Explore and Enrich

Explore and Enrich

Explore your own inner resources and enrich your life!

Getting you unstuck in life, helping you find your purpose and best way forward; To help you strike that breakthrough to change the way you deal with people and situations in life.


We spend so much energy worrying about 'what could be' that we lose touch with ourselves!


Reminder... when we feel like victims of circumstances or find reasons and blames outside, that we can always exercise our choice to direct our minds and lives!


Makes it all worth it and helps me sleep peacefully at night! Thank you my dear people


Knowing yourself outside the opinions and suggestions of others, is a game changer!


Coaching is a process of self-discovery, rediscovery, alignment and realignment to self, values and purpose. It is a means towards learning about yourself, dwelling on priorities with respect to your self-growth and your environment. 

It is a guiding light for you to set, readjust or realign your goals in different areas of your lives, and recognise the equilibrium that strikes the balance. 

It is a journey towards understanding the  balance that you need between thoughts, emotions and actions for you to attain peace, happiness and fulfilment.


A Leader is one who can hold their teams together through thick and thin, connected to each other and to the ultimate purpose!


We are unaware of, or naive about, our own shadow!
Feedback often meets the needs of the giver than the receiver.
Check the purpose of giving any feedback, and beware of whose feedback is worth considering


Understanding your patterns of thinking will help you process your experiences and give the place they deserve and not interfere with your growth in life!


Worry about what the child is experiencing, not whether your instructions are followed or not...


Confusing life's purpose with career growth alone, may leave us lost and dissatisfied later!
There's certainly more to life than pushing in the race...


"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice... Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble"
Dare to dream! Dare to act!!


Taking action helps us figure it out, learn and achieve more than waiting for that 'perfect' to happen...
Explore your options, attain your best!


These testimonials are what make my job most gratifying and worth it!


Each life is a story! Leaves a moral or an after taste... It is for us to draw inspiration depending on the direction we would want our own to take!


Giving an ear to the other person to know their point of view, the empathy, helps many a situation


Getting comfortable with 'habits' does not always work for us!
Identifying and coming out of your comfort zone may be more rewarding...


The way You CHOOSE to deal with pain, grief, or sadness , directs the way you lead your life!


Hustling with life, each day, has come to be identified as a mark of success! Check out when you are not leaving yourself a life at all!!


Abuse affects ones's confidence and self-image, scaring for life! Watch out for red flags, reach out for help!

Miracles in daily life! 16/05/2023

Miracles in daily life! Meet Ramesh. His is one story, that just the narration of it will raise hope for life.

