Unfiltered Extra

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Dr Stephen Sideroff: What everyone gets wrong about resilience 08/09/2023

Resilience expert Dr Stephen Sideroff on how to let go of your anger

We sat down with the world-renowned authority on resilience to discover his alternative approaches to managing stress and building resilience.

His advice might just change your life.

Dr Stephen Sideroff: What everyone gets wrong about resilience Dr Stephen Sideroff on how to build unshakeable resilience https://vimeo.com/unfilteredonline/ss01 When was the last time you lost your temper at an inanimate object? We’ve all done it. Maybe you swore out loud at a knot in your shoe lace because - for the love of God - it was taking forever to un...

Liv Boeree reveals the great social media con trick 08/09/2023

The great social media con trick making you miserable

In an exclusive, the Win-Win podcast host Liv Boeree reveals how Molochian forces on social media are making you sad and angry - and what you can do about it to regain your online happiness.

Liv Boeree reveals the great social media con trick Simple, cheap, or even retro, you can find it all in 2020 Paris High Fashion

Bryan Johnson: Messiah or midlife crisis? 08/09/2023

Bryan Johnson exclusive: The man who wants to defeat death

We flew to the LA home of tech entrepreneur and "rejuvenation athlete" Bryan Johnson who is spending millions of dollars per year to reverse the ageing process.

But is he just another lost soul in a long line of rich middle-aged man wasting their time and money on an exercise in vanity to have smoother skin, a fitter heart and a harder er****on?

Or is his ultimate ambition bigger than that? Is his a trans-generational goal, in which he solves the mysteries of ageing and death that have captivated humanity since the dawn of time so he can save our species from itself?

Bryan Johnson: Messiah or midlife crisis? Bryan Johnson: Under The Skin https://vimeo.com/unfilteredonline/bj01 American tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson had it all. Money, success, respect. The cars, the clothes, the Silicon Valley superstar lifestyle. But it had come at a cost. To both his body and mind. He realised that what he really wan...


Rock star scientists or social media charlatans?

Scroll through social media over the past couple of years and it’s impossible to avoid superstar scientists.

Through posts and podcasts these health, fitness, nutrition and performance optimisation experts have grown seven-figure audiences with a simple promise: they’ll improve your life - at zero cost and next-to-no effort - if you listen to their expert explanations of the latest and best scientific research.

And in many ways these social media scientists have been a real force for good.

Their charm and charisma, melded with excellent communication skills, enable them to share highly-complex information in simple, understandable and actionable terms.

What’s not so good is how their science has started to suffer as they’ve become victims of their own success.

To satisfy audience demand, to stay top of the podcast charts, and to maximise income from the advertisers who sponsor their increasingly sophisticated productions, they’re now obligated to share scientific breakthroughs twice a week to deadline.

So findings are massaged to fit a narrative and schedule that, you guessed it, plays to the social media machine.

So how do you know who you can trust?

Science-based nutritional educator Dr Alan Flanagan believes the easiest way is to look out for some “red flags” that hint what you’re hearing might not be the truest interpretation of the scientific method.

In a fascinating conversation, the founder of Alinea Nutrition and former barrister, reveals the key warning signs you should look out for, why he thinks so many of these respected scientists are completely comfortable misrepresenting the research to fit their narrative and agenda, and how to tell the difference between an influencer who’s advice should be taken with a pinch of salt and those who should be avoided at all cost.

Coming soon. Sign up for free at unfilteredonline.com


Bryan Johnson: Messiah or midlife crisis?

American tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson had it all. Money, success, respect. The cars, the clothes, the Silicon Valley superstar lifestyle.

But it had come at a cost. To both his body and mind. He realised that what he really wanted more than anything else - his health and his youth - were gone. Because it doesn’t matter how much money you have in the bank, nothing can stop the relentless march of Father Time.

Or can it?

Johnson decided to find out. So he began a multi-million-dollar one-man mission to create Blueprint, a rejuvenation and longevity protocol, designed not only to his stop his body from biologically ageing but to actually reverse the ageing process to reclaim his lost youth.

Yesterday Johnson turned 46. So what’s driving his desire? Is he just yet another lost soul in a long line of rich middle-aged man wasting their time and money on an exercise in vanity to look, feel and perform like a man half his age?

Or is his ultimate ambition bigger than that? Is his a trans-generational goal, in which he solves the mysteries of ageing and death that have captivated humanity since the dawn of time, so he can live forever in a state of eternal youth?

If so, is Johnson ready for immortality? And what are the implications for his family? And, more importantly, what does his mission mean for you, and for your parents and your children, and for everyone you love and care about?

As part of the Unfiltered Extra Under the Skin documentary series, editor-in-chief Joe Warner flew to meet Johnson at his home in LA to discover exactly what drives someone to spend tens of millions of dollars of their own money on a seemingly impossible quest, how he copes with the avalanche of abuse, criticism and ridicule that hits him every time he shares a snapshot of his life online, and what his successes, failures and discoveries will mean for every single one of us.

Coming soon. Be the first to watch it by signing up for free at unfilteredonline.com


Still think social media exists solely for your entertainment? So why’s it making you so miserable?

Liv Boeree reveals to what’s really going on, what you can do about it, and explains the growing threats of AI, existential risk and . Unfilteredonline.com


Dr Andy Galpin is : Your body is a single unit

As the fields of medicine, technology, health and wellness rapidly collide, the optimists envision a bright future of completely personalised lifestyle interventions so you can perform at your fullest potential.

Because once you know the exercise protocol to which your body responds best you can build muscle and burn fat faster. That’s personalised exercise.

Or if there’s a certain nutritional strategy your body prefers, you can follow that to instantly start eating for better health and happiness. That’s personalised nutrition.

And, more significantly, if you know how your body responds - positively, negatively or neutrally - to certain drugs, your doctor can prescribe with complete clarity the pharmaceutical interventions that will make you better. That’s personalised medicine.

While Dr Andy Galpin, Professor of Kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton, is hugely optimistic about the potential of personalised lifestyle interventions, he believes first we must stop treating the human body as a series of separate systems, only ever working in isolation, and reclassify them as a deeply connected framework of highly interdependent cogs, where even a small turn on one can dramatically effect all others.

To find out what this means for you and your family, as well as get Dr Galpin’s advice on training, nutrition, supplementation, recovery and more, sign up for free at unfilteredonline.com.


Dr Stephen Sideroff: letting go of your anger

When was the last time you lost your temper at an inanimate object?

We’ve all done it. Maybe you swore out loud at a knot in your shoe lace because - for the love of God - it was taking forever to untie.

You know it’s not the knot’s fault, and that you’re not even angry with the knot.

But still your heart beat rises, your breathing quickens, and your fists tighten into balls of sheer fury.

And then you snap at a partner, child, friend or colleague, as you unleash your pent-up anger and frustration on them. A dark cloud forms over your head and follows you around for hours. Your day, and those around you, is ruined. All because of a shoe lace.

Sounds familiar? You’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Enter Dr Stephen Sideroff, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine.

Unfiltered’s editor-in-chief Joe Warner sat down with the world-renowned expert in resilience, optimal performance, at his home in Topanga Valley, California, to discover how his alternative approaches to managing stress, building resilience and prioritising self-compassion and self-care can help you live the healthier and happier life you know you want.

Don’t think what he says will change your life?

“I’ve often had irrational responses and over-reactions to completely trivial things but after speaking to Dr Sideroff I now truly understand why this happens,” says Warner. “It’s always an anger linked to something else going on my life, and once you can identify the real source of your frustration you can take steps to address it. It's a genuine game-changer.”

Find out more at unfilteredonline.com


Nick Mitchell: Under The Skin

Since opening his first gym in the City of London in 2008, Ultimate Performance founder and CEO Nick Mitchell has built the world’s first - and only - global personal training gym business, with more than 20 facilities and 550 staff across four continents.

From the outside, success can seem to come easy. But in that time those close to him have witnessed his relentless determination and seen the extraordinary lengths, and countless sacrifices, he has made to turn his dream into a reality.

But from where does his drive and desire come?

Has he always believed that he could achieve anything on which he set his head and heart?

And has he ever wavered from his conviction that taking the road less travelled is the surest path to success?

In an exclusive Under The Skin interview, editor-in-chief Joe Warner flew to Los Angeles to find out about Nick’s younger life, the experiences and role models that forged the man he became, the invaluable life lessons he learned from first building his body and then building a global business, and his hopes and fears for the future.

And with Nick’s unique perspective on health, fitness and obesity - given the tens of thousands of clients who have walked through U.P.’s doors and turned their lives around - their wide-ranging, no-holds-barred conversation also tackled some of the biggest issues affecting society today, including childhood obesity, the Health At Every Size movement, steroid use, cancel culture, victimhood, the impact of social media on mental health, and much more.

Coming soon. Be the first to watch it at unfilteredonline.com


Your future starts now.

Innovation is revolutionising health and wellbeing.

So where do you go for thought-provoking ideas, challenging conversations and passionate debates on how to translate these seismic breakthroughs into optimal performance?

That destination didn't exist. Until now.

We are Unfiltered, a new website that will be a fearless voice, and your trusted source, in rapidly changing times.

Be the first to find out more at unfilteredonline.com.

Videos (show all)

Rock star scientists or social media charlatans?Scroll through social media over the past couple of years and it’s impos...
Bryan Johnson: Messiah or midlife crisis?American tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson had it all. Money, success, respect. T...
Still think social media exists solely for your entertainment? So why’s it making you so miserable? Liv Boeree reveals t...
Dr Andy Galpin is #Unfiltered: Your body is a single unitAs the fields of medicine, technology, health and wellness rapi...
Dr Stephen Sideroff: letting go of your angerWhen was the last time you lost your temper at an inanimate object? We’ve a...
Nick Mitchell: Under The SkinSince opening his first gym in the City of London in 2008, Ultimate Performance founder and...