

Simple stories with Simple matters


Oh My.. Yes!! ❤ Believe it or not, this is one thing I am so grateful that I took the risk on and finally figured out!!

In the past, sharing about my mistakes, failures, heartaches, or brokenness felt shameful, icky, and embarrassing.. 🥲

I honestly didn't ever think I would talk about my su***de attempt and what led up to it... but somehow, I think this has become one of my greatest strengths and accomplishments in a way! 😄 Isn't that funny?

I can't say it was easy but I can say it was very Worth It!! 🙏

It was only after I opened up my life (in all its brokenness) that others were able to find more of the hope and help that they needed. And guess what? We stopped feeling so alone! ❤️❤❤

And one of the best bonuses? In the end, all of that SHAME LOST its power in my life. 🙌 And it happend fast! Now I don't care who knows about the pain in my past. It has no grip on me.

My prayer right now is that the same can be true for every one of you soon too. 🙏❤🙏



Dad joke of the day, ( literally my dad's joke to me just the other day)

What is black and brown and looks good on a Divorce Attorney/or what I call Marriage Abortionist?
A Doberman....

I have a question, some beef, and slight issues I'm dealing with today, please comment and help me out.
1. Would anyone expect to go to a strip club and see a Christian Stripper serving the Christians needs?
2 How about an abortion Doctor helping the Christians get their Abortion, ( no they didn't mean to get pregnant and isn't "God's will" but these Christians need help with their Abortion.
3. A christian Divorce attorney doing Divorces? "Let NO man separate what I've joined together" yet A Divorce atty will side to Help a Christian do exactly what God says he hates and no one can, or should do.
I wouldn't expect to find someone siding directly against God's word such as the stripper, the abortion Doctor and Divorce attorney. aka Marriage Abortionist....


" One song sung poorly is more valuable than a 1000 songs never sung"

What song is in you that needs the world to hear? What are you holding back because of FEAR of being REAL, Vulnerable, Really known?
Step out today and let YOU do YOU because GOD made you to show off his creativity
