

A food writer who has now started to grow food (and flowers). This page provides advice, seasonal up


I do like but prefer (like most of my family) so we shall make a considered nod to by enjoying a slice for pudding today.

🪴Wishing all my friends and followers who are celebrating this event a wonderful time.

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 22/11/2023


I am really enjoying the less frantic month of November - it’s like a good book (not a feverishly exciting one) where page by page (or day by day) you gently unfold the late autumn story of living.

🪴This includes plenty of bulb planting for me (somewhat monotonous but also calming); food prep from the harvest collected (and stashed away to be eaten in the winter months) which is soothing and rewarding; list making and garden plan plotting (for Christmas and next season’s planting (which makes me feel organised and excited in equal measure); and not forgetting restorative drinks by the fire, in the greenhouse or just before sneaking an afternoon or early evening snooze in the ever-earlier fading light!

🪴At this time I have no urgent desire to get into the bells and whistles associated with Christmas - December is soon enough for me but I am enjoying a bit of reorganisation (or faffing) of plants and decorative objects around the house. The bright globes of pumpkins are being quietly replaced with more subdued things (and many that will sit happily alongside the wintry landscape of things I have planned for the festive season).

🪴One such is a lovely planted kit I came across and bought from It’s a kit that contains everything you need to make a shell planter of hellebores. It has the shell planter (from, the grit needed for the base, compost, hellebores (3) and moss to complete the look. It’s just fabulous!

🪴I know I could source all the components myself but the time, energy, individual cost and design element tells me this is one way forward for me - I am happy to put in the effort to assemble but will equally hand over the rest of the job to someone else. Mr B is only grateful that it has saved me from a visit to the which from experience is hugely tempting (so a money saver in his book).

🪴Mine, seen here, has gone into a downstairs cloakroom (SWIPE) but continue and you see it looks good in a sitting room and kitchen so may go on a detour of the house as the festive season approaches.

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 16/11/2023


What do you do when it has been raining or drizzling non-stop all day? Well not much gardening for sure so it’s been more into the greenhouse to pot some bulbs for indoor spring flowering and then back to the kitchen to faff around with ‘leftovers’.

🪴I had a couple of quince still lurking and somewhat accusingly making their presence felt (lovely fragrance) that needed using up. One from my earlier batch of 3 I had used to roast and serve with some succulent pork but thought I might therefore use these final 2 for some pickled quince.

🪴With just 2 it didn’t take too long to halve, peel and cut into wedges or pieces because they are notoriously hard to prepare - hard, the skin doesn’t respond well to paring and without a shark knife and beady eye you could easily lose a digit or two. I might be persuaded to double the quantities but not much more.

🪴I cooked mine in a mixture of 375 ml white wine or cider vinegar, with 200 g golden granulated sugar and about 6 black peppercorns, 2 star anise and a bay leaf.

🪴Bring the mixture to the boil, the turn down to what (who makes this recipe with juniper berries) calls a merry simmer. Lower the quince into the mixture and cook for 15-25 minutes until they are soft enough to pierce effortlessly with the point of a knife or skewer.

🪴Transfer to 1 large or 2 small clean storage or preserving jars then seal and cool. They will keep for several weeks.

🪴I plan to gift one of mine and use the contents of the other to serve with cheese or slice into a salad of lentils with wedges of apples (I have a red fleshed variety called in the fruit bowl), some roasted pumpkin (still using the Halloween haul), herbs and chopped walnuts. I think their sweet and sour flavour will work well.

🪴Hope tomorrow is drier because the garden still needs some attention and those remaining seeds on my greenhouse bench won’t seed themselves from a sealed packet!

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 15/11/2023


These are part of a big haul (and I mean big) that I planted today in my cutting garden. There are others in pots for around the garden and terrace that still need doing - in all there are several hundred (maybe even a thousand) spring bulbs destined to be underground in the coming days.

🪴I feel I have broken the back of the job and almost strained my own on doing so, and let’s not even talk about muddy knees, frozen fingers and the odd chipped nail. It will all be worth it …

🪴But sad to say I am plagued with squirrels who love to feast on my bulbs but I’m hoping my previous 3 year preventative action works again to keep them at bay.

🪴I have found dusting the bulbs with chilli powder before planting then sprinkling the compost on top with a little more is a great sensory deterrent! I haven’t to date come across a squirrel asking for a side order of guacamole and soured cream to go with the main bulb course!

🪴I also take a belt and braces approach by covering the pots in particular with chicken wire too. These bulbs are too expensive to allow the rodents a free buffet on the house (and garden).

🪴All I can say is that it has worked for some 3 years now and whilst there is the additional outlay of buying chilli powder you can purchase cheaply in bulk online from companies like Amazon or try local ethnic produce stores for a good deal.

🪴Here’s to a dazzling tulip display next spring …



I have been saying this for a couple of weeks now - they are everywhere! But too soon for me and my waistline - nothing doing until December. No tree up, wreath still in waiting, baubles are lingering in the loft, and lists are still being added to rather than getting a ticking off!

🪴But I still enjoy a little slice of cake or something as a treat after a few hours in the garden and this Zesty Clementine Cake is more seasonal and not overly sweet and so is my choice right now. Indeed you could pretty it up and serve over the festive period too if you are not overly keen on the traditional

🪴Today I am making it again but with some easy peelers that are lingering in the fruit bowl rather than clementines. We shall enjoy over the coming week with a cup of tea after a tulip planting marathon, or maybe as a dessert with some crème fraiche, custard or yogurt. It will keep well and can be frozen.

🪴We have thunderstorms forecast today (Are they really coming? Ready or not?) so the bulb planting will be started but with the occasional wary glance skywards!

🪴Have a lovely Tuesday …

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 11/11/2023


Well this was a most welcome and warming bowlful after a morning outdoors. A sort of mulligatawny type soup for lunch but made with chickpeas instead of rice and laced with some home-grown frozen spinach.

🪴I needed it after such a frosty start early doors. Jack Frost is most definitely back - lawns white this morning and my greenhouse thermometer registered a low 2.9 C so I was pleased I had read and acted upon advice earlier in the week re mulching beds, covering vulnerable plants with horticultural fleece and moving those tender citrus trees and into the all in fortuitous time.

🪴I still have a load of tulips to plant but hopefully this colder snap will suit them (I am told it helps to prevent ) - it may not help me of course but I’m told it might be just a tad warmer tomorrow and on Monday which is my own self-administered deadline.

🪴First I need to check out the thermals!

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 10/11/2023



Every year (for quite a few now) I have purchased a few from to adorn my mantelpiece during the festive season. Sometimes white but often red.

🪴This year I am dazzled and hugely tempted to also buy some of the delft blue ones (swipe to see) - more expensive but since my dining room sports blue and white they seem made for me.

🪴The beauty is that they don’t need watering or attention of any kind - the downside is that you can’t replant or expect them to flower again next year (or that at least has been my experience).

🪴My current purchases are on a windowsill in my cool (as in not warm) office where they have put on a bit of a spurt of growth but should reach prime blooming during Christmas week. I’ll post my nearer the time (too soon as yet for me to get the baubles and decorations out).

🪴A small delight but significant tradition here

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 07/11/2023

Yesterday (and the day before) were more than energy sapping. And the most I could manage to prep for my own evening meal was a pastry-wrapped small round of Brie with a couple of spoonfuls of fig chutney (from ) and crushed walnuts inside. I tried tying with string to make a pumpkin effect (something I had seen last week on Instagram) and it worked well. Not as fiddly as I thought and certainly helped my muscles to relax and brain to stop buzzing.

🪴All dahlias from the main cutting flower beds are now lifted and in the to dry for 2-3 weeks before I shall store away for the winter. I’m sorry to say a few have tags like ‘Dahlia Who Knows?’ - no idea who runs off with my labels but I suspect Cyril the Squirrel and his crew at work.

🪴Now onto the bigger job of bulb planting - I reckon I have a couple of weekends at best to get the and planted. In between the seeds need sowing - especially my

🪴I need more hours in a day atm and curse myself because I say this every year. Bottoms up in the again (with only coffee or tea to revive the flagging spirits)!

🪴Hope you’re better organised and ahead of the game …

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 06/11/2023


Last night’s bangers (the edible kind) didn’t make it into a 🌭 hotdog bun but into a banging with some other straying autumnal fridge leftovers. It was the best I could manage after a gruelling session in the garden lifting a good two-thirds of the for storage. I was bone weary at the end of the session …

🪴I simply mixed 3 tbsp oil with 2 tbsp whole grain mustard, 2 tbsp honey (but you could use maple syrup), 2 tsp chopped mixed herbs and 1 tsp garlic granules then used 3/4 of it to toss 2 par-cooked cubed potatoes, 3 sliced carrots, 1 sliced leek, 2 red onions (cut into wedges) and added salt and pepper to taste. You can par-boil the potatoes but I simply zapped in the microwave for 8 minutes on HIGH to par-cook - speeds up the cooking time considerably.

🪴These went into a baking or roasting tin and cooked at 200C for about 25-30 minutes until just beginning to colour and soften well. The remaining oil mixture is then used to coat any sausages you wish to add. I used some (10 in all).

🪴Toss and turn over the vegetable mixture, top with the sausages and bake for a further 20-25 minutes until golden and cooked through.

🪴It was a lovely easy to prep meal (with some leftovers for today) and next time I will add an eating apple cut into wedges too for a bit more sweetness.

🪴Today I am returning to the garden to lift the remaining tubers and to mulch some staying in situ and prep the beds for tulips. I may be some time!

🪴Anyone else see the forecast predicting snow this year before Christmas? Better get a move on if it’s on the cards.

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 02/11/2023


After all the spooky festivities I am betting there are a fair number of pumpkins and squash still on doorsteps, in windows, on garden tables and in baskets today. PLEASE DON’T LET THEM GO TO WASTE! STOP THE ROT!

🪴Some might well be stored or saved for 🔥 festivities but why not consider using some of them to feed the bonfire revellers then and yourselves beforehand?

🪴I am going to halve and bake some of mine stuffed with grains, nuts, fruits and herbs for a main course this week; whizz up a batch of cooked flesh with chickpeas and seasonings to make a for lunch; try out a way of air frying wedges of butternut squash (an idea from Daily Yum to serve with a dip on ; and add some cubes of cooked squash to a comforting (as suggested by ) as the main event dish.

🪴The remainder I shall simply bake with butter and seasonings to serve alongside our usual meals as a vegetable accompaniment or side dish and make some soup (of course!) and maybe a curry.

🪴I am starting the food prep this afternoon because it’s still far too wet to do anything productive in the garden. Although we live in the south we are relatively unscathed by the storm that hit this morning - only hope you are too! Stay safe …

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 31/10/2023


The U.K. is being haunted by yet more tempestuous weather and will be racing in tomorrow to cause havoc and on Thursday too I believe.

🪴We’re already facing a bit of a battering this late afternoon - rain has arrived as if on an evil broomstick 🧹 and circling as if looking for mischief.

🪴Time for me to take cover, turn inwards, build up the 🔥fire, batten down the greenhouse and cold frame securely, stir up a hubble bubble cauldron of on the stove, and stay under a fleecy cover indoors until it passes.

🪴I have already snipped any remaining blooms from the and popped them into a hollowed out pumpkin to lift the gloom and they join my the grandchildren gave me at the weekend. Alongside the pumpkin fest at the doorway and on the mantlepiece I feel this flaming scene will last until after 🔥

🪴But for now the leaves can swirl and fall and be blown about in a demon-like frenzy - I am staying fireside and toasty warm and ignoring the howls and shrieks of Halloween 👻

🪴Happy 🎃 if you’re venturing out or celebrating in spooktacular fashion.


Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 22/10/2023


A couple of weeks ago I stashed away my plants from the front slate gravel pots since frost was forecast. Now under cover they will stay safe and snug until the spring.

🪴Last week I replaced them with some in tight bud and almost started to build an ark for them to float away - such were the biblical downpours we had.

🪴But today on my the buds have started to unfurl on them and the lovely white flowers are emerging to provide a great contrast with the topiary (albeit for just a few weeks).

🪴After that who knows but undoubtedly something festive and cheery. Any ideas beyond lights that I might consider?

🪴Hope you’re having a and chasing some cobwebs and puddles (or worse 😢) away!

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 21/10/2023


It seems rather fitting to bring to the grid an apple recipe this weekend since it is today.

🪴Instead of a sweet offering I have sharpened up my act by prepping instead a very quick apple pickle that I can use this October with my regular deli plates, salads and roasts (it’s particularly good with pork and game birds).

🪴This pickle has a tart, fresh and zingy flavour and is designed to be eaten soonish (after just 15 minutes) or for up to 2 days.

🪴To make enough for 8 servings mix the grated zest and juice of 1 lemon in a bowl with 1/2 tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp runny or clear honey and 2 tbsp chopped fresh dill. This will produce a mixture that is sweet, sour and salty (adjust slightly if you prefer it to be sweeter, less salty or not as acidic). Add 2 quartered and thinly sliced unpeeled but cored apples and toss to mix. Cover and leave for at least 15 minutes (and for up to 24 hours) before serving. Or place in jars and seal with airtight lids then chill and eat within 2 days.

🪴I have used some of mine with some smoked salmon as a brunch dish today but will also serve tomorrow with roast pork and roasted veggies for our main Sunday meal.

🪴A great way of getting an apple 🍎 a day …



I have only made once in my lifetime and that was because we had a harvest from the garden in a house that we lived in (Tudor Court for those who recall) that was very prolific one year and I felt duty bound to use.

🪴I love the fruit but find it laboriously hard and tricky to prepare and cook so leave it to others with more patience, time and fortitude. I seriously do pat you on the back for your endeavours if you make some glistening jelly, thick fragrant jam or for the cheeseboard.

🪴Quince do however give off a fabulous perfumed fruity fragrance and so the 3 that I purchased (at a snip from yesterday) are now on my kitchen worktop, and may be moved onto the dining room table to be enjoyed and admired, to provide something unforgettably and intrinsically autumnal to things this week.

🪴The weather is turning wet and windy again so I think it is an opportune time to sort out and plant my indoor festive and spring bulbs rather than venture outdoors. Or maybe sow some seeds from my subscription box from Hope you find something joyous to do away from the dreadful world news and depressing weather.

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 17/10/2023


We haven’t had a hugely abundant harvest this year so I have felt duty bound to use them in treat-like ways rather than just munching straight from the fruit bowl.

🪴I usually poach my pears (or bake them) with ginger but the cupboard was bare so I tried another idea I spotted on these squares - cooking with a sprig or two of fresh rosemary and it worked a treat. Who knew pears and could be such a great combo?

🪴My poached pears made it into and on top of a basic vanilla cheesecake (half a chopped cooked one in the filling) and 5 halves for the top. Enough to serve about 4 people with maybe a slice for later?

🪴I served on my new pear glass pedestal stand (bought from ) on Sunday after the pizza fest when thankfully the England rugby squad kept formation and didn’t go all pear/shaped too!



All eyes today will be on the rugby but I think we will also easily tackle this pizza with some nifty passing!

🪴We’re making sure we don’t find ourselves in the bunker or sin bin by having our sour dough pizza base topped with my home-green tomato and onion mixture (from the freezer), topped with torn mozzarella balls and herbs. After baking I’ll add some nutritious sliced avocado and fresh leaves.

🪴No mention of please - let’s keep this clean! C’mon England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 14/10/2023


It was a chilly, soggy and early this morning. Very soggy slippers after so much rain, a distinct drop in temperature but sunny blue skies forecasted for the day ahead.

🪴First job will be to find the stashed away because there is a frost warning - first of the season, for overnight tonight. I hope I can recall where I put it for safekeeping.

🪴I did however, after noting what needs a bit of protection, get a chance to admire some of the flowering autumn beauties in the pots and borders. Some great jewel like colours there don’t you think?

🪴Hope you have a good Saturday but do heed that - Jack is on his way back!



Yes, the weather is on the turn and even becoming a tad chilly!

🪴Today I have been working up a ‘glow’ by brushing sand into newly cleaned block paving on the driveway and terrace. A job I wished, after a short period of time, that we had never started, but must say it looks so very much better for the pressure cleaning and repair work (after years of use). I may do a post about it later but it’s not a job for the faint-hearted and I am so grateful that, until today, the dry and warm weather has been on our side.

🪴We shall therefore celebrate a job well done this evening with a pot or steaming bowlful of vegetable and bean chilli - just the thing to ease the aching bones and bring some nutritional and reviving comfort! A good way to start using the squash harvest too.

🪴Then it’s onto bulb planting - but taking a few days off first to recover.

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 09/10/2023


There’s a new cake in the house! Yes a made to welcome in the month of spooky happenings, roaring fires, quickly fading afternoon sun, and the gradual yearning for spicy and sticky food.

🪴I often made as a youngster for the autumn months before leaving the north and sadly have mislaid my favourite recipe. But this new gingerbread offering is just as good if quite different. It’s lighter, but just as well spiced and has lovely deep, mellow tones of the molasses used in it. It’s perfect for this time of year but would be welcome throughout the winter too (even at Christmas time).

🪴I made it with a recipe from a new book by called ‘Now and Then’ which was recommended by instafriend Ros of fame on the grid. Do check out her page for fabulous pics, food and an inimitable writing style (such as ‘add a thunderstorm of ground black pepper’ for example!). I just really adore her quirky style and ‘get it’.

🪴I don’t think the cake will last long in the tin here but should a slice be left then I shall fry in butter and serve with a scoop of ice cream for a pudding as recommended. It’s my kind of memorable food! Wish you could scratch and sniff this pic because the spicy aroma is wonderful.

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 06/10/2023


I have just been outside on my usual this Friday morning to pick the very last of my An excuse to use my latest purchase too - an exquisite antique French Digoin berry bowl strainer from brocante that arrived yesterday all the way from Paris. I love it!

🪴I also spied a small haul of apples that need to be put to good use or stored ready for later winter eating. I hate waste so will use every scrap that comes my way.

🪴And summer is forecast to be returning this weekend, with temperatures predicted in my neck of the woods to reach 26 degrees or more. Will it last? It looks like it might be short-lived and things might slide downhill quickly thereafter. I shall endeavour to enjoy it come what may …

🪴I am therefore preparing at least for a foodie start to the day that straddles all scenarios - I am making some overnight oats with the and which means I can get a speedy get away if the skies are blue and temperatures balmy, but also be mindful of the need to wrap up again warmly under a throw (on the sofa or in the greenhouse (maybe even in bed) with a nourishing and healthy bowl of jar if the cold winds return and indoors is the best option.

🪴I am using the raspberries to make a speedy chia jam to layer with oats (an idea from quite some time ago I saw on ) and the apples I shall use to make an apple pie spiced overnight mixture that has been featured by more recently. Both will make good use of the and not a scrap will be wasted since I loathe

🪴I hope you have lovely plans for the weekend - outdoors or in, at home or far afield, with friends and family or just peacefully and happily with time and space for yourself. All sound good to me …

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 03/10/2023


There’s been no escaping the change of seasons from summer to autumn this week (and I do love the latter) but I think one of prime bonuses it brings is the opportunity to escape to the greenhouse again.

🪴No longer the boiling cauldron of the summer months my greenhouse now offers beautiful mellow light, a sanctuary of balminess out of the way of breezy gusts, and a chance to shut the door on some of life’s irritations.

🪴I have just enjoyed a welcome couple of hours pricking out and potting on some seedlings, potting up two ‘in your face’ red cyclamens for an outdoor table, sorting out some pots and trays for autumn sowing, and shelling some pods of in peace and quiet.

🪴The latter was wonderfully soothing and just as therapeutic as shelling edible peas for the plate. I shall autumn sow half of them shortly and store the rest for the spring practising my to raising these gorgeous climbers.

🪴Hope you’re enjoying your Tuesday …

Photos from Fromplot2pot2plate's post 02/10/2023


I am (seriously I am and have to keep repeating to Mr B that I am making big inroads). Much of this, appropriate during political conference season, involves a

🪴I have a treasure trove of inherited, sought out, chanced upon, and auction/car boot fair finds to rival even that of but they do need whittling down.

🪴I was just about to put these silver on the dispose/sell pile when I spotted a new use for them as containers for my autumn . Swipe to the last pic to see my inspiration (something a bit more muted than my more brazen colour choice but I may well use the silvery white theme nearer to Christmas as a different option).

🪴The silverware was an auction purchase over 20 years ago when there were opportunities galore to celebrate with the bubbly stuff (18th, 21st and 30th birthday bashes, notable wedding anniversaries and significant arrivals (like 3 ). Now we’re off the fizz ( ) and less inclined to splash out too frequently for the real thing I am delighted to have found a new use for the coolers.

🪴Of course this doesn’t help the cabinet reduction much but they can now be reshuffled into the vase cupboard! For now they are residing on my or bringing a pleasing glow on a grey Monday.

