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Consciously sourced Ceremonial Cacao & botanicals 🌎

✨Cacao & Yoga, Ceremonies, Courses by Cacao Medicine Woman Iren Armenak Merdinyan

✨rawchocolate @rawbonbon


What would you like to manifest?

Ceremonial Cacao * Yin Yoga * Yoga Nidra workshop exploring working with Sankalpa.

BYC hot yoga
Saturday, 14th October

with Iren (CACAO CONNEXION) & .Cooke.98
(BYC hot yoga)

The most purposeful way to affect the course of our lives is by tapping into the power of our Intent, Sankalpa.

Sankalpa ~ from Sanskrit “kalpa” - “the rule to be observed above any other rule” and “san” - “an idea formed in the heart”. Sankalpa is our heartfelt desire, intention.

Formulating and incorporating your Sankalpa while drinking heart-opening ceremonial cacao, practising Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Tibetan Bowl Sound. We will explore how to frame and use Sankalpa purposefully with our Yoga Nidra practice and understand how spontaneously arising intuitive guidance can be communicated into our consciousness.

Join us:


Autumn Equinox - Equilibrium

Equinoxes are balanced points in the year, dividing it in half and creating harmony between light and darkness. These times hold special significance and encourage us to find balance within ourselves and the world through rituals and reflection. We can use this energetic portal to enhance the equilibrium internally and with the outer world.

In a world often marked by hustle and chaos, the equinoxes extend a gentle invitation. They remind us to pause, reflect, and realign our energies. This juncture also represents the harvest season, when we rejoice in the achievements that have blossomed under the summer sun. It's a chance to extend our appreciation for the richness of summer's gifts. In doing so, we honour the plentiful energies that have flourished and acknowledge the entering of the Autumn Season.

We’ll celebrate the Autumn Equinox with the Opening Ceremony of our 21-Day Cacao Connexion Challenge. A Ritual celebrating this intersection of light and shadow and the call to find equilibrium – not just between day and night, but within ourselves! Just as nature finds its equilibrium, we're encouraged to find ours with the gentle Cacao Medicine.



Ceremonial Cacao en Provence ❤️

Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle

~ Percy Bisschen Shelley “Love’s Philosophy”


Road Trip Essentials ~ ceremonial matcha & ceremonial cacao 😋


CEREMONIAL CACAO RITUAL ~ New Moon Monday, 17th July

Embrace the New Moon's Invitation to Soften the Edges.

Savour your Ceremonial Cup of Cacao while contemplating on your Intuition and releasing rigidity in your thought patterns.

We all face significant moments of shame, which are necessary for personal growth. These challenges provide us with valuable opportunities to reflect, learn, and refine our character. However, when we allow our thinking to become overly rigid, it leads to numerous small shames; shames that crush our dreams, stifle our creativity, and limit our willingness to take risks and explore new possibilities with enthusiasm. Our rigid mindset leads us to judge ourselves or others harshly, belittle our abilities, or restrict our potential.

Can you be kinder and true to yourself at the same time?

There is richness within us and we can tap into our intuitive knowledge by Being Soft And Listen.


Alchemy is at play as Cacao is attuned to the daily vibrations, constantly shifting due to the ever-changing Life. Our daily transformations often go unnoticed. Cacao beckons us to become consciously the focal point of these transformations.

Cacao Connexion Cacao Ceremonies & Events


Happy Birthday - 1-Year Anniversary today!!!

Cacao Connexion ❤️

Incorporate moments of tranquillity in your daily life; the quietness of life.
Cultivate the art of presence, which goes beyond mere productivity.
Path with a heart ~ act with purpose and not driven by guilt, the desire for recognition, wealth, or approval.
Don't let others define you; trust in your own understanding of yourself.
Embrace the liberating privilege of being open to changing your perspective.
Practice generosity in your heart, mind and actions.
Practice forgiveness repeatedly, extending grace and letting go.
Internally free from the belief that we are separate beings and express it externally.
Patience and small steps of improvement; transformation.


Happy International Yoga Day!

I love facilitating Heart-centred Ceremonial Cacao & Yoga sessions and retreats; Cacao encourages embracing the core of interconnection and inclusion, aligned with our innate essence and the interdependence of the greater web of life.

There's something truly liberating about combining Cacao and Movement, be it a dance or Yoga. Cacao sets the stage for a deeper exploration into your body and heart while calming your mind. Whether you're seeking a sense of tranquillity, rejuvenation, or simply a moment of self-care, Cacao can be your trusted companion on the mat.

Our Cacao-Yin-Nidra ~ Heart Opening Workshop is this Sunday at 2 pm ~ Online, celebrating our Workshop's 5th Anniversary and Summer Solstice!
Laura (Yindulgence with Laura) and I, are looking forward to celebrating together!

Link in Bio

� �


Summer Solstice Cacao Ritual

Happy Summer Solstice!

Also known as Litha or Midsummer, is the highest point of solar expression ~ the year's longest day and the height of yang energy's masculine power. Derived from the Latin term solstitium, the word 'solstice' literally means 'sun stands still.'

During this sacred occasion, we acknowledge the profound bond between heaven and earth, our soul and the divine. We are encouraged to seek harmony between the terrestrial and celestial domains, between opposing elements like fire and water, and to pay homage to the ethereal spaces that connect them.

Our predecessors honoured the Sun as a symbol of the Great Spirit and the bestower of life. Ever-present and eternally observant, the Sun embodies luminosity and love, constantly witnessing life's unfolding on our planet.

The revered Cacao Spirit serves as a catalyst for reestablishing our sacred link with the spiritual realm. We sit in a Ceremony with Cacao allowing the transformative energies of the Cacao and the Sun to transmute negativity into radiant light, fostering the manifestation of joy and nourishment, all the while the element fire dispels any illusions. We take time to celebrate what we’ve learned throughout the year and take a moment to reflect on and embrace the experiences of the past six months.

The Summer Solstice signifies a jubilant celebration of illumination. We come together in abundance, surrounded by friends, music, spirited dances, pulsating drums, and perhaps even the warmth of a bonfire. We embrace the extended hours of daylight, remaining awake to immerse ourselves in the vibrant celebration of Mother Nature's awe-inspiring beauty.

With love



The cocoa bean is a phenomenon, for nowhere else has nature concentrated such a wealth of valuable nourishment in so small a space.
~ Alexander von Humboldt, German scientist

Cacao is the most complex food on Earth with a variety of components that offer beneficial effects for both the mind and body. Its mineral content and nutrient density make it a truly magical food in its raw form, boasting around 600-1,200 different chemical components. Unlike other superfoods that focus on one or two key components, Cacao's complexity lies in its alchemic blend of many components. As a result, it straddles the line between being food and medicine.

The main active ingredient in Cacao, Theobromine, is a powerful vasodilator that can increase blood flow and stimulate the heart, but without the edgy jitters of caffeine. Theobromine's effect is similar to the rejuvenation experienced after a deep, restful slumber.
Cacao can profoundly impact the emotional and physical body, stirring the deepest feelings of love and empathy, while opening the heart to deep feelings. Tears may fall, yet they are quickly followed by expressions of deep gratitude, and the whispers of the divine can be heard in fleeting moments of rapture.

You can book your place for CACAO CONNEXION 21-Day Ceremonial Cacao Challenge starting on New Moon, 18th June -



Ceremonial Cacao Ritual for the Ta**us New Moon - 19th May 2023

Embrace the Ta**us New Moon's Invitation to Savour Every Experience.

Each New Moon presents an opportunity for a fresh beginning, and this Ta**us New Moon initiates a lunar cycle focused on returning to essentials and rebuilding your foundations following the intense Eclipse season. The energy of Ta**us guides you to be present, finding delight in life's simple pleasures and avoiding the urge to hasten through your days. This New Moon encourages you to sow your seeds, believe, and remain receptive, understanding that everything meant for you will arrive at the perfect time.

Become a magnet for all that you long for by taking pauses and embodying the essence of your desires.

Savour your Ceremonial Cup of Cacao today while contemplating Rumi’s beautiful poem “Community Of The Spirit”:

There is a community of the spirit.
Join it, and feel the delight
of walking in the noisy street
and being the noise.

Drink all your passion,
and be a disgrace.

Close both eyes
to see with the other eye.

Open your hands,
if you want to be held.

Sit down in the circle.

Quit acting like a wolf, and feel
the shepherd’s love filling you.

At night, your beloved wanders.

Don’t accept consolations.
Close your mouth against food.

Taste the lover’s mouth in yours.
You moan, “She left me.” “He left me.”
Twenty more will come.

Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!

Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?

Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.

Flow down and down in always
widening rings of being.

~ Rumi


Book your place for our 21-Day Ceremonial Cacao Challenge starting on New Moon, 18th June:



Retreats & Rituals:

Saturday, 17th June - 10.00 am - 4.00 pm ~ Cacao & Yoga Day Retreat ~ Cacao Ceremony, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Breathing Exercises, Face Yoga ~ @ Jack’s Mill Retreat Centre

Sunday, 18th June - 11 am ~ Cacao Connexion 21-Day Cacao Challenge - Emotional Healing & Upliftment ~ ONLINE
Starting on June New Moon, a few days before the Summer Solstice, we will embark on a journey of emotional healing and self-discovery through the power of Ceremonial Cacao. We will focus on releasing emotional blockages, burning dense energies gathered in the Herat and releasing anxious mental states.

Saturday, 25th June - 2.00 pm - 4.30 pm ~ Heart Opening Workshop ~ Cacao, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra ~ ONLINE

Boom your place


Photos from CACAO CONNEXION's post 11/05/2023

Cacao Blessing Ceremony for Claire ~
Maiden to Mother Blessing Cacao Ceremony to Celebrate The Rite Of Passage Into Motherhood.

Birth is a mystery. The day of birth is a sacred day and mother love is the great, surging, divine current that plays forever through humanity.

In Circle, In Ceremony, In this Sacred Space created by Cacao, we weaved together the wisdom of the Cacao and the Medicine of the Circle, we opened our hearts and harmonised the energies. We found oneness.

DM if you would like to know more and how to book a session honouring and celebrating the journey into Motherhood.


Beltane & the Essence of Cacao

Solar Beltane, on 5th May, is the midpoint point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice as per the Celtic seasonal calendar. The Beltane celebration represents the "fire of Bel," which pays homage to Belenus, the Celtic god of fire, known for his brightness.

The season of Beltane is also revered as the time of the green goddess, who spreads fertility, love, and abundance as she wanders the land. She is a guardian of herbalists, medicine women and those connected to nature’s curative forces.
The essence of Cacao is intricately woven with the energies of abundance, fertility, and motherhood; it is a sacred element used in blessing ceremonies and rituals aimed at invoking the forces of new life and fertility. Cacao holds the primal energies of the womb, making it a potent symbol of the divine feminine.

Enjoy a Cacao Ritual today ~ Beltane energy beckons you to step forth into the unknown and explore the uncharted territories of your ideas and projects. May your explorations be infused with enchantment and wonder, as you allow the magic of the season to guide your journey.



Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra Class
8.00 pm - 9.15pm

Reserve your place:


Time for rebirth and renewal ❤️

Easter Egg Ceremonial Chocolate Ritual

Following the darkness of winter, Easter represents a vibrant time for rebirth and rejuvenation. As the days lengthen, the landscape bursts forth with new life, we can harness the renewed energy of spring, much like the natural world, to nourish and cultivate our endeavours so that they may come to fruition during the harvest season later in the year. To celebrate this season of growth, we partake in an Easter egg fertility ritual, infusing ceremonial chocolate eggs with our intentions. By eating the eggs, they become a part of us, empowering us to birth and manifest these aspirations into the world. For an added touch of enchantment, we recommended performing this ritual on the new moon occurring on April 20th.

150g ceremonial cacao pastry
30g raw cacao butter
4 tbsp maple syrup

Add all the ingredients and melt gently the cacao over a bain-marie at a very low temperature. Once half melted remove from the heat and continue stirring until the cacao is fully melted. Cool down the chocolate to 28C and pour it into your Egg moulds. Put in the fridge for 20 minutes and leave the moulds in a cool (below 20C temperature) place for another 2 hours. Once tempered remove the eggs from the moulds and enjoy the ritual.

Photos from CACAO CONNEXION's post 08/04/2023

Laura and I (Iren), had the joy to perform the Cacao Blessing Ceremony today, honouring and celebrating Claire’s journey into Motherhood

Birth is a mystery. The day of birth is a sacred day and mother-love is the great, surging, divine current that plays forever through humanity.

In Circle, In Ceremony, In this Sacred Space created by Cacao, we weaved together the wisdom of the Cacao and the Medicine of the Circle, we opened our hearts and harmonised the energies. We found oneness.



Ceremonial Cacao & Yoga Events and Retreats

Tuesday, 21st March ~ 21-Day Cacao Challenge

Saturday, 25th March - 10.00 am- 5.00 pm ~ London Yoga Day Retreat ~ Yoga with Gandha and CACAO CONNEXION (Raw Chocolate Making & Yin Yoga ) ~ @ St Nicholas’, Chiswick W4 2PH
Only 3 places left

Saturday, 8th April - 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm ~ Cacao Blessing Ceremony
No places left

Monday, 10th April - 2.30 pm - 5.00 pm ~ Sankalpa Workshop ~ Ceremonial Cacao, In-depth Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga - CACAO CONNEXION and Kat ~ BYC hot yoga Chiswick

Saturday, 22nd April - 10.00 am - 4.00 pm ~ Cacao & Yoga Day Retreat ~ Cacao Ceremony, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Breathing Exercises, Face Yoga ~ CACAO CONNEXION @ Jack's Mill Retreat Centre



21-Day Cacao Challenge ~ DAY 1


Our 21-Day Ceremonial Cacao Journey starts on an astonishingly powerful new moon in Aries on March 21st, just hours after the peak of the Spring Equinox!

The new moon is an exciting time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and personal growth. Aries is known for its fiery and dynamic energy, which can feel quite impulsive. It will bring forth a burst of energy that can be harnessed and directed in a positive way towards love, collaboration, and co-creation.
During this time, it's important to let go of any self-imposed limitations that might be holding you back. We all have unique talents and abilities that are waiting to be expressed and shared with the world. This new moon is the perfect time to embrace these gifts and step into our full potential.

With all this dynamic energy, it's important to stay grounded and centred by nurturing daily grounding rituals, such as a meditative pause with a cup of Ceremonial Cacao to help you stay present and focused amidst the swirling winds of change.

It's also important to embrace new ideas and understandings during this time. Leave the past behind; open your heart and mind to new possibilities and perspectives. This will help you to grow and evolve in ways you may have never imagined.
Releasing tension, and opening the heart keeps all relationships flourishing; be willing to try new ways of connecting with others.

This new moon is a powerful time to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things ~ Start your 21-Day Ceremonial Cacao Challenge intentionally and welcome and nurture this new impulse of healing and creation!



21-Day Cacao Challenge
Tuesday, 21st March

The 21-Day Cacao Challenge is an invitation to participate in a ceremonial cacao journey that will begin on the upcoming New Moon, which falls on March 21st, the day of the Spring Equinox.


21-Day Cacao Challenge
Tuesday, 21st March

I am delighted to invite you to embark on a magical 21-Day Cacao Challenge with me!

Starting on the New Moon of March 21st, which also happens to be the Spring Equinox, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection through the power of Ceremonial Cacao.

To participate, all you need is 10 to 20g of Ceremonial Cacao per day, which you can enjoy as a daily drink instead of your usual cup of coffee green tea, or other caffeinated drinks. The best time to savour this elixir is before 3 pm. You can prepare it as a pure cup with hot water (100ml of hot water is added to 20g of Ceremonial Cacao and stirred until it dissolves), or create a heavenly Cacao latte with your favourite plant-based milk and a pinch of your favourite spice, such as cinnamon, cayenne pepper, or cardamom.

As you sip on this divine beverage, you will be filled with a sense of peace and harmony, as the Cacao's mood-enhancing and heart-opening effects begin to take hold. The Ceremonial Cacao journey is an opportunity to experience the benefits of Cacao, while also connecting with a community of like-minded individuals. By replacing caffeine with Cacao, participants may experience increased focus, mental clarity, and sustained energy throughout the day. Moreover, Cacao is renowned for its antioxidant properties, which can promote overall health and wellbeing.

But that's not all! As a participant in this Ceremonial Cacao journey, you will receive daily affirmations and information about the transformative power of Cacao.

If you feel called to join this community of like-minded individuals, please email, DM CACAO CONNEXION or register at the link below and pre-order your Ceremonial Cacao. Let's embark on this wondrous journey together, and see where the magic of Cacao takes us!

Participation in the 21-Day Cacao Challenge is free:



Ceremonial Cacao & Yoga Events and Retreats

Tuesday, 21st March ~ 21-Day Cacao Challenge
My first 21-day Ceremonial Cacao Journey will start on New Moon on 21st March (Spring Equinox). You will need 10 to 20g of cacao per day and I recommend taking it before 2 pm every day. Consume it as a daily drink instead of coffee or green tea (or any other drink that has caffeine). You can do a pure cup of ceremonial cacao with water - add 100ml hot water to 20g cacao and stir it till it’s fully dissolved. You can even gently heat and simmer it in a small pan (no boiling) while the cacao thickens a bit. You can prepare it as a latte with your favourite plant-based milk and add a pinch of cinnamon, cayenne pepper, cardamon or any other favourite spice.
It’s free to take part and I’ll be emailing daily affirmations and information about cacao.
Please email me if you are interested and if you would like to order cacao in advance.

Saturday, 25th March - 10.00 am- 5.00 pm ~ London Yoga Day Retreat ~ Gandha and (Raw Chocolate Making & Yin Yoga ) ~ @ St Nicholas’, Chiswick W4 2PH
Only 3 places left

Saturday, 8th April - 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm ~ Cacao Blessing Ceremony
No places left

Monday, 10th April - 2.30 pm - 5.00 pm ~ Sankalpa Workshop ~ Ceremonial Cacao, In-depth Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga - and Kat ~ @ BYC Hot Yoga Chiswick


CACAO CONNEXION on Instagram 20/02/2023

CACAO CONNEXION on Instagram 1 Likes, 0 Comments - CACAO CONNEXION () on Instagram


London Day Retreats with Yoga with Gandha

A pleasure to collaborate with Gandha on:

Sun, 26th Feb
CACAO CONNEXION ~ Cacao & Yoga Nidra

Sat, 25th Mar
CACAO CONNEXION ~ Raw Chocolate Making & Yin Yoga

Raw Chocolate provided by Raw Bonbon ❤️🍫


LOVE is the experience that others are not others. Beauty is the experience that objects are not objects.
~ Rupert Spira

Rose & Lavender 80% dark raw chocolate ~ the loving celebratory ending of our Ceremonial Cacao & Heart-centred Yoga practices made by our sister brand Raw Bonbon 😋



Ceremonial Cacao - the wellbeing remedy! ❤️

Cacao is truly one of the most powerful superfoods; an amazingly powerful Plant Medicine in its natural form that helps us to release emotional blockages and find forgiveness in ourselves and others. Cacao is a medicine for the heart but its physiological benefits are for the whole body and mind. Cacao is the number one natural mood enhancer due to the abundance of feel-good phytonutrients it contains.

Stress hormones can cause our heart to race constantly and if we keep this heart incoherence it diminishes the energy in the heart and we stop trusting ourselves, stop trusting our intuition, and stop trusting in the future.
Once we begin to open our hearts the energy makes its way to the heart centre - this is the centre of wholeness, oneness, and the centre from where we create.

Cacao is considered a heart opener. One of the main active ingredients is Theobromine is vasodilator - which widens blood vessels, increases blood flow, and specifically stimulates the heart. Cacao stimulates the opening of the emotional heart; the body can become flooded with the many emotions stored in the heart, some of which can be painful. But as Cacao facilitates a deep sense of love, acceptance and gratitude our emotional heart is left cleansed and open. The experience of love and empathy can feel as if your heart is opening like a flower.

Come, join us for a Relaxation & Transformational Journey with Ceremonial Cacao & Yoga:
Saturday, 4th March
10am - 4pm
Jack's Mill Retreat Centre

Photos from Jack's Mill's post 25/01/2023

Cacao & Yoga Retreat Day ~ Relaxation & Transformational Journey with Ceremonial Cacao & Yoga