Logan Strong

Logan Strong

This is the page to keep everyone updated on Logan's battle of LCH


Logan's scan came back clear. It means no more pet scans unless we notice something. He did amazing. He didn't flinch when they did his iv. Then he usually has to be sedated to do the scans and he didn't have to this time. He actually fell asleep on his own when they started it. He has grown so much through all of it. I am so proud of him but sad at the same time.


Logan goes Thursday for a pet scan/ check up. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Photos from Logan Strong's post 28/08/2023

How did my 3lb 11oz little baby turn 11 yesterday? Where has the time gone? He has grown up so much lately. To see everything he has been through it amazes me. He still has a smile on his face and a big heart.


Haven't done an update in a while. Logan has had a bumpy summer. He has been having lots of pain. Had an mri done to look at the damage from the tumor and chemo. Good new is the bone structure and spine looks all good. The damage is in the muscles. So not much to do for it more than what we already are. Keep him active and physical therapy. He goes the middle of September for another pet scan.

Photos from Logan Strong's post 23/04/2023

Words cannot express how thankful and grateful we are for today. The Independence BBQ Cook-Off was amazing. We are blown away by all the donations and everything. Logan was so excited about the jersey and football. Thanks again Brett for choosing Logan.


This is Saturday. Hope to see you there. Independence BBQ Cook-Off


Independence BBQ Cook-Off


Sorry I didn't remember to update sooner. The scan came back all clear. He is still cancer free thank God. Thanks for all the prayers.


Everything went ok today. We did not get any results on the pet scan. We will not hear from the doctor until Monday. So we are going to cross our fingers that no news is good news. Thanks for all the prayers.


Tomorrow is KC day for check up. Has the whole work up. Has a check up with the doctor, then blood work and another pet scan.

Photos from Logan Strong's post 01/12/2022

Today was a good appointment. Got to celebrate being off of chemo. They took care of Logan. He got cupcakes too. He brought them home to share with his brothers.


KC day. Just a check up which means blood work. Then they are doing a little something for him being done with chemo.


Kansas City day. Logan goes for a check up, blood work and to get the port out today!!!


Downtown at Dalton days is a donation and raffle going for Logan. Taylor Crane has it.


Yes you heard him right the scan came back clear. We still have a long road to fully be done with everything. He gets his port out next month. And he will have a lot of check ups for the next 4 years!!


Today is scan day!! Keep Logan in your thoughts and prayers please!!! Thanks!!!


Keep Logan in your thoughts and prayers this week. He goes to Kansas City Thursday for a pet scan. We are hoping to see no active disease. Which will mean he is done with chemo and on the long road to recovery.


Today's treatment at home went ok. Hopefully it was the last treatment. Can't believe he has been through 60 treatments. He has been at this for over a year. He hasn't complained about any of it. Cross our fingers the scan on the 29th is clear. Then we just have 4 years of check ups and scans. Now to get him feeling better and get his energy back.


Round 12 treatment 4 went ok at home. He has been tired and rested a lot today. He hasn't complained about anything. Been in some pain today and stiff. 1 more treatment to go. Then we have almost a month to wait for the scan. If he has a good clear scan than no more chemo but a lot of check ups. Cross our fingers for a good scan.


Today's treatment at home went smoothly. He has been resting. Sat outside and enjoyed a little fresh air. He has been trooping through all of it. He is tired but he doesn't complain. 2 more to go hopefully!!!!


Got the port working after an hour of medicine in it. So we got to come home. We finally got treatment 2 for round 12 done. 3 more to go. Pray that we can get these next 3 done smoothly.


I heard from the doctor. We are heading back to KC today. They are talking about doing a dye test through the port to check it.


No treatment tonight. Couldn't get the port working again. Waiting to hear from the doctor in the morning to see if we will have to go back to KC tomorrow or be able to go to Tulsa to get it going. Please send all the good thoughts and prayers his way please.


Got round 12 started today. Got off to a rough start. His port wasn't working. So we had to sit for an hour with medicine in it to get working. Then got it going and went ok after that. Scan is set up for September 29th. 4 more to go!!! Cross out fingers.


We have made it. He starts round 12 tomorrow. Cross our fingers it will be the last round. We will go in a couple weeks and get another pet scan done. Then we go from there. It has been a long hard road but he has been so strong through all of it.
