Historical Zambia

Historical Zambia

entertainment Update and Breaking News


Polygamy in Rwanda is ILLEGAL and thus no man is allowed to marry more than one wife. It should be noted that even at the time of marriage certificate of celibacy is mandatory in order to prove whether one is single, divorced or widowed.





The Queen of the Lozis 1958 The wife to the Litunga Sir Mwanawina



Tourists to the Victoria Falls like in the picture attached, used a hand pushed rail trolley for sight seeing from 1920 up to the year 1957. They were introduced by Percy Clark, an entrepreneur at the Falls..

Credit: Zambian History in Picture


Enock B Nkole Writes.

Immediately after exams I went out to donate some blood at UTH to specifically patients who suffer from sickle cell anemia.

I have lost 3 siblings from this disease due to lack of blood donor or availability of resources. Apparently two of them past on 15th and they were both good musicians in the making.

I implore you to save a life by donating blood or what you can to save a life. This was my second time donating in two years, I will officially register as a blood donor and hopefully save a life.

Help me God.


Lovely 😍


Okey Zambia has History to Share.
Even someone just been fertile is an issue.
False or True. Let Love Lead.



Proverbs 29:12

That PF cadre from Katete Gezile is pregnant, but she hasn't been able to locate the actual person who deposited some sperms in her.

She was dating multiple PF senior members including Sunday Chanda, Antonio Mwanza, Stardy Mwale, Andrew Lubusha and others unknown.

She has tried to tell all the above that they are the father of her unborn baby but they have denied responsibility.

Her favorite is Antonio Mwanza.

(c) National Leaks 2023


You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.Congratulation to you Fern for winning your photography awards from Ghana.


How will you want to dress this 2023 Nc'wala ceremony?


How many Giant Mines do we have in Zambia?


Greetings to our brother in Chingola

Chola Greenwell-jr Bwalya


Good morning our big Nc'wala Nation.
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We are counting down to Nc'wala Ceremony 2023.
Start booking your rooms now

Photos from Historical Zambia's post 13/10/2022

As small as it may look, it is the Source of the Mighty Zambezi River
The Kaleni Hills, Mwinilunga, North Western ProvinceπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²πŸ˜πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²


His Majesty, The Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II, of Barotseland with His Excellency President of Zambia Mr.Hakainde Hichilema

Picture By Moses Mtonga


We shall never talk about Zambian Music without without Mentioning.
The Kaira Family and who?


Ngonis from different countries including Malawi, South Africa , Tanzania and Mozambique have gathered in Mzuzu for a three days Mfecane Summit where they are sharing experiences and strategies on how they can reunite and promote their cultural heritage.

Mfecane is the split of Ngonis that happened in South Africa and later Tanzania over 200 years ago where Ngonis from Mzimba, Malawi and the other three countries trace their roots.

Leading the summit Inkosi ya Makosi Zulu Gama of Songea Tanzania says the idea is to reunite and become one regardless of regional boundaries.

Meanwhile regional tourism officer for the North Japhet Kuweruza says the summit is happening at the right time, being a tourism month.

By Angela Mkandawire - Mzuzu.


Congratulations to Memory Soko from Lufu Jele village under iNkosi Nzamane in Eastern Zambia. The Sokos are originally Kalangas who joined Zwangendaba in present day Zimbabwe.


Senior chief Kopa invites all To the traditional Ceremony of the Bisa Peoppe of Zambia to be held on the 1st October 2022 in his Royal palace.


Happy Blessed Birthday to Her Royal Highness; Bedyango, Mukalunga II the IX.

Bedyango is Chief Priestess, Tribal Matriarch.

She's in charge of Land, all religious, cultural activities.

We wish you many returns your Highness.


His Royal Highness Senior Chief Mukuni.

The Big 5


Paramount Chief Chitmukulu Kafula Musungu Chitimukulu # # , left, of the Bemba people of Northern province and Mwata Kazembe XVI Kanyembo V Kapema of the Lunda people of Luapula province-1957


On the 20th August 2022, The Lamba People Had A Successfull Coronation Of the New Senior Chief His Royal Highness Hector Chonta Mpengula.
Congratulations Your Highness.

BY Zambian Historian


By Kenneth Ngalamika
We will talk about things here that are 1, Umulamba, 2, Ubulamba 3, Ilamba.
Umulamba is a person who is Lamba and this is by virtue of his/her parents that are either both parents maybe Lambas or one of the two parents is Lamba. Lambas are found in two countries the DRC and Zambia, in Zambia Lamba people mainly are found in the Copper belt, some parties of Central province and North Western Province. In the DRC Lambas are found in the Katanga province of that country, and the Lambaland in that country starts from Sakania in Ndola up to Kolwezi in length, and from Likasi to Kipushi in width. Lamba people a part of the Bantu people and the central Bantu as we look at the geographical location of the Lambaland.
Ubulamba are the attributes and virtues of a Lamba person, among others are humility and truthfulness. How those central Bantus came to be called abalamba. The story goes on like this, there was a conquering king and this king conquered any group of people he encountered, but as for the lambas they were discrete, when this king faced them they all bowed down and prostrate themselves on the ground the sign of humility henceforth the name abalamba came forth.
Ilamba is the Lambaland and lamba chiefs rule as traditional leaders, there are 15 chiesfs in Zambia and 8 chiefs in the Katanga province of the DRC. (In fact even the name Katanga comes from the Lamba chief called chief Katanga in Lubumbashi.) Of interest to note is the fact that only lambas belong to two cities in two different countries and different provinces that is Ndola and Lubumbashi.
The names of the Lamba chiefs and their areas in DRC: Chief Saili (Lumbembe), Chief Katala (Mokambo), Chief Mfundamina (Mfundamina), Chief Kombo (Kombo), Chief Katanga (Lubumbashi), Chief Sakania (Sakania), chief Kaponda (Kolwezi), Chief Nshindaika (Likasi).
In Zamba Senior chief Mushili, to government he is designated senior chief but to the Lambas he is the paramount chief of Lambas in both Zambia and DRC. Chief Lesa, Chief Selenje, Senior Chief Kalilele in north western province mushingano area, Chief Nkambo, Chief Mukutuma, Chief Shibuchinga, Senior Chief Chiwala, Senior Chief Nkana Kitwe, Mufulira, Kalulushi. And according to the seniority of chiefs Chief Nkana is next to chief Mushili. Chief Shimukunami, Chief Ndubeni, Chief Lumpuma, Chief Malembeka, Chief Kalunkumya, Chief Fungulwa and Chief Machiya.
According to Professor Clement M. Doke the Lamba kingdom was established around 1500 to 1889, but the empirical evidence indicates that this kingdom could have been established much early. Because the first documentation of the Lambas were done by the Portuguese Explorer Francisc de Lacerda on 21st September 1798 at that time the Lamba kingdom had covered the whole coper belt and the Katanga provinces.
The person who led the lambas to the lambaland was a woman whose name was Chembo Kasako Chimbala, she was a youngest wife of the great king Mwati-Yamva, she was not happy with the polygamous marriage she belonged to and she left to find a suitable place to settle in with her son and a good size of people.
Since the time Chembo Lambas had no chiefs up until the arrival of Chimpipi and his sister and his son Kabunda, the first lamba chief was Chimpipi and next his son Kabunda. From the time of Chembo probably in the 1400 lambas used to eat wild fruits and many other types food like honey and so forth. The coming of Chimpipi and his sister from the Yeke kingdom, crop cultivation was introduced in Lambaland or ilamba. The original lambaland wasn’t like the one we see today full of deforestation and polluted rivers. It was a land full of trees both fruit bearing trees and trees that make up thick forests.
The first place lambas settled on was around the Lake Kashiba near the mining town of Luanshya and it was from here that Lambas spreaded northward, southward, eastward and westward. In Zambia Lambas boundaries the Ushi from the north and the north in Lamba is called Kumaushi, the Lala northwest, the Lenjes on the north and the north in Lamba is Kumalenje, the Kaondes on the west, and the Lambaland enters the Katanga province in the DRC.
At the time Lambas met the whites it was reported that (1700) Lambas believed in the existence of God and that He was the creator of all things, who came from the east and that He who went on with His creative works to the west. It was the Lamba belief that if you are walking in the deep forest you will come to the end of the land. The town of Ndola is so significant to the Lamba history, because this is the plan.
In in the picture is Chieftainess Malembeka, the seventh in the lineage of the Bulima chiefdom of the Lamba tribe
Credit: Zambian History in Pictures


The Zulu Nation Has Recognized the House of Zwangendaba.


Inkosi Maguya, Inkosi Nzamane King M'mbelwa, King Mphezeni and Mlonishwa George Kanyamula Zulu
We are Nc'wala πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡² πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ Nation .

Photos from Historical Zambia's post 20/08/2022

INkhosi YaMakhosi Mpezeni 4 arrived in Kwazulu Natal today and is headed to Nongoma the capital of the Zulu Kingdom.

Inkosi YaMakhosi Mphezeni IV having been officially invited to attend the coronation of King Misuzulu KaZwelittini has also been accompanied by;

1. Senior Chief Inkosi Nzamane.

2. Inkosi Maguya.

3. His Excellency, Ambassador George Kanyamula Zulu.

4. Mr Besty Nkhoma, the Ncwala National Committee Chairman.

5. Dr Kelvin Moyo Sokuni (KSM Management and Angoni Grills Lusaka).

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You are all invited for the Great Celebration of the Lunda people of Mwansabimbwe as the Great Mwata kazembe will do the...
