Love Lizz: Small Business Coaching

Love Lizz: Small Business Coaching

Helping small business owners succeed through authenticity.


Yes!! I love our group ❤️


What if you had someone to help you post all the things? To post tutorials to walk you through doing things in Canva? To post reminders for everything from posting to your Instagram stories to sending emails?

Well, what are you waiting for? That's what we are doing in our exclusive coaching group!

There are so many things that go into owning a business and we want to help you every day with ideas, training, inspiration and more!

This month we are focused on content creation, but when you join you get access to everything we have talked about so far!


I love to measure the bottom line, but there are lots of things that influence it! Remember to set SOFT goals too. Maybe you want more email addresses this month, or maybe you're working hard to grow your Instagram following. These are all important metrics to set goals with and measure!


It's my favorite productivity tip.


I get at least three emails a day saying this "method" or another is GUARANTEED to expand my business 100%. Here is the thing, every business is different. What works for one won't necessarily work for another. We all need to stay flexible and keep trying things until we find our personal magic formula.


Emails are super powerful, but no tool is one size fits all.


What makes you unique is what will help you succeed.


Wait, before you order new inventory, have you shown what you have at least seven times?


We are all about support, encouragement, and little reminders over in the coaching group! Check our bio for more details.


You might be tired because you've taken on too much.


It can be SO hard to see your way out of current issues. But a group of like-minded business friends can really help you see solutions you might not be considering. Whether it is our coaching group or another, make sure you're getting plugged in before the problems feel overwhelming.


Stop trying to rush it, give your plans space to grow


Anyone promising an easy, one size fits all plan does not have your best interests at heart.


Do you have a system you're using to get everything done?


Who are you? Let the people know :D


What do you think is true for your business?


BRANDING, it's a big discussion, and we are diving in this month!


Small businesses are more likely to succeed when they specialize. Having something for everyone isn't necessarily a good thing ;)


Do you have a strategy? Or are you more a "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" kind of person?


Say it with me, don't buy social media followers. Your audience size doesn't matter, but their willingness to like, comment, and share is so much more important. A bought audience doesn't do that.


Everything online can be so combative, but studies show that people are more interested in shopping from businesses that avoid online drama.


Let's chat, does a business need full time hours from you to be successful?


Join us for JUNE COACHING where we will be doing it all from exploring what the pillars of our business are to creating our branding boards. You can join us and it's just $15 a month.


Now the trickier part is figuring out if the personality your brand has online is the personality you meant for it to have.


It is WONDERFUL in business to have lots of ideas, BUT you don't need to make them all happen right now. Make a list, keep track of your ideas, and put them out there one at a time.

Don't burn yourself out bestie!


It isn't 100% true, but MOST OF THE TIME, millennials and Gen Z (so people ages 16-45) are looking for businesses on Facebook or Instagram.

Is your business present there? Can they find you? Does your presence there accurately represent what your business does?


I'll give you the answer, original content is ALWAYS best.


What do you think? Do you need to do events to make your small business successful?


We have been having a discussion about what flexibility and experimentation looks like for a small business. Join us!


You are your business and your business is you, let them see the YOU in your business.