Beyond Inclusion Project

Beyond Inclusion Project

The Beyond Inclusion project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, goes one step ahead, addressing t You will find out if you go… Beyond Inclusion!

People with disabilities develop unique skills and talents exactly due to their disability, skills that remain unexploited. What if SME pursue to include this untapped human potential into their working environment? The Beyond Inclusion project brings together a transnational consortium from 5 EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Cyprus), involving 8 expert organizations with complem


The President of the Government of Spain says reform of Article 49 of the Constitution is a major step towards full inclusion 👇

Cyprus marks autism awareness day | Cyprus Mail 03/04/2023

Cyprus marks Autism Awareness Day lighting up its buildings!
April 2nd

Cyprus marks autism awareness day | Cyprus Mail Cyprus will mark autism awareness day on Sunday for the tenth consecutive year by lighting up government buildings and holding marches across the island. As in every year, the Cyprus Autism Society is holding marches starting at 7pm from the town halls of all districts. In Nicosia, the march will…




Angajarea persoanelor cu dizabilitati

Με Άλλα Μάτια live: Εργασία & Αναπηρία 25/01/2023

Don't miss the opportunity to watch the online live show about "Disability and employment".

Me Alla Matia Live.
🗓️30th of January 2023, 18:00

You can watch the show through the page: Με Άλλα Μάτια

or the youtube channel:

💬You will have the chance to interact through Me Alla Matia's social media and pose your questions.

The show will be in Greek, as well as in Greek Sign language, and shortly afterwards, it will be provided with SDH subtitles.

The online show is supported by the non-profit journalism organization iMEdD

Με Άλλα Μάτια live: Εργασία & Αναπηρία Με Άλλα Μάτια live: Εργασία & Αναπηρία. Προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η αναπηρική κοινότητα στα ζητήματα απασχόλησης.

Beyond Inclusion 09/01/2023

The Beyond Inclusion Platform is ready!

📈Are you an SME representative, a manager or business consultant and you don't know how to pursue disability diversity as a valuable resource for your business?

🧑‍💼Are you a person with disability and you are seeking for ways to improve your employability in the labour market?

📖The Beyond Inclusion training material, available in English, Romanian, Greek, Spanish and Bulgarian, answers it all!

📒Our handbook, in all 5 languages, will effectively guide you through the Beyond Inclusion Platform.

Visit our website and get started!🏁

Let's go Beyond Inclusion!

Beyond Inclusion Employability for persons with disabilities Inclusion is good for business What if SMEs pursue disability diversity in the workplace as a valuable resource that benefits business rather than “moral” or “law” obligation? 1 out of 2 persons with disabilities is still unemployed in the EU Membe...


✅A report by , in partnership with and , leads the way to as an advantage for your business.

👨‍🦽 are a source of high quality work and can benefit your company in ways you haven't considered. How? You just need to:


🟢Discover more:

Hong Kong Disneyland promotes inclusivity 07/12/2022

👩‍🦽A unique honours the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Hong Kong Disneyland promotes inclusivity The parade featured wheelchair dancers and basketball players and integrated sign language to advocate for accessibility.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities | United Nations 03/12/2022

📣International Day of Persons with Disabilities:

🇺🇳The United Nations remind us of transformative solutions for inclusive development, based on the

🗣️A virtual meeting is organized on the 5th of December putting forward:

➡️Disability inclusive development in employment
➡️Disability inclusive development in reducing inequality
➡️Sports as a good practice example

International Day of Persons with Disabilities | United Nations The International Day of Disabled Persons aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development.


Vă invităm la etapa pilot de testare a platformei de formare Beyond Inclusion Project ce cuprinde informații utile reprezentanților IMM în vederea includerii pe piața forței de muncă a persoanelor cu dizabilități. Aceasta este disponibilă prin crearea unui cont gratuit pe următorul link:, secțiunea „EȘTI UN REPREZENTANT IMM?”.

𝗖𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗲 𝗳𝗮̆𝗰𝘂𝘁? Practic activitatea de testare se derulează în două etape:
1. 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗿 𝗱𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘀̦𝗶 𝗱𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗜𝗠𝗠-𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗿 din cadrul platformei, respectiv cele 2 module de formare disponibile: Modul 1 - Beneficii pentru IMM-uri / Modul 2 - În acțiune: pași către crearea unei forțe de muncă incluzive pentru persoanele cu dizabilități. Parcurgerea platformei durează aproximativ 1 oră și 30 min.
2. 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘂𝗹𝘂𝗶 𝗱𝗲 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 ce poate fi accesat în următorul link: Completarea chestionarului durează aproximativ 5 minute.
Termenul limită pentru testarea platformei de învățare Beyond Inclusion (parcurgerea modulelor de învățare) și completarea chestionarului de evaluare este 27 octombrie 2022. Vă mulțumim anticipat!


Vă invităm la etapa pilot de testare a platformei de formare pentru IMM-uri. Aceasta este disponibilă în mod gratuit accesând următorul link

Pentru facilitarea acestei etape și a accesului la platforma de formare se va organiza saptamana aceasta, un webinar online pentru prezentarea platformei de învățare Beyond Inclusion:

Joi, 20 octombrie 2022 – ora. 14.00 prin intermediul platformei Teams, link

Dacă doriți să participați la webinar vă rugăm să ne comunicați acest lucru printr-un e-mail transmis la adresa: [email protected].

Cei care doresc să ne sprijine în etapa de pilotare o pot face accesând direct link-ul și parcurgând cele 2 module de formare disponibile: Modul 1 - Beneficii pentru IMM-uri / Modul 2 - În acțiune: pași către crearea unei forțe de muncă incluzive pentru persoanele cu dizabilități.

La finalul etapei de pilotare vă rugăm să ne răspundeți la câteva întrebări sintetizate într-un chestionar de evaluare a cărui completare durează aproximativ 7 minute.
Chestionarul de evaluare poate fi accesat în linkul următor:

Termenul limită pentru testarea platformei de învățare Beyond Inclusion (parcurgerea modulelor de învățare) și completarea chestionarului de evaluare este 27 octombrie 2022.


Vă invităm la etapa pilot de testare a platformei de formare pentru IMM-uri. Aceasta este disponibilă în mod gratuit accesând următorul link
Pentru facilitarea acestei etape și a accesului la platforma de formare se vor organiza 2 webinarii online pentru prezentarea platformei de învățare Beyond Inclusion după următorul program:
1. Joi, 13 octombrie 2022 – ora. 14.00 prin intermediul platformei Teams, link
2. Vineri, 14 octombrie 2022 – ora 12.00 prin intermediul platformei Teams, link
Dacă doriți să participați la unul dintre webinariile propuse vă rugăm să ne comunicați acest lucru printr-un e-mail transmis la adresa: [email protected].
Cei care doresc să ne sprijine în etapa de pilotare o pot face accesând direct link-ul și parcurgând cele 2 module de formare disponibile: Modul 1 - Beneficii pentru IMM-uri / Modul 2 - În acțiune: pași către crearea unei forțe de muncă incluzive pentru persoanele cu dizabilități.
La finalul etapei de pilotare vă rugăm să ne răspundeți la câteva întrebări sintetizate într-un chestionar de evaluare a cărui completare durează aproximativ 7 minute.
Chestionarul de evaluare poate fi accesat în linkul următor:
Termenul limită pentru testarea platformei de învățare Beyond Inclusion (parcurgerea modulelor de învățare) și completarea chestionarului de evaluare este 20 octombrie 2022.


What does the future of work look like for them and how do we prepare them for what is to come?
On the demand side, standards for disability inclusion need to be set for the HR community in collaboration with the social sector organizations.
To hire a person with a disability requires a “selection mindset”, because the source is small owing to barriers faced due to lack of accessibility in the ecosystem.
On the supply side, competition and self-expectation are the foundational aspects for PwDs. It’s important to make skills training and upskilling inclusive for diverse disabilities.
Technology and adaptations can help a PwD pick their own choice of work. Many persons with severe and multiple disabilities are working using specific workplace solutions, with the help of technology.
; ; ;
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Strategies for Working with People who have Disabilities
There are many ways that disabilities can affect the ability to perform effectively on the job. Levels of disability and ability are unique to an individual.
Here are some simple suggestions will help people with disabilities to fully participate in work-based learning experiences.
For people who have low vision (we are referring to people who have a visual impairment but have some usable sight), examples of accommodations include large print text, handouts, signs, and equipment labels, many photocopy machines can enlarge text. They may also benefit from having career development publications, job instructions, or other printed materials recorded on audiotape.
People with hearing impairments often use some combination of lip-reading, sign language, and amplification to understand spoken information. Individuals with hearing impairments may have difficulty following instructions when delivered in large and open settings, particularly if the acoustics cause echoes or if the speaker talks quietly, rapidly, or unclearly.
Examples of accommodations for people who have hearing impairments include the provision of interpreters, sound amplification systems, note takers, visual aids, and electronic mail for meetings and office discussions. Visual warning systems for emergencies may also need to be installed.
Because a person does not use a wheelchair, have hearing aids, or use a cane does not mean that she does not have a disability. Some disabilities are invisible. These include specific learning disabilities. Individuals with specific learning disabilities generally have average to above average intelligence, but may have difficulties demonstrating knowledge and understanding abstract concepts. Auditory, visual, or tactile information can become jumbled at any point when it is transmitted, received, processed, and re-transmitted.
Examples of accommodations for people who have learning disabilities include audiotaped instructions; a quiet workstation location; visual, aural, and tactile demonstrations incorporated into directions; and computers with voice output and spelling and grammar checkers.
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All Stephanie wanted was to work in fashion. Then a woman trying to 'redefine work' gave her a go 04/09/2022

💃Fashion industry joins with not-for-profit organisation Avenue to help those with disabilities get jobs.

Stephanie Trinh-Tran has faced more obstacles than most in following her dream to work in the fashion industry.
The 21-year-old, who lives with autism, was knocked back from fashion courses until she came to not-for-profit disability organisation Avenue, where she works in an order fulfilment team for a clothing label.
"I love the clothes, the prints, the styles and the colours," she said.

Stephanie's mother Julie thought her daughter might never break into the industry.

All Stephanie wanted was to work in fashion. Then a woman trying to 'redefine work' gave her a go Stephanie Trinh-Tran has faced more obstacles than most in following her dream to work in the fashion industry, until her mother discovered a Sydney organisation doing things differently.

Farming saves autistic workers from isolation 10/08/2022

✅How farming has changed the lives of young autistic workers ❤️

👍A group of autistic young farm workers say the job in a farm has saved them from a potential life of isolation and boredom.

Farming saves autistic workers from isolation Young autistic people say their lives have been changed by working on an Oxfordshire farm.

'It has transformed my life': the restaurant where all staff have a disability 14/07/2022

🫶„It has transformed my life”: the restaurant where all staff have a disability” .

👍A restaurant in the city of Jerez, in the south of Spain, impressed the culinary world with its extraordinary refinement and food. The first thing that strikes you is the calm, the light, the modern art on the walls and, of course, the food.
❤️Universo Santi is under the auspices of the Universo Accesible Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities join the regular workforce.
⭐️The entire staff of the restaurant consists of people with different types of disabilities. "I have always wanted to show what people with disabilities are capable of, with adequate training," says Vila, who is a senior manager at DKV Insurance. "I feel very lucky to be a part of this," says Gloria Bazán, head of human resources, who suffers from cerebral palsy. "It is difficult to work when society sees you only as someone with a disability. This gave me the opportunity to be independent and participate like any other human being. ” Alejandro Giménez, 23 years old, has Down syndrome and is a committed chef. "It gave me the chance to become independent by doing something I enjoyed since I was a child," says Giménez, who lived with his mother until he was recruited. Universo Santi could soon have a star on the Michelin firmament.

'It has transformed my life': the restaurant where all staff have a disability Universo Santi in the southern Spanish city of Jerez is dedicated to helping people with disabilities join the mainstream workforce

4 Ways to Guide Students With Disabilities to Success After High School 03/07/2022

👉4 ways to guide students with disabilities to success after high school.

📌Close relationships with teachers, combined with early post-secondary planning, can improve the results on exams in faculty and career outcomes of students with disabilities.
🟪Students with disabilities (SWDs) face a multitude of challenges every day and often need additional support to ensure equitable opportunities during school. This need for guidance does not disappear after graduation and there is a strong argument that more support is needed at this time of transition than at any other time. But the foundations that lead to success after graduation must be laid long before students enter high school.
1️⃣ Create a rigorous, relevant curriculum. The curriculum is a fundamental piece of the puzzle that represents student performance. School systems should ensure that educators are provided with opportunities throughout the year to collaborate to ensure horizontal and vertical alignment. Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for improving reading, writing and problem solving, while addressing any shortcomings in prior knowledge.
2️⃣ Align transition plans with Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education courses (CTAE ) and student interests. It is imperative that individualized education program (IEP) teams create transition plans that are aligned with students' interests and connect those interests with opportunities in CTAE courses. Firstly, the IEP team and school staff should provide ample opportunities for the student to complete career and interest questionnaires prior to the IEP meeting.
3️⃣ Expose students to many career paths before and during high school. If students are actively involved in a rigorous and relevant curriculum, they should, of course, be introduced in several ways before the transition to high school. This allows students to try to connect their interests and skill sets with potential career paths.
4️⃣ Connect students to real life opportunities. The school curriculum and curriculum must constantly provide options and time for students to experience real-life learning opportunities.

4 Ways to Guide Students With Disabilities to Success After High School Strong relationships with teachers combined with early postsecondary planning can improve disabled students’ college and career outcomes.

The benefits of disability inclusion for companies 06/06/2022

is good for business! Below, you can go through the main benefits arising from including in your workforce. It does not only improve their but opens the way for a successful business. Find out more on the training platform of the . Coming soon...

The benefits of disability inclusion for companies From bottom-line benefits to brand loyalty, learn how disability inclusion can make an impact.


We are pleased to announce that we were part of the 17th edition of the Great People Inside International Conference , that took place at Hotel Qosmo Brasov on 25-26 May 2022. We had the opportunity to present our project to "Go Beyond !" in front of approximately 300 HR specialists from different fields of activity.
Special thanks to the organizers who allowed us to present the activities carried out within our project as well as to the participants for their interest!

Turning disability into ability | Liam Malone | TEDxAuckland 30/05/2022

"Do I really have a disability? Or do I just have to do things differently?"
Liam Malone shares his insight.

Turning disability into ability | Liam Malone | TEDxAuckland Paralympian gold medalist, Liam Malone believes that technological advancement and determination is the key to his success in sport and life in general. Afte...


📬 5th and final ‘Hackathon’ in which people with cognitive disabilities and other project stakeholders exchange ideas about solutions to improve web accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities – this will run from 20th to 27th May 2022.

📢Did you hear the news?
organizes its 5th 🥇🥈🥉
(on 20/05 and 27/05).
🎯We address to PwCD, (along with caregivers, family members, teachers), developers, academia and policy makers.
For more info & registration check:

How to craft the perfect resume for people living with an injury, illness or disability 23/03/2022

A well written can help you capture an employer's attention and increase your chances of getting a interview.
In this guide to resume writing for people with , you will find information about what to put in your resume, how to structure it and ways to make it stand out.

How to craft the perfect resume for people living with an injury, illness or disability Your guide to writing a resume for people with disability. What to include, how to structure the info and ways to make your resume stand out.

The top 5 qualities people with disability bring to a job 22/02/2022

The following five qualities help to reassure employers that you are a potential candidate. These are traits that employers find desirable, that people with an injury, illness or disability can bring to the workplace.
; attitude; ; ;

The top 5 qualities people with disability bring to a job The top 5 qualities of people with disabilities that are very attractive to potential employers, and how they can help to set you apart from other applicants.


Accessibility & Inclusion in the labour market.
Keynote speaker: Myladie Polyxeni Stoumbou
The future of work: hybrid, distant, flexible
4 more speeches for
1. Marily Christofi: National Authority: Protection of the accessibility right of persons with disabilities
2. Christos Dagres: persons/ persons with hearing impairments and entrepreneurship skills
3. Eva Lampara: as means of inclusion
4. Athena Hatziathanasiou: What are after?

📆 25/2 15:00 - 17:00 👉 Real-time sign language translation -Greek
participation with (compulsory in order for you to receive the respective zoom link) here:

program is an initiative by in collaboration with and is based on the effective and award-winning methodology of skills Accelerator.
In cooperation with the transnational partnership of the Beyond Inclusion Project (Erasmus+)
Stavropoulou Olga Yannis Salamouris Yioula Papatsori Ματίνα Βασιλοπούλου Νίνα Σκριβάνου Maria Provata

#ΑμεΑ Προσβασιμότητα & Ένταξη στην αγορά εργασίας
Κεντρική Ομιλήτρια η Myladie Polyxeni Stoumbou : Tο μέλλον της εργασίας: υβριδικό, απομακρυσμένο, ευέλικτο
Ακόμα 4 ομιλίες για την #αναπηρία 👩‍🦯🧏‍♀️👨‍🦽
1. Μαρίλυ Χριστοφή: Εθνική Αρχή #Προσβασιμότητας: Διασφάλιση δικαιωμάτων των ΑμεΑ στη φυσική πρόσβαση
2. Χρήστος Δαγρές: #Κωφά / βαρήκοα άτομα και επιχειρηματικές δυνατότητες
3. Εύα Λαμπαρά: #Δημιουργικότητα ως εργαλείο προσβασιμότητας
4. Αθηνά Χατζηαθανασίου: Τι αναζητούν οι #εργοδότες

📆Παρασκευή 25/2 15:00 – 17:00 👉Παράλληλη διερμηνεία ΕΝΓ
#ΔΩΡΕΑΝ συμμετοχή με #εγγραφή (υποχρεωτική για να σας σταλεί ο σύνδεσμος zoom) ΕΔΩ

To πρόγραμμα είναι μια πρωτοβουλία της Mytilineos σε
συνεργασία με την και βασίζεται στη βραβευμένη και αποτελεσματική μεθοδολογία του Επιταχυντή Δεξιοτήτων
Σε συνέργεια με τη διακρατική κοινοπραξία του ευρωπαϊκού έργου Beyond Inclusion Project (Erasmus+)
Stavropoulou Olga Yannis Salamouris Yioula Papatsori Ματίνα Βασιλοπούλου Νίνα Σκριβάνου Maria Provata

Chanay's story 08/02/2022


Employment for people with is beneficial for a better quality of life.
Below are some of the specific ways finding a job can improve your life.

1. Financial
Obviously, finding a job means you’ll start to earn more money. With that, you’ll gain more independence and security, and you’ll be less reliant on other people’s help.
By finding a job you’ll have more opportunities to acquire the things you want or need that could improve the overall quality and comfort of your life.

2. Emotional
Finding a job is about more than just money. The more independent you become, the more capable you’ll feel. With a sense of pride and accomplishment comes a healthier mindset.
The fulfillment in knowing you are making a difference, helping others and finishing a day’s work can bring a real sense of achievement that builds up your confidence and sense of self-worth.

3. Improve your and
Finding a new job will not only increase your experience, but it can give you the opportunity to learn new skills and acquire greater knowledge.
Meaningful employment for people with disability is not impossible.
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Chanay's story Chanay was 16 when she discovered the hearing bones inside her ears were being eaten away by a disease.Like anyone, the loss of hearing and medical procedure...

Disability does not mean inability | Yasmin Sheikh | TEDxTwenteU 31/01/2022

VS Inability: a that brings into the labour market, limiting the entry of persons with . "You can change your lens today", Yasmin Sheikh says.

Disability does not mean inability | Yasmin Sheikh | TEDxTwenteU Yasmin Sheikh is going to challenge your thinking about how society looks at disability. You may feel uncomfortable as you question what you may have thought...

Videos (show all)

Angajarea persoanelor cu dizabilitati