

Come with me and let's explore the fitness world from a beginner point of view, learning from zero a


🥴💥those pre PR jitters 🥴💥


✨Transformation Sunday✨
The changes between these two pics are not only 20 pounds and a different pair of shoes. The difference between how I used to look at the gym as something “I could do” was messing up with me. Knowing it was a choice was just leading me to failure.
Now, ten months later the gym for me is something else I do everyday, not a choice. I have to wake up to go to work, I have to move my body everyday. Same importance🥰.
Now tell me, what changes have you been able to complete this 🤪CRAZY🤪 2020?


I see a lot of people talking about how great the gym is, how easy is to get into good habits but no one talks about the most important thing besides weight, moves and reps. And that is ✨FORM✨.
If you don’t have a good form:
✔️ you will not engage the muscles you are trying to train.
✔️ you will not feel it in the right places.
✔️ you will GET 👏🏻 HURT 👏🏻
This was me this morning; for one second I didn’t look at my feet and BAM 💥, my feet were too far behind and now im in bed with a warm pad in my back, unable to stand straight.
Learn from my mistakes, friends 🥴.


There’s nothing more to say: some days are just H A R D 🥺🥵.


😡🤬MEN STOP!!!!!!!!🤬😡
This is what I wore to the gym today. I wore it because it was comfortable, it was very hot outside, and I feel very secured in it.
I didn’t wear this to be stared at, followed around and cat called at the gym.
You guys. I was doing my leg workout in the free weight spaces. Minding my business just like everyone. So why do I have to deal with men directly sitting behind me DIRECTLY STARING AT MY ASS?!?!?! WHY??????????
We are all there for a reason, to better ourselves, to work in our strength and personal goals. Everyone wears what makes them more comfortable.
If I, a 27 year old le***an woman, can control myself from looking/staring at other woman wearing WHATEVER the f*ck they want... why can we not receive the same from men?
It’s a pair of shorts and a sports bra, my dude. You can chill.
Side note: I literally told this guy “what the f**k my dude?” out loud and then left. I guess I made him feel a bit uncomfortable? 😛

Timeline photos 16/08/2020

✌🏼too broke for therapy✌🏼
My friends, life is being hard on me right now. There are so many things happening at the same time that I can’t even focus on how to solve one at a time, or figuring out my feelings or even able to understand the depths of everything inside me. I feel like I need all the tequila in the world 😗✌🏼.
But as a 27 year old immigrant who is just starting their life, therapy and profesional help is out of my budget but that has only help me to find different -A CHEAPER!- ways to deal with my anxiety and center myself, at least for a bit ✨.
1. Vitamin D. You guys, feeling the sun on my skin is my #1 way to feel automatically more relaxed. I love going on walks, put the loudest and happiest music I can find and just let myself feel the heat on my body. 10/10.
2. Hitting the gym. This morning i was feeling and I was feeling a LOT. I could not stand still so you know what you girl did? She had a 90 arm workout that left her DEAD 💀. Everytime i focus my anxious energy in my gym time, I have 🖤THE BEST 🖤 workouts.
3. Let myself go. Sometimes you need to feel what you are feeling. You need to let those walls downs and just immerse yourself in the sadness, even if it is for a bit. You will feel recharged and ready to keep going 🥺.
What is your best advice to deal with sadness and anxiety? also if you ever feel like you need to talk with somebody, always know I’m a DM always and I 👏🏻 will 👏🏻 make you laugh!

Timeline photos 14/08/2020

Just over here feeling like a ninja on my outfit ✌🏼.
Who else felt like their focus was out the door this week? 😭🥵

Timeline photos 12/08/2020

When you have a good day: TRAIN 😜.
When you have a bad day: TRAIN HARDER 💪🏻😜.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Photos from stronger_manny's post 09/08/2020

🍑 that post butt day feeling 🍑
What else can I say, huh? There is nothing better than feeling like a BADASS at the gym.
I hope you guys had an amazing Sunday ✨ see you tomorrow with a new training schedule and new meal plan 🔥. @ Atlanta, Georgia

Timeline photos 08/08/2020

My friends, I H A T E waking up early. I can’t stand not sleeping until that last minute so I can get all that yummy dreams and feel refresh but ☝️ we have goals and during the weekends waking up early and hitting the gym is KEY to avoid crowd -specially during these crazy times. So even when I have to go back 3 times to make sure I have everything I need and it takes me at least 45 minutes to fully wake up after I leave my house you know what I’ll be hitting those legs day at 7 am in the morning like a rock star 😜🍑.
Now tell me what is your fav hack to SMASH your weekend goals? ⬇️

Timeline photos 08/08/2020

🥵HOWWW??!!!!?! 🥵
Please share your best tips to avoid bloating?
Your girl is STRUGGLING 😜.

Timeline photos 06/08/2020

✨the magic of rituals ✨
So we have stablished that motivation is NOT key to become your best self so what if we talk about what actually helps us get better?
RITUALS is a magic word, my friends. When you’re brain gets used to something, GIRL you won 🔥!
My tip número uno is always workout at the same time, at least for the first month and ALWAYS have the same routine before hitting the gym.
So how does that look for me? Well I get home from work, put on some cute leggings and I go straight to the gym. I take a 10 min walk to my gym while I drink my Pre-Workout and listen to music. And girls, when I get to the gym I 🔥AM 🔥 READY 🔥 -and sweaty 🥵 -.
I swear that if I change something from that routine my head feels weird. If I eat before going or if I listen to a book instead of music my brain is like “THE F*CK?!?”.
So you know now 👏🏻. Make a plan and stick to it and then everything will fall into place on its own.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk 😗✌🏼.


Well I won’t lie about that. Last night I binge with everything I could find: Oreos, pizza, cookies, McDonald’s, donuts, muffins... 🥴 anything and everything you can think of, I ate.
So this morning I woke up and thought “okay now what?” And you know what I did? Well, my friends... i started my meal plan and workout schedule as it was already lied down for me.
Yes, I didn’t feel super hot and Strong Queen 👸🏻 at the gym and my clothes were a bit tighter but 👏🏻 I know 👏🏻 and you 👏🏻 know 👏🏻 that you DIDNT GAIN WEIGHT FROM A NIGHT OF NO SELF CONTROL!
Do not ruin your whole progress because you had a bad night. Start again, start like nothing happen. Two days later you’d be your SMOCKING 🥵 HOT self 🖤.

Timeline photos 04/08/2020

I realized something last night while I was in bed: I always challenge myself after I took at step back in my progress. I always get stuck on the same spot, over and over again.
So today we are breaking that cycle 🥵 we are starting tomorrow not because I gained 10 lbs -again 🥺- but because I want to challenge myself now that I’m at my lowest and see how FAR 👏🏻 I 👏🏻 CAN 👏🏻 GO 👏🏻!
Join me in this journey of:
1. Drinking 1 gallon of water a day 💦
2. Following a diet 🥦
3. No alcohol/cheat meals 🍔
4. Two workouts a day 🏃🏻‍♀️.
Day 1 is tomorrow and I am so excited! Outside workout will be in the afternoon and gym workout in the morning. I will be eating in a macro/calories bracket high in protein and low in carbs.
Wanna join me? 🖤

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

✨new week, new challenges ✨
I am honestly not feeling the most inspiring person ATM while I’m laying in my couch listening to Taylor Swifts new album on repeat but a new plan is always good and inspiring.
I will be sharing the details of my Shredding 2020 Olán -Part 2- on my website later today but it’s going to be L I T 😜.
What’s your plan for next week?

Timeline photos 01/08/2020

Do you ever have those weeks where you feel you’re only able to give 30% instead of your usual 100% 🥵? Or when everything that can go wrong, goes WORST 🙄? Well, I had ✌🏼THAT✌🏼 week and it sucked.
All my workouts this week felt half-assed, all my outfits felt bad, even at my office... I could N O T focus on anything.
Send help because this girl is struggling today 🥺.
share your favorite self care routine for when your feeling like a potato PLEASE 😭.

Timeline photos 28/07/2020

🚨 I OWN REAL CLOTHES! This is not a drill 🚨
The best part of putting a challenge in front of you and DESTROYING IT it’s the aftermath: the pride, enjoying the changes and giving yourself a break 😜.
For the first time in a while, I took a weekend off! Off from logging my meals, from working out and from every single part of my life that stressed me out and it was A M A Z I N G ✨.
Today we were back to the grind and had a great -but laid back- tricep and back workout (sneak peak on my stories 🥵) but everything, the testing and the working are techniques of self-care, as long as it helps... do whatever works best for you THAT day, my friend 💛.

Timeline photos 25/07/2020

Dec 2019 - July 2020
Nothing more to say, sis. Just read that again and again! DO 👏🏻 GIVE 👏🏻 UP 👏🏻

Photos from stronger_manny's post 23/07/2020

Swipe to see how is the real process to get a Progress Picture at the gym lockers 🥵.
Girl, you know how sometimes you do a workout and you feel like a BADASS and your kicking ASS and you are literally a Q U E E N 👸🏻? And then you have those workouts where you feel... humbled? Well, today was a V E R Y humbling workout 🥺 and one of the hardest things I’ve had to learn the past 2 years is that not every workout will be good, not every workout I’ll be able to do all the reps or a heavy weight and that 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 part 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 process 👏🏻.
Don’t let a bad day, being tired, having your period or feeling bloated ruin your progress. Don’t GIVE UP 🔥if you ever need to talk, I’m here. I WILL make you get out of your couch and move that sexy ass 😜.
Now tell me: what is the hardest muscle group for you to train? Mine is 💯 abs 🤢, hate them lol. @ Atlanta, Georgia

Timeline photos 19/07/2020

✨Happy Sunday, friends ✨
Another day; another matching outfit so I am living THE LIFE 👸🏻.
People always ask me how I have the will to go to the gym everyday and the answer is simple: I MAKE IT FUN 🤪! Here’s what I use to encourage me to get out of the couch:
1. I have a playlist ready, my favorite reggaeton songs ready to blast on my headphones 🔥.
2. Cute outfits: you already know this, cute leggings = happy Manny 🥰.

3. And when the days are rough, I plan a routine that will be fun! Butt days are always the best cure for feeling bored at the gym ☝️.
Now tell me: do you workout on Sundays or you just c h i l l ?

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

Nope, I am not hungry all day or doing 3 hours of cardio everyday not even stopped eating out.
I did the most basic and simple thing: I counted my calories ✨.
That’s it. Everyday for the past two months I’ve counted my calories, even if I knew I ate more than what I “should”. I just kept being CONSISTENT 🔥. Honestly, I haven’t even noticed such a big difference 🥺. I guess I’m truly beating my own butt 🤪.



So I had this whole post ready for today, caption, edited picture and everything. You know, very professional ✨ but YOU GUYS. I HIT MY NEW PR ON SQUATS 🤩. Your girl now can lift 110 LBS, say WHATTTTTTTTTTT 🔥⚡️🔥⚡️🔥⚡️🔥⚡️.
You could say I had a KILLER Friday 👸🏻.

Leave a ⚡️ you’re grossed out by my excessive sweating lol.

Timeline photos 17/07/2020


This is something I hear at least once a week, a lot of “oh but you’re not like fit fit, right?” and lots of “are you fit enough to have a workout IG account?” And the only answer I have is: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAJAJAJAJJAAJJAJAHAHAHAHHAHAHA F**K OFF!!!!.
This is a safe space. A space for me to be FIT 🥵 and STRONG 🔥 on my own way. My only competition is myself -and maybe the guy on the bench next to me 🤪- but please 🙏🏻 please 🙏🏻 please 🙏🏻 its a rule in Manny’s World we only compare ourself to O U R S E L V E S 🤯. I know mind blowing!
❤️ this post if anyone has ever been an ass to your progress 😜.

Timeline photos 15/07/2020

Biggest pet peeve in the world -for me- is when I hear someone going on and on how they want to change their life, their eating habits, they wanna move more but always come out with an excuse. “I don’t have time, I don’t know how to, I don’t have the patience”. My dude, you think I have all the time in the world and I don’t crave pizza?
Every other day -literally- I just want to lay in my bed after my 10 hour work day 🥵, at least 3 times a week I just want to stop by McDonald’s and get 100 nuggets but I think about the BIG PICTURE 🥰, my goals, where I started and where I AM ✨.
So don’t think about it, wanna change something? Do it! Wanna move more? Get out of the couch and take a walk! Stop thinking about your mistakes and screw ups and see how everyday you have the choice to be closer to your 👏🏻 goals 👏🏻 .
What did you do today to get your closer to that 2020 goal? tell me all about it!

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

These two weeks will be hard, my friends 🥵. We have a SHRED challenge and a carb cycling meal plan so we have a lot of planning and a lot of sweating 🤞🏻.
Im starting today at 164 lbs -May or May not had a lot of white claws yesterday 🤡- and I will be training upper body+abs and a short cardio sesh after.
What challenge are you starting this week? Tell me everything 👀.

Photos from stronger_manny's post 10/07/2020

Everything is fun and games until you start the abs challenge and you almost pass out 🥵.
Please anyone ANYONE that has survived any of her challenges, can please let me know that everything will be okay? 😭. @ Atlanta, Georgia

Timeline photos 10/07/2020

🥵G O A L S 🥵
This girl right here is determined to end 2020 on a high note and have some kind of six pack. Hell, I’d be happy with a two pack 🤪 but the only way to reach such a big goal like that relies in just one thing: CONSISTENCY.
Between these two pictures there’s only 14 days. 14 days of me being consistent with my meals and training, 14 days where I have trained everyday, 14 days where I have watch my calories intake and -even when I have not been perfect-, I’ve been better than my usual self sabotaging self and that’s the BIGGEST WIN right there.
So, dude, friend, sis... stop listening to that voice in your head screaming that you’re too weak, that you can’t make a change because YOU 👏🏻 ARE 👏🏻 A F**KING 👏🏻 BADASS 👏🏻 HERO 👏🏻. Put on your cute workout clothes and beat your own butt at the gym and eat all the foods that’ll make your belly H A P P Y 🥰.

Timeline photos 09/07/2020

What these two picture have not in common, but different? Same move, same weight even! The difference is one of the NON SCALE VICTORIES that I LOVE the MOST 🥰❤️.
Do you see it now? Look at my knee; look at my range of motion. IT HAS IMPROVED SO MUCH 👏🏻
Comment down below if you had any NSV during the quarantine 🥵.

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💥pain💥I see a lot of people talking about how great the gym is, how easy is to get into good habits but no one talks abo...
🔥🥺I BINGED YESTERDAY 🔥🥺-Well I won’t lie about that. Last night I binge with everything I could find: Oreos, pizza, cook...
👸🏻QUEEN OF LEGGINS + PR👸🏻-So I had this whole post ready for today, caption, edited picture and everything. You know, ve...
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