The Horrible Truth

The Horrible Truth

Let’s get to the bottom of the filthy and bloodthirsty Federal game of politics



Two thousand two hundred and thirty two new cases of COVID 19 today


Twelve people lost their lives 12

The Horrible Truth 01/10/2021


If you are one of the “ freedom” fighters that spat on our front line nurses last week ,YOU ARE SUBHUMAN !

But you still cry freedom

If you are a liberal or conservative politician who has advocated opening up of business while people are dying of the deadly COVID virus their deaths will be on your shoulders . YOU HAVE NO CONSCIENCE !

But you still cry freedom

If you don’t believe that COVID exists and get you information from conspiracy theorists on the internet then YOU ARE JUST A FOOL.

Freedom you shout !

If your one of the soulless mongrels that desecrated the shrine of remembrance by pi***ng on the monument of our fallen soldiers from all wars . YOU ARE A COWARDLY HUMAN !

The freedom you desire was lost the moment you urinated on the spirit of the men and women who gave their lives for the freedom you now demand .

If you are one of those scab rats that attacked the CFMEU last week after being supplied methamphetime by a well known northern suburbs crime family in order to give you Dutch courage ,YOU ARE THE NOSE SNOT OF HUMANITY .

Keep crying freedom ! No body is listening

The Horrible Truth Let’s get to the bottom of the filthy and bloodthirsty Federal game of politics


If you believe that Dan Andrews has been bullied, harangued and vilified by the faux journalists from the Herald Sun and the Australian for the last 70 odd days then let the games begin today .
I don’t know of any politician in this country able to front every day and continually sound intelligent,articulate and as compassionate as him for such a period .

The attack on his credibility will be ramped up today due to his ability and that of his medical advisors and our front line troops in bringing down the numbers of those affected by Covid19 .

It won’t stop the attacks from those grubby newspapers and their grubby reporters attacking his obvious success,they will want to open up restaurants ,hotels and various other businesses by the end of the week .

His strategy is working despite the negative media .
