Dee Giles

Dee Giles

Prophetic Voice | Psalmist | Mentor to Women
I empower women to walk in their kingdom assignment


3 Essential Skills to Navigate Challenging Situations with Confidence!✊🙌




Prophets see things differently! Prophets discern the spirit that is operating behind the thing. And when they see it, they know how to move.


An apostolic ministry will face resistance because they come to tear down strongholds in a region. This is why prayer is key!!


☀️ 🔥💯


🔥There’s power in your voice women of God!!

✨ladies your unique voice is needed!
it’s time to unlock!!


God’s plan is always to restore. However, If you’ve been listening to false prophets and are addicted to screaming “PROPHESY” when you’re in their midst all so they can tickle your ears 👂🏾, REPENT. The Lord can deliver you from that demonic spirit and restore you.


😎 After a long day I like to relax to one of my favorite shows!
Can anyone guess which one this is?


Come against every assignment against your life by prayer! There’s power in prayer!


Why wait till January to start? Why not start now 🤷🏾‍♀️
You don’t have to wait till January to start working on your goals!

Just a thought!


🔥🙌🏾I love this! Let there be more Lord!!


Daddy Yankee is officially retiring from reggaeton to devote his life to his religious faith, the rapper said after ending his farewell tour, La Meta (The Goal), Sunday night in his homeland Puerto Rico.

The 46-year-old singer made the announcement in a lengthy speech following a larger-than-life performance of his global hit “Gasolina,” a song that marked the beginning of the globalization of reggaeton and catapulted him into mainstream success back in 2004.

"My people, this day for me is the most important day of my life. And I want to share it with you because living a life of success is not the same as living a life with purpose," the artist, who also popularized the 2017 megahit “Despacito” with Luis Fonsi, said in Spanish.

Despite traveling the world, winning awards and being praised by fans worldwide, a part of him felt unfulfilled for a long time, he told a cheering crowd of more than 18,000 people at the Coliseo de Puerto Rico. "I have to confess that those days are over. Someone was able to fill that emptiness," he said.

Despite wearing stylish sunglasses onstage, the tears streaming down his face were visible to the thousands of fans around the world who watched him closely via livestream.

In his message, Daddy Yankee cited this Bible verse in Spanish: “What good will it be for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?”

"That is why tonight, I recognize, and I am not ashamed to tell the whole world that Jesus lives in me and that I will live for him," the singer said with his hand to the sky.

Daddy Yankee announced he would embark on "a new beginning" as Ramón Ayala, his birth name.

"All the tools that I have in my possession such as music, social networks, platforms, a microphone — everything that Jesus gave me, is now for his kingdom," he said. "Thank you very much, Puerto Rico, and I hope that you walk with me in this new beginning."

"To all the people who followed me, follow Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life," he added. "Just like Jesus, with his mercy, allowed me to travel the world, in your mercy, Father, I hope you allow me to evangelize the world from Puerto Rico. Amen."






My daughter this morning: you should worship with your guitar, you sound good other times but better with the guitar. 🤣 TELL ME THE TRUTH SISTER.


For those that have felt silenced! I’m going to need you to declare that your voice is being UNLOCKED! You will know what to say, because the Spirit of the Lord will give you the words!


🔥 It's that time again! Firebrand Corporate fast.
Starting Monday Dec 4th-6th

We usually fast until 6pm with water,
but let the Holy Spirit lead you

🔥We will be praying at 8pm EST Monday & Tuesday


Prophetic Worship🙌🏾🔥 with my babies!!


I love ALC Women's Ministry and can’t wait to be with them! 🙌🏾🔥

Looking for vendors for our women’s Christmas dinner at ALC. If you and your small business would like to set up at our Christmas shop, please reach out to Lisa Austin!! Thanks


✍🏾Prophets, You’re Built for Your Assignment

God equipped Ezekiel for the work that was ahead of him and indeed it was going to be hard. He had to deal with people who were hard hearted and rebellious.

But, He would have to be bold and unyielding just as they were. SO, God made his forehead as hard as the hardest rock.

The message needed to be able to CUT THROUGH THE HARD HEARTS.

🤯 Understand that every prophet is not built the same, because God built them for the people that He called them to.

You may not understand them, but you didn’t call them, God did.

✨ You’re built for the Assignment, because God equipped you for it.


This is a fake page! Please report them.


When churches allow the prophetic to flow, the program goes out the door. Room is made for the Holy Spirit to truly encounter the people.


Prophetic worshippers love an atmosphere where they can be free in their expression of worship.


🙌🏾🔥 The right relationships are on the way! I believe in divine friendships and community that will help you thrive!

Women of God, we need each other! Continue to lift each other up!

Comment “thrive” I have free ebook for you!

🤫 .. SOON I will have a community for women who are in leadership to grow and thrive with one another for their kingdom assignment. 🔥🔥


Whatever attacked your bloodline stops with you! He who the Son sets Free is Free Indeed!


If God is for you, Who can stand Against You.🙌




Proverbs 29:25
Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety.


🔥Prophetic Flow.. Christian Women Leaders..


🤔Hey ladies in LEADERSHIP, apostolic and prophetic women, What problem keeps you up at night when it comes to being the leader God called you to be?


🤯Choose to thrive today by understanding that your past doesn’t define you, but has served as a building block to get you where you are today!

I know I’ve flourished because I refuse to let opinions define what God has said about my future! Which I know He has great plans for my future and YOURS.

Ladies, comment “THRIVE” 🔥🙌🏾


🤔Hey ladies, what is the NUMBER #1 thing that keeps you up at night that keeps you from being the leader God has call you to be?


🔥💯 Deuteronomy 8:18
It is the Lord who gives you the resources.


Happy Thanksgiving!! I’m thankful for all that the Lord has done and for everyone He has placed in my life!



I Remember having a dream 😴 one night of a certain well known man in business handing me a book. When I woke up I took note of the dream and it was something that was already in my library🤦🏾‍♀️, but I didn’t PAY attention to it, but there was something in there that I was going to need in the next season.

He was showing me things that was ahead in the marketplace at that time.

This is just one of the ways the Lord reveals to me what’s next for me in a season. Another time I had a dream of a well known Man of God handing me a series of Books, this time I took action and went to see the Man of God and He did just that, GAVE me all of his books on the topic and his workbooks.

🤷🏾‍♀️ Why am I sharing this, it’s important to pay attention to your dreams, BUT it’s important to take ACTION! Also, your answer may be in a BOOK 📚.

🔥I want to thrive in my assignment! I want you to thrive in your assignment!

✨ How did I know it was God, every book He’s ever showed me to read was always something that was the most sought after book in the marketplace, or the most sought after topic in ministry and He gave it to me in a DREAM 🙌🏾.

👉🏾This is to provoke you to ask the Lord to show you what’s next for you? What books should you be reading for your assignment?

Ladies, comment “THRIVE” it’s time to thrive!

✨Prophetess Dee


Be INTENTIONAL with your relationships.

✨Get around people who love the Lord and are about the Kingdom.

✨Get around people who support you and you support them.

✨Support is more than words, support shows up in action.

💗 Get around women who pour into each other! This is what it’s all about.


I DECLARE that you won’t live to just survive, but you will THRIVE!
Ladies Comment “thrive” 🙌🏾🔥


Bind every spirit of fear that is hindering you from going all in! Then,
take Action by going ALL in.


🫣I remember when I thought I had nothing in me to share that would be of value to others. I was my own worst critic and could think of 100 reason of why I didn’t qualify for certain opportunities.

That all changed when I started to dive into a book that changed my life “the BIBLE!” 🙌🏾

I didn’t only read it, I believed what it said, and I acted in FAITH!

I’m not saying it happened over night, but what I once thought was impossible is possible. God made more ways for me that I could ever imagine and I believe He can do that for you as well.

🔥Fear didn’t stop me from walking in my assignment

🔥Opinions drove me deeper into studying what God’s Word said about me.

When I took ACTION, everything changed.

What am I saying, God qualifies YOU! And you have a story to share that will impact many.



What are you lending your ears 👂🏾 to?

INTELLIGENT people are always ready to learn.
Their ears are open for KNOWLEDGE.
Proverbs 18:15


🙌🏾 Make Room!! 💯

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