Cassie Jean: My Yoga Journey

Cassie Jean: My Yoga Journey

Registered Yoga Teacher 200Hr


Tomorrow morning!!

Enjoy a late morning flow with me in Vernon, Ct. this Saturday at 11AM! Whether you are a new student, seasoned, or returning from a break off the mat- all are welcome and encouraged. We'll enjoy movement, cooling breath, and meditation. Link in my bio to register!

A regular yoga and meditation practice can reduce anxiety and irritability, improve strength, flexibility, and balance, as well as promote awareness in the body for a healthier you inside and out.

Try it out!

Casandra Martin 17/10/2023

How have you been feeling during this transition into the colder months? The Fall ushers in the darker time of year, and while the beauty in the changing leaves often bring a touch of the mystical, these changing winds can leave us feeling disoriented, anxious, burned out- or perhaps have physical effects like dry/inflamed skin, changes in digestion/appetite, or desire for more sleep (just to name a few!).

If you are interested in learning more about how to adjust your routines and diet to support your mind and body in the fall- I would love to see you at for my 4-class series GROUND & NOURISH. We will use the first half of each class to stretch and move the body to become fully present and receptive in the space, followed by sharing the wisdom of Ayurveda, the importance of 3-Pillars of health, and seasonal recommendations to support those pillars.

If you are interested to know more, or have any questions, please DM or visit the link in my bio to schedule a free discovery call.

4-Class Pack available or drop-in to the week calling to you!
✨Be Well✨

Casandra Martin Welcome to my scheduling page. Please follow the instructions to add an event to my calendar.

Just 2 Minutes of Walking After a Meal Is Surprisingly Good for You (Published 2022) 17/10/2023

Just 2 Minutes of Walking After a Meal Is Surprisingly Good for You (Published 2022) A new paper suggests that it takes far less exercise than was previously thought to lower blood sugar after eating.


During the fall in New England we experience a big shift in the qualities of the season. The air becomes cool, dry, and windy- and you can see the effects this has on the plant and wildlife in addition to your own body and mind experience. Ayurveda tells us like attracts like, and we can find balance through the opposites. So this fall, I recommend exploring grounding practices, finding calm and stillness through breath and gentle movement, brushing up your sleep routine to get optimal rest and digest, staying hydrated and eating in a way that supports your digestive fires.

If you are intrigued to learn more, make sure you check out my upcoming class series GROUND & NOURISH at starting in 2 weeks. Sign up for all for or drop-in any week!


Take a moment to breath and observe- look for the beauty in the everyday

The Universe provides beauty and love everywhere!! Enjoy being out side and soak up the brightness around you!


When I am feeling off track, I bring my focus back to the basics. It can be as simple as finding foods that work with your digestion, a good night of sleep, and managing where you put your focus/intentions/energy.

Perfect example- I had a terrible experience with food poisoning at the beginning of the summer- I mean this stuff took me out. I was so sick, and probably could have done with an IV injection to replenish fluids, vitamins, minerals, but I didn't think it was that serious at the time so put it off. (GO GET THE CARE YOU NEED GUYS!) I could barely eat or drink for weeks, and that had an effect on my gut and mental health as well (did you know 95% of your body's serotonin is produced in the gut!?). My sleep schedule was destroyed, I was experiencing chronic fatigue, dizziness, nausea. I was numbing out with doomscrolling and self-medicating with cannabis for physical and mental reasons (it's legal in Ct people, I'm going to be real with you). I needed to pull myself out of this mess.

I finally remembered the medicine that is bone broth- it brought me back to life!! You probably already know it is a great source of protein- but did you know it's also high in vitamins & minerals including electrolytes!? I would drink it first thing in the morning every day and focused on easy to digest foods. I revisited my sleep routine- intentionally getting ready for bedtime, got my phone back out of the bedroom and swapped for reading a book (I highly recommend getting old school with a digital alarm clock!). Daily meditation. I got much more intentional with how I was spending my time, brought attention back to little habits, tending to myself and my home. After a couple more weeks, I finally felt like I was regaining energy. I went back to in-person yoga class and tried a new studio. Appetite finally restored, I have been enjoying making wholesome and healthy seasonal sweets and savories... and now I am finally ready to share Ayurveda's gifts with all of you!

Check out the link in my bio to sign-up for GROUND & NOURISH at
We'll be moving with and connecting to our bodies and learning about practices to support these three pillars of health during this season. Reach out with any questions!


⭐️ Thursday, 6/29/2023 - Yoga Farm Community ⭐️

☯️ Daily Meditations:

🌟 Guided Meditation, Relaxation & Inquiry with Lynn Fraser Every Day at 8-8:30am EST. Meeting ID: 645 904 638 / Passcode: 397228

🌟 3 Centers Meditation from 11:45-12:00pm EDT. Monday, Wednesday and Friday with Rebecca and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with Jaya. Rotates on Sundays.
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID 845 7206 7873
Passcode 333333

💻 Online courses and trainings:

👉 Yoga Farm Ithaca is a Top 3 Online Yoga Teacher Training School.
100% Online, live-taught, professional yoga teacher trainings, continuing education for yoga teachers, and courses for personal development.
We teach with trauma-informed language, and in a way that is practical, inclusive, accessible and joyful. Our trainings are consistently delivered with high student to teacher live and personal interaction, with great skill, and great care.
For more information and to register, go to:

✨ Join the Yoga Farm Ithaca Community Private Facebook Group, your Online Center for connection, upliftment, and to remember your own Lightness of Being. Click here to join: ✨✨

✨ To become a Supporting Member of Yoga Farm Ithaca, please explore here;
Supporting Membership of our nonprofit organization assists with our scholarship opportunities for students, self determined tuition opportunities for coursework, and helps to fund many of the wonderful free offerings that are available, weekly. ✨✨

👉 Get Your T-Shirts, Tanks and Hoodies:


We get energy and balance from not just from our food, breath, and sun, but from the earth energy or geo-electro-magnetic (aligns human charge to a more balanced state, whereas most people are electron deficiency due to insufficient contact with the earth’s electromagnetic field), the cosmic (aligns our higher subtle energetic field, including Tachyon Energy, energies that are all moving faster than the speed of light).

Image from Gabriel Cousens, as written about in his book, "Spiritual Nutrition"

Try a 5-Minute Self-Compassion Break - Mindful 28/01/2023

Try a 5-Minute Self-Compassion Break - Mindful Explore this informal self-compassion break mindfulness practice to foster a sense of connection and belonging.


⭐️ Tuesday, 1/24/2023 - Yoga Farm Community ⭐️

☯️ Daily Meditations:

🌟 Guided Meditation, Relaxation & Inquiry with Lynn Fraser Every Day at 8-8:30am EST. Meeting ID: 645 904 638 / Passcode: 397228

🌟 3 Centers Meditation with Jaya, Monday to Friday, from 11:45-12:00pm EDT
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID 845 7206 7873
Passcode 333333

💻 Online courses and trainings:

👉 Yoga Farm Ithaca is a Top 3 Online Yoga Teacher Training School.
100% Online, live-taught, professional yoga teacher trainings, continuing education for yoga teachers, and courses for personal development.
We teach with trauma-informed language, and in a way that is practical, inclusive, accessible and joyful. Our trainings are consistently delivered with high student to teacher live and personal interaction, with great skill, and great care.
For more information and to register, go to:

✨ Join the Yoga Farm Ithaca Community Private Facebook Group, your Online Center for connection, upliftment, and to remember your own Lightness of Being. Click here to join: ✨✨

✨ To become a Supporting Member of Yoga Farm Ithaca, please explore here;
Supporting Membership of our nonprofit organization assists with our scholarship opportunities for students, self determined tuition opportunities for coursework, and helps to fund many of the wonderful free offerings that are available, weekly. ✨✨

👉 Get Your T-Shirts, Tanks and Hoodies:

Photos from Cassie Jean: My Yoga Journey's post 17/12/2022

✨️🌿 Now accepting applications for 3 Volunteer Rogi-s! A student of Yoga is considered a Yogi, a student/patient of Ayurveda is considered a Rogi. Rogi Pariksha translates to Examination of the Patient.🌿✨️

✨️If you have been wanting to make wholesome shifts in your life that will support balance, peace, resilience, and overall health & wellbeing but are not sure where to start…

✨️If you are looking for guidance as to what foods, types of exercise, and lifestyle routines would be most supportive for your unique body/mind constitution…

✨️If you want insight as to the patterns and needs of your body & mind, and how that shifts naturally with time of day/year/life…

✨️If you have been desiring counsel to offer you support in your path of self-development but unable to afford it…

✨️🌿 I want to help you integrate the principles of Ayurveda into your life and current routines to support more easeful living, support overall health and wellbeing 🙏

✨️🌿During your consultation, we will dive into your physical/mental/spiritual health history, diet and lifestyle to assess your Prakruti (Doshic constitution; your unique body/mind type) as well as Vikruti (current state of your doshas; imbalance). 🙏This is a judgement free zone!🙏 With the support of a faculty mentor at I will create a Master Wellness Plan filled with diet/lifestyle recommendations best suited for your individual needs. You will then receive a follow-up appointment where you will have opportunity to discuss:

🌿How you are doing with the recommendations on your wellness plan.

🌿Any changes you are noticing and how this plan makes you feel.

🌿What you are having trouble with and troubleshooting how to overcome obstacles.

🌿Adjustments to wellness plan; what is shifting for you, how do we shape your wellness plan to best support your healthy and wellbeing?

✨️🌿✨️So what are you waiting for?! DM me for more information, let’s chat and see if this is right for you.✨️🌿✨️


happy sunday, yogis 🦋

cheers to yoga reminding us the only direction is forward ✨

Photos from Cassie Jean: My Yoga Journey's post 02/12/2022

✨️Tonight at 6pm! I have so much to share with you about the qualities of winter, how they may accumulate in the body and cause imbalances, and how to pacify these qualities with simple self-care practices, daily/seasonal routines, and seasonal eating. ✨️

If you struggle to find balance, warmth, comfort and joy in the winter months, interested in natural ways to help yourself feel merry and bright when the thrill of holidays is over, or looking to enhance your connection to the rhythm of nature- join us!

Link is in my bio to register. See you soon!


⭐️ Wednesday, 11/30/2022 - Yoga Farm Community ⭐️

☯️ Daily Meditations:

🌟 Guided Meditation, Relaxation & Inquiry with Lynn Fraser Every Day at 8-8:30am EST. Meeting ID: 645 904 638 / Passcode: 397228

🌟 3 Centers Meditation with Jaya, Monday to Friday, from 11:45-12:00pm EDT
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID 845 7206 7873
Passcode 333333

💻 Online courses and trainings:

👉 Yoga Farm Ithaca is a Top 3 Online Yoga Teacher Training School.
100% Online, live-taught, professional yoga teacher trainings, continuing education for yoga teachers, and courses for personal development.
We teach with trauma-informed language, and in a way that is practical, inclusive, accessible and joyful. Our trainings are consistently delivered with high student to teacher live and personal interaction, with great skill, and great care.
For more information and to register, go to:

✨✨ Join the Yoga Farm Ithaca Community Private Facebook Group, your Online Center for connection, upliftment, and to remember your own Lightness of Being. Click here to join: ✨✨

✨✨ To become a Supporting Member of Yoga Farm Ithaca, please explore here;
Supporting Membership of our nonprofit organization assists with our scholarship opportunities for students, self determined tuition opportunities for coursework, and helps to fund many of the wonderful free offerings that are available, weekly. ✨✨

👉 Get Your T-Shirts, Tanks and Hoodies:


🕉️✨🙏Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences. While Ayurveda seeks to heal and maintain the body and mind in this existence, Yoga's intention is transcendence of the mind, liberation into oneness. Asana (yoga pose or posture) is intended to release energy blocks in the body so one may sit for meditation and experience union with their purusha (inner-light; inner-knowing and all of existence. Both are intended to guide us to freedom from suffering, allowing for more easeful living 🙏✨🕉️

🍂✨Ritucharya is an Ayurvedic practice of adjusting routines according to the qualities of the season to mitigate their effects on the body and mind. In Fall and Early Winter, we experience an increase in dry, rough, light, mobile, and cold qualities in the environment. These qualities can manifest in our body and causes imbalances such as:
🍂Loss of hydration in the body causing dry skin, constipation, cracking joints
🍂Gas and Bloating from poor digestion
🍂Mental effects like anxiety and burnout

We can balance these qualities with intentional adjustments to our lifestyle, including what kind of yoga we practice!🙏✨

✨🌿 Even though it is very cold, the heat and excessive sweating and effort from Hot and Power Yoga is drying and diminishing to the body. Try to slow down your yoga practice with modalities like Gentle and Yin Yoga to find stability and lubricate the joints; Yin especially has us holding postures for several minutes allowing for fascial release and bringing flexibility and hydration to the deepest connective tissue. This will also help with blood flow and circulation.🌿✨

✨🙏Soothe the nervous system by working to slow and deepen the breath with a practice like Dirgha Pranayama (3-Part Yogic Breath). Slow and deep belly breathing calms the nervous system creating a sense of peace and mental clarity.🙏✨

✨By adjusting our routines and practices with the season, we can live with more ease and resilience! What are some things you change in the fall?

Take Care and Be Well!


⭐️ Thursday, 11/3/2022 - Yoga Farm Community ⭐️

☯️ Daily Meditations:

🌟 Guided Meditation, Relaxation & Inquiry with Lynn Fraser Every Day at 8-8:30am EST. Meeting ID: 645 904 638 / Passcode: 397228

🌟 3 Centers Meditation with Jaya, Monday to Friday, from 11:45-12:00pm EDT
Join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID 845 7206 7873
Passcode 333333

🌟 Soul Resonance Meditation w/ Jacob Monday to Friday, 11:00-11:15am ET
Soul Resonance Meditation is a dynamic experience for daily inspiration, alignment or re-orientation with your Soul’s vibration and path.
Join zoom meeting:

💻 Online courses and trainings:

👉 Yoga Farm Ithaca is a Top 3 Online Yoga Teacher Training School.
100% Online, live-taught, professional yoga teacher trainings, continuing education for yoga teachers, and courses for personal development.
We teach with trauma-informed language, and in a way that is practical, inclusive, accessible and joyful. Our trainings are consistently delivered with high student to teacher live and personal interaction, with great skill, and great care.

For more information and to register, go to:

✨✨ Join the Yoga Farm Ithaca Community Private Facebook Group, your Online Center for connection, upliftment, and to remember your own Lightness of Being. Click here to join: ✨✨

✨✨ To become a Supporting Member of Yoga Farm Ithaca, please explore here;
Supporting Membership of our nonprofit organization assists with our scholarship opportunities for students, self determined tuition opportunities for coursework, and helps to fund many of the wonderful free offerings that are available, weekly. ✨✨

👉 Get Your T-Shirts, Tanks and Hoodies:

Videos (show all)

Tomorrow morning!! Enjoy a late morning flow with me @TrueBodyYoga in Vernon, Ct. this Saturday at 11AM! Whether you are...
🌿✨Pop-Up Gentle Yoga with me at Wisdom of The Ages! Wednesday July 14th 6:45-7:45pm✨🌿🌿🙏By bringing awareness to subtle m...
My personal practice today by the river behind my home. This spot is so special to me- peaceful, and when you slow down ...