long time
✨My focus throughout the day was actually on enjoying the rides and the experience, not anxious thoughts around food and what my body looked like.

It’s crazy to see how much healing and recovery I’ve done this last year and a half, when I thought I’d NEVER be able to get here in the first place.

If this is resonating with you, and you’re ready to start healing but have no idea where to start, please feel free to reach out and we can start chatting about where to begin!

Share this with a loved one that you think would like to hear this story too 🥰


I just want to take a moment to PAUSE, REFLECT, and BE TRANSPARENT

Things are going very well for me right now and I'm making the most of it while I can, but I also haven't been doing the best at taking care of myself in certain aspects, especially in the ones that I constantly tell my own clients while I'm coaching.

That's why at the end of the day, I also have to coach myself through these things as well.

Constantly battling through anxiety, depression, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, all while clawing my way through diet culture being thrown in our faces daily, it can be tough and challenging.

While it's encouraged to rest and take breaks, you still have to work through these things at some point.

I'm grateful that I've gone through and continue to go through so much work to heal and expand who I am as a person and as a coach.

Life is such a crazy thing, especially during these times right now. I will continue to share my experiences from this present moment, as well as past ones that I know will resonate with you empowered people out there.

Stay tuned for more content and if you want more inspiration and wisdom, check out my podcast with some truly insightful people!
(This picture is from my birthday this year, Pinnacles National Park Hike with my sister )


🤩EP. 11 | with Essance McGuire🤩

Today’s episode is such a great one with the lovely !

We talked all things
💕Societal Expectations from our generation to today
💕Her 2 Books
💕Her Experience through the Pandemic with Doctors
And So much more!


Videos (show all)

In honor of #earthday2022 yesterday, here’s a rainy evening after a long adventurous day in Italy! And yes the rain hitt...
💕NEW VLOG OUT!💕It may be a few weeks late but better late than never 😆 It’s a long weekend Vlog documenting getting my n...
I’ve realized that i still haven’t posted these from my trip to Reno!My first time attending the Reno Latin dance fest a...
💕 FIRST VLOG OF 2022 💕This was supposed to be apart of a weekend Vlog but it was so long and filled with so much goodnes...
1.21.22 - The Minimalists at August Hall in SFI’ve been following @theminimalists for the last few years and my mom and ...
Dance class with @amy_marie_la is the ✨ULTIMATE VIBE✨She’s the ultimate hype woman and empowerment voice we all need in ...
🌟NEW PODCAST EPISODE PUT NOW! 🌟Life update and what’s to come! Link in bio!!!! #lifeupdate #holidayseason #decemberdaily...
💖EP 15 | Growing Up as a “Hopeless Romantic” and Wanting a Relationship💖Surprise! Today is a solo cast episode!I was scr...
💕HAPPY SUNDAY EMPOWERED PEOPLE💕Guess who just uploaded a NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO…. Yes it’s me lolIt’s my first official vlog,...
Episode 14 with @caraskitchenThis clip was definitely a moment of the dots finally connecting for me! I had the honor an...
💗A Musical Theatre QUEEN and Her Beautiful Gray-Haired Journey with @kayleyalissa 💗I’m so honored to have had the opport...
✨“All About Self Care and Doing Everything in the Name of Loving Myself✨Over the last few days, I’ve had a realization… ...